Alexei Navalny

Alexei Navalny

So, the “opposition” leader Alexei Navalny is in prison, and is apparently very sick and perhaps near death.

Navalny is not popular in Russia, he is popular in the West. For years he’s been a gadfly for Putin, and little more.

But what got Navalny in prison, and may get him dead, is simple enough: His revelations about Putin’s family, including an alleged illegitimate daughter.

That stepped over a big bright red line. Putin was chosen as Yeltsin’s successor in large part because Yeltsin believed Putin would protect his family after Yeltsin’s death, which he did.

Putin is 68. He recently put in place a law immunizing past Presidents from any crimes they may have committed. He’s not going to be in charge forever.

The trick of being a dictator is leaving peacefully, surviving retirement, and keeping your family safe. For years, Putin has gone to great lengths to keep his family out of the spotlight, and Navalny attacked Putin’s family.

Navalny had an eye for the thing Putin cared most about — for his weakness. He was right.

But if you come for the King’s family, you’d best not fail to take out the King.

(As for Navalny, he’s not a good actor, and if anything, more violently anti-Muslim than Putin. There is no “good” side in this fight.)

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