The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Month: September 2010

Jan 19th: “In 2010 Democrats will be slaughtered”


In 2010 Democrats will be slaughtered, absolutely slaughtered, because Obama and the senior Democratic leadership does not learn.

In 2012 Obama will become a 1 term president, and a right wing populist will get into power.  That populist will turn out not to be a populist, and will do even stupider things than Obama economically (and may start a war, too).

The job is to prepare for this, to get new members and leadership in in 2014.  Start working on it now.

Because 2014 and 2016 are going to be your last chance.  If the US doesn’t elect people who are willing to do what it takes in those two election years, then the US economy is going to be a smoking ruin, far worse even than it is now.

This group of Dems have proved they can’t learn.  Fortunately, and yes, I do mean fortunately, they are going to be swept out of power.  Yes, they’ll be replaced by Republicans who are marginally worse, but that will give you your one chance to fix America.

Up to you if you’re up for it.  Good luck.

And yeah, it’s really looking like I’m not going to be eating crow on this one.

With stupid like this, who needs Republicans

Seriously, could they be bigger idiots?

With just two months until the November elections, the White House is seriously weighing a package of business tax breaks – potentially worth hundreds of billions of dollars – to spur hiring and combat Republican charges that Democratic tax policies hurt small businesses, according to people with knowledge of the deliberations.


The very idea that this will do anything worthwhile, either politically or economically is beyond laughable.  40 years of tax  cuts have done what, exactly?

Businesses will take the money, and the still won’t hire till it’s clear that hiring will, y’know, be worth it to them.  The problem isn’t taxes, the problem is that they can make record profits already without hiring people.  They have more than enough money to hire if they wanted to, they aren’t because it isn’t worth it.

The stupid in the White House, it burns.

Oh, and if they pass this, it will increase the deficit.  But I guess they can “fix” that by cutting money for old folks.

Sean-Paul Lays it out: the Truth baby

Go read.


Meanwhile, I get called on the carpet for shooting off one liners and not providing enough analysis. So, here is some analysis for you: name me one big policy that the listed think tanks have proposed and has been enacted that wasn’t a total and complete fucking disaster of a policy?

The burden of proof isn’t on me. I’ve been blogging and analyzing for almost eight years now. And almost everything I have blogged about I have gotten right. My policy chops are pretty damn good. What’s my guiding policy? Be decent: do the right thing. Who fucking knew?

I also get told on a regular basis that if I don’t shut my pie hole about all this and vote Democratic that it will all be my fault when tEh crazies get elected. Please explain to me in simple, clear, elementary language how the above seven highlights are my fault. To wit: I voted for a candidate who promised to close GITMO within a year. I voted for a candidate who promised to end DADT and provide equal rights for all Americans. I voted for a candidate who promised immigration reform. I voted for a candidate who promised to put Americans, all Americans, back to work. I voted for a candidate who promised to protect our social contract and expand the economic safety net.

Obama has not only not done any of it, he’s made shit worse.

Now, tell me why I should vote for the Democrats in 2010? Because tEh crazies are coming? Fuck that: tEh crazies are here.

Ian on Blog Talk Radio

If you missed the live session last night, you can listen to the interview here. Discussed Obama and policy, unregulated oligopolies and their political and economic effect, and even, at the end, made the case for Obama as I think he’d make it for himself if he were brutally frank.

Ian Welsh on Virtually Speaking Tonight at 9pm EST

I’ll be talking about oligopolies, the economy in general, what Obama could have done and could do, and where we go from here, among other things.  You can listen to me and Jay Ackroyd here.

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