The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – August 1, 2021

Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – August 1, 2021

by Tony Wikrent

Strategic Political Economy

U.S. Population Growth, an Economic Driver, Grinds to a Halt

[Wall Street Journal, via Naked Capitalism 7-26-2021]

America’s weak population growth, already held back by a decadelong fertility slump, is dropping closer to zero because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In half of all states last year, more people died than were born, up from five states in 2019. Early estimates show the total U.S. population grew 0.35% for the year ended July 1, 2020, the lowest ever documented, and growth is expected to remain near flat this year.

Some demographers cite an outside chance the population could shrink for the first time on record. Population growth is an important influence on the size of the labor market and a country’s fiscal and economic strength.

I placed this under “Strategic Political Economy” because it exemplifies everything that is wrong with how almost everyone thinks of political economy. “How many people you have” is a holdover from feudalistic mercantile zero-sum economics. The real important measure of the health of a country is the productive power of human labor to sustainably transform nature into needed goods and services. This is Hamiltonian political economy in its essence. Science and technology. 

1791 Report to Congress on the Subject of Manufactures, most especially “Section II: As to an extension of the use of Machinery…” viz.:
“The employment of Machinery forms an item of great importance in the general mass of national industry. ‘Tis an artificial force brought in aid of the natural force of man; and, to all the purposes of labour, is an increase of hands…”

Hamilton is explicit on this issue: “To cherish and stimulate the activity of the human mind, by multiplying the objects of enterprise, is not among the least considerable of the expedients by which the wealth of a nation may be promoted.” And in his December 1790 Second Report on the Public Credit, Hamilton wrote, “the intrinsic wealth of a nation is to be measured, not by the abundance of the precious metals, contained in it, but by the quantity of the productions of its labor and industry….”

The more productive power, the better. If there is economic activity that is not productive — i.e, private equity, Wall Street and the City of London — then as the climate crisis worsens, it becomes ever more crucial to discourage, curtail, and even punish that useless economic activity. 

Having one person in the active labor force support three or four or more people is exactly where we want to go. With technology in hand, an entire factory producing a few hundred thousand light bulbs each day can be operated by a tea, of just a few dozen people. The real danger is allowing the rentiers and financier seize such a huge chunk of economic rewards, and convince us they deserve it because of their “hard work.” By such myths and means are we killing our own civilization. 

Update to Limits to Growth: Comparing the World3 Model with Empirical Data

Gaya Herrington [KPMG, via Naked Capitalism 7-31-2021]

“The Deflationary Bloc”

[Phenomenal World, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-26-20]

“Despite taking place in different contexts, the processes which allowed for the formation of deflationary coalitions exhibited some common features: governments empowered rentiers, gave some citizens nominal gains as consumers, ensured access to certain classes of growth assets for powerful constituencies, and repurposed the institutions of “big government capitalism” to support financial deregulation. Redistributing gains away from workers, financial deregulation integrated global economies in a manner that allowed states to pursue growth strategies benefiting an exclusive class of rentiers. This new class supported deflationary policies long after inflation posed an imminent threat. In the United States, financial deregulation and its attendant deflationary political coalition were embedded in the politics of housing.”

We need to begin holding the PMC and elites personally responsible for policy outcomes….

Bankruptcy and elite impunity

Cory Doctorow [Pluralistic, via Naked Capitalism 7-30-2021]

The total claims against the Sacklers add up to $2t, but they’re only going to pay $4b. Though the sums are large, the pattern is an old one, and familiar to private equity watchers – after all, 3 in 10 US bankruptcies involve a PE firm flushing a company it ruined.

Tkacik reminds us of the last time the bankruptcy system breached public consciousness, when PE giant Apollo Global Management trashed Caesars Palace and asked a bankruptcy judge to let them keep the billions they embezzled.

For example: Bezos can claim the company he built has strict regulations to ensure driver and public safety, but in reality, the corporate structure he created, using contractors and outsources, results in exactly the opposite: 

Amazon Delivery Companies Routinely Tell Drivers To Bypass Safety Inspections

[CNBC, via Naked Capitalism 7-31-2021]

American Education Is Founded on White Race Theory

[New Republic, July 29, 2021]

The conservative hysteria over critical race theory is ultimately a refusal to acknowledge that the country’s classrooms have always taught a white-centric view of U.S. history.

Industrial Policy Coming Into Vogue After China Cleans US Clock by Using It
Yves Smith, July 30, 2021 [Naked Capitalism]

Actually, USA excels at industrial policy — when it tries it. In fact, it’s how USA was built. The entire electronics and computer industry exists today because the Office of Naval Research and the Army Ordnance Department deliberately decided to share the technology developed in government and government-funded labs during World War Two. The creation of an entire new industry can be traced to a single event – the Moore School lectures at University of Pennsylvania in August 1945.

There is a long tradition of the military being the driver for creating new technologies and industries. Metal cutting and forming machine tools developed at the national armories were deliberately seeded into civilian companies in the 1830s to 1850s. The Navy introduced systematized scientific knowledge of designing and building steam engines in the 1850s and 1860s, basically creating the profession of mechanical engineering. Radio Corporation of America was founded in 1919 at the instigation of the Navy as a silent partner. The Navy played the exact same role in the creation of Cray Research in the 1970s. In the 1950s through 1970s, the three major developments in aerodynamics — the area rule, supercritical wings, and winglets — were developed by NASA scientist Richard Whitcomb at Langley Research Center. In the 1950s, the frozen food industry was saved and put on a solid foundation by the efforts of USDA research labs. This is just a handful of examples from the hundreds, even thousands of examples of successful USA government industrial policies.

Every single technology in cell phones began as a USA government research program, as detailed by Mariana Mazzucato in her 2013 book The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths.

But this history does not conform to the free market / free enterprise mythology favored by financiers and rentiers, so it really is not taught.

The Pandemic

Israel says Pfizer Covid vaccine is just 39% effective as delta spreads, but still prevents severe illness

[CNBC, via Naked Capitalism 7-25-2021]

“CDC mask decision followed stunning findings from Cape Cod beach outbreak” [ABC, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-30-21]

A week after the crowds descended upon Provincetown, Massachusetts, to celebrate the Fourth of July — the holiday President Joe Biden hoped would mark the nation’s liberation from COVID-19 — the manager of the Cape Cod beach town said he was aware of ‘a handful of positive COVID cases among folks’ who spent time there. But within weeks, health officials seemed to be on to something much bigger. The outbreak quickly grew to the hundreds and most of them appeared to be vaccinated. As of Thursday, 882 people were tied to the Provincetown outbreak. Among those living in Massachusetts, 74% of them were fully immunized, yet officials said the vast majority were also reporting symptoms. Seven people were reported hospitalized…. All indications now are that the Provincetown outbreak investigation is among the pieces of new evidence behind the CDC’s decision to ask Americans to once again put on their masks indoors, even if they are vaccinated.”

As coronavirus surges, GOP lawmakers are moving to limit public health powers

[Washington Post, via Naked Capitalism 7-26-2021]

In some states, anger at perceived overreach by health officials has prompted legislative attempts to limit their authority, including new state laws that prevent the closure of businesses or allow lawmakers to rescind mask mandates. Some state courts have reined in the emergency and regulatory powers governors have wielded against the virus. And in its recent rulings and analysis, the U.S. Supreme Court has signaled its willingness to limit disease mitigation in the name of religious freedom….

The measures, as described by the Network for Public Health Law, include a North Dakota law that prohibits a mask mandate, even during an outbreak of tuberculosis, and a new Montana law that prohibits the use of quarantine to separate people who have probably been infected or exposed but are not yet sick. Many bills are modeled on legislation originally crafted by conservative think tanks and activist groups, according to state lawmakers who introduced them.

Among them is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has touted its model legislation aimed at reining in emergency powers so it is more “narrowly tailored to serve a compelling public health or safety purpose.”

How Covid vaccine incentives failed America

[MSNBC, via The Big Picture 7-30-2021]

America has a long history of requiring vaccinations. Why so much resistance when it comes to Covid?

….No longer can the country be held hostage to the stubbornness and selfishness of those who are making it impossible for America to move past the pandemic. And we’ve seen proof that mandates work in dislodging the holdouts.

Last week in France, where vaccinations hover around 40 percent, President Emmanuel Macron announced this exact policy would begin in August. Within 72 hours, more than 3 million people booked online vaccination appointments….

In the United States, however, it’s the responsible Americans who are being forced to change their behavior. In Los Angeles County, mask-wearing is again mandatory — even for those who are fully vaccinated. There’s a push to do the same in New York City, even though nationwide more than 99 percent of people still dying from Covid-19, and the overwhelming majority of those who are hospitalized, are not vaccinated. Since unvaccinated people cannot be trusted under the honor system to wear a mask in indoor settings, the rest of us have to go back to the way things were before vaccines became readily available.

Why should the Americans who have done the right thing for themselves, their families and their communities be forced to sacrifice on behalf of those who act as though their “personal choices” have no consequences?

[Twitter, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-30-21]


The Vaccine Aristocrats Matt Taibbi, TK News. I cannot forbear from quoting the lead:

On This Week With George Stephanopoulos this past Sunday, a bafflegab of Washington poo-bahs including Chris Christie, Rahm Emmanuel, Margaret Hoover, and Donna Brazile — Stephanopoulos calls the segment his “Powerhouse Roundtable,” which to my ear sounds like a Denny’s breakfast sampler, but I guess he couldn’t name it Four Hated Windbags — discussed vaccine holdouts.

Congress fails to extend federal eviction moratorium – which ends after July 31 – before going on recess

[Business Insider, via Naked Capitalism 7-31-2021]

The carnage of mainstream neoliberal economics

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back in the Struggle Against Anti-Democratic Corporate Trade Rules

[Foreign Policy in Focus, via Naked Capitalism 7-29-2021]

Restoring balance to the economy

Striking Alabama Coal Miners Taking Protest Back To New York

[, via DailyPoster 7-31-2021]

Striking Alabama coal miners traveled to New York City this week to picket the corporate office of BlackRock, the largest shareholder in Warrior Met Coal, the Alabama company the workers have been on strike against since April. You can donate to their strike pantry here and read excellent coverage of the strike here.

How Unions and Their Allies Are Trying to Hold Amazon Accountable

[Capital and Main, via DailyPoster 7-31-2021]

“In California, labor advocates are supporting Assembly Bill 701, which would require all warehouse employers to provide workers with a written description of expected quotas, the number of tasks to be performed within a given time and potential adverse employment action. In other words, the employer has to share the metrics and the penalties for not meeting them.”

Climate and environmental crises

A Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change

[Quanta, via Naked Capitalism 7-28-2021]

A new generation of soil studies powered by modern microscopes and imaging technologies has revealed that whatever humus is, it is not the long-lasting substance scientists believed it to be. Soil researchers have concluded that even the largest, most complex molecules can be quickly devoured by soil’s abundant and voracious microbes. The magic molecule you can just stick in the soil and expect to stay there may not exist….

The consequences go far beyond carbon sequestration strategies. Major climate models such as those produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are based on this outdated understanding of soil. Several recent studies indicate that those models are underestimating the total amount of carbon that will be released from soil in a warming climate. In addition, computer models that predict the greenhouse gas impacts of farming practices — predictions that are being used in carbon markets — are probably overly optimistic about soil’s ability to trap and hold on to carbon.

Nuclear power’s reliability is dropping as extreme weather increases

[Ars Technica, via Naked Capitalism 7-25-2021]

Heat has been one of the most direct threats, as higher temperatures mean that the natural cooling sources (rivers, oceans, lakes) are becoming less efficient heat sinks. However, this new analysis shows that hurricanes and typhoons have become the leading causes of nuclear outages, at least in North America and South and East Asia. Precautionary shutdowns for storms are routine, and so this finding is perhaps not so surprising. But other factors—like the clogging of cooling intake pipes by unusually abundant jellyfish populations—are a bit less obvious.

Overall, this latest analysis calculates that the frequency of climate-related nuclear plant outages is almost eight times higher than it was in the 1990s.


Institutionalists = Obstructionists

[Twitter, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-29-21]


Pelosi disputes Biden’s power to forgive student loans

The Hill, via Naked Capitalism 7-29-2021]

Department of Injustice


[Intercept, via Naked Capitalism 7-26-2021]

Disrupting mainstream economics

Monetary Faith
Philip Pilkington

One immediate problem: not all investment is created equal. Too much bad investment that does not lead to the future production of goods and instead leads to mass bankruptcies might lead to inflation….

Market overconfidence is easy to study because stock analysts regularly publish their expectations. Actual earnings growth can vary widely from expectations.15 Financial market analysts, on average, forecast earnings growth at approximately thirteen percent a year. But the actual average earnings growth is around seven percent a year. In short, financial markets seem to think that firms will have roughly double the earnings growth that they actually experience.

It looks as if markets are not very good at pricing future outcomes. Since CEOs seem prone to overconfident mood swings too, it is hard to see any evidence that there is a channel from the money rate of interest, through the speculative markets, via the overconfident CEOs, all the way to the optimal rate of investment that keeps the economy running just right. Given the number of moving parts, the chance that an optimal rate of investment would arise in response to even a correctly estimated natural rate seems extraordinarily slim….

Perhaps economists should go right back to basics and think of the rate of interest as the classical economists did until the nineteenth century: as a distributional variable. From this perspective, the interest rate is simply the rate of increase of purchasing power held by those who hold savings in risk-free assets. This contrasts with both the rate of increase of purchasing power of those who own physical capital—the rate of profit—and the rate of increase of purchasing power of those who sell their labor—the rate of change of wages.

These three variables overlap with three social classes: rentiers, capitalists, and workers. These should not be thought of as distinct people or agents. Rather they are functions of their income sources. A person may be a worker when receiving wages and a rentier when accumulating a pension via the stock and bond markets. The question of where to set the interest rate then becomes a distributional matter: how much should rentiers’ income increase every year relative to the income of capitalists and workers?

The economist Luigi Pasinetti responded by defining a fair rate of interest, one stemming “from the principle that all individuals, when they engage in credit/debit relations, should obtain, at any time, an amount of purchasing power that is constant in terms of labor.”16 The idea is that the rate of increase of income for every class—rentier, capitalist, worker—should be tied to the productivity of the worker, that is, to the real wealth that the economy is able to produce given today’s level of technological development. Holding these rates constant to one another ensures that the income generated by the economy is distributed evenly. Setting the interest-rate policy rule then becomes simple:

This rule is quite like the old Scholastic notion of a fair price. Marc Lavoie points this out when he writes:

Thus, in a world with no technical progress and no inflation, the nominal interest rate ought to be zero, as was argued by the Church at the time [i.e., the Middle Ages] when these conditions were roughly fulfilled.18MORE

In other words, usury is only to be tolerated as a means to distribute some constant share of the growing economic pie to savers. This share is kept constant by assuming that it—together with wages and profits—only grows in line with the technical innovations that allow for more productive industry. The Scholastics may have had a cruder understanding of the macroeconomy than possessed today, but their instincts were correct. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck. And if it looks like a yield on rentier assets and is spent like a yield on rentier assets, then it is probably a yield on rentier assets.

Information Age Dystopia

“Privacy Implications of Accelerometer Data: A Review of Possible Inferences”

[Association for Computer Machinery, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-30-21]

“It has been shown in experiments, however, that seemingly innocuous sensors can be used as a side channel to infer highly sensitive information about people in their vicinity. Drawing from existing literature, we found that accelerometer data alone may be sufficient to obtain information about a device holder’s location, activities, health condition, body features, gender, age, personality traits, and emotional state. Acceleration signals can even be used to uniquely identify a person based on biometric movement patterns and to reconstruct sequences of text entered into a device, including passwords. In the light of these possible inferences, we suggest that accelerometers should urgently be re-evaluated in terms of their privacy implications, along with corresponding adjustments to sensor protection mechanisms.”

A republic… if you can keep it

“Washington is a lobbying boom town under Biden”

[Roll Call, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-28-21]

“It’s worth noting that individual contribution limits, which adjust for inflation, are $2,900 per election this cycle.”

Lambert Strether: “Unlike, say, the minimum wage. Sometimes things are just so crystal clear, aren’t they?”

“Two Kinds of Pride in American Politics”

[Benjamin Studebaker, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-30-21]

“I’ve been thinking about pride’s role in politics. When I say pride, I am not talking about mere self-respect. I am thinking about vanity, about the insidious mistake of thinking we are superior to others when in fact we are their equals. This is pride in the grim, nasty, old-fashioned sense. I think there are two kinds of pride running amok today. One is associated with entrepreneurs, with those who consider themselves ‘self-made.’ The other is associated with professionals, with those who consider themselves ‘educated.” • Neither is correct, surely. More: “Both of these forms of pride have the same function–they enable rich and powerful people to justify contempt for the American worker. The entrepreneur scorns the worker for failing to figure out how to hustle, while the professional scorns the worker for failing to accept “knowledge” from the experts who possess it. On these two grounds, the worker is told that they are unworthy of the social goods which are necessary for any person to reach their potential. They are told that they cannot enjoy access to quality healthcare, affordable housing, true education, affordable energy, and even sustenance. They are blamed for the situations they are in, and no effort is made on their behalf. The Republican Party is dominated by entrepreneurs, and the Democratic Party is dominated by professionals. Neither party thinks the workers morally deserve access to a set of basic, fundamental economic rights. Both are deeply prideful and deeply wicked, in different ways. The proud Republican tells the worker to figure it all out on their own, while the proud Democrat tells the worker that their interests and needs cannot be a priority until they accept the “knowledge”. Caught between a rock and the hard place, the worker is condemned to endless toil, with no time and no energy left for escape. All the worker can do is persevere and hope for a brighter future, in this life or the next.”

“In the Race Against Nina Turner, GOP Donors Fund Shontel Brown”

[The Intercept, via Naked Capitalism Water Cooler 7-28-21]

“With Clinton and Sanders again pitted against each other, this time via state-level surrogates, the special election race for Ohio’s 11th Congressional District has been described as a reflection of “party tensions.” In addition to Clinton, Democratic establishment figures like Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., and well-funded super PACs have rallied behind Brown, while progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Justice Democrats have coalesced to support Turner. Undergirding these tensions are donors with long histories of support for Republican candidates who are now funding Brown’s campaign, either directly or via the political action committee Democratic Majority for Israel, a major backer of her campaign. Most notable among them is New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, a close ally of Donald Trump who donated $1 million to Trump’s inauguration and has supported a slew of Republican candidates.”

Lambert Strether: “And there’s a long, long list of Republican donors. Why, it’s almost like liberal Democrat and Republicans are on the same team! (And you can just imagine the pearl-clutching if a Trump ally was donating to Turner. Yet, oddly, the major media are silent…)”

How Joe Biden Defanged the Left: The White House has used access to quiet would-be progressive critics.

Alexander Sammon,  July 26, 2021 [The American Prospect]

Recounts Obama enforcer Rahm Emmanual’s “veal pen.” 

How Biden Can Profitably Piss Off Republicans: Promoting good policy can also compel the GOP to defend the indefensible.

Eleanor Eagan, July 29, 2021 [The American Prospect]



Open Thread


And The Mass Evictions are ON


  1. Hugh

    Thanks, Tony. I don’t know how you avoid burnout. Each week seems like a new edition of “Grifters gotta grift.”

    The rich, politicians, corporations, academics, all in a feeding frenzy to loot us, keep us poor and insecure, and justify the necessity to do it.

  2. Plague Species

    The real important measure of the health of a country is the productive power of human labor to sustainably transform nature into needed goods and services. This is Hamiltonian political economy in its essence. Science and technology.

    Productivity cannot be sustainable, or at least not productivity in transforming nature into needed goods and services. It will always be a matter of the degree of damage done.

  3. Ché Pasa

    I really appreciate Tony’s Hamiltonian apologetics. I don’t agree with him, but it is clarifying to read and consider such an honest and well-argued point of view. Refreshing given the mire and muck that passes for much of political, economic and social discourse these days. So thank you Tony.

    Some of what I find problematic is that apparently there are no examples of Hamiltonian civic republics today, nor have there ever been any. It remains an ideal that possibly cannot be realized.

    Hamilton’s vision itself seems to me to depend on a very rigid class structure: an overclass of very small numbers but very great power; a striving class, serving and hopeful of joining their betters one day; and a large, permanent sub-class, essentially slaves with few or no rights or means of escape without further suppressing, dispossessing someone else, essentially a cleaned up, “rationalized” version of the world of the British Empire he came from.

    His influence on the development of the United States was profound, but that development came at and extremely high cost in lives, environmental destruction, dispossession and extermination of Natives, and often absurd imperial overreach.

    Perhaps it didn’t have to be that way, but it was — and it still is.

  4. different clue

    @Che’ Pasa,

    I hope the Wikrent theory of Hamilton and Hamiltonianism will be more discussed in deeper detail and widerly spread around for consideration.

    However, should we ascribe the Manifest Destiny Holocaust of the Indigenous Nations to Hamiltonianism specifically? I thought these things were more overtly sought and supported by that great Jeffersonian, Jefferson himself; who as part of the Slaverist Plantocracy, believed in vast and massive land seizure and depopulation for repopulation with plantation owners and very overtly enslaved slaves. Most of the initial hugest land conquests and ethnic cleansings took place in the area which would become the “Southern States” . . . did they not?

    And I thought Hamilton supported diplomatic recognition of Free Haiti. Whereas Jefferson opposed it. Is my memory wrong?

  5. Ché Pasa

    Refer once again to Stoller’s Hamilton Hustle.

    Don’t take it as gospel, but it will be easier to understand why so many people have been dubious about the lionization of Alexander Hamilton, especially since the success of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s play.

    As is the case with most of the Founders, Hamilton is a complex character. But he was very much a product of his times, his heritage, and his desires.

    No single Founder was solely responsible for bad things (or good things) committed in the name of the United States, just as no president since then has been solely responsible.

    (Those of us who grew up between 1929 and 1969 mostly have a pretty jaundiced view of Hamilton. Those who grew up later, not so much. Stoller’s an exception. Kind of like Andrew Jackson’s star which glitters and dims generation to generation.)

  6. Hugh

    My googling indicates that Washington, Adams, and Hamilton backed recognition of Haiti and Hamilton helped draft its constitution. Jefferson ended this and recalled the US consul general from it.

  7. different clue

    @Che’ Pasa,

    Thank you for the reply. I suspect Tony Wikrent is far too old to have had his views of Hamilton formed by the hip, cool and groovy new rap musical Hamilton. So I suspect his understanding stands separate and apart, and a suspicion of understanding based on . . .
    ! Hamilton! the Hip Hop Opera . . . should not necessarily guide response to Wikrent’s theories.

    As more people come here every Sunday to read the Weekend Wrapup, one hopes that perhaps Wikrent will think through and write an article on early US political-economic thought from Hamilton to Henry Carey if those two are indeed related over time, and explain the meaning of a Protectionized Internal-Parity Body Political-Economic.

  8. different clue

    Separately, I hope that over time, people will start to use the end of this thread, after all the Wikrent related replies to run their course, to begin leaving ideas, information, etc. about how to wage and win a cultural civil cold war of economic attrition and hopefully extermination against the Upper Class and the OverClass . . . as hard as that could be to even begin.

    I will begin by offering a few inspirational sayings.

    Every dollar is a bullet on the field of economic combat.
    I am not my keeper’s brother.
    Nobody owes the rich a living.

    Free Trade is the New Slavery. Protecionism is the New Abolition.

    America doesn’t owe China a living. Actually, America doesn’t owe China a God Damn thing.

    There’s a start.

  9. Mark Pontin

    Ché Pasa: “Hamilton’s vision itself seems to me to depend on a very rigid class structure: an overclass of very small numbers but very great power; a striving class … and a large, permanent sub-class, essentially slaves with few or no rights or means of escape … essentially a cleaned up, “rationalized” version of the world of the British Empire he came from.”

    Essentially slaves?!? Spare me. Hamilton and his buddies’ vision specifically depended on slaves — period, outright, no question about it.

    As for the ‘rationalized version of the world of the British Empire he came from’ part, England did not have chattel slavery whatever its other problems. In 1772, that had been definitively decided when some slaver scum from the colonies tried to take one of his slaves to England and then return whence he came. The Somerset-Stewart case ensued —

    Somerset v Stewart (1772) 98 ER 499 (also known as Somersett’s case, v. XX Sommersett v Steuart and the Mansfield Judgment) is a judgment of the English Court of King’s Bench in 1772, relating to the right of an enslaved person on English soil not to be forcibly removed from the country and sent to Jamaica for sale. Lord Mansfield decided that:-

    ‘The state of slavery is of such a nature that it is incapable of being introduced on any reasons, moral or political, but only by positive law, which preserves its force long after the reasons, occasions, and time itself from whence it was created, is erased from memory. It (slavery) is so odious, that nothing can be suffered to support it, but positive law. Whatever inconveniences, therefore, may follow from the decision, I cannot say this case is allowed or approved by the law of England; and therefore the black must be discharged.’

    The precedent set by the Somerset-Stewart case within the British empire was in large measure why 1776 ensued as the colonial kleptocracy in North America saw which way the wind was blowing and intended to preserve slavery there. They also wanted to break the treaties the British had made with specific Indian tribes during the French-English wars in North America once those wars were won, and they didn’t want to pay the taxes to cover those wars.

    I know what you were taught in high school civics class, because I did a year in high school when I came to the US. What you were taught is in large measure bogus. It’s late, but tomorrow I can dig up plenty of documentary evidence of what was written by people like Jefferson and others at the time. And it’s clear that in particular the desire to preserve slavery was a substantial motivation for the Founders and the Declaration of Independence in 1776. There’s no question about it: what you were taught is in large measure a lie.

  10. Plague Species

    Most people, most Americans I mean, have no idea who Hamilton is and never will. It’s upon that you will build your revolution? And if it’s not a revolution you want to build, what’s the point of even wasting time on what or what wasn’t Hamilton? The only purpose I see it serves is for people to display how smart they are via regurgitation.

  11. Plague Species

    The question for me is, did Hamilton follow the science and therefore like Bob Barker implore his fellow early Americans to spay and neuter their pets in order to avoid a species-eradicating feral cat population? If he did, he has earned my respect and this is the only way in which he is relevant today and worth a thought.

  12. Ché Pasa

    It’s kind of hilarious to assume Hamilton, Adams and/or Jefferson favored Haitian liberation. What they favored was separation of Haiti from France. By separating the slave-colony from the colonizer, the economy of the colony was up for grabs, and in the case of Haiti, smart men of the era in the newly independent United States realized and sought to exploit the potentials for profit from the “liberated” Haiti. Enslaved Haitiens or non.

    There was never any intent to truly liberate Haiti and the Haitian people; the US interest, shared by Hamilton, was to separate Haiti from France and profit from the result. As it happened, France demanded exorbitant payment to let Haiti go, payment I’m led to believe is still required of Haiti, which on top of the extraction of profits and wealth, has left Haitians destitute.

    Funny how that works.

    But I have little doubt that feral cats are as prevalent in Port-au-Prince as they are in Istanbul, but I really don’t know 😀

  13. Thomas B Golladay

    In short, companies don’t care about your loyalty, screw them back and switch jobs often.

  14. Hugh

    Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Hamilton are what I would call near-moderns. If I read a Classical Greek philosopher, I look more at the universal aspects of their thought and almost in spite of the particular local world they lived in.

    With the Founders and Framers, it is more difficult. Sometimes they seem to speak directly to us and then there is this whole modernist mythology around them, as if they were exactly like us only greater and with no internet. So it is easy to forget how alien they and their world often are to us.

  15. Lex

    Hamilton did yeoman’s work in developing the whiskey tax and using it to destroy cottage economics while giving a leg up to big business. As well as corrupting military procurements for the benefit of big business. As far as I can tell, the US is run today as it was designed and for the same purposes, winners and losers. Whatever gains we’ve made have mostly been in overturning portions of the original system.

  16. bruce wilder

    The municipality deliberately takes care of feral cats in Istanbul; in Port-au-Prince, not much of anything is taken care of.

  17. Ché Pasa

    And what about that falling birth rate and plummeting life expectancy? Together with little (legal) immigration, the US will soon be on a declining population trajectory, no?

    What happens when an empire’s population contracts? It’s happened to most of them, hasn’t it?

  18. Anthony K Wikrent

    Thank you everyone for your comments. There are many issues and questions raised, and if I fail to address any as the discussion processed, please raise the issue again.

    I’m not sure where to begin, because the first thoughts that come to me do not really address any of the points raised. But here they are: because I highly regard Stoller’s body of work, I was very upset with his article on the Hamilton Hustle. So, I tried to find the sources for it. I settled on William Hogeland
    though, of course, many of the point made in attacking Hamilton originated with Jefferson and Madison at the time they were battling Hamilton for political control of the Washington and Adams administrations. I found Hogeland was connected to the von Mises Institute, which as far as I am concerned demolished any credibility he might have. There is no doubt as to why libertarians would hate Hamilton, who clearly was for a strong central government.

    Many of you will probably dislike attacking the credibility of sources in this way, but I have found other instances. One of the funniest was actually sitting down and reading Charles Beard, who wrote An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution. Beard was almost always cited by those who argued that the founders, including Hamilton, had merely created a national government to protect and advance their own power, wealth, and privilege. It turned out Beard did not actually write such a direct indictment of the founders. Hamilton, in particular, he praised for a selfless devotion to public duty. Beard was increasingly upset that his book had been taken as a Marxist analysis of the Constitution, and, about ten years after An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, Beard wrote The Economic Basis of Politics , in which he argued that Madison’s and Hamilton’s Federalist Papers model of economic factions had proven more useful and more supportive of liberty, than the models of Marx and Lenin.

    I know that there are many people who are very supportive of Marx’s critique of capitalism, and I cannot help wondering if they dislike Hamilton because they understand or at least fear that Hamiltonian republicanism is a viable alternative to socialism and marxism.

    This brings us to some of the criticisms of Hamilton. Does a Hamiltonian system depend on keeping an elite in power, and repressing other classes? I do not believe so, though I can easily see where someone can reach that conclusion based on what has been written ABOUT Hamilton by critics such as Hogeland. (I think it’s a delicious irony that so many marxists have adopted the arguments of a libertarian!) Now, I have not read everything Hamilton himself wrote, probably not even close to half of it. I have read the various lengthy reports he submitted as Treasury Secretary to Congress on the subjects of banking, credit, and manufactures, and also his argument to Washington supporting the establishment of a national bank. There are too many snippets sprinkled throughout these documents that are contrary to the view that Hamilton was an anti-democratic elitist [though there is something to Hamilton being an elitist, which I hope to address later]. For example, in his 2nd Report on Credit [sometimes referred to as The Report on a National Bank, but not that same as the report to Washington] Hamilton argued for a corporate structure that limited large shareholders to 30 votes, not matter how many shares they owned. Well, I suppose that is certainly anti-democratic, but it is intended, as Hamilton explicitly argued, to limit the power that could be purchased by the wealthy.

    Another snippet of Hamilton that comes to mind is his argument that promoting the activity of the human mind is the best way to increase the wealth of a nation. He does not write about promoting the mental activity of only bankers, or only the rich, or only government officials, or only farmers. Or even only manufacturers, though that is the broader context of this particular snippet.

  19. Anthony K Wikrent

    Stoller’s “Hamilton Hustle” led me to develop the idea that there is an easy social science experiment to conduct to determine if Hamilton’s critics are correct or not. If Hamilton were indeed an anti-democratic elitists intent on preserving and perpetuating the power, wealth, and privileges of the founding elites, we would expect to find his descendants, and the descendants of other founders, to be among the ruling elite today.

    We do not.

    Where are the descendants of Hamilton today? What positions of social, economic, or political command do they occupy today? Where are the descendants of Adams? Of Jefferson? Of Madison? Or Morris, or Pinckney, or any of the founders you care to name.

    If preserving and perpetuating the power, wealth, and privileges of the founding elites was Hamilton’s intent, then he must be judged a miserable failure.

    Especially if we introduce to my experiment a control group – the ruling elites of Britain at the time of the American Revolution and adoption of the Constitution. There, the power, wealth, and privileges of ruling elites has indeed been preserved over the past two and a half centuries. The House of Hanover was passed into the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha with the death of Victoria. During World War One, the Germanic Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was simply rebranded as today’s House of Windsor – surely one of the most successful marketing rebrandings of all time.

    The dukedom of Westminster / Grosvenor family is still one of the richest and most powerful in UK, and now owns “an internationally diversified property group…. in 62 international cities, with offices in 14 of them.”

    So still the Ogilvy family, the Carrington family, and so on. Indeed, a
    “study by two academics at London South Bank University, which involved consulting more than a million wills, casts rare light on the usually closely-guarded secret of the finances of the nation’s dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts and barons by showing that the minimum value of one of these titles now stands on average at £16.1m. The same figure, adjusted to reflect current purchasing power, stood at £4.2m between 1978 and 1987. The four-fold increase in the figure suggests that the aristocracy has prospered spectacularly under the era of financial deregulation and economic liberalisation ushered in by Margaret Thatcher when she came to power in 1979.”

  20. Anthony K Wikrent

    None of this is to suggest that America’s ruling elites TODAY are any less well entrenched and privileged as Britain’s. They are. The point is to compare the ruling elites of the end of the 18th century in both countries and see if there is any continuity with ruling elites today. Clearly, there are different results. So, either Hamilton was a failure — or the argument that he intended to perpetuate wealth, power, and privilege is simply not true.

    It is a simple social science experiment, and its results are conclusive.

    The fact that America’s ruling elites TODAY are as well well entrenched and privileged as Britain’s is merely an indication that USA as a republic has faltered, and become an oligarchy. And of course there is no solace in that.

  21. Anthony K Wikrent

    You can choose which result you prefer. I gather from the tilt of most comments here that the preferred choice will be that Hamilton failed. My choice, of course, is that it was never Hamilton’s intent.

    Let me offer the story of one of Hamilton’s children: William Stephen Hamilton, the fifth son. This is a story that has been largely written out of American history. I stumbled upon it by researching the founding commissioners of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. You see, I was born and raised in Chicago, and being the introverted book worm I am, I was curious about the historical development of Chicago. This transpires over 40 years ago, so I don’t remember the exact source, but the key turning point in the early history of Chicago was the completion of the canal linking Lake Michigan with the Illinois River. This allowed a completely waterborne route of communications from New York City, up the Hudson River, through the Erie Canal, on the Great Lakes, through the Illinois and Michigan Canal, down the Illinois River, thence down the Mississippi to New Orleans. This canal is what touched off a boom in Chicago and made it a major trading center. The railroads reached Chicago a few years after the canal was completed, and the boom was already well underway.

    So, the question I had: who were the people responsible for envisioning this canal and getting it built. I remember I found the list of the names of the original members of the canal company or Board of Canal commissioners in a footnote. There was very little detail provided on the members themselves, either in the text or the footnote. So, I began looking up each member. Most were in the Dictionary of American Biography, an amazing and wonderful work and tool of research which thankfully is now online at

    There were a few members who were not covered in the Dictionary of American Biography so I did a catalog search at the Library of Congress. One of these was William Stephen Hamilton. It turns out there was a biography of him published in the early 1900s by the Historical Society of Wisconsin. I had no idea who he was at the time I requested the book to read.

    To read that he was Alexander Hamilton’s fifth son was excitement enough. But there was more, much more. Because Alexander Hamilton’s first son, Phillip, was killed in a duel a few years before his father, William was rigorously trained as a heir, working in his father’s law office by the time he was 12. Now, to me, that was very, very cool – the trained heir of Alexander Hamilton was a founding member of the project that basically created the city of Chicago. But, how did he end up there?

    Well, first he was in Wisconsin, where he saved the fort near Green Bay from starvation by droving cattle from southern Illinois, then helped foil a plot to take the territory that then comprised Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota out of the Union and create a separate country.

    Then he moves to Illinois in the early 1820s? Why? Well, Illinois had been admitted as a state in 1818. A few years later, a serious effort began to rewrite the Illinois constitution to allow slavery. William Stephen Hamilton joined the fight to stop that effort. He ran for the state legislature, and adopted a program of three major projects — finish building the National Road so that it crossed Illinois to St. Louis, move the state capital from Vandalia to Springfield, and build a canal between Lake Michigan and the Illinois River.

    The county he represented was Sangamon. When I read that, I remember sitting back, stunned, with moist eyes. There is another politician from Illinois, much more famous, who also began his political career in Sangamon County. His name was Abraham Lincoln, who was elected to WS Hamilton’s seat then years later, in 1832. Moreover, Lincoln began pushing three major projects: finish building the National Road so that it crossed Illinois to St. Louis, move the state capital from Vandalia to Springfield, and build a canal between Lake Michigan and the Illinois River. In fact, Lincoln would also serve as a canal commissioner in the 1850s.

    If you’re not sitting back and saying “wow” at this point, you’re much more hard hearted than I am. Maybe “cynical’ is a better word. Afterall, Springfield is in Sangamon County, so the economic benefits to the county of moving the state capital there are obvious. But another part of the “wow” is: why isn’t any of this featured prominently in biographies of Lincoln? Lincoln’s role was widely known at the time; there were a number of canal boats before he became President that were named “Old Abe” or Railsplitter” and so on. Even more interesting is that the circle of people WS Hamilton was part of in Illinois, were the same that Lincoln moved in later. Most prominent was Elihu Washburn, who reportedly interviewed people and compiled notes to write a biography of William Stephen Hamilton, but which was never completed and published. Washburn was a Congressman and
    member of President Lincoln’s informal advisers, a sort of kitchen cabinet. It was Washburn who nominated Ulysses Grant as a colonel of an Illinois regiment at the beginning of the Civil War.

    What became of William Stephen Hamilton? Did he go on to be wealthy and powerful, like the British oligarchs of his father’s time? No. He went to California. At the height of the gold rush. To get wealthy? Perhaps. But at the same time, there was a bitter political fight over whether California was going to be admitted as a free state or a state allowing slavery. William Stephen Hamilton died in mysterious circumstances in Sacramento in 1850.

  22. Oregoncharles

    “A Soil-Science Revolution Upends Plans to Fight Climate Change”
    Very interesting, but does NOT “Upend plans to fight climate change.” In fact, it was implicit all along: soil carbon is a flow, not a stock – not unless it’s deeply buried and fossilized. Or frozen. However, as long as more goes in than comes out, you’re sequestering carbon, potentially on a very large scale. Since farming has generally greatly depleted soil carbon, there is vast room for improvement, enough to have a significant effect on climate. The catch: you have to keep doing the right things, or the carbon starts coming back out.

    The advantage: increasing soil carbon also improves fertility and production. It’s a win-win. The hard part: convincing millions of old, cranky, conservative farmers to change the way they operate. The best route is probably through the extension services, where they’re accustomed to getting their information, but this is still an uphill battle. Worse, it’s against the interests of the fertilizer and equipment sales people, the other usual source of information. Social engineering is the hardest.

  23. nihil obstet

    Maybe Hamilton wanted to create neither a permanent aristocracy nor a republic governed by the people. He seems to me to have consistently favored the desires of the wealthy and powerful, but the motive there probably at least partially had to do with winning their support for the fragile new government. If you don’t take care of the powerful of the old guard either with a guillotine or with bribery, your new government will not last long.

    Anthony, I don’t think the comparison of the elites of the American and British societies from the latter part of the 18th c. is simple or conclusive. The situations are just too different. The main one is that British land was fully occupied by people who had rights — unequal rights, but rights — under the law. The new U.S. had land which they considered empty. There were too few people who could be driven by the “lash of hunger” to work as exploited labor for long. In the minds of the rich, the lack of available labor necessitated slavery.

    In the 18th c. Britain, the rich owned the land, the source of wealth. It was handed down through primogeniture. The same families retained the wealth. In the U.S., even the richest owned a tiny, tiny fraction of the “free” land that became available as the country displaced the indigenous peoples. And then there was the radical change of the Civil War.

    Take two countries with wealthy families. In one, the wealthy families own the primary source of wealth. In the other, new capital overwhelms the holdings of the wealthy families. I don’t find the results conclusive about intents to perpetuate wealth.

  24. Oregoncharles

    “” – That is the Democratic Party’s role in our politics. You’d think more “leftists” would catch on.

  25. Soredemos

    @Mark Pontin

    This was Gerald Horne’s ‘thesis’ (if it can even be dignified enough to call it that), and it’s pure nonsense.

    The answer to biased or incomplete historical narratives is not at least equally fraudulent narratives coming from the opposite direction.

  26. Soredemos

    I don’t know enough about Hamilton to really comment on him in any depth, but I will say that the way he has been embraced by a broad cross-section of our modern elite is horrifying. Because they don’t know about him in any depth either, their perception of him is entirely shaped by that godawful musical that turns him into a conservative rags-to-riches immigrant story (Hamilton was never in rags, I know that much). It’s vapid pablum, filtered through identity politics. Whatever they’re getting out of it, it has little to do with the historical Hamilton. If one of the criticisms of Hamilton the man is that he favored strong centralized government, there’s precious little of that type of thinking among our modern elites who have embraced Hamilton the brown-washed musical.

    I will say though that if someone is going to criticism Hamilton as an elitist, basically all of the founders were elitists (yes, even Jefferson). None of these men believed in democracy as we would understand it. They were all versed in Greek and Latin and took much of their thinking straight from Plato. They wanted a republic: a state where the running of the nation was considered a public affair, and not the exclusive domain of a nobility or royal family. This doesn’t mean they wanted to give the people direct power though. They wanted public will ‘filtered’ through a body of property owning ‘worthies’. They didn’t even want the Senate, a direct counterpart of the British House of Lords, directly elected.

    Much of the history of the United States is the history of this republican model getting gradually more democratic. I suspect most of the founders would be appalled by what we’ve done to their creation, starting with universal voter suffrage (including for women, the horror!).

  27. different clue


    Have you heard the saying ” funeral by funeral, science makes progress”? I suspect it will be the same for farming’s adoption of eco-bio-compatible methods. ” Funeral by funeral, farming makes progress”. But even slower than science.

    Those members of the food-buying public who have begun studying and understanding facts and issues of eco-bio-compatible farming will have to support the work of eco-correct farmers by buying what they produce, even when the shinola food they produce costs more than the petro-corporate cancer-juice shitfood the mainstream agribusiness farmers produce.

    The more clean-food seekers exist and are willing to spend more for eco-bio clean food, the more money will be flowing to the “clean food producer community” to be able to support new entrants into the eco-bio-clean food production sector. It won’t happen for now without steady money support from an interested customer-base public.

  28. Anthony K Wikrent

    Hamilton wanted an aristocracy, but the word “aristocracy” today has much greater negative meaning than it did at the time. At the time, the idea was that the men who were willing and most able to accept the responsibility of civic leadership would be elevated by their fellow citizens to positions of power. Reading about the Constitutional Convention, and the ratification in the states, it is clear to me that was the central argument for the electoral college — to make sure the President was selected by the “elite” of “citizens.”

    I put quote marks around “citizens” because that is another word that has changed much in meaning. Today, it does not carry the weight, dignity and gravitas that it once did. No doubt because it seems our experiment in republican self government is failing — if not already at an end. But I would also point to the baneful influence of liberalism and capitalism, where “citizens” today are valued more as “voters” who “consume” carefully packaged political candidates. I have heard of at least one liberal political action group pushing for medicare for all that refers to potential sympathetic voters and supporters as “consumers” of that groups “products.” It has caused some considerable pushback within the group.

    Also, regarding the word “aristocracy,” it is useful to recall that the reason the Americans originally hated the British aristocracy was because it had become corrupt, and was failing to perform its civic duty of protecting and promoting the public interest — including most particularly its failure to stand up to the king , the king’s ministers, and the Board of Trade. Being a subject of the British crown meant quite bit in the mid-18th century, and the explicit complaint of the Americans is that their rights as British subjects were being ignored and violated. This cultural sense of right and duties was transferred to the concept of being “a citizen of the republic,” and it impressed, among others, de Tocqueville so strongly that he was inspired to write an entire book about it.

    We have become so cynical in our age, that I do not think we appreciate this historical change in political culture. So it is left to a child if Indian immigrants, Ganesh Sitaraman to point out in his 2017 book, The Crisis of the Middle-Class Constitution: Why Economic Inequality Threatens Our Republic, that before World War Two, Americans were generally hostile to and suspicious of the monarchies and oligarchies of Europe. I don’t think we appreciate today how strong Anglophobia was in our past. But World War Two, and then the Cold War, caused an important shift, to the enemies of “America” and “democracy” being defined as communism and fascism, with the monarchies of Europe as allies instead of enemies. Remember that up until World War Two, the three major war plans maintained by the USA Army and Navy were for fighting Germany, Japan — and Great Britain. That revolution in USA political culture literally turned the world on its head as far as Americans are concerned.

    My reading of American history included the Whig Party, trying to understand the background of Abraham Lincoln. A key book I recommend to everyone is Gabor Borit’s 1978 Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream (again, leave it to an immigrant, from Hungary in this case, to resurrect a key part of American history). It is clear to me that the American republic was explicitly seen as a refuge for Europeans seeking freedom from rule by oligarchs and monarchs. The work William Stephen Hamilton did in Illinois in the 1820s to prevent Illinois adopting a second constitution that would allow slavery, had crucial support from the European immigrants in Illinois, many of whom has been attracted to the state by land companies that recruited in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere. Obviously, slavery was not a selling point, and actually would have destroyed the advertising campaigns of these companies.

    And, there are statements by Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, and others, about USA being precisely such a refuge for liberty from the tyranny of Europe. It is particularly striking how this rhetoric became an integral part of the political debate defending protectionism against free trade. Abraham Lincoln’s economic adviser, Henry Carey, is particularly fierce on this issue:

    “Men are everywhere flying from British commerce, which everywhere pursues them. Having exhausted the people of the lower lands of India, it follows them as they retreat toward the fastnesses of the Himalaya. Afghanistan is attempted, while Scinde and the Punjab are subjugated. Siamese provinces are added to the empire of free trade, and war and desolation are carried into China, in order that the Chinese may be compelled to pay for the use of ships, instead of making looms. The Irishman flies to Canada; but there the system follows him, and he feels himself insecure until within this Union. The Englishman and the Scotsman try Southern Africa, and thence they fly to the more distant New Holland, Van Dieman’s Land, or New Zealand. The farther they fly, the more they must use ships and other perishable machinery, the less steadily can their efforts be applied, the less must be the power of production, and the fewer must be the equivalents to be exchanged, and yet in the growth of ships, caused by such circumstances, we are told to look for evidence of prosperous commerce!

    “The British system is built upon cheap labour, by which is meant low priced and worthless labor. Its effect is to cause it to become from day to day more low priced and worthless, and thus to destroy production upon which commerce must be based. The object of protection is to produce dear labour, that is, high-priced and valuable labour, and its effect is to cause it to increase in value from day to day, and to increase the equivalents to be exchanged, to the great increase of commerce.” (Carey, 1851, The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing & Commercial, pp. 71-72)

    (For more fiery attacks on Britain by Carey, see Commerce, Christianity, and Civilization, Versus British Free Trade. Letters in Reply to the London Times
    By Henry C. Carey. Philadelphia, Collins, Printer, 705 Jayne Street. 1876. )

    Because my avocation for over two decades now has been selling books on industrial and transportation history, Carey is especially interesting for me. He inherited and ran what was the largest publishing firm in USA for about 3/4 of the 19th century. Though it was Carey’s firm that introduced fiction to American readers, the overwhelming majority of their catalog was comprised of books on scientific and technical subjects: iron making, metal working, machinery building, textile manufacture, steam engines, locomotives, glass making, etc., etc. After Carey retired in the 1850s to work exclusively on political economy, the firm was run by his nephew Henry Carey Baird. (See the list of titles at )

    Carey’s publishing company was the foundation of the dissemination of scientific and technological information and knowledge through the entire 19th century, and is thus an important ingredient in the industrialization of USA. Carey explicitly self-identified as a Hamiltonian. And Carey’s work in political economy makes it inseparable from the cause of republican self government. This is reinforced by the efforts of the various agricultural and mechanic associations that were formed in early USA. The key book on this is Lawrence A. Peskin’s 2003 Manufacturing Revolution: The Intellectual Origins of Early American Industry. For those unhappy with my positive view of American history thus far, Peskin also discusses how the focus of the mechanic associations began to shift in response to the rise of large manufacturing companies.

    My sense so far is that “leftist” interpretation of American history is hobbled because it ignores this actual history of USA political economy and how the country actually industrialized because it is not exclusively a woeful tale of exploitation. To this, add the complication of slavery. There has always been a powerful political faction in USA that opposed Hamilton, industrialization, protectionism, the constitutional mandate to promote the General Welfare, and expanding the scale and scope of self-government by making it ever more inclusive. By the time of the Civil War, this faction had developed its own version of political economy, which rested on an explicitly elite: the Confederate “mud sill” theory “that there must be, and always has been, a lower class or underclass for the upper classes and the rest of society to rest upon.” (

    It is thus important to be able to distinguish between an Alexander Hamilton, and a John Calhoun. Nancy MacLean’s 2017 book, Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America, is a major contribution in this regard. MacLean details how Calhoun and the southern planter elite relentlessly opposed and usurped the original meanings of the USA republic.

  29. Creigh Gordon

    different clue, have you read Keynes “National Self-sufficiency.”

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