The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Remembering Who The Nazis Killed First


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

So, the list isn’t exhaustive, there’s no mention of gays and Gypsies/Roma, for example. No one ever seems to talk about the Roma but as a percentage of their population they got it worse than the Jews did.

But forget that. It seems all we talk about is the tragedy of the Jews, but notice they weren’t killed first. First it was the socialists, then it was trade unionists.

This is because the Nazis first killed those who were an actual threat, then went on to kill those they hated (and who money they could steal without upsetting the majority of the population.)

Liberals always make deals with fascists or reactionaries who take over their countries. They generally do quite well out of them, corporate officers saw their incomes soar under Hitler. The argument between liberal and fascist is an argument over brothers about who should rule their father’s house: fascists treat capitalists and business well, they just need to know their place.

The left can’t make deals, because they are in fundamental opposition. This is true of fascists, who kill left-wingers, but it is also true of making deals with liberals. As Corbyn and Lula recently proved, even the mildest of leftists can’t cut a deal with liberals, because liberals don’t see the left as legitimate.

It should be pointed out that this was true of FDR, as well. The rich and the right never forgave him, always hated him, and spent generations undoing what he had done. Every time you see an attack on so-called entitlements,  understand that is part of the right’s long war to destroy FDR’s legacy.

I would put FDR on the left, though some wouldn’t and I understand why. FDR saved capitalism from the capitalists, who had no idea how to fix it and wouldn’t listen to those who did, like Keynes. If your left-wing beliefs mean the absolute destruction of capitalism, and quite possibly they should, then FDR was an enemy, though I see him a different way.

FDR created a system under which capitalism could work and could raise all boats. It did that until the 70s and then failed. FDR was the “can this system work?” attempt.

The answer, for a number of reasons, many of which I’ve written about other places (see “The Decline and Fall of Post War Liberalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism” to start) is NO, capitalism can’t actually work to raise all boats over the long term. What looks like capitalism raising all boats isn’t, it’s industrialization. Under FDR’s policies and those that continued to the late 60s or so, though diluted, inequality fell and fell and fell. Those policies had issues, but as we’ll discuss in my series on the great ideologies, the solution was to fix those problems, as with the 60s civil liberties movement, not to get rid of the system wholesale.

But we did because capitalism, even carefully controlled, always allows a few people to control too much money and thus power and those people always want more and are able to work to get more since they can hire and sponsor large numbers of people to work to destroy any egalitarian system. This is what the rich did with, among other things, their sponsorship of business schools and economics departments. Though forgotten by most today, few men did more to destroy equality and an economy which distributed wealth and income more than the economist Milton Friedman.

The rich—remember. They remember 90% tax rates. They remember estate taxes which broke up their wealth. They remember the period in which they had to give up their estates and their servants. They remember. And they hate.

And so even a mild left winger like Corbyn or Sanders, who’s want 60s economic policies with a side of social justice and think that maybe you shouldn’t run Apartheid states are seen as a mortal threat and that’s because, well, they are. Ninety percent top marginal rates, estate taxes and re-nationalization plus re-regulation of industry and breaking up the huge conglomerates would be absolutely disastrous for those who run our economy and control our politicians.

Remember that when Corbyn looked like he might win the UK Prime Ministership, there were actual threats of a military coup.

Understanding this relationship is important for anyone on the left, even those who are on the very moderate FDR fringe. Liberals will never accept you in power and will do everything they can to stop you. Notice the assassinations of the 60s: two Kennedy brothers, MLK and Malcom X. The liberals won’t mass murder, but if they must they will kill leaders and they will mass deport as they did after World War I. The fascists, well, they’ll just liquidate as much of the left as they can find and anyone who thinks this can’t happen in their country is whistling past their grave.

Finally, let’s point out that markets and capitalism are not the same thing. Markets are useful and have existed for thousands of years.  One solution set for destroying capitalism involves finding a way to get the good out of markets without the evil, turning them into servants, rather than the mechanism by which we choose our masters.

Another is to find a way to make economic decisions and distribute goods which doesn’t require markets. That one attempt to do so failed does not mean it is impossible, simply that we have not yet done it at scale in a way which works.

The results of the work I do, like this article, are free, but food isn’t, so if you value my work, please DONATE or SUBSCRIBE.


Consequences Of Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure


China Leads A Successful Middle East Summit


  1. Ché Pasa

    I keep seeing reports of rising fascism world-wide, and complimentary reports that “well, at least they’re not Nazis!”

    No, for the most part, they’re not. Nazis are a particular variety of fascist that appeals to adolescent boys more than others, and requires a thoroughly desperate social/political situation to seize power.

    Once they do, they have to be destroyed along with pretty much everything else their society relies on or… well, we don’t know, do we? Nazis haven’t achieved national power since the end of WWII, but fascists most certainly have, and they’ve managed to maintain it for decades, generations. Cf Franco’s Spain among many other examples, including today.

    No, I have no great love for FDR, though I would rather someone like him than, say, Franco. He did not fix the system, couldn’t really. And ever since his day, now long past, there has been a concerted and partially successful effort to undo as much of his legacy as possible. Not everything that came out of the New Deal is antithetical to the fascists and rightists after all. Much of neo-liberalism, however, is.

    And that’s where I see the struggle going: getting rid of the legacy of Milton Friedman indeed may take succumbing to fascism.

    Isn’t that horrible? Is there no other way? The Left has already been effectively “exterminated.” What’s left? That’s why the right and their fascist allies is going after “woke” and queers and transsexuals. There’s no Left left. Who’s next? What’s next?

    We see similar scenarios playing out around the world, and it’s largely because of the breakdown of the current systems. They simply don’t work any more.

    Neo-fascism appears to provide an answer.

    Better come up with something better fast. Tony’s neo-civic republicanism might serve, but show us one functioning model. Then scale it to a national level. Doesn’t exist.

    What can be done?

  2. StewartM

    Ian, are you using the term “liberals” above as in ‘neoliberal’, or “19th century liberal”? Because FDR, MLK, the Kennedys, were all hated as “liberal” in American parlance; “liberalism” here means “a mild form of social democracy”. “Liberals” as you seem to call them in this post I would call more “libertarians” here.

    I would also add that it’s conservatives, not even classical liberals, who are fascism’s best buds. Conservatives might grimace and sneer privately about the crudeness and lack of polish of fascists, but they recognize that fascists can connect with those of lesser means far better than they ever could and thus think/hope they can make use of them. Libertarians too can come to accept fascism, as torture and the loss of human rights they count as less “tyrannical” than those horrible progressive tax rates and those “oppressive” government old-age pensions.

    I once watched a libertarian political convention in the 1980s, and an ACLU speaker spoke about police brutality, unlawful imprisonment, gags on free speech, all to the most mild, polite, applause. The next speaker thundered about repealing progressive income taxes, and his speech brought the house down. Then these liberty-loving denizens next promptly voted down a proposal that children were people too, and deserved to have rights that other should consider.

  3. Feral Finster

    My take on FDR is based on the principle that power flows to the people who should not have it. Statism was the answer in the 1930s. By the 1970s, it had degenerated into bureaucratism, and was no longer the answer. Now, the unfettered capitalist regime has degenerated into crony capitalism and the pendulum needs to shift the other way.

    Fact is, just about any system can be made to work tolerably well, if and to the extent it is run by non-sociopaths. The problem is that the sociopaths unrelentlngly seek power, and eventually get it.

  4. NR

    Ian, it might be worth doing a brief post about the difference between leftists and liberals. The terms are often used interchangeably today, and it sometimes leads to confusion. Most everyone on the right thinks they’re the same, for example.

  5. David B Harrison

    I read your neoliberalism post and mostly agreed with it. One of the commenters spoke of Television as a society destroying factor. I agree with this also. Television works to create a form of toxic envy by showing its viewers what they should strive to be. It uses subtle and blatant propaganda to do this. I grew up in an agrarian portion of south central Kentucky being destroyed by materialism, alcohol, and drugs. The hypermobility of the automobile started this with the post World War II prosperity exponentializing the destruction. The automobile was the first destroyer of communities and Television helped to feed this destruction by creating Toxic Envy.

  6. NR

    Conservatives might grimace and sneer privately about the crudeness and lack of polish of fascists, but they recognize that fascists can connect with those of lesser means far better than they ever could and thus think/hope they can make use of them.

    There’s also the fact that conservatives tend toward hierarchical thinking, and fascism appeals to that much more than leftists with their more egalitarian ideals. This is one of the big reasons why that, while it’s true that fascists can pick up supporters from all over the political spectrum under the right circumstances, when fascism gains a foothold in a political party, it’s pretty much always the conservative party. It’s true today in France, it’s true in Brazil, and yes, it’s true in the United States.

  7. Astrid

    The left is exterminated in the “West”. Despite extreme efforts to slander and repress, it lives on elsewhere.

    Looking at track records, it’s better for a leftist to be “extreme” than play nice. Chavez’s Venezuela survives, Arbenz’s Guatamala did not. China and Vietnam survives, Sukarno’s Indonesia did not. Fidel’s movement lives on, Bernie and Corbyn’s movements were DOA. Even someone as mildly out of alignment as JFK got his brain blown out for trying to be a little fairer to former colonies.

    Liberals are nice polite Fascists. Understand every reaction to them from “the rest of the world” in light of this, and the “rest of the world” will make a lot more sense.

  8. anon y'mouse

    we are all already on a big list somewhere.

    i once entertained the idea of moving to Canada (hA!). well, that got dashed the moment i realized i needed thousands of dollars in hand AND a valuable skill and to be under a cutoff age, but what was most interesting to me was the requirement on the application to provide your FBI report to them in advance. and it was written in such a manner as to suggest that you write to the FBI and they will hand over their file on you (to the Mounties?), and that this will be done by your request but without the file’s contents being accessible to you.

    we all have an FBI report, and probably a similar profile with each intelligence branch can be assumed. i am sure i am cross referenced in numerous files for various reasons, most of which having nothing to do with my shitposting on the internets nor any special characteristic of mine directly, but just on whom i once knew or had dealings with.

    and so is everyone else, it seems. now that we have massive digitization and full scale collection, everyone’s everything digital and half of that physical/analog can be presumed to be “known” to someone, somewhere for some purpose.

    i am sure that a gulag would be a lucky outcome in my particular instance.

  9. StewartM


    And that’s where I see the struggle going: getting rid of the legacy of Milton Friedman indeed may take succumbing to fascism.

    I would argue (and I think Ian might agree) that given the track record of fascists, they’ll be no “getting rid of Milton Friedman”. The fascists might make the capitalist class serve them and their purposes, but they’ll still be handsomely rewarded for it and the working class will still be punished.

    At most, a la Ron DeSantis and Disney, or Putin and the Russian oligarchs, the capitalists who play along will get handsomely rewarded while those that raise a fuss will be ruthlessly punished. But there will be no actions against the capitalists as a class. The capitalists will accept fascists as I noted earlier, their “hierarchy of liberty” elevates property rights, especially those of the well-to-do, above human rights.

  10. DMC

    Friedman is not an alternative to Fascism, he’s simply slightly refined Fascism. Friedman’s the intellectual heir of von Mises and von Hayek, who were the entire basis of the economics of the Third Reich. Don’t forget Friedman’s large influence on the Pinochet regime.

  11. Jason

    Looking at track records, it’s better for a leftist to be “extreme” than play nice.

    How extreme, Astrid? Lev Davidovich Bronstein extreme?

    “We must turn her (Russia) into a desert populated by white
    Negroes upon whom we shall inflict such a tyranny as none of the
    most dreadful despots of the East have ever dreamt of. The only
    difference is that this tyranny will not come from the right, but
    from the left, and will not be white, but red, in the literal sense of
    that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all the
    losses of human lives in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale be-
    fore them.

    The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic
    will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win the Revo-
    lution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on
    her funereal remains and become such a force that the whole
    world will go down on its knees before it. We will show what real
    power is. Using terror, blood-baths, we will reduce the Russian in-
    telligentsia to a complete idiocy, to a bestial condition…

    And meanwhile, our youth in leather jackets – the sons of
    watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa – oh
    how magnificently, how rapturously they are able to hate every-
    thing Russian! With what enjoyment they are annihilating the
    Russian intelligentsia – officers, engineers, teachers, priests, generals, academicians, writers…”

    “Trotsky” uttered these monstrously sociopathic, anti-gentilic words in a speech in Petrograd in December 1917, as recounted by Aaron Simanovich in his Memoirs, published in Paris in 1922.

    When Bronstein/Trotsky says “The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us” he is referring to London and New York bankers the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn-Loeb & Co and the Rockefellers. More particularly, he was referring to Jacob Schiff, who was a Rothschild protege and, as related by Rotem Kowner in his Historical Dictionary of the Russo-Japanese War:

    “Schiff’s most famous financial action was during the Russo-
    Japanese War, in 1904 and 1905. Schiff met Takahashi Korekiyo,
    deputy governor of the Bank of Japan, in Paris in April 1904. He
    subsequently extended loans to the Empire of Japan in the amount
    of $200 million, through Kuhn, Loeb & Co. These loans were the
    first major flotation of Japanese bonds on Wall Street, and provided approximately half the funds needed for Japan’s war effort.”

    Even deep state organ wikipedia said rather bluntly of the bribe loan:

    “This loan attracted worldwide attention, and had major con-
    sequences. Japan won the war, thanks in large part to the purchase
    of munitions made possible by Schiff’s loan. Some within the
    Japanese leadership took this as evidence of the power of Jews all
    around the world, of their loyalty to one another, and as proof of
    the truth of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In 1905, Japan
    awarded Schiff the Order of the Sacred Treasure; and in 1907, the
    Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, the second highest
    of the eight classes of that Order. Schiff was the first foreigner to re-
    ceive the Order in person from Emperor Meiji in the Imperial
    Palace. Schiff also had a private audience with King Edward VII of
    the United Kingdom in 1904.”

    Schiff also arranged for tens of thousands of Russian soldiers returning from the lost Russo-Japanese war to be re-educated through Marxist reading materials, with the intent of turning them into ‘revolutionaries’ in the unsuccessful 1905 revolution.

    It should be noted at this point that one of the major players in this was a man named Israel Lazarevich Helphand (Israil Lasarewitsch Gelfand), aka Alexander Lvovich Parvus, a Russian Jew born in 1867 who had lived in Germany since the 1890’s. In 1904 Lev Bronstein, aka Trotsky, went to live with Israel Lazarevich, aka Parvus, who was by this time a renowned Marxist political thinker and writer. It was Parvus who embedded Marx’ sociopathic theory of “permanent revolution” in Trotsky’s psyche, such that the latter would write in his autobiography,

    “Parvus was unquestionably one of the most important of the
    Marxists at the turn of the century. He used the Marxian methods
    skilfully, was possessed of wide vision, and kept a keen eye on everything of importance in world events. This, coupled with his fearless thinking and his virile, muscular style, made him a remarkable writer. His early studies brought me closer to the problems of the social revolution, and, for me, definitely transformed the conquest of power by the proletariat from an astronomical ‘final’ goal to a practical task for our own day.”

    Trotsky and Parvus allegedly broke all ties in 1915, but even then Trotsky would reiterate his ‘intellectual debt’ to Parvus:

    “The author of these lines considers it a matter of personal honor to render what is due to the man to whom he has been indebted for his ideas and intellectual development more than to any other person of the older generation of European Social Democrats…Even now, I see less reason than ever to renounce that diagnosis and prognosis, the lion’s share of which was contributed by Parvus.”

    [Nashe Slovo, February 14, 1915, as recounted by Ygael Gluckstein, aka Tony Cliff, in his Trotsky Towards October 1879-1917]

    This is important because, as Gluckstein/Cliff notes,

    “As early as 1895 Parvus had forecast a war between Russia and Japan and foreseen that out of that war would develop the Russian revolution. Soon after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war he started a series of articles for Iskra under the significant title “War and Revolution” (later reprinted in his book Rossiia i revoliutsiia’ which opened with the prophetic sentence:

    “The Russo-Japanese war is the blood-red dawn of coming great events.”

    Moving forward, as noted by Michael Pearson in his 1975 book The Sealed Train, by 1916 Israel Helphand-Parvus, aka Alexander Parvus, aka Israil Lasarewitsch Gelfand, was at once a Russian revolutionary, sometime member of the German Social Democratic Party, turned millionaire Marxist, and was suggesting that the German government should finance Lenin – himself the grandson of Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank of Odessa – and his Party still more intensively than they already were. It was made clear to the Germans that the Bolsheviks would be able to efficiently weaken Russia, and it was suggested they would be able to make a separate peace with Germany if they reached power in Petrograd.

    Wealthy Zionist industrialist and adviser to The Kaiser Walter Rathenau also recommended financing the Bolsheviks, as did Germany’s ambassador in Copenhagen, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau.

    Professor Z.A.B. Zeman stated in his Germany and the Revolution in Russia, 1915-1918, Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry (London, 1958), that Parvus was very close to Brockdorff-Rantzau and had great influence over him. Parvus himself made 20 million marks from this suggestion alone (that Germany ought to further fund the Bolsheviks).

    “It was Ulrich Brockdorff-Rantzau’s letter on the 14th of August 1915 which finally decided the question of financial support to the Bolsheviks. This letter, addressed to the German vice-state secretary, summarized a discussion between Brockdorff-Rantzau and Gelfand-Parvus. The ambassador strongly recommended employing Gelfand to undermine Russia since ‘he is an exceedingly important man, whose unusual power we should be able to utilize during the war.’

    But the ambassador added a warning: ‘It is probably dangerous to use the forces which are behind Gelfand, but if we should refuse to use their services, since we fear that we may not be able to control them, it will surely only demonstrate our weakness’

    “Parvus/Helphand then estimated the cost of organizing the revolution ‘completely’ at ‘about twenty million rubles.’ Brockdorf-Rantzau received authority from Berlin to make an advance payment and Hephand’s receipt is in the documents:

    ‘Received from the German Embassy in Copenhagen on the 29th of December 1915 the sum of one million rubles in Russian banknotes for the promotion of the revolutionary movement in Russia; signed, Dr. A. Helphand.’

    [Royal Institute of International Affairs journal, London, April, 1956 as quoted in Douglas Reed’s essential The Controversy of Zion]

    Referring to those Jews holding key positions in the Bolshevik system, Lenin himself said:

    “The role of Jewry will be most important in laying the foundations of the new world order. Jewry possesses adaptable characteristics together with outstanding intelligence and extreme cruelly. A Russian could never treat Russian counter-revolutionaries as cruelly as a Jew can.” [Lenin, God of the Godless by Ferdinard A. Ossendowsk]

    Again, it’s quite logical to conclude at this point that Parvus was the aforementioned bankers’ protege and was acting in their interests. He in turn trained Trotsky (Bronstein), a “menshevik” allegedly opposed to “bolsheviks” who then immediately “converted” to bolshevism to head the movement once the revolution had succeeded. Benjamin Pinkus said as much in his The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority:

    “Not less interesting is the composition of the congress from the standpoint of nationalities. Statistics showed that the majority of the Menshevik faction consists of Jews—and this of course with- out counting the Bundists—after which came Georgians and then Russians. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Bolshevik faction consists of Russians, after which come Jews—not counting of course the Poles and Letts—and then Georgians, etc. For this reason one of the Bolsheviks observed in jest (it seems Comrade Aleksinsky) that the Mensheviks are a Jewish faction and the Bolsheviks a genuine Russian faction, so it would not be a bad idea for us Bolsheviks to arrange a pogrom in the party.”

    “Observed in jest.” And then proceeded to carry out.

    The general strike in Russia began in March of 2017. In collaboration with the German secret service, Parvus organized Lenin’s illegal immigration from Switzerland, through Germany, to Russia, arriving on April 16, 1917 (the so-called “sealed train”). The revolution began in October, culminating with the abdication of The Tsar. Russia withdrew from the conflict in December of 1917.

    “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our Plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia, is going to become Reality for the whole world.” [The American Hebrew Magazine, Sept. 10, 1920]

    As we have seen, the 1917 revolution was financed by bankers from London and New York, principally Jacob Schiff, a protege of the Rothschilds.

    “Today it is estimated even by Jacob Schiff’s grandson, John Schiff, a prominent member of New York society, that the old man sank about $20,000,000 (about $400,000,000 today) for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia. [Cholly Knickerbocker, N.Y. American Journal, February 3,1949]

    U.S. Ambassador to Russia David R. Francis stated,

    “The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.” [Russia from the American Embassy 1916-1918]

    Dr. Hermann Greife in his Jewish Run Concentration Camps in the
    Soviet Union/Slave Labor in Russia, 1937

    “Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Stalinist-era Gulags, or concentration camps. Ultimately, some 14 million people would be detained in the 53 camps which operated from 1934 to 1953.”

    Dutch minister to Russia at St. Petersburg W.J. Oudendijk:

    “I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe, and the whole world, as it is organized and worked by Jews, who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things.” [British Government White Paper, April 1919 – Russia No. 1]

    “There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing between the leaders in America, France, Russia and England, with a view to concerted action.” [Directorate of Intelligence, Home Office, Scotland Yard, London, Monthly Report to Foreign Embassies, July 16, 1919]

    Feminist and Kadet Party co-founder Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams:

    “Besides obvious foreigners, Bolshevism recruited many adherents from among émigrés, who had spent many years abroad. Some of them had never been to Russia before. They especially numbered a great many Jews. They spoke Russian badly. The nation over which they had seized power was a stranger to them, and besides, they behaved as invaders in a conquered country. Throughout the Revolution generally and Bolshevism in particular the Jews occupied a very influential position.

    This phenomenon is both curious and complex. But the fact remains that such was the case in the primarily elected Soviet (the famous trio – Lieber, Dahn, Gotz), and all the more so in the second one. In the Tsarist Government the Jews were excluded from all posts. Schools or Government service were closed to them. In the Soviet Republic all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews. They often changed their Jewish name for a Russian one—Trotsky-Bronstein, Kamenev Rozenfeld, Zinoviev-Apfelbaum, Steklov-Nakhamkes, and so on. But such a masquerade deceived no one, while the very pseudonyms of the commissaries only emphasized the international or rather the alien character of Bolshevist rule. This Jewish predominance among Soviet authorities caused the despair of those Russian Jews who, despite the cruel injustice of the Tsarist régime, looked upon Russia as their motherland, who lived the common life of the Russian intelligentsia and refused in common with them all collaboration with the Bolsheviks.
    [From Liberty to Brest-Litovsk, 1919]

    “Bolshevism is a close tyrannical bureaucracy, with a spy system more elaborate and terrible than the Tsar’s, and an aristocracy as insolent and unfeeling, composed of Americanized Jews. No vestige of liberty remains, in thought or speech or action.” (Bertrand Russell in his Autobiography)

    I could go on, but the hour’s getting late…

  12. Willy

    One source tells me that liberalism “originated as a defensive reaction to the horrors of the European wars of religion of the 16th century”. Another claims that liberals “want to distribute power as widely as possible and hold to account those who exercise it”. Another claims that the Bolsheviks went after their liberals right after they’d offed the elites, so beware you bleeding heart libtards!

    Maybe we need to all be on the same page regarding the definition of “liberals”.

    As for the German Nazis, all that stolen Jewish loot helped them rise from the economic ashes. That and the offing of their rival leftists first, makes Nazi actions seem self-servingly power-pragmatic, with the rest of it being bullshit made up for the idiot masses. I mean, who amongst them didn’t like those Hugo Boss outfits?

  13. Ché Pasa

    The capitalists will accept the fascists…”

    Yes, yes they will, and yes they do, sometimes enthusiastically. But fascists don’t accept the principles of neoliberal economics, particularly free trade and such. Fascists are nationalists, economic and cultural nationalists, who elevate their country above the capitalist faction that thrives on the deconstruction of nationalism — the faction that’s been in charge for decades now.

    Ultimately, if versions of fascism become the ruling standard — and we seem to be slouching that way — then the Friedmanite and neo-liberal economics we’ve been living/suffering under in much of the world goes away.

    Astrid points out where in the world remnants of a true Leftist economic and political systems survive, and I think it would be worthwhile to pay attention to them as alternatives to the rise of neo-fascism and alternatives to neo-liberalism. But we don’t see them building strength or much popular support beyond their borders. That can change, of course, but there are few signs of that at the moment.

    We sometimes forget that the High and the Mighty, the rulership, the economic and financial Masters of the Universe, are riven with factions, despite the apparent unity they present to the public. Competition is fierce, and there is considerable backing within the Upper Orders for a neo-fascist, dictatorial, pro-nationalist rule. It is happening all over the world. At this rate, it will become the New Standard Model within most of our lifetimes.

    The paradigm is shifting.

    Probably not the way we would want…

  14. GrimJim

    The Enlightenment was concurrent and provided mutual feedback with an era of ever growing wealth and prosperity, and realization of energy from new resources, and advancement in knowledge and freedoms. Not always for all and never equally, of course, but in general.

    The Great Wheel has turned, and now in an era of declining wealth and prosperity, and failure and depletion of resources, and stagnation of knowledge and loss of freedoms we shall have a new era, the Long Night. Will the Long Night ever end? Will there ever be another dawn?

    In a word, no.

    Leftists must be strong, merciless,and united if they are to have a whisper if a chance to fight the utter wickedness and depravity of the Right.

    The Left is extinguished in the US, coopted by Liberals in Europe, and isolated and ineffective elsewhere.

    Liberalism is Fascism Light. It was allowed to exist to give those who would otherwise lean Left and easy out, a sanctuary where they could feel like they were doing something,but we’re in fact ineffectual and contained.

    Now that the Left is dead, the Right has no need for Liberalism, and so they have begun winding it down, in drops and drabs. Some are more eager to see it stamped out, hard and fast… The MAGAts and Illiberal types, who want blood in the streets and concentration camps, to satiate their hatreds and fears and slake their thirst for revenge for imagined sufferings and slights that their masters spoon fed them through FOX News and other propaganda.

    Their masters play a longer game. They have time, and want to make sure that all the pieces are in order before the final game begins. Their plan is a return to the long list Divine Right of kings, with them as Demigods and all others as abject worshippers and grateful slaves.

    Fortunately, I will be dead before this comes to fruition, though I expect to suffer and perhaps even perish in the events that lead to their final victory.

  15. Willy

    Actually, there’s been pushback in the western hemisphere. Hopefully more than just a blip. Lula instead of Bolsonaro, Biden instead of Trump. And a Biden who listens to Bernie even, every once in a while. Your typical Fox and Fascistfriends are being marginalized as cultist nutjobs, always looking for a big daddy to save them from the Muslims or woke trannies or whatever hateful fashion floats their fear and loathing boats. I’m thinking the plutocrats funding all these astroturfed machinations may be running out of ideas. They may try to make another, better thought out run at demonizing the socialist. Can’t let that gain any traction.

  16. Astrid


    I was simply pointing out the actual outcomes of leftist governments based on Western perception of their “extremism”. I don’t know why you’re relitigating the Western reported (much of it based on misrepresentations or outright lies like the Holodomer) wrongdoing of a completely different regime from almost a century ago instead.

    I recommend actually do some self introspection about America’s role in the shortened life span of some of the milder leftist regimes that I referenced.

    Also, yeah, I don’t have time to respond to your comment holistically. And I won’t respond at all to whatever you want to follow up with.

  17. StewartM


    Ultimately, if versions of fascism become the ruling standard — and we seem to be slouching that way — then the Friedmanite and neo-liberal economics we’ve been living/suffering under in much of the world goes away.

    What did Trump do when in actual power? Why, made it *easier* for corps to export jobs.

    Ok, then what did the Nazis do? Yes, they set German economic independence as a goal, but their way of achieving that was to make workers longer hours for the same pay, plus used slave labor. So to reward our capitalist class for cooperating, a fascist government will force the “undesirables” work for free for the big corps. You don’t think that won’t warm many a capitalist heart? Which do you think the capitalist class would profit more from, outsourcing/free trade or having FREE SLAVE LABOR whose lives they don’t even have to maintain over the long run (remember the mortality rate of Nazi slave labor, and that there are always more undesirables to scoop up and make slaves).

    They also encouraged the set-up of big cartels at the expense of small business, which was a betrayal of much of their base. So the big corps would have less competition and there’s more crony capitalism. In addition, they privatized much of the public sector (so fascists won’t reverse that trend). They also cut assistance to the poors and the infirm, due to Social Darwinian rationales (for as everyone knows, the poors are inferior and should die).

    This is getting rid of Milton Friedman? Seems it’s more like Milton Friedman on steroids.

  18. DMC

    As Mussollini famously said: Fascism could as easily be called Corporatism.

  19. Feral Finster

    I know people who survived the Holodomor. Enough to say that their reports differed widely from that of the Ukrainian nationalists, in that the starvation wasn’t particularly directed at Ukrainians. Odesskaya and Kharkovskaya Oblasts were the worst hit, and they were some of the least Ukrainian places in the Ukrainian SSR of the 1930s. They also didn’t repeat antisemitic nonsense.

    Interestingly, the Ukrainian nationalists at the time knew of the starvation and didn’t much care, since Poland was their Folk Devil Number One at the time and the Shushkeviches, the Banderas and Melnyks were cooling off in Polish prisons, while the Soviet Union offered greater cultural autonomy than the Polish Second Republic. It wasn’t until after the Soviet Union overran Galicia and the nationalists found out the hard way how just little I.V. Stalin cared for their opinions about how Ukraine ought to be run that Russians started to take the place of Poles.

    The nationalists still hated Jews, however, and their German buds did nothing but encourage this.

  20. different clue

    Well . . . . it looks like ten thousand different people will have ten thousand different theories. Each theory-haver could try to start a movement based on his/her own theory and let join it who will.

    We may just have to let ten thousand things be tried and see which pass the survival test and then see which ( if any) pass the success test.

    One thing to note . . . . the New Deal Reformation didn’t die on its own. It was carefully killed over time and its killers had/have names and addresses ( to paraphrase Utah Phillips). And since Social Security and some of the Wages and Hours laws are not dead yet, the Anti New Deal Deformationists are working to kill those. That’s why some conservative state legislatures are passing pro-child-labor laws, for example.

  21. Mark Level

    I just have to laugh at the claim that “Biden listens to Bernie once in awhile”!! Examples, gratis or otherwise? Biden is hard right (segregationist pal, War on Drugs (for the poor, not for his child), Lock ‘Em All Up, make student loan debt impossible ever to remove, etc. Oh, & his response to the Black Lives Matter movement was fund the police MOAR!! He was against Gulf War I way back in the day but pro every aggressive war of choice. Biden ran on a Bernie-esque platform (though very clear that would NEVER under his watch be Medicare for All that’s “Socialist”) & betrayed everything in that program immediately when he assumed office and handed the Dem party over the the Mansion & Sinema “turncoats of the week” club– oh, what a Shame (ROTFLMAO) that 2 “centrists” (sic, Finance and fascism Tools) could stop progress, I can ONLY pass the “bipartisan” (Chamber of Commerce sponsored) infrastructure bill that shovels $$ upstream, coz that’s all DC knows how to do anymore. I used to have a bit of respect for Bernie, but Jeezis, what a sellout, he’s willing to settle for literally NOTHING and stand on the sidelines pretending to be angry about individual ripoffs or injustices while totally (self) neutered. . . Whichever commenter pointed out that the Liberals will hand over to the fascists is 100% correct, yes there is no LEFT left that would ever be allowed within 500 feet of electoral power or pull, the US is a racist, violent, hate-your-neighbor, I-want-mine, Get-back-Jack race to the bottom. History not only repeats, it rhymes, just as the Social Dems handed things over to the NASDAP crew it will be a variant of the MAGAt creed that “governs” the remaining scraps (whether it’s Trump or DeSantis or some other phony “Strong Man” figure). If you’re looking for survival or (stupidly at this point) hope, better get as far away from USA as possible. As Gore Vidal observed at least 4 decades ago, no bird could fly with 2 right wings (& no left), that’s where the faux “individuality” & Mammon worship have left us.

  22. GrimJim

    I think in the case of the US, the order of elimination will be more along the lines of:

    Muslims, Buddhists, etc.
    Other Immigrants
    Native Nations
    The few card-carrying Socialists and Communists

    Once they’ve finally cleared the field and instituted one-party rule, they will hold a constitutional convention that will return women to second class citizen status (no vote, must have male guardian, etc.) and once again legalize chattel slavery (it won’t specify Blacks, but that’s only so they can enslave Hispanics and White troublemakers, too).

    Jews will be allowed to stick around, but relegated to second class citizenship, or possibly forced to emigrate to Israel.

  23. Ché Pasa

    Milton Friedman’s advocacy of free trade and globalization is antithetical to fascist nationalism and protectionism.

    Now both systems are pleasing to corporatists, no doubt. The Friedman Style is basically what we have seen over the last few decades, while the Fascist Style was more common between the wars of the 20th Century. Nazism is a particular variation of fascism that saw Germany and the Aryan race as imperial conquerors and rulers while German corporations and in some sense the German people benefited. I wouldn’t say that was the case for more “classical” fascist regimes. Even Mussolini’s Italy, while trying for empire, was less concerned with that than it was with enforcing and perpetuating its power domestically. Didn’t work out so well…

    Friedmanism is corporate friendly, of course, but on a global imperial scale. Pinochet’s Chile and even the fallen Soviet Union were experimental laboratories (“Hey! This is a cinch!”) that led, I would argue directly, to the present mess of neo-liberal stupidity.

    Fascism is an alternative that preserves domestic corporate economic power under the rule of domestic demagogues and charlatans. That seems to be the way we’re headed.

    It’s not something I look forward to.

  24. different clue

    There was an Austrian Jewish holocaust survivor whose name I totally forget who set up some kind of Holocaust Remembrance and Research Institute. If I could remember his name I would offer a link. But anyway, he made a point of giving the Roma-Sinti equal billing in his Institute because he thought it important that they be equally remembered as having been equally holocausted.

    There were quite a few million Jews outside the Germanazi Area of Operations, so if they are counted as part of the Jewish population killed : Jewish population not killed ratio, one would get a Roma-Sinti percentage holocausted even worse. But if once only counted ratios of Jews within the Germanazi Area of Operations and Roma-Sinti within the Germanazi Area of Operations in terms of which group was more thoroughly holocausted, I suspect the Jews within Germanazi reach got just as holocausted as the Roma-Sintis within Germanazi reach.

    I don’t know that, but I suspect it

  25. different clue

    Ooo! Ooo! I remembered the name of that guy I referrenced in my last comment.

    Simon Wiesenthal.

    And I didn’t sit there trying to remember it. I just went back to work and in the middle of a run, my brain handed me the name. As William S. Burroughs once said ( in better words), don’t try to force your brain to do or remember something as if it were an adding machine, just let the unattended brain do its own good work in its own good time and hand you the answer if and when it pleases.

  26. Willy

    Biden is hard right

    Compared to what? I know people that are hard right call Biden a Marxist.

    Jonathan Haidt did a piece about very small percentages of left and right dominating the narrative with extreme views and extreme volume:

    Wouldn’t it be better to just call a spade a spade (or corporate centrist), and give him a golf clap whenever he passes something that isn’t “hard right”? And when these things show some kind of success, start pushing for more of the same in that successful direction? Seems like better strategy than trying to outshout Trump or DeSantis fans, which probably turns off nonaligned voters.

  27. GrimJim

    I think folks are too concerned with the economic methodologies of fascism in the US because, unlike Germany and Italy, we’ve ALWAYS ALREADY had what is essentially fascist corporatism in the US.

    And I’m not merely speaking of the way employees are treated, though that is a major element of it.

    Remember, when the Nazis originally looked to the US, they considered our way of life to be a Fascist model.

    Most of their concepts of eugenics originated and were tested in the US. The US was patently White Supremacist at the time. Hell, non-Anglo Europeans were still secondary citizens. It literally took the Nazis and the expression of their Master Race theories to one up the White Supremacy in the US.

    That’s why I think everyone reacting with the “Oh my, Trump and all those Deplorables! That’s not our way” is both hilarious and sad. Because Trump and the Deplorables are nothing more than a return to the pre-WWII baseline.

    They are what Anglo-American culture ALWAYS was like. The US was always White Supremacist.


    So anyway as to the corporate side. US corporations CREATED THE FASCIST MODEL OF CORPORATISM.

    And it has always been thus, Civic Republicanism or not. It was just masters and servants in the old days, then when corporations got unleashed from the restraints placed on them by the founding fathers it went full government-corporate inbred dominance.

    The Monroe Doctrine made Central and South America a corporate playground. Corporations owned and essentially still own whole states down there. It was corporate lands, corporate towns, corporate cities, and corporate governments.

    Even their elite were corporate owned. And if you got out of line, the US Marines were sent to “retire” you and secure corporate power.

    It couldn’t happen here except where it did and when it did. Pullman. Matewan. Scores of other wars where the government sided entirely with the corporations, law and justice and truth be damned.

    Just ask the poor bastards who work the railroads these days who still owns them.

    So the economic elements of Fascism are moot in the US. They are already here. Always have been.

    It is only in other aspects of government that the Fascists have not ruled, at least, not since before WWII. and it was a close thing there, not even counting the Corporate Plot. It came damn close, the choice between the British and the Bund. Lots of people liked Hitler and what his people were doing, knowing full well what they had planned. It has all been laid out in Mein Kampf, and no one batted an eye.

    The US even cooperated by sending boatloads of Jews back knowing damn well what would happen to them.

    So economically, politically, socially, the US has always been primed for Fascism. All the core elements originated here. They all still remain strong here. They were unable to fully express themselves before Trump gave them hope. The rise of the Christian Right was always the rise of the social aspects of Fascism.

    It was always a long game for them. Now the masters are ready. The commons are braying for blood and the spectacle of the Five Minutes Hate. The German Nazis, I think, will go downs positively refined in how they treated their enemies.

    Here in the US the Christofascists will want to have blood in the streets, bodies hanging from trees, and hear their victims screaming as they are burnt at the stake.

  28. mago

    It’s the Ides as I type
    The day of betrayal and back stabbing.
    Goodbye Caesar good bye fame
    Will we ever meet again?

    It’s springtime in the Rockies once again.
    Seasons come and go
    the moon waxes and wanes

    People pontificate certain of their views
    Everybody dies in the shallow end
    Best to dive one point off the high board
    Submerged without a splash
    Death by living not by dying

    Probably out of my depths here, but it’s the freedom of the internet, so why not?

    The sun rises and sets without concern for you or me.

  29. Mark Level

    Hey Willy, a quick response– I listed plenty of specific examples there, & that is not a comprehensive list, I could’ve done one 2x that long with a little more time, but it’s not worth my time and effort (nor is it to readers on the site) to deal with an overabundance of data. “Compared to what” is a ridiculous standard– but compare it to the Euro social liberalism of 2 decades back to start. But “compared to what” is an absurdity– it’s like if we were debating geography & Creationism and you asked me to admit “Young Earth” theology (the belief that a magic sky-god said some Hebrew words 3-5K years ago and the Universe was suddenly created, grass before humans, etc. The bible says so!) That the wackos of the right “call Biden a socialist” is utterly irrelevant!! There are privileged or uneducated morons in the voting public who eat that slop up but no remotely sane person would believe such an absurdity, ALL of the evidence available contradicts it. Saying “sometimes Biden listens to Bernie” is no proof of anything. I listen to Steve Bannon, sometimes I read Breitbart to see what the aspirational Nazis are currently spewing, but it doesn’t mean we agree on anything. A PMC Management & political capo central behavior is saying to subordinates or constituents “I hear you” and then walking away having heard nothing and willing to do nothing to respond in the future. Johnathan Haidt is an utterly brain dead insider who I would not waste a moment of my time reading. (Bannon is evil and dangerous but has more influence, so I will at least look at what he’s saying since people will push it.) Haidt (& his Tweedle dumb Jonathan Chait) are hacks who practice “Whataboutism”– well, somebody on the right did a video about wanting to murder AOC, but look at the mean people on the left who asked that wonderful Sarah Huckabee to leave their restaurant because of the mass jailing of Mexican babies and children. Those are “equally bad” because I said so, so there are no answers except support the status quo, send more $$ up the chain to the richest, bail out the banks but not college debtors, continue the endless wars, we’ve lost the last 5 or so but one day we’ll win. Back in the day when the Eschaton (by Atrios) website was genuinely left, he regularly skewered this BS, go look at the archives if you are interested . . . on to more substantial issues– GrimJim, great list– I might put “Sluts who have had abortions” (as Lindsay Graham, e.g. would privately say) in the top 5, but overall that’s a very useful take, & likely. My library would show I’m in one of your top 3 groups (Pagans, I have some William Blake, e.g., also mean skeptical atheists like Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary) so I am sure I would be targeted, grateful we’re not there yet!! And your point about Friedmanism is crystal clear. I try to explain to folks bothered by my “strange” leftist penchant for history and facts why I support the shattering of the US Empire (which as Ian has covered is currently advancing rapidly) with the example of “Prince” Metternich’s reactionary system in Europe after the Congress of Vienna and how the reactionary system for decades supported Royalism, big Landlords, early capital exploitation of workers, the reactionary and violent (& anti-Semitic) Protestant and Catholic theocrats, etc. What “the Metternich system” was then is what Friedmanism (Ayn Rand & Hayek also) are today, fascism’s plan to crush everyone but the 0.1% oligarchs.

  30. Willy

    I’ve tried links and reasons before. But as a corporate sociopath once told me: “Perception is a strange thing.” And so we cry into the wilderness, loudly.

    So many people saying “there is no left anymore”. This seems like nonsense. I say there’s always a left, always been a left, throughout history with very large groups of people knowing their system of power has been geared towards enriching the rich. I see fires of leftism burning all over the place today, but they have no focus with much learned helplessness. I say much of this learned helplessness is by design. By the rich.

    I can take wild guesses as to why so many of my own building suppliers suddenly suck. And no, it has nothing to do with me or any of my behavior. It could be that corporate/company greed has reached a tipping point towards capitalistic insanity. Like with the exorbitantly jacked price of gas or eggs being caused by “reasons” instead of lies and plausible deniability for the sake of a power system geared towards enriching the rich.

    But it seems that many of the employees are giving “quiet quitting” a go. Or some kind of rebellious slacking against The Man. If the latter is true, then don’t you think we need to be giving these people a better “left” than one that helplessly bitches and moans in long angry run-on screeds, until that power focus arrives?

  31. StewartM


    Milton Friedman’s advocacy of free trade and globalization is antithetical to fascist nationalism and protectionism.

    “Free trade” and globalization was just a means to an end–capitalist supremacy, to escape the countervailing power against capitalism by individual governments and workers . Those were never the goals in and of themselves. If capitalist supremacy could be achieved by other ways, Friedman would have been for that too. If labor power can be broken by more brutal, more direct means, Friedman’s support for Pinochet shows that he’s ok with that route, too.

    I wouldn’t say the German people benefited from Nazism at all–even before their entire country was reduced to rubble. I’d more say that *some* Germans benefited at the start. The whole notion behind Bonhoeffer’s quote that Ian began is that the shitshow starts with the marginalized and unpopular, the groups at the edges of society, and then moves inward from there. Nazism sure wasn’t great for former members of the SPD and KPD, wasn’t great for gays and Roma people, wasn’t great for the infirm or those born with defects, and wasn’t great for the Jews from the beginning. As it progressed, the persecution moved inward as fascism always needs an internal enemy as the scapegoat when its “solutions” fail, which they always do as they aren’t truly solutions.

    And isn’t this the same path that Reaganism took? At first, it was just the poors, and many people I saw who were middle class cheered while they and labor units were being crushed. But then it was the lower middle class’s turn, then the upper middle class. Now some of the Glassdoor reviews I’ve been reading are from managers, who are seeing their pay and benefits being slashed too. Start by looting the marginalized, then move upwards from there. The poor and the unpopular and the marginalized are always our canaries in the coal mine, what our lords and masters plan to do to *us* they start out doing to them first. It’s a pity that more people can’t seem to get that.

  32. someofparts

    Well, Hitler won the election because Germany was broke. Yet he then turned around and sent a giant expensive army into Russia. Who paid for that army?

    It was rich Americans, that’s who. Prescott Bush, JP Morgan, the Duponts and a gaggle of other.

    Effectively, that means Hitler was just a bigger version of Zelensky in Ukraine, an American puppet.

    The global center of fascism is, and always has been, the U.S. oligarchy.

  33. Jason

    (Cut out borderline ad-homs, since I didn’t want to trash the entire long comment – Ian.)

    Most of the books and articles I cite are available at and other sources on the internet that any halfway intelligent person can find. I “cut n’ paste” from these often, which sometimes results in the messy post above. I am not inclined to repost the above (thank you Ian for posting it in the first place), though I am going to revisit the Lenin quote I began with.

    But first, let’s deal with the elephant in the room, shall we?:

    They also didn’t repeat antisemitic nonsense

    I am going to illustrate why the word – indeed the entire concept – of “antisemitism” should go away. The only useful purpose it serves is as a label to shut down further thought and inquiry and to brand people so that they will be thought of as dirty and unmentionable in “polite” company. In other words, it was designed and is used to create an enemy image in peoples’ minds.

    As we have recently been talking about, imagery and narrative are what create our idea of ourselves, the world, and our place in it.

    The am going to cite from an article by a man named Steven Salaita. The article is entitled “Listening to Zionists is a Pitiful Experience” and I highly recommend reading the article in its entirety, and coming to feel and understand it on a visceral level. This is much more than the superficial dalliance known as “introspection.”

    I posted this article here once before and no one commented on it. I want to say at this point that I am not in agreement entirely with Steve Salaita. I think he stops at Zionism and doesn’t enter deep enough into the Jewish Supremacism that is found in the Jewish canons that led to Zionism, which is a modern iteration of classical Jewish Supremacism and anti-gentilism (gentilism is often defined as “the state or quality of being non-Jewish” and often accompanied by those superficially dirty words “pagan” and “heathen”).

    Steve Salaita hails from what the entire world knew as Palestine before the terrorists – Zionists, Jewish Supremacists, Judeofascists – razed most of it in order to create their “Land of Israel” i.e. Eretz Yisrael, Ereṣ Yisraʾel, אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל.

    I posted here once before the video of the rabidly racist, Jewish Supremacist Ayn Rand on Donahue saying their is no such thing as a Palestinian. Indeed, people in Palestine, Arab or otherwise, did not consider themselves “Palestinian” in the 1800’s, even though they lived in Palestine. Identities were different. Interestingly, most Jews in Palestine at the time could not have considered themselves “Israelis, though they were quite familiar with the “Israel” story as told by their largely insular communities.

    Keeping all this in mind, let’s cut to the chase. Mr. Salaita has patience no longer for anyone’s bullshit:

    “Put aside what they profess to believe and consider instead how Zionists understand Israel. Not “Israel and Palestine.” (You might want to lose that formulation altogether.) Just Israel, as in the settler colony built atop Palestine.

    Part of the reason to drop “Palestine” from the equation is that a majority of Zionists are loath to think about it. To them, Palestine is a nonentity or a negation; at best it is an Arab conspiracy. Their imagination begins and ends at the settler colony. This stubbornness leads to a painfully narrow understanding of the geography they claim to own.

    Although Zionists think of Israel as a natural occurrence, a timeless and stable geography, in reality they must deterritorialize the state in order to defend it. In other words, they can only defend it as a conceit, not as a tangible project. It has to exist outside of history or else it loses its exceptional character and thus its special claim to adulation. Within the actual world of geopolitics, it becomes just another settler colony, prone to the ugly behavior that imperialism demands of such entities.

    To look at Israel as a typical colonial power, embodied within a legible system of economics and policy, means acknowledging features of the state that undermine its mythologies. To the Zionist, Israel is an idea that transcends the normal rules of lesser organisms. (This is why it can be a European country that isn’t located in Europe or a self-identified Western enterprise at the intersection of Asia and Africa.) Instead, Israel has to be made into an abstraction, the personal possession of anyone in the world who identifies as Jewish. It is an entity constructed of ideological claims of belonging and in turn inhabited by a global multitude with no civic responsibilities.

    If you try to offer some context for what Zionists like to conceptualize as incomprehensible Palestinian violence, as I did the other day, then you’re in for a whole lot of outrage and that particular type of defamation in which Zionists specialize. Essentially you become a bloodthirsty Jew-killer. According to the logic of Zionism—that Jews magically inhabit a godly land with no history beyond what they’ve applied to it—there’s no other choice. Israel personifies virtue—it is the pinnacle of human achievement—and so only a degenerate would be unimpressed.

    For the Zionist, there’s little (or no) difference between the white nationalist who shot up a Pittsburgh synagogue and the militant who fires a rocket into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Both are attacks on Jewish people with no impetus beyond mindless hatred. The geographical distance between Pennsylvania and Palestine doesn’t matter because the Zionist has decided that Jewish peoplehood is coterminous with the Israeli state.”

    When Steven Salaita says of the ‘Zionists’, “Their imagination begins and ends at the settler colony” he is not probing any further historically into this particular imagination and mindset – and the canon and subsequent interpretations created around it – that led to the physical manifestation of the wanton destruction of his homeland.

    “The Russo-Japanese war is the blood-red dawn of coming great events.”

    My first post began with the horrific Lev Davidovich Bronstein quote. No one here batted an eye. Not a one. Here’s the quote again, this time unadulterated by crappy tech formatting shenanigans:

    “We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negroes upon whom we shall inflict such a tyranny as none of the most dreadful despots of the East have ever dreamt of. The only difference is that this tryanny will not come from the right, but from the left, and will not be white but red, in the literal sense of that word, for we shall shed such streams of blood that all of the losses in Capitalist wars will shrink and pale before them.

    The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us. If we win The Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funeral remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its kness before it. We shall show what real terror is. Using terror, bloodbaths, we will reduce the Russian intelligentsia into a complete idiocy, to a bestial condition…

    And meanwhile, our youth in leather jackets – the sons of watchmakers from Odessa and Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa – oh, how magnificently, how rapturously they are able to hate everything Russian! With what enjoyment they are annhilating the Russian intelligentsia – officers, engineers, teachers, priests, academicians, writers…”

    If on one else will, I’ll say it: “Trotsky” and his funders and cohorts were quite obviously monstrous psychopaths. They were subhuman. I say this not as someone who is a fierce nationalist or a defender of Tsarist Russia. I say it because it is plain common sense.

    These same maliciously destructive tendencies and tactics can be employed via “soft power” and targeted violence as opposed to an all-out “red terror.” And they can be used against a “Communist” or “Capitalist” country, as anyone living in the United States can attest. We, the varied peoples living inside the entity known as the United States, are being subjected to a “softer” version of this. A “softer” version on steroids, if you will.

    “How rapturously they are able to hate everything Russian! With what enjoyment they are annhilating the Russian intelligentsia – officers, engineers, teachers, priests, academicians, writers…”

    Replace “Russia” with “America” or “the U.S.” and you’re describing a solid three quarters of the commentariat at Naked Capitalism. And many to most here as well. This is, I believe, why bruce wilder left this site.

    But I digress.

    Obviously, the United States is in bad shape and many to most of the personages in the positions mentioned above have been dumbed down to the point of near absurdity. Much of this is quite mockable, so mock away if you’ve nothing better to do.

    Personally, I prefer not to take that attitude.

    We know that fifty to seventy million people died in “World War II” but in everyday discourse – here in the US anyway – the only victims worth noting are “the Jews.” Everybody else is a non-entity or got what they deserved because they didn’t “help the Jews.”

    “We shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funeral remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its kness before it.”

    Zionism/Israel’s Oded Yinon plan for the entire Middle East is being carried out through Zionism/Israel’s proxy, the United States. And Ukraine is theirs, too, as many have illustrated. Zionism/Jewish Supremacism is responsible for much more than the malciious destruction of Steven Salaita’s homeland, though that’s essentially the home and operational base of the Zionist/Jewish Supremacist world domination project.

    The first Zionist leader, Theodore Herzl, in his 1902 novel Altneuland suggested Madagascar as a Jewish emigration destination, a plan that was ultimately proposed by Poland and considered by Germany. Herzl also supported plans to move Jews to British East India (Uganda) and Argentina/Chile, specifically Patagonia.

    Herzl loved speculating about what other peoples’ lands would best suit “the Jews” and in 1896 in his famed Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State) pamphlet – written for the Rothschilds – under the heading “Palestine or Argentine” he wrote:

    “Which shall we choose, Palestine or Argentine? Argentina is, by its nature, one of the richest countries in Earth, with an immense territory, scarce population, and moderate climate. The Argentine Republic would have the greatest interest to cede to us a part of its territory.”

    It should be noted here that JFK demanded that all Zionist organizations operating in the United States register as agents of a foreign power under FARA, just as every other country has to. JFK was referring most specifically to the American Zionist Council and its offshoots, founded by Isaiah L. Kenen, who had come directly from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs!

    In other words, JFK demanded no “special relationship” bullshit. This is how “Israel” itself treats everyone it does business with. Inside Israel, there are no “special relationships” with other countries. They have “special relationships” with Zionist/Israeli orgs operating inside other countries, who then convince their alleged home countries that they should treat Israel as “special” in comparison to how they treat every other country on earth. And again, in comparison to how Israel itself operates. This is utter bullshit, obviously, but it just goes to illustrate once again how much power they currently have in world affairs.

    JFK also demanded inspections of Dimona so that Israel couldn’t join the nuclear club.

    I bring this up because now that “Israel” has established itself in Palestine and secured itself with nukes, it serves as the operating base for all manner of malicious activity, and Patagonia is still being targeted, as Adrian Salbuchi documented back in 2011:

    “Spearheaded by the international Zionist movement, this quiet takeover of Patagonia has progressed dramatically in recent years; not through war and invasion, but through territorial acquisitions, economic infiltration, Israeli military fifth columns, global media support and geopolitical positioning. For decades, young Israeli military officers camaflouged as hikers and backpackers have been surveying, mapping, and snooping around this vast, rich, and under-populated region; plotting and planning…preparing their future?…their is no doubt that their are Israelis all over Patagonia. They move around in groups, they are young, spealk in Hebrew among themselves; a good number of them come from the military.”

    One may be reminded of all the Israelis who were captured running around the United States in the months and years leading up to the 9/11 Zionist systemic event.

    In fact, shortly before 9/11, close to 200 Israelis were arrested for suspected espionage. Some of them were posing as art students. They targeted or penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, U.S. Customs, IRS, INS, EPA, Interior Dept., U.S. Marshal’s Service, various US Attorneys Offices, secret government offices, and unlisted private homes of law enforcement/intelligence officers. Most of the Israeli suspects served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.

    Specifically, there was a group of five Israelis: Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari – who are now widely known as the “dancing Israelis” – after they were spotted in multiple locations filming and celebrating the attacks.

    These five dancing israelis were initially detained by the NYPD. The police and FBI found maps of NYC with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers allegedly used), $4,700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. The police also told a New Jersey local paper, The Bergen Record, that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and they sensed explosives. According to the Jewish Daily Forward the FBI later determined that at least two of the Israelis were Mossad agents and that their employer, Urban Moving Systems was a Mossad front.

    According to ABC News 20/20, after these five Israelis were detained, the driver of the van – Sivan Kurzberg – told the officers: “We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”

    I’ve never had any problems with Palestinians. Anyone here?

    These psychopaths later appeared on an Israeli talk show and claimed that they were in NYC that morning “to document the event”. Witnesses reported they had set cameras PRIOR to the first plane strike, and were seen congratulating one another afterward. The FBI seized and developed photos they had taken, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in a celebratory gesture.

    Quoting Steven Salaita again: “It (Palestine) is an entity constructed of ideological claims of belonging and in turn inhabited by a global multitude with no civic responsibilities.”

    Speaking in his capacity as President of the World Jewish Congress in Montreal in 1947, Nahum Goldman said:

    “The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and powdered metals; not because the subsoil of Palestine contains twenty times more reserves than the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control.”

  34. Jason

    “The am going to cite from an article by a man named Steven Salaita…”

    should be “I am going to…”


    “It (Palestine) is an entity constructed of ideological claims of belonging and in turn inhabited by a global multitude with no civic responsibilities.”

    should obviously be

    It (Israel) is an entity…

    Ian, please let me know if you’d like any help editing your book. I know you mentioned it recently. I still don’t have any money to give, and I very much appreciate your letting me post here. If you’d like to talk about it, please let me know through comments and I’ll then pass along a legitimate email address to correspond. Thanks again for everything you do.

  35. Ian Welsh

    That’s a kind offer Jason. Toss it along and we’ll chat.

  36. Lex

    Liberalism isn’t about democrats vs republicans, that’s just another American conceit. Both US parties are Liberal in philosophy. At the time of FDR and until about Carter the democrats were roughly social democrats on economics. Liberalism gets called neo-liberal because it wasn’t in full power from WWII through the late 70’s.

    As for fascism, Georgi Dimitrov provided the best and most succinct definition. “Fascism is the political manifestation of finance capitalism.” Therefore, Joe Biden is a fascist. And he is. So was Bush, Clinton and most Americans. Liberals and fascists are and always will be bedfellows.

    As a communist, Dimitrov was the type to split hairs about terms so it’s instructive that he said “finance capitalism”. As Ian points out, FDR was ok with capitalism but he promoted industrial capitalism with checks. He wasn’t a fascist even though he was a capitalist.

  37. Willy

    So what was Trump?

  38. Willy

    Yes, Zionism is a thing, and for most, not a good thing. But I’d need a bit more evidence to believe that it rules the world. The most pious of Jews, who claim to be the most Jewish of Jews, are the Haredi. What with all their payots and sheitels and crazy mano a mano dancing, oy veh. But they’re also pretty damned anti-Zionist.

    Something tells me that leadership Zionists are mostly secular jews big into virtue signaling some kind of superiority, and aren’t all that different from machinating western plutocrats or even the Sicilian Mafioso from their heyday. They’re just the Israeli version of the pathologically greedy western plutocrat, a common human dysfunction.

    bruce wilder “left the site” because nobody understood what the hell he was saying, what the hell his ultimate focus even was. Or maybe it was just me and I needed a translator and nobody wanted to dumb it down for me, your average voting citizen. He’s the one who turned me onto the idea that successful sociopaths are expert at aligning their goals with human weaknesses in ways average voting citizens don’t seem to mind, at first. But then he seemed to abandon that idea and kept wanting to explore all manner of economic nuance which seemed beside that first point. I’m hopeful he’s taking colloquial English classes and that soon, a less Manhattan and more New Joysie version returns full of catchy memes which gain traction with the masses.

  39. different clue

    FDR wasn’t even a class traitor. He was a class savior. He tried to get the Super Duper Overclass to reconcile itself to being merely Upper Class. If a lot of the revolution and/or insurgent sentiment in America at the time had been able to take real power, the Super Duper Overclass would have been made to suffer a lot harder and get a lot poorer.

    I semi-remember a quote from Roosevelt which I can only approximate in which he described the Overclass reaction to the New Deal as being like ” a drowning man who upon being saved by the lifeguard then berates the lifeguard for not also saving his hat.”

    The Square Deal-New Deal-Fair Deal was a first intruductory step towards Social Democracy. A Mixed Economy and Ordered Capitalism under Law.

  40. Willy

    Teddy Roosevelt was a rich sickly youth who wound up a bully rough man killing animals and invading countries. But then there’s all that other stuff he did which wasn’t half bad and helped a lot of working people.

    There’s another rich sickly kid turned influencer who the religious conservatives used to mention: Nicolás Gómez Dávila. He never killed animals or invaded countries, but spent his life cocooned in a library of his own creation to write (mostly) anti-leftist aphorisms with no intention of ever publishing them.

    Two sickly rich kids, two completely different personal philosophy outcomes.

    One knew (or sensed at some compelling level) that privilege causes something between social callousness and moral insanity. Yet the other, roughly similar in many ways, believed There Is No Alternative except for what we’ve got.

    My guess is the primary causal difference was religion. But yeah, FDR appears to have been neither, wanting to save his kind from the terror of stalinist gulags.

  41. Jason

    But I’d need a bit more evidence to believe that it rules the world.

    Willy, I’m not sure if you were responding to me directly or simply making a general comment on the matter. If it was a response to me it constitutes a strawman because I never said that Zionism/Jewish Supremacism “rules the world.” I said, after a brief documentation of the “special relationship” they boast about and that no other country on earth has with the United States, that “it just goes to illustrate once again how much power they currently have in world affairs”

    This power is one way, in that the United States doesn’t have this same tremendous, unprecedented access inside Israel. No U.S. president, indeed no other world leader, period – including Xi or Putin – coud go into the Israeil Knesset and attempt to dictate foreign policy the way Netanyahu did in the U.S. in 2015 (using a picture of a cartoon bomb, for chrissake).

    There is no other entity in the world that has the same access to the highest levels of government, media, law and finance inside Israel that Israel has inside other entities.

    Nor do other entities have the same powerful lobbies operating inside Israel that Israel does inside their countries. The Israeli lobbies (which used to be called Jewish lobbies by everyone, including Jews) are capable of at minimum shutting down thought and free speech and debate, and at maximum getting policymakers to create laws that include jail time if Israel’s narrative of history and itself isn’t accepted as the gospel truth.

    This is insanity raised to infinity.

    In fact, the closest reference to “rules the world” in the entirety of my long comment was made by none other than Nahum Goldman in 1947, in his capacity as President of the World Jewish Congress.

    Goldman listed all the material benefits of Palestine that would benefit “the Jews” in the form of oil and minerals that were more abundant in, and adjacent to, Palestine than anywhere else on earth – including Madagascar, Unganda, and Patagonia, among other peoples’ lands which had been previously proposed as Jewish homelands by prominent Jews.

    But Goldman concluded, quite earnestly, that the Jews “wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine…not because” of these material riches per se, rather “because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control.”

    This is the Nahum Goldman quote again, in its entirety:

    “The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and powdered metals; not because the subsoil of Palestine contains twenty times more reserves than the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control.”

    A rabid “antisemite” didn’t make that statemet. Nahum “Hitler” Goldman did.

  42. Jason

    I don’t think Nahum Goldman and “the Jews” got together in 1947 at the behest of a US or Russian intelligence gun, just as I don’t believe there were agents of the vaunted British Empire behind the 1897 World Zionist Congress meeting of Jews in Basel in which the opening speaker, Dr. Mandelstein, a Professor at the University of Kiev (notice the Ukraine connection), said that “the Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes.”

    Remember that the poly-named “Alexander Parvus” who was at once a Russian revolutionary, sometime member of the German Social Democratic Party, and a millionaire Marxist, suggested during WWI that the German government finance Lenin [who was himself the grandson of Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank of Odessa] and his Party at a much higher rate than they already were.

    “Parvus” was very close to Germany’s ambassador in Copenhagen, Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau and had tremendous influence over him. Parvus himself made 20 million marks from suggesting that Germany ought to further fund the Bolsheviks.

    “It was Ulrich Brockdorff-Rantzau’s letter on the 14th of August 1915 which finally decided the question of financial support to the Bolsheviks. This letter, addressed to the German vice-state secretary, summarized a discussion between Brockdorff-Rantzau and Gelfand-Parvus. The ambassador strongly recommended employing Gelfand-Parvus to undermine Russia since ‘he is an exceedingly important man, whose unusual power we should be able to utilize during the war.’

    But the ambassador added a warning: ‘It is probably dangerous to use the forces which are behind Gelfand, but if we should refuse to use their services, since we fear that we may not be able to control them, it will surely only demonstrate our weakness.’

    Remember again that it was “Parvus” who had forecast a war between Russia and Japan as far back as 1895 and foreseen that out of that war would develop the Russian revolution. Soon after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese war he started a series of articles for Iskra under the significant title “War and Revolution” (later reprinted in his book Rossiia i revoliutsiia’ which opened with the prophetic sentence:

    “The Russo-Japanese war is the blood-red dawn of coming great events.”

    Lev Bronstein (“Trotsky”) went to live with “Parvus” in 1894. “Parvus” was by this time a renowned Marxist political thinker and writer. It was Parvus who embedded Marx’ monstrous theory of “permanent revolution” in Bronstein/Trotsky’s psyche, such that the latter wrote in his autobiography,

    “Parvus was unquestionably one of the most important of the
    Marxists at the turn of the century. He used the Marxian methods
    skilfully, was possessed of wide vision, and kept a keen eye on everything of importance in world events.”

    It was Bronstein/Trotsky who said, “The biggest bankers on the other side of the Atlantic will work in very close collaboration with us” in reference specifically to the Warburgs, Kuhn-Loebs, Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

    It was Rothschild protege Jacob Schiff who met deputy governor of the Bank of Japan Takahashi Korekiyo in Paris in April 1904 to extend loans to the Japanese Empire in the amount of 200 million dollars through Kuhn Loeb. This was the first major flotation of Japanese bonds on Wall Street, and it provided approximately half the funds needed for Japan’s war effort

    The wealthy Zionist industrialist Walter Rathenau who, as I mentioned in my previous post, persuaded the Kaiser to finance the bolsheviks, had this to say in the Neue freie Presse on December 25, 1909:

    “There are in number only 300 men who know each other well and steer the fate of Europe. These Jews possess the means to destroy any state which they consider unreasonable.”

    And Rathenau again, quoted in the Weiner Freie Presse on December 24, 1912:

    “Three hundred men, each of whom knows all the others, govern the fate of the European continent, and they elect their successors from their entourage. The strange origins of these strange apparitions, which throw a glimmer into the obscurity of future social developments, are not under consideration here.”

    On September 20, 1920, The American Hebrew Magazine stated:

    “The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so well for Russia is going to become Reality for the whole world.”

    It was less than three years earlier, in December 1917 in Petrograd, that Lev Bronstein, aka “Trotsky” uttered these psychopathic words:

    “We must turn Russia into a desert inhabited by white negroes upon whom we shall inflict such a tyranny as none of the most dreadful despots of the East have ever dreamt of…If we win The Revolution, crush Russia, we shall consolidate the power of Zionism on her funeral remains and become such a force that the whole world will go down on its kness before it.”

    Returning to Parvus, the “exceedingly important man, whose unusual power we should be able to utilize during the war” had predicted about two decades earlier that:

    “The Russo-Japanese war is the blood-red dawn of coming great events”

    What is this “unusual power” of which the German ambassador spoke and sought to utilize on behalf of the German nation-state, from both a place of necessity and also fear?

    “It is probably dangerous to use the forces which are behind Gelfand (Parvus), but if we should refuse to use their services, since we fear that we may not be able to control them, it will surely only demonstrate our weakness.”

    Hell of a position to be in. But then the peoples and nations of the world are all too familiar with debt-based servitude by now.

  43. Jason

    Speaking of unusual power, let’s return to Nahum Goldman, he of “Palestine constitutes the veritable center of world political power, the strategic center for world control” fame. Goldman wrote of President Roosevelt in his 1981 book Mein Leben: USA, Europe, Israel that:

    “This weakness of the president (Roosevelt) frequently resulted in failure on the part of the White House to report all the facts to the Senate and the Congress; its (the Roosevelt administration’s) description of the prevailing situation is not always absolutely correct and in conformity with the truth.

    When I lived in America, I learned that Jewish personalities – most of them rich donors for the parties – had easy access to the President. They used to contact him over the head of the Foreign Secretary and the representative at the United Nations and other officials. They were often in a position to alter the entire political line by a single telephone conversation.

    Stephen Wise…occupied a unique position, not only among American Jewry, but also generally in America.

    He was a close friend of (Woodrow) Wilson…He was also an intimate friend of Roosevelt and had permanent access to him, a factor which naturally affected his relations to other members of the American Administration.”

    Nahum Goldman also relates this fascinating story of one particular interaction with Roosevelt:

    “…the President’s car stopped in front of the veranda, and before we could exchange greetings, Roosevelt remarked, ‘How interesting! Sam Rosenman, Stephen Wise, and Nahum Goldman are sitting there discussing what order they should give the President of the United States. Just imagine what amount of money the Nazis would pay to obtain a photo of this scene.’

    We began to stammer to the effect that there was an urgent message from Europe to be discussed by us, which Rosenman would submit to him on Monday. Roosevelt dismissed him with the words, ‘This is quite all right, on Monday I shall hear from Sam what I have to do,’ and he drove on.”

    Emil Ludwig (Cohn) in Les Annales in June of 1934 stated that “Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later.”

    Vladimir Jabotinsky, in the Jewish Daily Bulletin of July 27, 1935 reminded everyone that:

    “There is only one power that really counts. The power of political pressure. We jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it.”

    Ludwig-Cohn again in 1938: “For although, at the last minute, he may want to avoid the war which may devour him, Hitler will nevertheless be unable to retreat.” (A New Holy Alliance)

    Bernard Leache, a Ukrainian Jewish Communist immigrant and member of the Grand Orient of France, said in The Right to Live in December 1938 that “It is our task to organize the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.

    Bernard Leache had, in 1927, founded the Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisemitisme.

    The founder of an institution against “racism” and “antisemitism” talking about a “moral and cultural blockade” and the dispersion of a nation via war.

    This may sound familiar to people living in China. Or Russia. Or the United States. Or…

    “When the National Socialists and their friends cry and whisper that this war is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right” announced the Jewish magazine Sentinel on October 8, 1940.

    “The second world war is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism” announced Rabbi Felix Mendelsohn in the Chicago Sentinel, October 8, 1942.

    In the December 27, 1945 entry in his diary, published in The Forrestal Diaries in 1951, James Forrestal, U.S. Secretary of the Navy and first U.S. Secretary of Defense, wrote:

    “Played golf with Joe Kennedy (U.S. Ambassador to Britain). He says that Chamberlain stated that America and World Jewry forced England into WWII.”

    And, in his entry on February 3, 1948, Forrestal wrote:

    “Had luch with Mr. B.M. Baruch. After lunch mentioned the same question with him. He took the line of advising me not to be active in this particular matter, and that I was already identified, to a degree that was not in my own interest, with opposition to the United Nations policy on Palestine.

    Both Forrestal and Secretary of State George C. Marshall were vehemently opposed to the U.S. supporting the establishment of Israel in Palestine, as it was clearly not in the country’s interests to alienate Arab allies.

    James Forrestal was hospitalized with depression and died in May 1949 from injuries sustained after allegedly falling out of a 16th story window.

    In “Zionism Rules the World” Henry Klein states that:

    “Zionists…own newspapers and control radio and television commentators. Baruch (financier Bernard Baruch, close advisor to Wilson, Roosevelt, and Eisenhower – essentially created and ran the WWI wartime economy) has many press agents; so has Frankfurter (Felix Frankfurter, Supreme Court Justice and covert Zionist agent, as Alison Weir has amply documented).

    All of which winds up in the answer given by Waldo Frank in the February, 1944 issue of The Contemporary Jewish Record published by the American Jewish Committee, leading Jewish authority, where he says,

    ‘There is a great Jewish conspiracy’ that is grounded in the ‘dream for messianic world power’ and ‘Political Zionism is the instrument for its fulfillment.'”

    In this same book Klein, a Jewish lawyer based in New York, stated:

    “The United Nations is Zionism. It is the super-government mentioned many times in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, promulgated between 1897 and 1905.

    In closing, here’s Waldo Frank once again, quoted in The Contemporary Jewish Record, published by The American Jewish Committee, the leading Jewish authority in 1944:

    “There is a great Jewish conspiracy” that is grounded in the “dream for messianic world power…Political Zionism is the instrument for its fulfillment.”

  44. Clonal Antibody

    FDR’s legacy died with FDR. The Democrats killed it by forcibly nominating Truman as the VP instead of Henry Wallace. An interesting read about the broken promises is a book by FDR’s son Elliot Roosevet – “As He Saw It”.

    Can be read at

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