The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Month: July 2011

Marcy Wheeler, aka. Emptywheel, has a new home

You can find Marcy’s new home here.  Her goodbye post from FDL is here.  Bmaz is going with her.  I have added their new home to my blogroll.

If you haven’t read Marcy in the past, you should start, she’s able to dig down into stories and find what matters.  Bmaz’s legal analysis is also excellent and not to be missed, though he writes less often than Marcy.  The last year or so I’ve found that when I visited FDL I spent most of my time at Emptywheel, their blog.

So, compared to McCain, was Obama actually the lesser evil?

I thought so at the time, but I’ve been wondering for a while.  As I’ve pointed out, frequently, Bush failed to slash Social Security.  Obama is probably going to do so soon.  I doubt McCain, any more than Bush, could have done so.

Of course, on the negative side McCain might have gone to war with Iran, wouldn’t have given up on DADT no matter how hard he was pushed, and, er, other stuff.  And Palin as President isn’t something to look at lightly.

But domestically, would he have been worse?  Maybe, maybe even probably, but it’s no longer clear cut.  The fact that one can even ask the question, can even argue it, is beyond sad.

Stirling Newberry and Ian Welsh on Virtually Speaking Tonight at 9pm Easter

You can listen live here.

(Same link will probably work for listening after the fact, will update if not.)

On Social Security Cuts

February 9, 2009:

Then we’re going to get entitlement “reform.” Since Obama is promising this to Blue Dogs, this isn’t going to be anything you’re going to like.

January 4, 2010:

So you’re far more likely to see Medicare and Social Security gutted, than you are to see the military budget cut in a third or Medicare-for-all  enacted.

May 4, 2010:

(What is Obama?) A man who wants to cut Social Security and Medicare.

August 2, 2010:

Let me state the obvious, which we all know, one more time.

Obama intends to gut social security.  Republicans failed, it requires Democrats.

September 14, 2010:

The question about SS in the Villagers minds is not whether it should be cut, but how. That’s not to say it’s hopeless.  The last attempt to cut SS failed, after all.  But there wasn’t a Democratic president pushing for it that time.  Obama has proven very adept at arm-twisting Democrats.

October 24, 2010:

2011 – Bush’s tax cuts are extended.  Social Security is slashed.  This is done at Obama’s behest, so that Dems get blamed for it.

The blogosphere appears aflame about Obama being willing to cut SS.  Oh please.  Oh, and Obama still needs to be primaried, but by waiting this long, it’s become much more difficult to do, if not impossible.  Everyone who is whining about SS who wasn’t willing to primary him, was complicit in this.

Adults don’t believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, or Barack Obama being anything but a right winger whose legacy is institutionalizing Bush, then going even further to the right on many key issues.  They don’t believe that Obama responds to anything from the left but pain and threats that are backed up with the sincere willingness and ability to see them through.

Deserve: the deadliest word

I hate the word “deserve” because lord save us all from what we “deserve”, but lately I find it hard to remember that one good person is worth saving, or that most people are just weak, not evil.  The world will burn, in war, and famine, and revolution, and climate change and it will burn because we are so contemptible we refuse to do anything to stop it from burning. And maybe that we now includes me, but I’m so very tired of dealing with stupid, cruel, selfish people.  Heck, forget selfish, people who won’t even look out after their own self-interest, or even understand what it is.

I fear I’ve come full circle.  As a teenager, subject to constant cruelty, I hated humanity.  Contemptible.  The human love of cruelty was clear to me, the way we encourage it, the way we nurture it, the way we inculate it.  The way group dynamics require scapegraces and outsiders, the way most people, to feel good about themselves, like to watch others squirm, how they enjoy tormenting the weak, how they secure their own position in whatever little pack they belong to by showing that someone is below them.  They make those people into something less than human, or worse, the truly evil know they’re human and derive pleasure from the ability to inflict and relieve suffering as they choose.

As I grew older, I learned how to defend myself, learned how to make those who would hurt me, hurt instead, so they would find their prey elsewhere, would prove their place in the hierarchy by humiliating someone else.  And I learned that some people are good, that some people will do the right thing even when there’s nothing in it for them.  I learned, also, that most people are of weak character.  In their weakness they will do what they think the group approves of. A few good leaders I saw made of those around them good people, by expecting nothing less.  Oh, the pettiness never goes away, but the deeper cruelty was not tolerated, and it was not tolerated by even the lower ranking members of the packs, for so they had been trained, so it was expected, and they knew that disapproval would come from the pack, and the Alpha, for cruelty, not kindness.

But we have selected, to rule our societies, sociopaths at best and psychopaths at worse.  They have contempt for those they rule, do not see them as even truly human, and enjoy hurting them.  They feel tough when they make the hard decisions, which are somehow always hard for others, but never for themselves.  They encourage cruelty in society, from the ground up, and routinely subject the population to humiliating surveillance, force them to abase themselves to the least appearance of authority, whether legitimately used or not, and condone murder and torture and routine humiliation.  They don’t do these things to themselves, of course, the rich, for example, don’t get groped in airports, but they routinely do it to those below them.

And in so doing they teach those below them, to do it to those below them, and below them, and below them, and so on.  The sickness comes from the top, a rotten poison which has altered the character of nations.  But it came from the bottom, first.  It came from a population who became lazy and complacent and thought they had rights they didn’t have to guard like a dog with a bone; who thought they could just live their lives and leave politics to other people except for pulling a lever or marking a ballot every four years.  It came from people who felt “I’ve got mine, who cares what happens to anyone I don’t know?”   Unable to see themselves in others for longer than the gossamer blink of an eye, they were also unable to understand that what was done to others would also be done to them.

We have become contemptible.  Our leaders, perhaps, are most contemptible of all, but we continue to consent. Oh perhaps polls might say we’re not happy, but who cares what polls say?  We do nothing, we let our leaders do as they will, and we take on their mores, becoming cruel and debased and uncaring of what happens to our fellows, not even the care of enlightened self interest, the clear understanding that what is done unfairly, cruely, to someone else, could, probably will, one day be done to us.  We pretend to care most about our children, making such a fetish of it that allowing children to roam unattended is virtually treated as a crime, yet we are creating a world in which they will suffer, unimaginably, a world in which hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of our grandchildren will die.

Lord save us from what we deserve, because what we deserve is what’s going to happen: war and revolution, famine and drought, climate change on a scale we truly don’t understand.

I think the oligarchs are overplaying their hand

In particular the Greek “bailout” was a mistake.  A horribly punitive measure, with virtually the entire “Socialist” party voting for it, it wasn’t a bailout of Greece, but a bailout of investors.  As part of the response, the Greek ministry of finance was set alight.

The oligarchs, by making peaceful revolution impossible, have, as Kennedy pointed out, made violent revolution inevitable.  Since democratically elected representatives are more concerned with doing the will of the rich, rather than the public, and since there is no party willing to do the will of the population (or even live up to their own principles, a socialist party voting for an investor bailout is not socialist), my expectation is that during the next bailout (and another one will be needed), that what representatives will be killed, to get through to them the message that no matter what the rich are offering, or threatening, there is a price for voting against the interests of the majority of the population.

Oh, and I notice that the prosecutors admitted the case against Strauss-Kahn was falling apart after his successor as IMF president was appointed and the Greek bailout passed.  Immediately after, even though the prosecutors knew it was weak before then.

Word is he was opposed to the Greek bailout, by the way.

What a remarkable coincidence.

They may have just elected him President of France.

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