The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

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There Are No Good Billionaires (Bill Gates Edition)


Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – November 10, 2019


  1. Tom

    A rather long read. But as bad as Trump is, his election is what brought down so many powerful people.

    Now Trump will screw you if he can get away with it, but he won’t literally frack children, that is a line he won’t cross. That said, a clean break is needed, one that will purge the evil in DC.

  2. MojaveWolf

    Right wing coup attempt in Bolivia, very violent and well organized, targeting mayors and governors as well as the President. You’re probably all aware of it by the time anyone sees this, but just in case thought I would point it out. US officials appear to approve.


    But as bad as Trump is, his election is what brought down so many powerful people.

    There’s black trash and there’s white trash. Trash is trash and doesn’t prefer one color over another. It’s all trash. Whites, white trash included, in the past would sneer at blacks when blacks rioted and burned down their own neighborhoods. But that’s exactly what these white trash scumbags have done in supporting Trump. They have metaphorically, and pretty much quite literally, burned down their own neighborhoods in supporting and electing Trump. Yeah, that makes sense you idiots.

    The man in the high castle sleeps easy as the planet rages.

  4. Z,

    How have “these white trash scumbags” “metaphorically, and pretty much quite literally, burned down their own neighborhoods in supporting and electing Trump”?

    Do you think it’d be any different for “these white trash scumbags” if they had voted in Hillary Clinton?



    Do you think it’d be any different for “these white trash scumbags” if they had voted in Hillary Clinton?

    “None of the above” was, and still is, a valid option. I know the rebuttal to that is the notion that Hillary would have started a nuclear war with Russia and to that idiotic rebuttal I will say, so what. According to Trump supporter logic, 7 million people per year dying early torturous deaths due to toxic air pollution is an acceptable and welcome part of doing business and the business is the wholesale destruction of the living planet. If that’s acceptable then so too is nuclear war with Russia acceptable according to MAGAbillie logic if it can even be referred to as logic and I don’t think it can be or should be but I don’t know what else to call it until a new word can be conjured to aptly describe what exactly/precisely it is.

    WHO: 7 Million People A Year Die From Air Pollution

    A MAGAbillie comment from that article.

    Worldwide induced abortions kill 8X that many each year.

    WHEN is WHO going to wake up and look at preventable deaths due to abortion?

    If Hillary runs again I will vote for her because at this point humanity deserves that global nuclear war. That comment quoted above is all the proof we need that our species has jumped the shark and it’s time for us to go. Global nuclear war would do the trick. Nature can start again hopefully and hopefully the next time around, avoid the evolutionary path that led to human.


    US officials appear to approve.

    “US officials,” at this juncture, would, and will, approve gas chambers and crematoriums. MAGAbillie Trump supporters will cheer Trump on to their suffocating deaths. Cowboys die in their boots and MAGAbillies will die in their MAGA caps and teeshirts that are ten sizes too small for their obese, opioid-addicted frames.

    K I S S I N G

  7. Mike Barry


    Seek help.


    From the Gates Foundation website.

    Malaria exacts a massive toll on human health and imposes a heavy social and economic burden in low- and middle-income countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. An estimated 219 million people suffered from the disease in 2017 and about 435,000 died. More than 90 percent of the deaths were in Africa, and over 60 percent were among children under 5.

    Let’s see. 435,000 early deaths from Malaria versus 7 million early deaths from air pollution. Hmmmm. It’s especially egregious when contrasted with his comments about Warren and paying his fair share. Unaffordable healthcare in developed nations leads to early death. How many early deaths? We need another study to determine that number but no worries if growth is your God because there’s always immigration to fill the gap.

    But that’s not the point for Bill & Melinda. Bill & Melinda believe the second coming of the Buddha will emanate from Africa and Buddha will be a programmer this time around (maybe he was the first time around too) so it’s incumbent upon them to pave the way for this second coming and not allow it to be compromised by the ravages of malaria. Air pollution is more of a concern in Asia than in Africa. The second coming of the Buddha Out of Africa will be the missing link in the evolutionary adventure from man to machine.

  9. Ten Bears

    Is there more than one of you? Tag-teaming? If you had stopped at ““None of the above” was, and still is, a valid option,” having run out of appropriate cartoon characters an option I first exercised just this last goat rodeo and it is indeed starting to look like it gets easier subsequently, you would have effectively made a point but no, you couldn’t let it stand: you just had to start advocating nuclear war. Seriously? I have expressed, here, a preference to going out in a blaze of glory to choking on our collective farts, but … seriously? Advocate nuclear war? I too have here advocated thicker skin: seven billion people, ten in a generation, on a ball of mud that can barely sustain one: millions if not billions of whom are going to die rude, mean and otherwise all around unpleasant deaths, but … seriously? Advocate nuclear war?

    Malaria? Piffle – there’s stuff waking up out of the thawing tundra been sleeping since before we were human. It’s an evolutionary iteration, a cusp, and not necessarily the strong nor the well-provisioned will survive, if we survive at all. If we do, will not be as we are, we will be something new. That’s your second coming: whatever survives the fire. My bets are on the Metis, the mixed bloods, those with the most diverse genetic makeup.

    Stick to Moon-bases and Mars Bitches!



    Yes. And no.

  11. Peter

    TB, you are finally seeing the sober reality of what alarmism can and will produce.
    500 scientists signed a letter to the UN at the last climate forum stating their conclusion that we are not facing a climate catastrophe, challenges yes but they can be managed. Accurate data shows no dramatic increase in hurricanes, violent storms, floods, drought or wildfires. IN fact wildfires are down globally with a huge decrease in the US from their peak in the 1930’s also with tornados.
    We already produce enough food to feed 10 billion .people and population is projected to reach 9 billion and begin to fall due to urbanization and lower reproduction rates. Fracking will produce enough energy to sustain our growth of prosperity for between 400 and 1000 years and meet future challenges.
    Green growth is spreading around the globe especially at desert margins according to NASA scans that can be seen with your own eyes and compared with those from 50 years ago. The US has much more forested lands and wildlife than we had a hundred years ago so our mother is not dying but growing.

  12. Eric Anderson

    Cite your sources or STFU. You’re just bloviating.

  13. Peter

    Eric, sorry but I don’t work for you or anyone else. I research these topics because it’s important to me to be informed about science, research and facts about these topics and I report then as well as I can when and where I can. Anyone can do this if they take the time and invest the effort.
    The tone of your response leads me to think you don’t want good news but rather reinforcement of the opinions of people that believe we are all going to die, in twelve years. I’ve been watching a millennial farmer named Zack Anderson struggling to bring in his corn harvest after a wet cold planting and growing season. The USDA is projecting that farmers will only be able to harvest about 13.9 billion bushels of corn this year. The Russian farmers are projected to harvest another record grain crop this year.
    The projections about population and energy seem to be based on good data, time will tell. I do know my poor state of NM is producing more oil than Alaska due to fracking and the Texas side of the Permian may hold more reserves than Saudi Arabia.
    Population growth should produce about 10,000 new geniuses some of whom might be able to help solve problems from the past and in the future if they are fed well and educated properly.

  14. Hugh

    From the wiki article on climate change denial citing an article in American Behavioral Science, “More than 90% of papers sceptical on climate change originate from right-wing think tanks.”

    The UN letter of September 23 came out of a group called CLINTEL. Here is some info on it from a September 16 article in Resilience:

    The campaign is being spearheaded by a new Netherlands-based climate science denial group called the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL), launched in April with funding from Niek Sandmann, a multimillionaire real estate developer.

    The group’s co-founder Guus Berkhout, an engineering professor who began his career at Shell and set up the Delphi Consortium in the 1980s to develop new exploration methods for the oil and gas industry, told DeSmog that interest in the campaign had been “overwhelming”.

    Berkhout said there were plans to hold press conferences in European capitals and that the effort was being “expanded to a World Climate Declaration”. He declined to offer further details or comment.

    In addition to CLINTEL, the international organising group includes some well-known figures from the climate misinformation world, including:

    Professor Richard Lindzen, former Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute (USA)
    Viv Forbes, Chairman of the Carbon Sense Coalition (Australia)
    Professor Fritz Vahrenholt, Speaker at the European Institute for Climate and Energy (Germany)
    Professor Jeffrey Foss, Contributor to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (Canada)
    Jim O’Brien, Chair and Co-founder of the Irish Climate Science Forum (Ireland)
    Terence Dunleavy, Founding Chairman of the International Climate Science Coalition (New Zealand)
    In an email seen by DeSmog, Berkhout explains that “signatures are being collected from persons who give a valuable contribution to the climate debate and are recognised as such”. He goes on to boast that there are “already a lot of great names on the list”.

    Of the 400 signatories, only a handful have a background in climate science, with the majority being writers, engineers and geologists with no direct expertise in the field.

    In addition to the Cato Institute‘s Richard Lindzen, the list features numerous figures from US-based libertarian groups, including Patrick Michaels of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and Charles Battig and Willie Soon from the Heartland Institute, which provides a total of 12 signatures alone. All three organisations are members of the Atlas Network, a Koch-funded international umbrella body of free-market groups.

  15. Peter

    Hugh, it’s telling that you don’t contest the information I reported but question the motives of and try to smear 500 scientists because they might be conservatives or right wing as you try to brand them.
    I follow climate science developments at Wattsupwiththat the most viewed GW skeptic site in the world, with 350 million views they listed their viewpoint as skeptics on wiki but that was changed to deniers by someone there and continues to be changed whenever they correct that misinformation. They have never taken money from any conservative think tank or oil company to avoid the smears you and CAGWA use and depend on well known respected experts in this field of science to debunk the misinformation and outright lies some people produce.
    I believed much of the alarmism produced by the warmers not their predictions based on computer models but their claims supposedly based on unmolested data already collected over decades. When Wikileaks released the Climategate emails and numerous other examples of their molesting date were exposed i had to reexamine their motives , economic and political.
    Most people don’t have the time or inclination to research this topic but surprisingly after 39 tears of warmer propaganda from politicians, media, public schools and some scientists the skeptics have won and the public doesn’t include GW in their top ten list of concerns.
    Freeman Dyson one of the smartest people humans have produced, a contemporary of Einstein who held his seat at Princeton until a few years ago gave an excellent lecture on the need for skeptics in science, he called them heretics, and the religious cult nature of the warmer agenda that’s available online


    Most people don’t have the time or inclination to research this topic but surprisingly after 39 tears of warmer propaganda from politicians, media, public schools and some scientists the skeptics have won and the public doesn’t include GW in their top ten list of concerns.

    Too funny. You forgot “fossil fuel corporations” in that list of warmer propagandists selling us global warming for the past 39 years.

    Shell Oil’s Stark Climate Change Warning from 1991


    …..the skeptics have won and the public doesn’t include GW in their top ten list of concerns.

    This is rich. What is number one on that top ten list? The possibility we have reached Peak Saban and Alabama Football is now on a continuous slide into increasing irrelevancy because no other coach now or in the future could possibly fill the shoes of Bear Bryant and Nick Saban combined?

    Exxon Knew In The 70s

  18. Hugh

    wattsupwiththat is perhaps the largest climate change denial blog. It is run by Anthony Watts, a weatherman on a FOX station and senior fellow at the Heartland Institute. The Heartland Institute is one of those right wing think tanks I mentioned above. Although it no longer says where its funding comes from, it is worth reading its wiki on its history and past funding sources (Big Oil, Tobacco, Big Pharma, Microsoft, the Waltons, the Kochs, various right wing “foundations”, etc.), and no surprise, climate change denial is a major focus. So if Big Oil supports Heartland and Heartland supports Anthony Watts, and Anthony Watts owns/runs wattsupwiththat, we are all supposed to pretend that there is no connection between Big Oil and wattsupwiththat, alrighty then.

  19. Peter

    Hugh. you are so predictable as is your sinister guilt by association drama queen connecting the dots. Watts worked for a Fox station for 25 years possibly because they agreed to hire a nearly deaf but professional meteorologist. He runs his own weather equipment business now He also took a donation from Heartland for his land based temperature stations project that tries to insure we get accurate temp data. He funds his blog site with other donations and ads. Heartland quit listing their donors because the Left likes to harass people they disagree with.
    Watts does deny along with Heartland the validity of consensus climate science as does Dyson, myself and many others. This consensus doesn’t actually exist as was demonstrated by the 500 deniers who signed the UN letter.
    You probably don’t even realize why the denier brand was introduced and used by warmers displacing the accurate description skeptic. The only other people or group described this way are holocaust deniers, a clever con to link the two in peoples minds. The climate consensus proponents demand that people submit to their CAGWA version of reality before any discussion while people like Watts ask people to make their own decisions after reading the reports, data and opinions they offer.
    Watts is a much more interesting person than Hugh tries to paint him. He is actually quite Green and a long time supporter of solar power generation and energy conservation. His last two homes are solar powered and he drives an electric car his second but only in the summer because electrics perform poorly in cold weather.

  20. Hugh

    Re Watts being a professional meteorologist,

    “Watts admits he is ”not a degreed climate scientist.” His primary credential appears to be an American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval. This does not mean that Watts is “AMS Certified” as some sources have inaccurately claimed. The AMS Seal of Approval is a discontinued credential that does not require a bachelor’s or higher degree in atmospheric science or meteorology.

    Watts’s “About” page mentions neither his Purdue attendance nor whether he graduated. Email correspondence between SourceWatch and Purdue University confirm he attended from August, 1975 to May, 1982, however registrar staff also confirm it is safe to assume that Watts attained no qualification from the university.”

    Peter, when are you going to introduce us to your Flat Earth, –err Round Earth Skeptic friends? Your argument isn’t with me. It’s with reality.


    …..the skeptics have won and the public doesn’t include GW in their top ten list of concerns.

    This is a clear example of stating unsourced opinion as fact.

    Iowans do not support your unsourced, unverified opinion masquerading as fact. In fact, they contradict it.


    What’s more, Boulter warns, the Upper Midwest is likely to see the largest increase in premature deaths and be disproportionately affected by hotter temperatures caused by climate change. “Compared to cities, there’s a lot greater emphasis in rural areas on people that need to be outside to do their job,” Boulter writes. It’s no wonder, then, that 7 in 10 Iowa voters say they support government action that addresses climate change, according to a Climate Nexus poll from July.

  22. different clue,

    If 7 in 10 Iowa voters really want to support government action that addresses climate change, they are going to have to figure out how to take charge of their own Iowa State Government, and make what changes they can in that direction within the borders of Iowa itself. If they can do that, they can be a viable model of “how it is done” for any majorities of voters in other states to do the same within their particular states.
    They will have to do it in the teeth of obstruction from the Merchants of Fossil who currently occupy the Federal Government and will use every FedGov power they possess to obstruct every such change they can . . . beginning by preventing and aborting every such change at the Federal level.


    Different clue, I agree. Fat chance of that, though. Most people think they can just vote their way out of this, or any, predicament. That sentiment is paralyzing. It defers responsibility and obligation and direct action.

  24. Hugh

    Not sure where a previous comment went to. On Anthony Watts being a professional meteorologist, from the blog DeSmog,

    “Watts admits he is ”not a degreed climate scientist.” His primary credential appears to be an American Meteorological Society Seal of Approval. This does not mean that Watts is “AMS Certified” as some sources have inaccurately claimed. The AMS Seal of Approval is a discontinued credential that does not require a bachelor’s or higher degree in atmospheric science or meteorology.

    Watts’s “About” page mentions neither his Purdue attendance nor whether he graduated. Email correspondence between SourceWatch and Purdue University confirm he attended from August, 1975 to May, 1982, however registrar staff also confirm it is safe to assume that Watts attained no qualification from the university.”

    I then said I keep expecting Peter to introduce us to his Round Earth skeptic friends. Playing with labels does not improve one’s argument or substitute for evidence. Peter’s argument is with reality, not me.

  25. Peter

    Hugh, you don’t seem capable of making an argument only trying to smear those you oppose who are very capable people. You claim some expertise in the field of economics but don’t have a degree so should I reject your reports on that subject? You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows and WUWT offers reports from many well credentialed scientists.
    Algorian Warmer science is not as popular career path as it was now that Trump is disinfection the EPA.

  26. Hugh

    What a mash. Isn’t it up to you to give concrete evidence that the people you call capable are indeed capable? Watts is part of a cottage industry/network of climate change deniers, most of which is funded one way or another by Big Oil or wealthy right wingers. There are not two sides to climate change. Just as there is not two sides to whether 2 + 2 = 4, and not 14. We all stand and should be judged on the quality of our work, degree or no. You are the one who said Watts was a professional meteorologist as if this should give some credibility to his work. But he isn’t, and it doesn’t. My economics work stands on its own and is free to be judged accordingly.

  27. different clue

    People can either try something, try nothing, or try something else. And there’s enough people even in just the US all by itself that they could group themselves into any number of theory-belief-motivated action-takers. They could call themselves TAGs .. . for Theory Action Groups. They could call their Theories Of Change . . . TOCs . . . for Theories Of Change. This would at least help them understand that their is such a thing as a theory, and such a thing as action based on that theory, and such a thing as people clumped-up around a particular theory and devoted to taking actions based on that theory.

    TAGs and TOCs. I offer those words to anyone who wants them.

    As to Iowa, or any other state where 70% of the people of that state say they want to do something about something . . . in this case climate change . . . perhaps a TAG-load of people could start a single-state-wide and single-state-limited state political party to run on pushing a platform of action for solving that particular problem. And if that TAG-load of people could actually launch their Party and imbue it with so much deserved and well-founded credibility that they could get its people elected to 70% of all political offices in that state, then that Party and those people might be able to do something about that problem.

    In the case of man-made global warming, a Global Re-Cooling Party achieving overwhelming majority in a state, let us say Iowa, could only do those things which are legal to do within Iowa and which Iowans could do in the teeth of fanatical hatred from every neighboring state. And realistically, the only things that Iowa acting alone could actually do . . . would be things which WOULD make a difference IF all the other 49 states were to do similar things within their own 49 sets of state borders.

    And some things would only work if there WERE support from others beyond the borders of the wanna-do-something state. For example, Iowa: if Iowans were to turn all their farmland from growing carbon emissioning industrial corn and industrial soybeans . . . and turn all that land into multi-species perennial pasture for grass-feeding cattle and capturing carbon in the soil beneath the pasture and range beneath the cattle, Iowa could begin capturing and soil-sequestering significant amounts of skycarbon. But that would only work if enough people beyond Iowa were ready to buy and eat Iowa pasture-and-range-fed carbon-capture beef to allow the change to pay off for the farmers of Iowa.

    Well , if somebody were to form a Michigan-specific Michigan-limited state-of-Michigan political party devoted to doing equivalent things here in Michigan, I would vote for it if I think it were borderline-realistic.

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