The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Jobs make break even point

151,000 jobs were gained last month.  150K is the break-even point given population gain to maintain employment.  This is neither a good nor a bad figure.


Obama did NOT save the US From a Depression


Death and Rebirth of a Republic


  1. visciouslefthook

    Most of these jobs were created in healthcare and education. With new austerity measures surely on its way, the education gains will be lost quickly.

  2. anon2525

    With new austerity measures surely on its way…

    Remember, the duopoly is being Fiscally Responsible ™, not draconian.

    150K is the break-even point given population gain to maintain employment.

    I have heard that figure before, too. Here is economist Dean Baker’s detailed report. He says that “…the rate of job growth is about 50,000 more than is needed to keep pace with the growth of the labor force…”

    Economy Adds 151,000 Jobs in October, but Employment Rate Falls

  3. Eureka Springs

    ZH puts it this way:

    America Needs To Add 232,400 Jobs A Month To Get Back To Pre-Depression Job Levels By End Of Obama Second Term

  4. anon2525

    Dean Baker put it this way:

    As previously mentioned, the pace of job growth is about 50,000 above what is needed to keep even with the growth of the labor market. At this rate it would take more than 15 years to make up the job shortfall from the downturn…

  5. jo6pac

    I’m sure they are mostly tep jobs for the holidays or other low paying service jobs, may be in major bank call centers to handle the flood mortgage calls.

  6. Plus the stimulus is winding down, so this is probably the high water mark of job creation for a long, long time.

    Just wait until those new Republican statehouses start slashing public employees off the payroll.

  7. guest

    And don’t forget to pay attn to the downward revision that is surely coming next month.

  8. Lex

    Just wait until those new Republican statehouses start slashing public employees off the payroll.

    I’m waiting for that…especially given that public employees are pretty much the last bastion of unions in America. Will the Republicans take on the powerful, police unions? How do you choose between law and order and “fiscal responsibility”? Maybe you give the cops overtime to bust heads so that the unionized public employees you’re throwing out of work don’t make a fuss.

  9. anonymous

    Will the Republicans take on the powerful, police unions? How do you choose between law and order and “fiscal responsibility”?

    If you want to predict, look at the pattern. The duopoly attempts the make and protect private companies, preferably monopolies, or those groups of companies that have monopoly-pricing power, (for example, the “health insurance” companies). These companies are the ones who pay the the lobbyists to live around Wash. D.C. so that they can write the bills. If the republicans were to pass legislation that affected the police unions it would be to form private companies that employed people (white men, mostly) who performed police duties. These would be small at first. “Charter police force,” or some such propaganda term would be used to sell it. It would be called an “innovative” “new idea” “for saving money” and “acting fiscally responsible (sic).” Of course, each company would have an non-competitive contract with the government. Guaranteed income stream with no competition (see, your local sports franchise for an example of this).

    Rinse and repeat.

    Any criticism of this arrangement would be labelled “socialist” and the monopolists will ask “what have you got against making a profit?”

  10. anon2525

    If you want to predict, look at the pattern….

    Oops. Forgot my name.

  11. anon2525

    Will the Republicans take on the powerful, police unions? How do you choose between law and order and “fiscal responsibility”?

    I wrote a post about this, but it appears to be lost in moderation. With luck, it will show up later.

  12. “Charter police force,” or some such propaganda term would be used to sell it. It would be called an “innovative” “new idea” “for saving money” and “acting fiscally responsible (sic).” Of course, each company would have an non-competitive contract with the government. Guaranteed income stream with no competition (see, your local sports franchise for an example of this).

    Libertarian anarcho-capitalists have already written the plan for this, including having competing private judiciaries. This sort of thing is what spurred the creation of the original Pony Meme.

  13. David Kowalski

    In New Jersey, Christie has concentrated most of his verbal fire on teachers. To their surprise, the grossly overpaid cops have found out that “Governor Kramden” has included them in a wide series of pension de-funds, permanent salary caps (real roll backs), etc.

    They were more vocal than the teachers but have not fought nearly hard enough.

    He’s also gone after 95% of the populatiopn to reard the top 5%.

    Why does the state with the second highest median per capita income have such lousy roads? Republicans and their 30 year anti-tax mantra plus the unwillingness to tax corporations and the ultra rich funding most things through property taxes.

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