The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

The Deep State Is Scared

Say whatever you want about Trump, and I will agree. Got that? Okay, good.

But, when I saw that Dick Cheney–the fastigium of the Deep State–endorse Kamala Harris I was speechless.

I had wondered for a long time if Liz Cheney was Dick’s cat’s-paw, but now I’m just gobsmacked. The Deep State is truly scared of a Trump 2.0 and they have clearly mobilized every asset they have to make sure our managed reality stays properly managed. At least, managed according to Deep State preferences.

The media may spin this as some sort of last ditch attempt for the GOP to save itself from a populist monster, but that is clamjamfry of the worst kind. Twaddle. Horseapples. This is the Deep State in action and it hasn’t got a damn thing to do with the GOP.

And after Harris confirmed that Uncle Joe’s foreign policy will remain unchanged last night I’m convinced. Sure, she’ll be allowed to manage a few pet projects on the margins, but do not expect any adults to attend to her foreign policy.

I don’t necessarily dislike managed reality. I’ve seen direct reality and experienced a bit of it myself and it ain’t all its cracked up to be. I’d just like better managers.

PS–I’ve been very busy lately and have not forgotten to complete my Russia series. But writing a post on nuclear policy and the potential of nuclear war is distasteful to say the least. I appreciate your patience.


Has Communism Happened Yet?


The Conditions For Breakthrough Societal Power


  1. mago

    Psychotropics help some conditions.

  2. StewartM

    Well, my reaction to this is (and I agree with you on much):

    Winston Churchill was really only good, and correct, about one thing: opposing Hitler. He was pretty much in the wrong, and a horrible man to boot, on everything else.

    “If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”

    In this case, give the “Devil” his due.

    Despite all the lefty talk about “Genocide Joe”, I suspect AOC was onto something when she said that the push to remove Biden from the ticket was being driven by the big donors, who didn’t like “Genocide Joe’s” pro-worker and pro-consumer regulations and other policies (I know it’s not saying much, but he’s the most progressive president of my adult lifetime, and very reminiscent of LBJ, including all the bad foreign policy moves ). The big donors want an Obama, someone up sounds like the return of MLK giving speeches but governs like Reagan. That part worries me.

  3. bruce wilder

    I loved the first Matrix movie and was sorry the creators could not find some way to productively elaborate the metaphor.

    But, certainly, if you are enbubbled, illusion can be fun. If you are a grinding gear or being ground or just living in co-existence with a grinding gear, not-so-much. I wish I lived an Instagram life.

  4. I’m not sure why the ruling class are fearful that the political atmosphere has drifted so far in their favor that Dick Cheney is no longer on the right of the mainstream spectrum.
    What would Oligarchs fear from a second Trump term?
    More tax cuts?
    Four years of the nation raging about Mexicans and the definition of gender?

    The ruling class has controlled the Republican party for a long time. Their infiltration and co-opting of the opposition is nothing but a massive victory for them.

  5. anon

    So is it better to have Trump or Harris in power? Those are our only two options although I’ll likely throw my vote away on Jill Stein.

  6. Willy

    As always, things POTUS will depend on their handlers. What foreign policy experts will they choose to trust, to then handle their official opinions? Be nice if Harris hasn’t been convinced to create an Office of Military Industrial Complexes, to be headed by Liz Cheney. Be even nicer if more conservatives came clean and apologized for the populist mess they’ve made.

    And what the hell is the Deep State, anymore? I used to think it was swamp dwellers who needed to be drained, disease pests like plutocrats, corporate fatties and AIPAC. ‘They’ now seem to be trying to redefine it the same as “asshole”, somebody who’s inconvenient to a particular person or organization. We gotta change it back.

  7. SocalJimObjects

    And in 2016, Cheney supported Trump, although Trump said pretty much the same things back then i.e. that he was going to drain the swamp, etc, etc. We all know what happened afterwards, the swamp didn’t get drained, and instead it’s Trump who got carried out in the 2020 election.

    All this talk about Trump making a major change is just nonsense. Trump has a ton of family members and that makes him vulnerable. If Trump is really serious about confronting the Deep State, all it takes is for some Deep State operative to hurt Dear Ivanka, and Trump will immediately see the light. Making a fundamental change in the US will require a “monster”, someone who will be willing to sacrifice anything and everything for the country, someone who will go down in the immediate history as a truly Machiavellian figure. If you think Trump is anything close to that, then I have a couple of bridges to sell you.

    Trump is not some kind of Messiah, he’s a 78 years old guy who will soon start losing most of his marbles if not already. The number of right wing schemes that’s predicated on Trump being alive for the next 10 years or so is frankly laughable, like the guy can go to the toilet at night and slip on the floor and hit his head on something and be dead in short order, and then what? An idea is bullet and toilet slip proof, a human being is not.

    Before anyone accuses me of being a fan of the Democrats, I’ll just say that I despise both equally.

  8. GrimJim

    The “Deep State” is the mass of career bureaucrats and politicians who keep the American Empire running and dominant on the world scene.

    The “Deep State” is the reason that Americans, though only 5% of the world population command 25% of the world’s resources.

    The “Deep State” is indeed filled with assholes. It’s backbone is the Military-Industrial Complex, it’s muscles are Big Pharma and Big Food, and it’s brain is Big Propaganda (aka US Corporate Media).

    Without the “Deep State” the American Empire goes from Third World Nation With Delusions of Grandeur to Straight Up Shithole Third World Nation.

    The “Deep State” projects the power that enables the 1% Elite to be super mega dragon Kamehameha rich AND enables the 99% to have something resembling a Second World Nation economy.

    If the “Deep State” were somehow dismantled, you too would be hunting geese, dogs, cats, and rats in the ruins… While the 1% would still be nibbling on peacock tongues and caviar. Because when the system crashes, they lose nothing… The rest of us do.

    That nobody here seems to understand this dimple, basic MN maxim of power, wealth, and civilization is simply astonishing.

    Without the “Deep State” the US reverts to just another shithole country. Overnight.

  9. different clue

    I had always understood ” Deep State” to refer to the persons and groups who killed Kennedy, X , King, Kennedy and possibly numerous others. And then arranged the coverups and the perception management afterwords.

    Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty referred to the action-taking parts of the Deep State as the “Secret Team”. He wrote a book about that.

    Canadian Journalist and blogger Jeff Wells wrote many blogposts about various aspects of the policy-setting and orders-giving parts of the Deep State at his Rigorous Intuition 2.0 blog. Here is an article he wrote about one little aspect of Deep State policy, command and control.
    There are lots of good articles there.

    For a long time Americans were stuck at the level of ” I don’t know much, but I suspect lots of things.” And there was the saying, ” Americans are allowed to believe anything. They just aren’t allowed to know anything.” Now that Americans are beginning to “know things” and “spread that knowledge around”, the various Establishments are all co-operating on trying to build a new Censorship-Industrial Complex all around us.

    What Willy referrences Trump as having called the Deep State/ The Swamp was just some handy scapegoats Trump offered people to be scared of. What the Republicans/
    Steve Bannon mean by “Deconstruct the Administrative State” is to deconstruct and hopefully abolish the EPA, FDA, and other agencies and departments involved in offering some small safety and etc. regulations and protection to Americans within the scope of what their Business Captors have decided to continue to allow. ” Deconstruct the Administrative State” means end these protections and regulations totally and altogether. Make it completely legal for the business community to fill the air with cancer gas, fill the water with cancer juice and cover the food supply with magic cancer dust, out in the open and legally legally legally. That’s what a Trump re-election will bring us.

    A Harris election may well bring us World War Nuke with Russia or maybe Russia-China both. it may not. How small is the risk and is it worth running in order to buy 4 years of social semi-peace which people in different areas can use to build Survivalism in those different areas?

    What Grim Jim calls the Deep State is what I would call the Inertial PermaGov. If it disappeared would America become one big Shit Holestan? Maybe. Preparing to survive a Shit Holestani future is what I mean by “building Survivalism”. It is worth remembering that it took the various Elites several decades of patient social and economic dismantlement-engineering to bring America to the point where crash of the Deep State and the Inertial PermaGov would usher in the Shit Holestani future.

    Perhaps if a majority of American potential voters were still to vote, that might prevent the Deep Staters and High OverWatchers from realizing just how restless the natives are getting. And perhaps that “failure to realize” might buy us time in the shadows of Elite Imperception to build Survivalism where we are.

  10. DMC

    Or even more simply: Deep State = NeoCons.

  11. jrs

    I wouldn’t even use the term “deep state” as the right itself (who are the ones who gave the term currency) have moved on to half the time using the term for civil servants.

    No, most civil servants aren’t part of any secret cabal, they are just the government as it is actually implemented in practice. And how it works everywhere. Nor do they have anything to do with Dick Cheney. But that’s where the right is now.

  12. Purple Library Guy

    I don’t think the “deep state” is afraid of Trump in an INSTITUTIONAL sense, like somehow the whole structure of the government will radically change or something. Sure, under the Trumpies government departments will have somewhat different objectives, but whatever yatterings the alt-right may make about dismantling the administrative state, it’s just like when the neoliberals said that kind of stuff: They don’t mean it, what they mean is they want the state to have different administrative priorities.

    But, I do think that an awful lot of people in the “deep” . . . or, well, just the normal . . . “state” have reason to be PERSONALLY worried that Project 2025 is going to sack their asses in favour of alt-right zealots. Not just liberals but old fashioned business conservatives are not good enough for the people behind Project 2025. Maybe Dick Cheney is old buds with a bunch of them.

  13. Willy

    It’s not Trump that’s the worry. It’s the more intelligent of his handler/manipulators (conservative judges and Supremes being good examples) that’s the worry. They’re clearly preparing to replace Trump with something truly theocratic, more horrifying, and much, much longer lasting.

    The Cheney wing, which successfully handled/manipulated W, did so to their own satisfaction with their old system, backed by their own plutocrats who are likely competing with Trumps plutocrats for power.

  14. Willy

    the mass of career bureaucrats and politicians

    I’ve had numerous conservatives jump at their chance to correct me that we’re not a democracy, but a republic. To which I responded: “At what Roman stage? Where wealthy senators backed by patricians keep rigging the game against the plebes? -or- On the verge of allowing emperors because they know the plebes have figured out their system and need to keep them permanently hopeless?”

    The Deep State is hardly “the Far-Left Democrats”. Although the occasional Kyrsten Sinema and Tulsi Gabbard does slip through.

  15. It will never NOT blow my mind that “we” seem to believe such people as Dick Cheney (and other VIP members of the Deep State Dinner Club) are always sincerely transparent in word and deed, *never* do or say things for effect and *never* do or say things to f*ck with us Serfs, or to nudge us, one way or another, on a chess board we remain naively blind to. All I need to do is see two rather blatant skits, in as many months, meant to imply, to the viewers at home, that Der Bumble Trump is “dangerous”… before I suspect that Der Bumble Trump is the beneficiary of a plot to make him seem (for whatever reason) sexier. Why? I shudder to think. But not because Der Bumble Trump is “dangerous” to anyone but his unregistered illegal domestic staff…

  16. Curt Kastens

    I dont think that it makes any more sense to say that the Deep State is scared than it is to say that Putin was embarrassed by Ukrains success with its Kursk offensive. People that high up are not frightened or embarrassed by anything.
    Here is another link related to a link above:
    The link says that Col. Prouty believed that the CIA was working for a secret world elite. I myself find it interesting that people always come up with the idea that the CIA has to be working for some other group of people. It is always assumed that the CIA is working for rich people because after all the CIA employees are in the end government bearucrates that earn a salary. I find this assumption a very inside the box assumption.
    I had always assumed that the CIA was under the control of the Pentagon. But the link posted by different clue caused me to reconsider that view. I now suspect that it is the other way around. I am willing to bet that the mechanism for this control is a dual rank system for many, but not all military officers. I have no direct knowledge of the subject. But my imagination tells me that even though people may retire from military service they never retire from CIA service. And my imagination tells me that some people may have a high rank in the military but a much lower rank in the CIA and vice versa. To me this system would explain very well how the CiA otherwise known as the deep state manages to manipulate the people it needs to manipulate to be able to manipulate history.
    My imagintation tells me that this command and control mechanism explains how the CIA manages the control of its world wide empire. An implication being that the rich bankers and the rich Parma owners, and the rich tech owners do not have the CIA under their thumb. But that just the opposite is true. The claims that there are forces more powerful that the CIA, (unless they are claims that China and Russia and Iran working together are stronger than the CIA) seem to me to just to be disinformation designed to protect the guilty.
    Another implication of this understanding is that nothing happens outside of Russia, China, Iran, and perhaps India, and perhaps now Turkey that is not at least implicitly with the approval of the CIA (Deep State) .
    If that implication is true it follows that both Harris and Trump are CIA assets.
    Can we be sure that anyone is not a CIA asset. I would suggest that we can not ever be 100% sure. But if someone has the stamp of approval from the Russian, or Chinese Intell agencies or from the stimulation director we can be relatively sure that they are not a CIA asset. Not that it matters anymore.
    To write a book and call it the Century of Immigration, as was done recently, is quite an undersatement. This will be the Century of Cementaries.
    Monsters are us. Mobsters are us.

  17. GrimJim

    Trump and his people plan to rip the entire establishment of career bureaucrats out at the roots.

    They will replace some of it, a small portion of it, entirely with people who are chosen not for their abilities, not for their merits, but entirely for their loyalty to Trump.

    Most of these will be white, young, and marginally educated legacies from all the “right” families and political groups.

    Imagine the entire bureaucracy replaced with young, nattering Aileen Cannons, Faux News bleach blonde wannabes, and Elon Musk devotees.

    None with any skills, training, or experience other than kissing Trump’s ass and parroting his handlers.

    The USA will be a laughingstock.

    Imagine them trying to renegotiate treaties based on Trump’s history of handling contracts, while spouting all the lies and BS just like Trump?

    International trade and law will break down in a matter of weeks.

    And that’s not even considering the disaster that will befall the states, as they plan to get virtually every program that regulated interstate trade and every program that provides tax dollars back to the states.

    They plan to eliminate the IRS and replace it with tariffs on goods from China.

    That’s all just the opening shots.

    It is to laugh.

  18. Clonal Antibody

    You might want to look at this tweet. This will tell you why the “Deep State” is pulling out all stops – What Trump told RFK Jr.

  19. SocalJimObjects

    Sites like Naked Capitalism and Aurellien have run articles documenting the ongoing and unstoppable decline in the level of executive competency in the West. The US foreign policy has been a disaster for the last two decades under various administrations, the CDC likewise bombed public health under both Trump and Biden, and lest we forget, companies like Boeing and Intel which used to be world class are pretty far along the enshittification process. When people tell me that there are “intelligent” people waiting in the wings to serve the country or Trump is going to replace competent people with political sinecures, they’d better provide some undeniable proofs that there’s still a sizeable number of competent people in the US. Right now, from my point of view, Americans are nothing but exceptional in crafting and pushing mostly false narratives, and that’s about it. Google, Facebook, Big Data tech, AI, they are nothing but narratives packaged in fancy wrappings.

  20. Jan Wiklund

    When Peter Dale Scott coined the term “deep state” about 2000 he referred to the sum of the routines, no more, no less. So “deep state” is not a particular set of persons, the policy would be the same whoever populated it. The routines are simply too many for anyone to grip, and some of them are probably a hundred years old or more.

    And it can not be changed by a change of government, there is terribly little a government can change by itself. It can be changed by strong movements, like in the 1930s, when factory occupations scared the whole “deep state” population to change much of their principles.

  21. GrimJim

    Re: competency, you are mistaking corruption for incompetency. The common bureaucrats do what they are told, and are generally competent in getting things done, even if it is overall corrupt, and immiserating the masses… Because that is the plan, because rich, wicked, greedy bastards are in control.

    Is there food on your table? Gas in your car? Can you drive between towns without a significant chance of being killed by highwaymen or rebels? Can you expect the power and water to be running tomorrow? Can you buy something on eBay from Europe and expect it to get shipped to you? Can you expect the crap you buy at WalMart to be on the shelves when you go there? These are not the result of merely capitalism, for that to work you need ground rules, organization, and judicious use of force. That’s government, in the case of the US.

    All this stuff is enabled by the US government, which is sufficiently competent to get all the basic shit done. If you doubt this, and truly think that the US government is incompetent, there are plenty of other governments that are not for you to see how truly enshittified things could and can and will get here in the US when the government has truly fallen into incompetency.

    Incompetent? Hardly. Corrupt? Certainly! But never mistake the two.

    Re: routines, Trump’s people plan to root those out, entirely, as with the current bureaucrats, and build their own. The fact that those routines will be complete pie in the sky nonsense does not matter. You want to see a truly incompetent AND corrupt bureaucracy? Wait till Trump’s people take over.

    I’ll take competent and corrupt over incompetent and corrupt any day.

  22. Dan Kelly

    The “Deep State” is the mass of career bureaucrats and politicians who keep the American Empire running and dominant on the world scene.

    Not exactly. The ‘deep state’ is multi-faceted and the ‘ops’ that instill image and narrative deep in the psyche of the masses are carried out at another level entirely. They then ‘intersect’ with the career pols/bureacrats who use them in order to manufacture consent for policies that are in the embedded ‘elite’ interest, and which will also benefit the pols’ ego/status in the minds of others – and of course their personal finances.

    In short, they increase their own ‘power’ but the bureacracy allows everything to seem abstract to the hoi-polloi.

    The ‘deep state’ works for the entrenched wealthy and elite of the sovereignty. The ‘deep state’ didn’t begin with, nor is it unique to, the United States. The US ‘deep state’ is itself largely controlled by Israel at this point

    The politiicans ‘react’ to the stimulus the ‘deep state’ actors/operatives create/put in motion.

    Many pols and bureaucrats are indeed ‘former’ operatives themselves.

    Most alleged ‘oppostion’ is made up of ‘deep state’ operatives. This allows them to both corral and control the rabble and the riff-raff while also using them as fodder to either stay the course, or change the course, as they (the ‘deep state’) see fit:

    And it’s a ‘family affair’ as Sly and the Stone would say:

    The ‘Abu Nidal’ Organization is an excellent example of a decades-long deep state actor and operation that we are right in the midst of to this day:

    Needless to say, there is a lot more than a ‘mass of career bureaucrats and politicians’ keeping things running and dominant.

    Take September 11, 2001. Simply consider that ‘Osama Bin Laden’ (his CIA handle was ‘Tim Osman’) was wanted by a myriad of ‘international authorities’ for his alleged role in all manner of horrible goings-on around the world dating back to the 80’s and well into the early-mid 90’s.

    So, you have combined multi-trillion dollar agencies around the world allegedly looking for this guy, including the vaunted Israeli and US deep security states. Then, in March 1997, a dude named Peter Arnett walks into a cave in Afghanistan and interviews the guy for CNN! Arnett goes all the way back to Vietnam, and more recently the Gulf War. Jon Miller interviewed ‘OBL’ in 1998 where this particular instance of ‘Bin Laden’ (there have been a number of different images/likenesses attached to that name over the years) vaguely ‘warned’ the world of what may come.

    This is known in the ‘deep state’ game as ‘preparing the mind’ for what they themselves are going to carry out. And anyone who is anyone in the game knows that that operation (the 9/11 event) could not have been carried out by anyone other than the established intel/deep state actors around the world. It certainly wasn’t planned and carried out from a cave in Tora Bora.

    I wonder why they didn’t arrest ‘Bin Laden’ in July 2001 in Dubai? He was on the ‘most wanted list’ then for allegedly carrying out various bombings, specifically the ones in 1998. But the story is they treated him and let him go. I mean, he still had to carry out the September 11, 2001 event in which he and his penetrated all US security.

    One would think if this really did happen that the authorities would do everything in their power to keep ‘OBL’ alive in order to learn exactly HOW he was able to pull off such a magnificent feat. Instead, the US and our allies, including the self-described tech-security supreme Israel – all of them combined spend trillions upon trillions of dollars in order to ‘keep us safe’ and they can’t even find the guy (but Arnett and Miller can), they can’t prevent 9/11 from happening (or evidently the vast majority of these events) but they allegedly thought it was a good idea to treat him in July 2001. Then 9/11 ‘happens’ and the ‘OBL’ demon is carried on through both Bush terms and almost the entirety of Obama’s first term.

    Then he’s allegedly ‘found’ by Navy Seals but rather than take this man in alive – he would be a tremendous asset, I mean HOW EXACTLY did you do it, Osama? Penetrate the defenses of the world empire from a cave somewhere? But no, he’s conveniently killed and most of the US Navy ‘Seal Team’ that allegedly captured him are also dead, althougb there is one survivor who tells a tale different from the official story – but his story conveniently leaves in place the entire Osama bin Laden legend – doesn’t question it in the least.

    That is ‘the deep state’ at work.

  23. Dan Kelly

    The ‘deep state’ begins with military/intel and media. This is how you take over a country! The pols and bureaucrats proceed from that.

    Most major corporations also have their own ‘intel’ which overlaps with state intel. They are part of ‘the deep state’ as well.

    There are various levels of actors within. Obviously certain pols have more access to more things depending on their position. Your local rep doesn’t know what Schumer knows. The heads of National Security will know more about the entire goings-on then others.

    Levels of security clearance and the specifics of what a security clearance allows access to are never talked about, but are very very important. If a former pol-turned writer boasts that they had a security clearance, that doesn’t tell you anything at all. Nothing. But this is somewhat common practice.

    Operatives may get ‘turned’ or they may pretend to be ‘turned’ while still actively working for their original side. This is where it gets really messy. And of course there are rogue players who work independently but who overlap with others, like Max von Sydow’s Joubert in Three Days of the Condor.


    ‘Julian Assange’ (Julian Paul Hawkins) is a superhero to many on ‘the left’ as well as many ‘free speech libertarian’ types. It’s interesting to note that Assange was introduced to the world via pieces in both The Guardian and a US mainstream periodical. The alleged independent hacking mastermind showed up wearing thousand-dollar suits.

    Julian Assange’s history and background are never seriously broached by anyone in these circles. That is by design. Assange was raised for years in a cult in Australia called ‘The Family’ which his mother was intimately involved with.

    Caitlyn Johnstone, an obvious propagandist of some sort much like ‘China expert’ Danny Haiphong, wrote a piece allegedly intended to ‘debunk’ the idea that Assange is a CIA agent. Johnstone asks how could Assange have been an “CIA asset-limited hangout” and also be imprisoned in Belmarsh, awaiting extradition to the U.S?

    Oh dear, Caitlyn. You’re not seriously asking a question as stupid and phony as that, are you? This must be some form of ‘leading’ question.

    Who knows what’s going on here, as Assange (who began his hacking with the handle ‘Mendax’ which means ‘liar’) could just as easily be a Russian agent, given all his past travels and contacts in Russia, his former Russian girlfriend, his intimate involvement with the Russian intelligence-linked German ‘Chaos Computer Club’ that featured ‘PENGO’ and which sold stolen US military secrets to Russia.

    I’m of course not here to defend ‘the empire’ which I largely despise, but there is definitely a lot more going on with old ‘Julian Assange’ then we will ever know. Assange’s disinterest and outright hostility to investigating the obviously fraudulent 9/11 event was infuriating, but then I still took the man seriously back then:

    “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

    Sounds like Noam “if there was a flight (with Israeli operative and noted child rapist Jeffrey Epstein) which I doubt” Chomsky.

    Caitlyn Johnstone, incidentally, is another of these fascinating ‘anti-empire’ ‘commie’ personages that get rolled out to regularly craft these neat little invectives designed to both nudge her audience…and keep them in line. She plays her role and her side of the game pretty well.

    Oh yeah: ‘Wikileaks’ contained nothing substantive on Israel. Nothing.

    John Young of Cryptome, itself a shadowy endeavor that doesn’t seem to amount to much for we mere mortals in the end – Young said that Wikileaks was essentially worthless from the get-go. He’s the one who was intmately involved with it in the early days and published Wikileaks’ own internal messages.

    Now, just because he’s outing the silly ‘Julian Assange’ doesn’t mean Young himself should be trusted or taken seriously:

    “There are no secrets that shouldn’t be published,” Mr. Young said. He doesn’t believe that Cryptome or WikiLeaks has published risky secrets. “Only low-grade stuff like what WikiLeaks does, but they just exaggerate it.”

    His dream leaks: The IAEA, the Red Cross, tax authorities, banks and the Vatican. “Go down the list of all the sacred cows and say, ‘Open them up.’ That stuff will come someday but not easily and it will be fought over fiercely.”

    If you read the entire article and you have some idea how this ‘deep state’ thing works you’ll come away knowing that Young and Assange are both stooges. Young ultimately likes Assange and has privately experienced the man as ‘funny’ – a trait he not only never exhibits publicly, but one that he probably couldn’t fake if he tried. According to John Young, Assange doesn’t like ‘pretentious people’ depsite being an utterly pretentious personage himself.

    The IAEA and the Red Cross mixed in with the Vatican and the generic ‘banks.’ Uh huh. Thanks John, you worthless, self-absorbed piece of sh*t.

  24. Dan Kelly

    Julian Assange:

    “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

    9/11 was a ‘conspiracy’ (powerful people plotted together) to launch the ‘global war on terror’ which had been implanted in the mass psyche for a solid two decades, beginning with Netanyahu et al’s ‘Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism” in 1979.

    Terrorists holding a panel on fighting themselves? Well, no. In fact, Netanyahu and his merry band of terrorists were talking about implanting ideas in peoples’ heads. They and their accompanying ‘deep states’ went about terrorizing the populations they wanted fragmented. These areas just so happen to have lots and lots of oil and other sought-after resources.

    The 1979 conference in Jerusalem was followed by a 1984 conference in the US.

    The September 11., 2001 event (9/11!!!!!!!!!!) was also a financial fraud.

    Rumsfeld announced on Monday, September 10, 2011 that $2.3 trillion was missing from Rabbi Dov Zakheim’s Pentagon (Zakheim was the comptroller). Bad news of this sort isn’t usually announced on Mondays, but it was quickly forgotten with the events of the following morning.

    Amit Yoran knew a lot about what went on that day. Yoran later became the top cybersecurity official in the United States, only to resign less than a year later.

    The Pentagon hit just so happened to land right where these financial records would be found. How fascinatingly convenient.

    The WTC also contained mucho financial records and documentation on all manner of Israeli/US subterfuge. All conveniently gone.

    Why is there more and better information coming from the likes of independent researchers (regular joes) and why are they willing to go much further than their superhero, the robot-like Julian Assange?

    This is a question anyone with the proverbial half-a-brain should be asking themselves continually, and not just in relation to Assange.

  25. Curt Kastens

    The bottom line is that no one who plays a role in the deep state is scared, If they are high level they are very well protected. Then the lower one goes down the totem pole the more difficult it would be to identify a person’s role in the deep state. Whether at the top or the bottom of the deep state everyone who plays a role can deny their own guilt by pointing their finger at someone else and claim that they are the ones responsible for evil policies being carried out.
    There is not much room for optomism that justice will prevail in the next 10 years. Even less room for optomism that justice will prvail in a longer run. The best that we can hope for is that the Russians and Chinese can spoil the wet dreams of the western deep state members. But the odds of that are less than 50-50 because in the short term BRICS nations are at even greater disadvantage due to climate change than the western empire nations. In the medium term nothing will survive.
    I do not take pleasure in reporting that hope for any kind of sustainable future let alone a just sustainable future has become extinct. But what we plan to do with our lives in the shot term future should be based upon realistic assessments not based upon fantasies.

  26. Curt Kastens

    After I wrote that comment about how well protected the high level members of the deep state are, along with the closing comment about the loss of hope I had to chucky.
    Becuase under the circumstances that we find ourselves one of the most reasonable things that one can due is to pretend that we can fix the situation that humanitry is stuck in.
    Then before I wrote this comment I looked up what the word fastitium means. That caused me to decide who I think that apex preditors of the planet are that can actually be identified. That would be the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the head of the CIA, the head of the FBI, the head of the NSA, and the head of the DIA. But I think that it is also possible that former members of these positions may also still have clout. These people would actually be the head of the beast. But a great deal of ink has been applied to make it appear that all of these people answer to someone else other than themselves. When the Soviets said that the United States is actually run by an extreme right wing military junta I think that the people that I named above are the people that they were refering to. This ruling junta could have as few as 9 members or many more than that if one adds in the retired members of these positions. Based upon the cover story that has been developed over the decades if not centuries a legal case based upon US UK rules of evidence could never be won as these people officially do not make decisions, they either give advice or they carry out decisions made by other “legitimate” authorities. Therefore the only theoretical way that one could give these people what they deserve would be through what the system that protects them would call vigilante actions. The implication being that such actions are illegitimate.
    There you go two subjects wrapped up in to one comment
    One comment by the spirit of Herberta von Lodz. The other comment by the spirit of Tracy Coefelder.

  27. Jan Wiklund

    I would recommend some of the commentators above to read Aurelien’s piece War in dreamland,, about how we let our thoughts be ruled by ancient myths. For example the myth about the Evil potter, the myth about the Mastermind, the myth about the Conspiration etc.

    And not only we! It seems that the politicians are governed by the same myths. They also believe in conspiracies, evil plotters and masterminds. Otherwise much of their blundering would be incomprehensible.

    And concerning the “deep state” – the term was invented to cover the sum of the routines of the state, never mind who handles them. The routines are put together through ages, and are now so complicated that nobody understands why the result of the routines is as lousy as it is. They can be re-negotiated, though, but that is equivalent to revolution.

  28. different clue

    I remember reading and hearing that the word “deep state” was first invented in modern Turkey, and here is a link that I could find to an article about that.

  29. Soredemos

    “I don’t necessarily dislike managed reality. I’ve seen direct reality and experienced a bit of it myself and it ain’t all its cracked up to be. I’d just like better managers.”

    I’m not even sure what this is supposed to mean. But reality is reality. Dislike it all you want, but in the end the only sensible course is to interact with it as it actually exists. Delusions or filters are not conducive to survival.

  30. Jan Wiklund

    different clue: That’s right, Peter Dale Scott borrowed the phrase from there. But he was the first to apply it on an industrial country.

    And for him it was just a set of routines that had overwhelmed all the concerned.

    The problem is that Americans are too fond of finding guilt. There must be Bad Guys to kick around, it’s not nearly enough to fix the mechanism. It must have something to do with the Puritan tradition, enforced by the evangelical awakening in the 1820s – while Europeans say We are the people and we want our rights, the American are content of bearing witness against sin – and of course sin is always with somebody else.

    That makes them finding other people to blame: “THEY are the deep state.” But all who obey the routines are, unwittingly.

    Of course there are people who DEFEND the routines because the routines give them privileges. But that’s another story.

  31. Dan Kelly

    Are we really paying trillions upon trillions of dollars for abject incompetence and imbecility so utterly implausible that it’s beyond a bad movie at this point? This movie isn’t ‘so bad it’s good.’ It’s just really really bad. Rich Koz won’t even show it on Svengoolie.

    How bad is it?

    Returning briefly to the Belfast Telegraph article on Julian Hawkins, whose hero image has been implanted in so many well-meaning people’s psyches:

    “The US has wanted him for questioning since March, after he posed a video showing an American helicopter attack that left several Iraqi civilians and two Reuters journalists dead.

    Understandably, he now avoids the US, and keeps his movements secret, though it’s thought he operates out of Sweden and is spending time in Iceland, where a change in the law is creating a libel-free haven for journalists. But if the CIA spooks wanted him that badly, couldn’t they have turned up, as a hundred adoring student journalists did, to hear him talk at the Centre for Investigative Journalism 10 days ago?

    Now, returning briefly once again to ‘Osama Bin Laden’ let’s quickly review:

    In the months and years prior to 9/11 ‘Osama Bin Laden’ was on the CIA’s Most Wanted List. In fact, the page featuring ‘Usama Bin LADEN’ remains on ‘the company’ website to this day:

    Usama was worth a cool $25 mil, as was Zawahiri. Bringing Mullah OMAR in would net you $10 mil. Any of the other guys are only worth $5 million. I guess to the superheros who eventually bring these guys in, those guys are a little easier – sort of like your odds are better with the scratch-off lottery tickets versus the bigger payouts.

    Oh yeah: Everybody on the list is Arab and/or Muslim, including the white dude. Evidently, there’s not much else going on of note with anybody else in the entire world.

    Continuing this script: Supposedly in 1997 a CNN reporter ‘found’ Osama Bin Laden, took a television camera crew with him into Osama Bin Laden’s hideout and interviewed him and his top leadership – his top lieutenants and colonels and generals and what have you.

    Now, isn’t this a little strange? The most powerful intelligence apparatus in the history of the world cannot find the man for years and years and years but a reporter and his camera crew waltz right into his hideout and interview him?

    This tells us two things: Either everyone in the intelligence community and all the intelligence agencies of the United States are blithering idiots and incompetent fools, including the entire apparatus of the FBI and its personnel.

    Or they’re lying to us.


    If you’re interested in helping the US and the world fight bogeymen, the Rewards for Justice program might be for you:

    “The Rewards for Justice (RFJ) mission is to generate useful information that protects Americans and furthers U.S. national security. The program offers rewards for information on terrorism, foreign-linked interference in U.S. elections, foreign-directed malicious cyber activities against the United States, and the financial mechanisms of individuals engaged in certain activities to support the North Korean regime.”

    They’re specifically looking for a whole lot of Russians, some ISIS-K, and a one Mr Rim Jong Hyok of North Korea:

    Simply click on “Submit a Tip” and you’ll be entered for a chance to catch a really really bad guy.

    I’m going to submit everything I have on Netanyahu et al. And the Office of Special Plans. Let ’em know the ADL has infiltrated the FBI, and frankly much of their own apparataus is quite obviously infiltrated by Israel and its people.

    This should certainly qualify, as “the program offers rewards for information on terrorism, foreign-linked interference in U.S. elections, foreign-directed malicious cyber activities against the United States, and the financial mechanisms of individuals engaged in certain activities to support…” Well, in this case Israel. But that shouldn’t matter, right? Terrorism is terrorism.

    I hope my goodwill in the interest of the naton is received well by our friends at the CIA.


    “When they do it, it’s terrorism. When we do it, it’s fighting for freedom.”

    Philip Taubman is currently a lecturer at the “Center for International Security and Cooperation” at Stanford University. Prior to this, he was reporter and editor at the NY Times, specializing in national security issues, specifically intelligence and defense policies and ops. Back in early May of 1981 the NY Times ran an article penned by Taubman entitled “U.S. TRIES TO BACK UP HAIG ON TERRORISM.”

    The article was presented as a “Special to the New York Times.”

    it begins, “In late January, eight days after the inauguration of President Reagan and three days after the new Administration’s first Cabinet-level meeting on terrorism, Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. accused the Soviet Union of ”training, funding and equipping” international terrorists.”

    The article next states: “His words caught the Government’s intelligence agencies by surprise.”


    The article then goes on to say, “Now, three months later, with resistance to terrorism firmly established as a main focus of foreign policy, the agencies are still scrambling to catch up with Mr. Haig’s comments, intelligence officials said.”

    There is an abundance of ‘deep state’ activity that can be gleaned from this prominent article printed in the Spring of Reagan’s first term, but I’d like to focus specfically on one ‘deep-state’ player in particular, and a potential op most likely intended to create administration policy:

    “Mr. Haig has not identified the evidence that formed the basis for his remarks. Friends said that he had received briefings on terrorism from Western European intelligence services when he served as the commander of North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces in the late 1970’s. They said that he might also have been influenced by the work of Claire Sterling, whose book, ”The Terror Network,” speaks of alleged links between terrorist groups and the Soviet Union.

    Mr. Haig is said to have particularly strong feelings about terrorism because he was the target of an unsuccessful terrorist attack in Belgium in 1979.

    Claire Neikind Sterling has been promoting terror as a ‘terror expert’ for decades. She’s a member of the CIA-linked CSIS where she worked with Michal Ledeen and acted as a bridge between elements of Italian intel and US intel. Sterling attended the 1984 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism.


    [youtube has been aggressively blocking invidious of late]

  32. Dan Kelly

    Here is the link to Philip Taubman’s ‘Special to the New York Times’ from May 3, 1981 and featuring terrorist-hunter Claire Neikind Sterling who wrote ‘The Terror Network: The Secret War of International Terrorism’ in 1981.

    Neikind Sterling came of age more than three decades earlier with her ‘Our Goal Was Palestine’ pamphlet.

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