The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

You Will Never Be Free of Identity Politics

(MANDOS POST, people who don’t want to read things they disagree with please stop here)

I don’t normally watch horror movies, but I made an exception and recently watched the horror film Get Out. It’s a horror-satire movie that constructs its underlying trope from the concept of racist microaggressions, and it’s one of the best films I’ve seen all year, if not the best, period. It’s a Stepford Wives style of horror, in which a young black man discovers that his well-meaning-seeming white inlaws-to-be believe in human improvement by the literal supplantation of black identities with white ones and the submergence of the black identity into a spiritual void called the “Sunken Place” — a literal sort of black/white solidarity where, of course, the white opinion matters more.

The privileged white horror-family in question is conceived of as stereotypical rich politically-correct liberal Obama voters, but the main character himself is a relatively successful young photographer who had access to that kind of company through his work, starting from less privileged roots and with black friends still living the working-class life, and his working-class black best friend — who correctly names and identifies the microaggressions and where they were leading — is his only lifeline in the entire story. The illustration clearly intended by the director (well-known black comedian Jordan Peele) is that even when a black person in America manages to succeed on white terms, that in itself is not just, not sustainable, not sufficient.

That was a movie, but the point is illustrated periodically in real life — and occasionally in famous, very public rows.  Some of you may remember that a few years ago, there was a row over Oprah Winfrey’s attempted purchase of a very expensive handbag, worth twice or more than what some of her viewers make in a year, from a shop in Switzerland, wherein Oprah believed that she had been discriminated against by the saleswoman for being a black buyer in a fancy store. Many could easily view this as a rich woman publicly bullying an innocent, ordinary-income shop attendant for a social faux pas, possibly based on ignorance of the American media landscape. A class analysis. But for people of colour, the incident is instead evidence that, even if one is doing well economically, one is still one of them, that the incident was no accident even if the saleswoman had no conscious intention of discriminating.

That sense that even under relatively positive overall circumstances, how one is treated in life is nevertheless conditioned on the sufferance of the majority/dominant community unless one erases one’s entire particularity (and even then) is not a trivial feeling. It is a continuous burden, a headwind in life, and one that cannot be erased by exhortations to class solidarty and and one-sided demands to put the material advantages of class solidarity as prior to the domain of conflict called “identity politics.” Class solidarity does not erase those conflicts, does not remedy them, does not alone create a long-term, sustainable basis for rectification of discrimination. Minority groups remain vulnerable even when the dream of a more just economy is realized.

The only way to proceed is to recognize that, while the working-class American black has a cause in common with the working-class American white, she or he also has a cause in common with a rich woman like Oprah Winfrey, one that can be neither ignored, denied, or erased. And the only way that class solidarity can take full precedence over that is when whites agree to disarm their own identity politics without demanding that blacks and other minority politics disarm theirs.


Essential Insanity


My Friend Peter


  1. molten

    blacks are just as viciously racist as whites. another fact free crap essay from mandos.

  2. Amerikaner

    We gain nothing from associating with blacks. If they feel burdened by the privilage of living in our societies then they are free to leave.

    Thanks for giving Mandos another opportunity to spew his anti white hatred

    …the arrogance of demanding we give up our identity–in our own countries no less–to make other people feel comfortable. Sick.

  3. The Difference is that some people have less to enact violence with. Also, there is the problem of dominant versus subdominant cultures – whyte people have had a dominant culture for a long time.

  4. Amerikaner

    Why is it wrong for whites to be dominant in our own countries?

  5. Jib Halyard

    Identity politics begets identity politics. No one is going to unilaterally “disarm” just because you think it’s the right thing to do. You want more identity politics? You’ll get them alright, but they won’t be the kind you’ll like.

  6. Synoia


    You are correct. You should leave because America is not your country, or grovel in front of the “Native Americans” and give them back all of their land.

  7. Amerikaner

    Shall I take all the infrastructure and wealth that my ancestors created over the last 300 years with me? Leave it in a state of nature like how we found it?

    Land doesn’t belong to anyone. You get it if you can take it and hold it.

  8. Charlie

    This oughta be good.

    *Breaks out bag of popcorn*

  9. James

    Executive Summary: Mandos saw a fictional horror movie which reminded him that even minor criticisms of Oprah, one of the most wealthy & powerful people in the world, are invalid because of her skin color. Also that white people, who any time they even consider touching identity politics are branded Nazi Klansmen, should unilaterally disarm and wave the white flag of surrender in the culture wars. And anybody who disagrees with Mandos shouldn’t bother to read this, much less comment, presumably.
    I will say that it’s refreshing to see today’s neo-Marxism – oh right, “critical theory” – described in such blunt and stark terms.

  10. Jeff Wegerson

    Wow. Right out of the comment gate. Some people’s thoughts are on a hair trigger. Talk about defensive much. Talk about thin skinned.

    I like articles with stories. I like stories in general. Stories can of course be anecdotal but the point is not to consider them as evidence but rather examples that add emotional punch to dry evidence based communication.

    So I got excited by the idea of “micro aggression”. I got excited that there might be an illustrative story. There wasn’t but there was the image of identity disarmement.

    So thanks for a thought provoking article.

  11. atcooper

    Working class and black identity have plenty of overlap. It is to the benefit of the powerful to ensure working class, as an identity, is thought of as white too. As though there are no working class that are not white.

    Best counter I’ve got to the lazy, but represented left, is they need to ask hard questions about why so many Hispanics, most of them working class, voted Trump. What does that mean, #TheResistance?

    God I dream of a purge on the left of moderate lefties some days.

  12. atcooper

    I mean, why the hell does the soft left pooh pooh Cornell West so much? Or better, Jessie Jackson was mentioned recently, and he was a bit before my time, so I can’t say for sure, but wasn’t he largely discredited in a similar mode? Too angry? Not genteel enough for the soft left?

    Well hell, guess what I do some research on after I clear my current queue lol

  13. V. Arnold

    Well said Mandos; agree completely.
    As to some of the other commenters; your racism is showing, but absolutely no surprises there.
    Carry on hate boys…

  14. EGrise

    Hey Mandos,

    Interesting stuff. Concerning this:

    when whites agree to disarm their own identity politics

    I’m not 100% sure I follow you. Could you give an example?

  15. Tony Wikrent

    I guess I am really ignorant: I don’t see why anyone could argue with this. I didn’t find it thought provoking; seems rather obvious to me that achieving a better and more fair economy is not going to change individual bigots, while getting rid of bigotry will not ensure an economy that is fair and meets the needs of all.

  16. atcooper

    Shoot, the only real quibble I have is the damn term identity, etc. it’s another word that’s lost all meaning in the current political arena.

    There is so much white guilt showing in the term, and it’s a serious flaw. What’s there to be guilty of if you actually intended to address black concerns?

    That’s how you escalate from the left, and that’s how you drive a much needed wedge between the soft, but rich, racists, and the working class remnants on the left. Then there’s the space for a better coalition.

  17. MojaveWolf

    +1 to jib halyard. Honestly, that is really all that needs to be said, but in the interests of real life illustration that may have more to do w/most people’s reality than Oprah’s Swiss shopping excursion …

    First, tho, I enjoyed Get Out, tho not nearly as much as Mandos. It was hilarious in places and suspenseful/scary in places, regardless of what the underlying themes were or weren’t or whether you agree w/them or not, so please don’t take my criticism of the post and a whole subset of thought that is popular on the left (however unpopular Mandos may be here, he does a VERY good job of articulating the dominant “liberal” status quo mindset on a lot of issues in the best way possible, so it’s probably a good idea to pay attention to him if only to know one’s enemy, and to be fair afaik he departs from the neoliberal status quo when it comes to matters of war and war profiteering) as being directed at the movie.

    Now on to the post and my reaction to it– certainly, racism exists and is bad and we should get rid of it and no one is saying ignore it (okay, almost no one). No argument there. But I’m inclined to see Mandos’ particular line of thought as being part of a newfound tendency on the left to not just combat racism, but to practically fetishize race and insist that the entire world be obsessed with it, so that accusations of insufficient obsession can be used to discredit whatever individual or movement threatens to upset the status quo apple cart. This kind weaponizing of identity politics, instead of diminishing racism (which had been steadily happening until fairly recently) tends to exacerbate it (happening now)(and yes, the economic problems are also exacerbating it, but not by themselves).

    For example, this post comes the day following my discovery of the Portland Taco Truck fiasco and subsequent online conversation w/a friend from Australia who found the whole thing a baffling mix of hilarious and horrifying. I missed the hilarity part, tho I suppose it would be if only it was only a movie.

    I’m just going to quote from our conversation:


    Aaaaand this kind of crap is why . . .

    (1) I would be tempted to switch from left wing to right, except, sadly, the left’s descent into madness on multiple issues has not been accompanied by a corresponding shift into sanity by the right on the multiple issues where they’ve long been deranged . . .

    (2) Why the rise of the alt-right is happening (okay, it’s only part of why; the other part of why is that the corporate powers seem to be promoting it, probably to improve their chances of keeping the masses at each other’s throat over made-up garbage and the mobs attacking each other and away from the palace doorsteps where they should be just a little a longer). I mean, a fairly mainstream publication begins an article with

    This week in white nonsense, two white women—Kali Wilgus and Liz “LC” Connely—decided it would be cute to open a food truck after a fateful excursion to Mexico.


    This kind of language seems to have become a thing these days. A downright obsessive thing. I do not see it leading anywhere good, any more than other sorts of racism have ever led to anywhere good. It probably will (continue to) lead to (even more of) a rise in the number of people celebrating their specifically “white” identity in reaction, which has a rather problematic historical context. I mean, 20 years ago the alt-right stuff was an ever-shrinking fringe that got no attention, and this sort of article/real-life happening didn’t exist either. Not a coincidence.


    You ganked this from an inflammatory piece written in a hilariously segregated culture which has disintegrated into … tragicomedic grabs?

    I mean, I have nothing against food trucks but… you can’t really tell where it’s going from that headline, did they get food poisoning and contaminate the food? crash the truck? was it a write-off?


    Quoted from the article (quoting less here than in actual conversation, because I think pulling out seven paragraphs in a block might exceed fair use, but they are all… similar to what’s here):

    These two white women went to Mexico, ate tacos, and then decided they would just take what the locals clearly didn’t want to give them. If that wasn’t bad enough, they decided to pack up all their stolen intellectual property and repackage it in one of the few places where such a business could plausibly work: Portland, Oregon. . .

    As soon as Willamette Week, who has a history of publishing racially insensitive food commentary, published this story, people of color were outraged. Even some of those aforementioned super liberal white people. . .

    Following the WW’s article, one commenter said: “Now that you all boldly and pretty fucking unapologetically stole the basis of these women’s livelihoods, you can make their exact same product so other white ppl don’t have to be inconvenienced of dealing with a pesky brown middle woman getting in their way. Great job.”)

    IOW, by opening a taco truck in PORTLAND OREGON these two EVILWHITEWOMEN destroyed the livelihood of all the people selling tacos in the part of Mexico known as Baja, because when they as white women opened their food truck it caused all the tourists in Mexico over a thousand miles away to bypass the local Mexican eateries and get their authentic Mexican tourist experience from a food truck run by non-Mexicans in Oregon.

    Or, possibly, the sheer existence of such a horrific crime as American EVILWHITEWOMEN cooking and selling food labelled “Mexican” based on their attempts to create something that tastes like the food they had in Mexico caused psychic ripples throughout the ether of the entire world, resulting in emotional, mental and physical as well as financial damage to all non-Caucasians.

    Aaaand . . . I wrote that second paragraph as a joke, same as the first one, but in the case of the second I think it’s actually the root of what many SJW types really do believe, firmly and deep down, as immutable truth. (see previous conversations about yoga, sushi and dreadlocks) Which is frightening. Especially since it results in things like these poor women shutting down their business and the Latino people of Mexican descent who rented them the food truck being out that money (great job, concerned citizens!)

    This kind of article and thinking is getting to be more and more the NORM among the Western left, btw. If it’s not in Australia yet, count yourself lucky.


    lol “take what the locals clearly didn’t want to give them”

    hang on… they went there, and ate tacos… the locals prevented them doing that, too?

    Intellectual property?? lmfao

    So I take it, there are ‘whites’ and ‘people of colour’.

    That is a very black and white view to take.

    tsk society.


    She’s right–divvying everyone up into “whites” and “people of color” and framing them in perpetual opposition is not helpful to anything or anyone, except people who profit off the conflict.

  18. Tom

    This is why I fucking hate identity politics and loath those who engage in them rather than stick to the real fucking problems such as healthcare, rampant poverty, and systemic governmental failure.

  19. UserFriendly

    Tough crowd. Who would have thought that there would be push back admitting that descendants of slaves might have a slightly different experience or thoughts about solidarity. To acknowledge that there is a different history there and it will need to be addressed in all but the most utopian futures doesn’t mean it needs to be the sole focus or be to the exclusion of other races.

  20. V. Arnold

    Musings from the Hermitage; Asian’s are rascist in general; I live in S.E. Asia; yet there are very few rascist incidents. It is commonplace to hear derogatory comments about Indian, Loa, Khmer, and Burmese. I have never (in 14 years here) witnessed any pro-active violence towards any of those people.
    Rascism is as natural to humans as rain is to the planet; so possibly rascism isn’t as much the problem; but rather our violent response to it.
    Usians and Europeans in general respond to racial differences in exremely violent fashion, to the point of genocide.
    In the U.S. I spent a good part of my life speaking out against rascist talk and actions; and for the life of me, I cannot recall changing one person’s mind about their belief.
    Change the behavior; don’t waste time on belief…

  21. bruce wilder

    Everyone has some experience of being dominated and devalued. It is the common legacy of everyone who grew up as a child, but it is limited to childhood for very few.

    Some of the burden, as you call it, of minority identity is exaggerating the uniqueness of the experience of being dominated associated with that identity. And, conversely, in identity politics, the aspiration to reverse that domination by becoming part of an oppressive establishment in order to experience power and privilege exempt from the experience of being dominated acquires an exaggerated importance unrelated to the desire for justice.

    The spirit of justice says with Abraham Lincoln, as I would not want to be a slave, just so I would not want to be a master. I am not certain that the spirit of justice infuses identity politics quite as much as the desire to join the establishment and share in the privilege of dominating others.

  22. Anonymous

    +1 to jib halyard, as well. If black identity politics exist, then whites are considered an out-group; whites will then reciprocate and consider blacks an out-group. You can’t expect people to override hundreds of thousands of years of evolution that selected for a tribal mentality.

    Working class politics are de facto pro-black politics and they don’t alienate whites as a group.

  23. Amerikaner:

    Why is it wrong for whites to be dominant in our own countries?

    The problem here are the words “our”, “own”, and “dominant”. The (in the big picture) moderate material dominance — which works out mostly to impunity in the use of violence against minority identities — sense of dominant-group identity, and unjustified sense of ownership are used to bribe ordinary whites into allowing themselves to be robbed blind by their own leaders, who are steering them and the world into environmental and economic destruction.

    No one can really afford your deep emotional attachment to that “our” and that obtuse belief that that the mere social admixture of other otherwise similar humans is tantamount to “genocide”. Give it up.

    Shall I take all the infrastructure and wealth that my ancestors created over the last 300 years with me? Leave it in a state of nature like how we found it?

    It was not in a “state of nature” — whatever that is. In any case, if you wish to think of yourself as of a unit or cell of that Borg-like “we”, then “you” should leave behind all that infrastructure as compensation for what you interrupted. Fortunately, no one is genuinely demanding that you give up your own individual home, merely for you to yield up that “we”. For the good of all of us, including ultimately yourself and those you personally know.

    Land doesn’t belong to anyone. You get it if you can take it and hold it.

    In an industrial world, that is the philosophy of genocide and why people consider people like you to be the precursor to mass murder.

  24. highrpm

    mandos, always the evangelist.

  25. Everyone has some experience of being dominated and devalued. It is the common legacy of everyone who grew up as a child, but it is limited to childhood for very few.

    This is an attempt at denying and belittling the systematic nature of identity-based oppressions, and unsurprisingly I disagree with it totally: it’s not all the same. When a factor has a systematically probabilistic effect over life-outcomes, it is not the same as the “background radiation” of childhood humiliations.

    Some of the burden, as you call it, of minority identity is exaggerating the uniqueness of the experience of being dominated associated with that identity. And, conversely, in identity politics, the aspiration to reverse that domination by becoming part of an oppressive establishment in order to experience power and privilege exempt from the experience of being dominated acquires an exaggerated importance unrelated to the desire for justice.

    The spirit of justice says with Abraham Lincoln, as I would not want to be a slave, just so I would not want to be a master. I am not certain that the spirit of justice infuses identity politics quite as much as the desire to join the establishment and share in the privilege of dominating others.

    We live in a world in which individual people must find a way to make do. While they are waiting for you to bring about a world without masters or slaves, they are faced with a set of life chances and decisions that are systematically influenced by visible and invisible features of their identity. I don’t deny that the end goal is to bring an end to dominance in se, but we’re far from it, and people are going to be making life choices and political decisions based on their available life choices. It’s legitimate for people of minority/nondominant identities to wonder whether they have the same shot at personal improvement as other people, and legitimate for them to be skeptical of a political philosophy that points an accusing finger at their “desire to join the establishment” as an implied betrayal of the lofty Lincolnian spirit.

    At the same time, there’s a deeper problem: people of minority identities wonder what is going to become of the world without (apparent) masters when the going gets tough, as it sometimes does.

  26. Tough crowd. Who would have thought that there would be push back admitting that descendants of slaves might have a slightly different experience or thoughts about solidarity. To acknowledge that there is a different history there and it will need to be addressed in all but the most utopian futures doesn’t mean it needs to be the sole focus or be to the exclusion of other races.

    I’m not surprised at all — it’s the default position of Ian’s comment section that anyone who brings up other phenomena of oppression is a “neoliberal” attempting to detract from the One True Economic Struggle.

    That is one of the reasons why these people have had little effect so far on world politics, in the time where it would have been best to have their effect — prior to the largest crises.

  27. The Stephen Miller Band

    I love the smell of Smart & Polite in the morning, don’t you?

    There’s no going back now. Pandora’s Box is opened and discussions like this, as if it was ever a discussion, are tantamount to Whistling Past the Graveyard. The wedges have been driven so deep the fault lines have fractured and the loosely-fitted amalgam called America, is coming apart at the poorly-constructed seams.

    This Is Inhuman Refuse

  28. StewartM


    Why is it wrong for whites to be dominant in our own countries?

    Who said this was “your country?” Native Americans would rightly differ.

  29. shizz

    There is no solution, other than getting white people to do the right thing, but the left does not want whites ever to have the satisfaction of saying, “we did the right thing.”

    And round and round and round.

  30. Who said this was “your country?” Native Americans would rightly differ.

    He answered it with the usual, “Only white people can ever build anything” answer.

  31. >He answered it with the usual, “Only white people can ever build anything” answer.

    Except when they don’t. And again white != whyte.

  32. A1

    Answer Amerikaners question Mandos. I am white. I never enslaved any one. My ancestors never enslaved anyone. Yet I am responsible for the sins my fathers did not commit?

    You are like Ian and like to play pick and choose according to your whims and to suit your arguments but you don’t like it when others do the same.

    Stirling you do not make sense.

  33. First, tho, I enjoyed Get Out, tho not nearly as much as Mandos. It was hilarious in places and suspenseful/scary in places, regardless of what the underlying themes were or weren’t or whether you agree w/them or not, so please don’t take my criticism of the post and a whole subset of thought that is popular on the left (however unpopular Mandos may be here, he does a VERY good job of articulating the dominant “liberal” status quo mindset on a lot of issues in the best way possible, so it’s probably a good idea to pay attention to him if only to know one’s enemy, and to be fair afaik he departs from the neoliberal status quo when it comes to matters of war and war profiteering) as being directed at the movie.

    I mostly agree with the overall drift of Ian’s preferred policy orientations in health care, foreign policy, economy, etc, etc. If the world merely did what Ian suggested, it would be a fantastic place. Most of my disagreement with him and with many commenters here is about matters of political and social mechanics of how to get there. I put, for example, more emphasis on the emotional makeup of e.g. voters and the holders of political offices, and consider it incumbent upon those who wish change to act with awareness of that emotional state.

  34. Answer Amerikaners question Mandos. I am white. I never enslaved any one. My ancestors never enslaved anyone. Yet I am responsible for the sins my fathers did not commit?

    It has nothing to do with responsibility for “sins” or some kind of metaphysically-transmitted collective guilt.

    However, history accumulates, through culture, a pattern of relative advantages and disadvantages, mediated through probability. If you are black, your efforts to build a good life for yourself may indeed succeed (or fail), but the magnitude of the material well being you expect is likely to be lower than that of a white person starting from the same place and doing the same things. That is a likelihood, not a definite future. Some black people become Oprah Winfrey or Barack Obama, after all, or Neil deGrasse Tyson if you like.

    There are two explanations for this. One is the white supremacists explanation, which is merely that the difference in probability is directly proportional to the success of the affected populations on proxy tests for some biological concept of general intelligence. Even if such a thing could be fully deconfounded from social history and properly correlated with genetic background — not in any way as easy to do as the scientific racists would have it — the residual difference would not reflect the observed magnitude of the difference in overall economic success, let alone the less directly economic measures, such as the likelihood in some places of being shot dead by police while being otherwise unarmed.

    So what I would suggest is for white people not to block active attempts at rectifying the history that has led to these differences by hollow appeals to individual responsibility and so on. It is not a question of being held responsible, but allowing anti-discrimination efforts to work on the terms of the objects of the discrimination, and to resist reactionary responses like the assertion of a countervailing “white identity” or whatever.

  35. Will

    One of the finest examples of the monkey trap in action that I have ever witnessed.

    You’ve seen Identity Politics (IP) been used to fracture the old New Deal Democratic Party and replace it with an upper crust laden and globalist infected abomination. You’ve seen it used to concoct the Southern Strategy that inflamed and shamed the south. You’ve seen the neoliberal powers that be use it to deflect attention away from the ongoing destruction of the middle class. You’ve seen it used to prevent the normal and healthy reaction to decades of suicidal economic policy. Invariably, even those who have tried to use it for positive social means have ended up doing lasting and mayhap even irreparable harm.

    And yet you just. can’t. let. go….


  36. atcooper

    Gah. I kept hearing from moderate lefties during the election, Demographics is destiny. And I’d tell them, don’t be stupid, the definition of white will just expand to include enough, and no more.

    The inevitability of the phrase is comforting, I’d bet, but it’s a false hope.

  37. Will:

    If that were all true, who is at fault for that outcome? To blame minority groups for their identity politics is to demand that they permanently suppress their complaints, or to declare their complaints invalid.

    The Southern strategy worked because of white identity politics. So the just answer is for white people to forego identity politics, but not to demand it of nondominant minority groups.

  38. Will

    I haven’t blamed anyone. I’ve simply put forward the entirely correct and provable assertion that Identity Politics is plutonium. That even those who try to use it for positive purposes end up doing very serious harm. And those who aren’t burdened with such notions of nobility have used it to accomplish very real evil.

    Identity Politics is the ring of power and those who believe themselves worthy to wield it to accomplish good are, in effect, Boromir.

  39. Will:

    I haven’t blamed anyone. I’ve simply put forward the entirely correct and provable assertion that Identity Politics is plutonium. That even those who try to use it for positive purposes end up doing very serious harm. And those who aren’t burdened with such notions of nobility have used it to accomplish very real evil.

    Identity Politics is the ring of power and those who believe themselves worthy to wield it to accomplish good are, in effect, Boromir.

    You have therefore made a blanket and mechanistic claim about a particular type of search for a more just society and removed any agency from the individuals involved. If it were true that it is responsible for the ills you cite, then it deserves further analysis as to why this is the case, because otherwise the implication is that some groups with coherent claims to justice must never press them. How … convenient.

  40. Amerikaner

    Mandos (shorn of the typical obfuscating word jugglery):

    “You whites must accede to all demands made of you by non whites for as long as they wish. And don’t you dare whimper or demure or complain or even ask for an explanation you impudent white dogs!

    Don’t you know who runs things now! Don’t you know who determines moral valency? Arbitrates the rules of social exchange? Why it’s me, a second generation Asian immigrant who has learned the grammar of political correctness (white dispossession) so well that I feel confident enough to lecture the natives on the terms of their surrender.

    If they chirp back at me the way I like then I may deign to give them some cover against the accusation of “racism”… or not. Remember you are never safe, whitey.”

  41. Will

    Ah….. convenient. Yes.

    Growing up in the poorest county of the ( at the time anyway, thank God for Mississsippi ) poorest state in the nation provided me with access and privilege that has been…. humbling, is a good word. And when the cosmopolitan set finds out about the native american blood from both sides of the family that flows in my veins? Why they just fall all over themselves trying to make me privileged and accessed.


    You just couldn’t help yourself could you? You just couldn’t stick to the argument anymore than you could let go of the banana and pull your arm free.

  42. NR


    Racism absolutely is a real problem in America today, even if you don’t agree with the modern left’s approach to combating it.

  43. Don’t you know who runs things now! Don’t you know who determines moral valency? Arbitrates the rules of social exchange? Why it’s me, a second generation Asian immigrant who has learned the grammar of political correctness (white dispossession) so well that I feel confident enough to lecture the natives on the terms of their surrender.

    Again, so weirdly unaware. In any case, your problem is that you view yourself, essentially, as part of a white Borg-entity capable of en masse, “surrendering”. You’re deeply emotionally attached to this murderous world-view and I know that there is not much I can say to talk you down.

  44. Rostale

    White identity politics never gave any real benefit to the majority of whites, what makes you think minority identity politics will have anything other than similar results?

    Just look at the rise in the number of blacks in prison that has accompanied the rise of black identity politics. Identity politics for any group is just something that the gatekeeper class supports as a hollow substitute for left-wing economic policies that would actually improve their lives.

  45. Ah….. convenient. Yes.

    Growing up in the poorest county of the ( at the time anyway, thank God for Mississsippi ) poorest state in the nation provided me with access and privilege that has been…. humbling, is a good word. And when the cosmopolitan set finds out about the native american blood from both sides of the family that flows in my veins? Why they just fall all over themselves trying to make me privileged and accessed.

    Actual ancestry is not that relevant if it is not an in some way discernible part of your identity. Many people with some indigenous ancestors “pass” easily as indistinguishably white. Like I said, talking about some ancestral taint is besides the point, other than the history that has accrued you with particular advantages or disadvantages.

    If you were black and born in the poorest state of the nation you would be somewhat less likely to talk like this. The point is, for the same overall circumstances, racial identification has an effect on the likelihood of particular material outcomes. This accumulates over time.

    You just couldn’t help yourself could you? You just couldn’t stick to the argument anymore than you could let go of the banana and pull your arm free.

    I responded to your claim by suggesting that you provide more grounding. You have identified a process, something like: “identity politics -> economic disaster”. Alright. If that were true, then the reasons why that is the case need to be explored more closely, because the demands of identity politics, as practiced by non-dominant groups, are just.

  46. Just look at the rise in the number of blacks in prison that has accompanied the rise of black identity politics.

    Please explain the causality you must believe explains this apparent correlation.

    Identity politics for any group is just something that the gatekeeper class supports as a hollow substitute for left-wing economic policies that would actually improve their lives.

    Unfortunately this does not reflect the experience of minority groups, particularly blacks. The New Deal was constructed in part by excluding blacks from some of its benefits and perpetuating inequality, I am given to understand. So why would American blacks favour that approach without some guarantees, even if in absolute terms they might be better off?

  47. atcooper

    The brown bloc is a nonesense definition, much like white is. Even black, as a term, is being diluted with new African immigration. So the labels, across the board, aren’t nearly as helpful as folks pretend they are.

    It’s an instance where playing the game as it seems to be popularly defined, some version of whites vs brown (as though blacks and brown have the same concerns), means one has already lost.

    Otherwise we’re left with the crab bucket stuff where every tiny interest is concerned with maintaining their peice of the pie. A left of professionals, blacks, and some of the browns is too weak.

    If I were to go all Kissinger on this discussion, I would push the brown desire to eclipse black concerns. See how easy divide and conquer tactics are? Set black against ‘model’ minorities.

  48. Amerikaner

    Mandos: In any case, your problem is that you view yourself, essentially, as part of a white Borg-entity capable of en masse, “surrendering”.

    But blacks and other non whites are capable of en masse being “empowered” or otherwise having their interests as a group addressed?

    You don’t demean their sense of group belonging by referencing the Borgs (cancerous and unthinking). No, it is only for us whites that you do this. You are so deep in this that you can’t see the blatant double standard. Or you do and think it is justified.

    You are so deeply emotionally attached to this anti white world view that I don’t think there is much I can say to talk you down.

  49. If I were to go all Kissinger on this discussion, I would push the brown desire to eclipse black concerns. See how easy divide and conquer tactics are? Set black against ‘model’ minorities.

    This is to some extent precisely what happened. Thus, we can react in one of two ways:

    1. Do what Will suggests and abandon the justice claim in black “identity politics”. If there is residual/latent racism in the white population that will re-emerge on, e.g., future environmental or economic disaster, that is a risk one must take to ensure an across-the-board increase in working-class well-being.

    2. Understand how Asian “model minorities” are weaponized against black justice claims and consider counterstrategies, consciousness-raising among the so-called “model minorities” and so on.

  50. But blacks and other non whites are capable of en masse being “empowered” or otherwise having their interests as a group addressed?

    When the justice claims of non-dominant groups are addressed, we can talk about disarming that form of identity politics. But the only way to do that is to address those claims. What is the force obstructing the resolution of black (and other) justice claims? A major factor is the identity politics targeted at people like you. So that form of identity politics must be disarmed first for justice to take hold.

    You don’t demean their sense of group belonging by referencing the Borgs (cancerous and unthinking). No, it is only for us whites that you do this. You are so deep in this that you can’t see the blatant double standard. Or you do and think it is justified.

    There is no symmetry, like some form of “reverse racism”. One group is dominant, the other not, and material effects of this dominance can be observed across the population. You can either say, “I am so attached to my white identity that I will never acquiesce to any claim for justice against that assertion of white identity, delivering myself wholesale into the hands of people who want to starve my family for profit” or you can you yield up your white identity and cross-identity solidarity can ensue once pending justice claims have been addressed.

    You are so deeply emotionally attached to this anti white world view that I don’t think there is much I can say to talk you down.

    Imitation is the soul of flattery.

  51. NR

    “You are so deeply emotionally attached to this anti white world view that I don’t think there is much I can say to talk you down.”

    Just an FYI for people: this language is straight from Stormfront. “Anti-racist is code for anti-white.” It’s one of their go-to arguing tactics.

  52. Willy

    Sometimes tribalism is necessary. Sometimes it’s used/discarded by the born manipulator (who couldn’t care less about it, except as a tool). For most, it’s hard to know when one is being played, or doing the right thing. Therefore, all the mud.

  53. Rostale

    I used rise in prison population because I was looking for an indicator of general well being, if a group is doing well economically they are less likely to end up in prison and vice-versa. If identity politics really helped minorities improve their lives, why, here at the peak of identity politics, are so many forced to resort to illegal means to support themselves?

    The New Deal was constructed in part by excluding blacks from some of its benefits and perpetuating inequality- very, very true, which is why the 1963 march on washington was actually the “March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom” the economic thinkers associated with the civil rights movement, Bayard Rustin and Asa phillip randolph, simply wanted blacks to be included in the New Deal benefits.

    Instead liberals got put in charge, and they got welfare and affirmative action, which weren’t particularly successful at advancing blacks economically, but were extremely successful at increasing racial tensions and reinforcing stereotypes of blacks as lazy and unqualified.

    with schools, “separate but equal” was a lie, instead of insisting on sending black kids to white schools, “the white child’s burden”, why not give increased funding to black schools to bring them up to par with the rest. The entire purpose of identity politics is to create division while providing as few tangible benefits as possible.

  54. Will

    Mandos: No, you walked out on the argument by implying that my criticism of identity politics was rooted in my own privileged circumstance. And now that you have been shown that my background provided anything but privilege you say it is irrelevant.

    Now that’s convenient.

    The fact is that identity politics ALWAYS provides a just cause. Don’t believe me? Just ask anyone who buys into it no matter the particular strain of IP that they are referencing. My God, haven’t you figured that out yet? That’s it’s talisman, it’s seductive appeal, it’s mojo. It’s why it works so well to divide and conquer. It ALWAYS seems righteous and just to those who partake.

  55. Pelham

    I think Mandos makes a valid point. The question then becomes one of what to do.

    I’m inclined (and I’ll admit it’s a largely sentimental inclination) to think that class struggle is necessary, doable and can lead to a better world — though not necessarily. Class is something that is humanly created, which suggests it can be changed.

    I’m conflicted about identity politics. If there is to be a struggle, will it be a healthy one? To what end might it lead? Toward what end should we aim? Given human tendencies and the fact that race and ethnic divisions at least appear to be outcomes of nature minus human intervention (many would disagree, but this at least is the common perception), it might be impossible to adequately address these difficulties.

    In which case, of course, identity politics will indeed always be with us.

  56. atcooper

    Hispanics, to an extent, are in the model minority category too. Especially in the southwest of the US. And Florida. Can’t forget about all the anti Castro Cubans.

    I’m starting to wonder how feasible organizing the IT sector is now. Asians have all kinds of existing divisions to exploit. Among the H1-B folks I’ve had the pleasure to work with, I’ve seen one might be able to peel off the southern Indians from the more ‘white’ northern Indians for instance.

    PS – I’m nominally white. I say nominally because I have too many non-white features. It’s wonderful/horrible resting in a liminal space.

  57. shizz

    “The question then becomes one of what to do.”

    The whole point is to avoid that question.

  58. nihil obstet

    The left’s stated objective is a society in which every individual has full access to participation in the society. Do we get there by working to insure that all segments of the economy and the society reflect the overall makeup of the country, so that as 13% of the population is black, so 13% of the billionaires should be black and 13% of the prison inmates and so on? Or do we get there by universal programs so that everyone has health care, education, decent housing, and the rest of the social platform that provides the basis for full participation? Identity politics is the expression of the first pathway. Both sides eventually want the same thing — most people who feel a special relationship with Oprah and Obama also want universal health care, and most people who want universal health care oppose a lingering racial hierarchy of whites first. But there’s a lot of hostility based on which side is emphasized.

    The objection to identity politics seems to come from two sources: first, flat out racism; second, the perception that racial equality is being used to preserve economic and social oppression. I tend towards the second. After all, racial hierarchy was pretty much created in the west during the European age of expansion to justify appropriation of foreign lands and revival of slavery. Remove the economic inequality and the underpinning of racism disappears. This doesn’t mean ignoring racial justice; I favor serious reparations. But although I think I understand the reaction to Oprah’s experience, I think the call for serious solidarity in that situation is not productive for most people. I think I understand the solidarity with Obama that many if not most blacks share, I do think it enabled the devastation to black assets that he and his administration presided over when they prioritized “foaming the runway” for big banks over assistance to homeowners and smaller banks.

    And that, I think, is why there’s negative reaction to identity politics.

  59. wendy davis

    ‘pass the popcorn’, indeed. mandos, i wonder if your request akin to ‘abandon your white identity politics’ might be more worthily phrased as ‘consider your white privilege’? that’s a thought experiment i’ve seen actually bear some fruit in the past several years, especially in the rather odious Twittersphere. now there may have been a bit of virtue signaling going on, but folks on some hashtag or other were comparing what small crimes they’d committed, but had gotten off scot-free, and very seldom stopped in their cars, much less arrested.

    identity politics aren’t simply about race, but religion, class, gender, country of origin, etc. and of course there have been alliances among affinity groups. the earliest example of that was the black panthers’ however-many point program. as i’d seen ‘micro-aggressions’ referenced here so often, i found that the wiki has something for everyone, especially those who dismiss the underlying causes as ‘creating and/or enhancing ‘victimhood’.

    now as far as blacks seeing oprah’s shopping ‘racist disrespect’, i’d say blacks are not monolithic (although far too many black *voters* are still democrats exhibiting some crazy-ass stockholme syndrome left from the civil rights days when the Ds were billed as ‘the peoples’ party’). but of course the first black president helped not only keep them financially enslaved by his policies of ratcheting more wealth to his actual wall street base, but his administration helped to incarcerate more people of color, not to mention shoot them on the streets w/ virtual impunity. but those were just the rabble classes of browns and blacks, so the librul class could afford to snooze a lot of away.

    many folks don’t realize that the first police departments were slave patrols and night watches to either punish or recapture slave ‘property’, and in the northeast and even then ‘frontier’ baltimore to control native americans (Indian constables).

    i’m going to push Submit for now, cuz ian’s software often finds my long-windedness as vexing as multiple links, and my comments get to moderation purgatory.

  60. John

    Ah, the hornets nest! Race and economic class.
    How about considering Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

    Tolerance and respect for others comes after the Esteem and Self Actualization level. They do not come before safety and economic security. They arise from safety and economic security.

    We live is a culture where the oligarchic overlords use all the tools at their disposal to promote extreme anxiety and insecurity to prevent arival at the higher levels of esteem and self actualization.

  61. hellacia

    wendy says:

    …”now as far as blacks seeing oprah’s shopping ‘racist disrespect’, i’d say blacks are not monolithic (although far too many black *voters* are still democrats exhibiting some crazy-ass stockholme syndrome left from the civil rights days when the Ds were billed as ‘the peoples’ party’). “

    Bullshit. Black Americans calculate which of the two major parties is least likely to openly advocate for black oppression and make a bet on that party knowing full well that, ultimately, it will not get any better in this country as long as the dominant “white” group is determined to stay that way no matter who has to be brutalized. At one time black americans chose the Republican Party but republicans decided to go full-on white supremacist in the 1960s and 70s so the only other choice is the democrats.

    We never believed the democrats were some kind of people’s party; I don’t know where you got that nonsense from. However, because the Democratic Party is no longer openly white supremacist many black people have chosen it as their vehicle to gain the political power necessary to protect themselves. Exceedingly imperfectly, but this is the tool we have.

    The “identity politics” that warp the arc of justice in this country are “white” identity politics. As James Baldwin put it

    “What white people have to do is try to find out in their hearts why it was necessary for them to have a nigger in the first place. Because I am not a nigger. I’m a man. If I’m not the nigger here, and if you invented him, you the white people invented him, then you have to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that. Whether or not it is able to ask that question.”

  62. wendy davis

    yes, native/first americans are killed by police w/ impunity at a rate almost equaling blacks, as far as per capita ratios.

    black po-po also kill unarmed black ‘suspects’, but as we know: when a cop zips on the uniform, he IS a representative of the security establishment™, which in its modern state includes ‘protection of broken windows’ etc. (NYC, LA, billy bratten,, even if he/she is a comprador sell-out. “must subdue the rabble and all dissidents of the Imperium”, of course. and of course, many Chiefs are appointed by D mayors, yada, yada. see also herr trump’s apparent pick to be a deputy of DHS.

    what’s been going on globally for the past few decades is a fight against ‘neo-colonization’ in so many nations. thug hindu narenda modi is praised by the western hegemon for attacking and murdering those ‘radicals’ in kashmir for chafing under his rule, begging for the long-promised chance to vote which nation’s rule they’d rather be under: pakistan’s or india’s? or in africa, even south africa’s ANC, south america, ‘rule by capital is preferred, and western NGOs are eager to help. for a similar reason, some Occupies wanted to be known as ‘neo-colonize’ whichever locale in the SW; they knew that neo-colonization of policy, killings by police, were just that.

    re: oprah, the muti-billionaire media tycoon: i’ d needed to refresh my memory as to her big fucking ‘racist’ flap over not being admitted to the hermes goodie-shop in paris in 2005 after closing, but the one hit i’d found online was by a black or mebbe mulatto, saying close to: pffft. the store had a right to treat her just as it would have any person of any color, no matter her vaunted and known ‘status’. the folks inside the store were preparing for showing.

    there seems to be at least one person of color on this thread, bless his heart; are there any others? but i do wonder if any of you can imagine being our son (mixed black and azteca) who’s experienced ‘micro-expressions’ during his early lifetime in colorado? for instance, when some wally-world checker had forgotten to disable the ‘paid for’ electronic thingie on his purchase, the sirens erupted while going out the door. security forces arrived, yes, but five or six deep, on accounta, he’d already been branded as ‘the suspect class’. or gettin’ stopped in SW colorado while attending a local college, taken to jail, shackled for endless hours, not being allowed water, coat, or a bathroom break, just cuz some po-po wanted to have some fun, fuck them. yes, he and other people of color report being followed by store security, and how many of them have been murdered by po-po for simply looking at a rifle or bee-bee gun? plenty, that’s how many, and no, i won’t dig to provide you w/ links. but ‘busted for driving black’ ain’t just an urban legend (RIP, sandra bland, say her name), but it does cause chris rock’s ‘How not to get your ass kicked by the police!’ video monologue seem quite quaint by now.

    ya ever wonder why ‘induns’ occupied alcatraz for 17 months staring in ‘69, or AIM occupied the church at wounded knee in 1973? same reasons, different year, and oh, so many comprador sell-outs to fight.

    oh, and mandos, w/ all due respect, i got nothin’ from your get out trailer, but you might want to check out one on the youtube list labeled ‘GET OUT (Horror Movie) – TRAILER, 2:49.
    sorry for any typos, there are likely many.

    @ hellacia: i call bullshit on that, especially when there are non-duopoly candidates to support with $, non=LOTE voting choices available, or casting a ballot, withholding Xes for prez, senate, house, but i’m glad to know that there’s another person of color on this thread. great baldwin quote though, reminding us of the ‘I am a man’ movement in memphis.

  63. bruce wilder

    Mandos (referencing my earlier comment): “This is an attempt at denying and belittling the systematic nature of identity-based oppressions, and unsurprisingly I disagree with it totally: it’s not all the same.”

    I am pretty sure I was not attempting to deny or belittle anyone’s experience; I was arguing for the universality of the experience of being denied and belittled as a preface to arguing for the possibility of universal empathy.

    The ideology of identity politics tries to make too much, imo, of the “unique” experience of oppression associated with each identity. It is a reversal of the universal priesthood of all believers, in which all are able to interpret and testify; in identity politics, one is ordained into the priesthood of one’s own identity and only those with authentic credentials of that identity are allowed to testify as to their “unique” experience. Everyone else is automatically denied and belittled.

    It can quickly become ugly and absurd as it approaches its logical extremes.

    In the recent controversy over the Tuvel article published in the feminist philosophy journal, Hypatia, a white woman was savagely attacked in social media for presuming to write a conventional analysis of the ethics of identity acceptance, comparing the arguments for accepting transgendered identity claims with arguments for accepting transracial claims.

    In my view, Tuvel’s abstract approach could be validly criticized for the abstraction, though that is typical of a rationalist philosophical style considered conventional in ethical philosophy. She took issues that are necessarily highly personal to the individuals directly concerned and toyed with those issues in the detached and superficial manner of someone with no personal stake. Was she criticized on those grounds? Well, yes, by a few. But, the big controversy and hysteria stirred up by the social justice warriors of identity politics, who thought nothing of the damage done to Tuvel, untenured junior faculty, by the witchhunt they staged, held as their chief grievance that she did not adopt their frameworks and vocabulary, in place of the conventions of her own field. She didn’t talk like Judith Butler, you see.

    And, the biggest sin they could find in her article? She “deadnamed” Caitlyn (née Bruce) Jenner!

    More than 500, including many academics in gender and race studies, signed onto an open letter with these points as grievances. This is self-parody.

    In this thread, you’ve managed to provoke some predictable reactionary responses in defense of whytes. That’s boring. It is certainly not justification.

    But what are you championing as a program of cultural politics? That Oprah can show up without makeup and in sweats at an exclusive Swiss shop and be treated with appropriate (??) deference by a clerk trained in snootiness? That a millionaire celebrity famous for being famous as stepdad to a family of exhibitionist trainwrecks is spared being the faux pas of being “deadnamed”? wtf!!??

    Identity politics has a lot to answer for. The crisis of black misleadership for one.

    I do not see that ditching universality has been done in the service of any cause other than an attempt to permanently disable the left. The agenda of identity politics seems otherwise trivial, but in this it is pernicious.

  64. tsisageya

    Oh dear, really? I will never be free of identity politics.

  65. shizz

    “But what are you championing as a program of cultural politics?”

    Anything, so long as it has no consequences.

  66. SDCIV

    Congrats Mandos, you’ve just discovered intersectionality! I’m glad you’ve caught up to everyone who’s talked about social privilege in the past two decades.

    Also good lord, reading these comments is like riding a rollercoaster.

  67. Congrats Mandos, you’ve just discovered intersectionality! I’m glad you’ve caught up to everyone who’s talked about social privilege in the past two decades.

    Also good lord, reading these comments is like riding a rollercoaster.

    I didn’t have to “catch up” 🙂 I know my audience here and figured that use of the terminology of the nasty splittist intersectionalists (with which I am reasonably familiar) would make the discussion even more difficult…

    For many years now this has been argued here that discussion of racism as an independent factor from (economic) class analysis is merely an instrument of the neoliberal masters to rob the people. I have always disagreed and decided to make that disagreement a front page post.

  68. >Stirling you do not make sense.

    Says God.

  69. This was sort of like reading the comments in the New Orleans Advocate article about taking down the Confederate monuments.

  70. >This was sort of like reading the comments in the New Orleans Advocate article about taking down the Confederate monuments.

    They at least fought, and died for, for something – some evil and vicious to be sure.

  71. Charlie

    Ian’s last post, “Essential Insanity,” described this post exactly.

    And IP, an invention of the Clintons in order to name themselves as the “good guys” while using every instrument known to man to normalize hatred of working class middle aged whites, is merely the wedge issue to replace abortion. Especially since the Obama economy was making the abortion wedge issue a non-starter.

    If ever you wondered why IP was being pushed so hard by only upper class whites, and my ethnic friends rarely bring these topics up, only upper class whites do, the above is it.

  72. Some Guy

    Cutting away the clutter, I see politicians like Sanders that want things to be more fair and equal for everyone, and that I can get behind. And I see politicians like Clinton who don’t care how unfair or unequal things are as long as they are not explicitly unfair or unequal along the lines of identity politics, and that I can’t get behind.

  73. jcapan

    “But what are you championing as a program of cultural politics? That Oprah can show up without makeup and in sweats at an exclusive Swiss shop and be treated with appropriate deference by a clerk trained in snootiness?”

    I’d guess more representative boardrooms and war-rooms? The same heinous policies, the same war on the poor at home and abroad. But carried out by a more diverse stable of players.

    The most vivid example is Obama, who represented the hopes of millions of minorities then did the bidding of his corporate patrons against those voters’ interests. More shameful yet, he wielded the overwhelming power of an evil predatory state against his fellow browns abroad. I’m sure if we asked the victims of the 26,000 bombs that he dropped (just last year, mind you), that they’d say it was so much better being bombed by a person of color.

    We can fight for every underrepresented group’s right to sell out and rise up in the ranks of a vile corporate state or we can work together to destroy it. You can’t do both but by all means let’s give it a few more generations.

  74. cripes

    Wellll, who exactly benefits most from “identity politics” as presently practiced in these Yunited States?

    The professional class of ceiling-busters striving mightily to prove their ability, worth and loyalty to the not-quite-so-white-anymore power structure, while working even harder to pull up the ladders from their forgotten brethren in the race/gender niche, neighborhood or family they left behind?

    The fantastically tiny class of billionaire plutocrats and their sycophantic retainers, that rule us all, who have promoted diversity “success stories” decade after decade as they systematically dismantle worker, health, housing, retirement and healthcare rights at home and lay waste to the rest of the nonwhite planet in their insane quest for world domination?

    The academic scribblers and bureaucrats whose livelihood depends on training a generation of youth in the life skills of total compliance, subservience to authority, microaggression surveillance and social alienation when they have the historic task before them of democratizing economic power or face species destruction?

    The liberal politicians who pimp diversity from election defeat to election defeat, getting richer all the time and hysterically waving at Russians, Rednecks and knuckle-dragging Republicans whose reactionary policies they will vote into law–or symbolically vote against for pwogwessive points–when their vote doesn’t count?

  75. V. Arnold

    May 27, 2017


  76. Ché Pasa

    …how one is treated in life is nevertheless conditioned on the sufferance of the majority/dominant community unless one erases one’s entire particularity (and even then) is not a trivial feeling.

    What has been opened up by this post — again — is the Pandora’s Box of white rightist hooey, the supposed oppression of whining white people (“Wypipo”) who see another’s advance or well-being (of someone not quite white enough) as somehow diminishing or oppressing their own.

    As if there isn’t enough good to go around in the world, and if white folks don’t grab all they can as fast as they can from everybody else, they won’t have any.

    That’s Identity Politics on steroids, and that’s the kind of Identity Politics that the long-suffering Others have been enduring for hundreds and hundreds of years. Even when white people are on top — as they mostly still are — they are whining to the heavens about all those Others out there who would take their stuff and rape their women if the white people didn’t do it to the Others first.

    And by golly they’re going to complain about anybody else’s assertion of “identity” — be it racial, class, cultural or whatever — and call that a wrong thing (being done to them, of course) while simultaneously promoting their own specialness.

    It’s been wonderfully clarifying under Trump and the other white rightists parading around on the political stages of the Northern Tier.

    Of course neoLibCons use Identity Politics as one of the many wedges keeping the Rabble divided and at one another’s throats rather than hanging the High and the Mighty from the lampposts. It works superbly. Don’t fool yourself into thinking it is not one of those wedges. So long as one’s assertion of identity can be seen as a threat to someone else’s very existence (the position of the whining white people vis a vis everyone else, nearly the reverse of reality) so long will those wedges drive people apart and keep them from coalescing in unity against their real oppressors and the real threats they are under.

    And yet there’s been a remarkable level of cross-identity unity shown by the amorphous resistance to the rise of the white right. It isn’t quite enough to overcome it yet. But it’s there.

    Oprah, in this context, really doesn’t matter much at all.

  77. V. Arnold

    (To the tables down at Mory’s)
    (To the place where Louie dwells)
    (To the dear old Temple bar we love so well)

    (See the Whiffenpoofs assembled)
    (With their glasses raised on high)
    (And the magic of their singing casts its spell)

    Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well
    Shall I wasting and Mavourneen and the rest
    We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last
    Then we’ll pass and be forgotten with the rest

    We’re poor little lambs who have lost our way
    Baa, baa, baa
    We’re little black sheep who have gone astray
    Baa, baa, baa

    (Gentleman songsters off on a spree)
    (Doomed from here to eternity)
    (Lord have mercy on such as we)
    (Baa, baa, baa)

    Gentleman songsters off on a spree
    Doomed from here to eternity
    Lord have mercy on such as we
    Baa, baa, baa, baa

  78. Invictus

    Cripes and jcapan nailed it. Walter Benn Michaels wrote a book about ID’s diversity racket. If class issues continue to be pushed aside, humanity is toast. Also, need I remind you that Mother Nature doesn’t care about identity and will snuff us all out if we don’t act soon.

  79. The Stephen Miller Band

    I’m sure if we asked the victims of the 26,000 bombs that he dropped (just last year, mind you), that they’d say it was so much better being bombed by a person of color.

    Great line. Great comment. I agree completely and have been saying the same for what seems forever now. I will not, and I do not, support oppressed, or previously oppressed, groups (Identities) being emancipated only to have their day & time to become the oppressors and oppress. I want to END oppression once and for all, and you don’t go about that by emancipating the oppressed to oppress in turn at the behest of their, our, Feudal Overlords.

    The CIA, for example, is a Family. It calls itself The Family. They consider themselves to be part of a Family. We cannot defeat that and all it represents unless we do the same collectively. Identity Politics is contrary to this notion. It fractures and fragments. This is exactly what The Establishment wants and it’s exactly what it’s been getting since the dawn of Civilization.

    We Are Family

  80. The Stephen Miller Band

    Oprah, in this context, really doesn’t matter much at all.

    I disagree. Oprah encapsulates, like Obama, all that is wrong with Identity Politics. I can’t believe anyone with any intelligence can defend the indefensible and that includes Identity Politics. It, like so much else these days, is indefensible if you truly wish to liberate The People. The Means always becomes The End, so The Means & The End are one and the same, therefore, choose The Means wisely.

  81. wendy davis

    @ Ché Pasa: well said.

    Take up the White Man’s burden, Ye dare not stoop to less—
    Nor call too loud on Freedom To cloak your weariness;
    By all ye cry or whisper, By all ye leave or do,
    The silent, sullen peoples Shall weigh your gods and you.

    Take up the White Man’s burden, Have done with childish days—
    The lightly proffered laurel, The easy, ungrudged praise.
    Comes now, to search your manhood, through all the thankless years
    Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom, The judgment of your peers!

    ~ rudyard kipling

  82. highrpm

    What has been opened up by this post — again — is the Pandora’s Box of… the vain imaginings of the religious argument du jour. so much hot air expended for so little real achievement. oh, the comfort of co misery for us who can’t seem to focus our energies on [measureable] activities of life.

  83. realitychecker

    Identity politics is the opiate of the people. (OK, one of the opiates, but the only one that is free lol.)

    Not a good thing.

    Much easier to get folks to agree to act right today and going forward, than to get them to go back hundreds of years and try to make right all the unlimited injustices of the past.

    I see everybody arguing for what they perceive to be their own selfish interests, wanting something for nothing in real time, nothing more to see here, IMO.

    Fuck identity politics, and all proponents of it.

    Try the Golden Rule instead, assholes.

  84. Will

    Jcapan: “by all means let’s give it a few more generations…”

    You know this cuts to something that continues to amaze me. Exactly how long do the purveyors of failed policy get a pass? I mean we’re creeping up on an entire productive lifespan here and still these people refuse to learn.

    And the excuses. My God the excuses. Well we should research to see why identity politics helped to impoverish the middle class of an entire hemisphere. We should explore options to see if free trade can be employed without strip mining the productive industry of first world nations….


    Only in the pretend sciences does such abject and complete failure get coddled and tolerated. For decades. Doesn’t the political reaction we see around us indicate that perhaps, just maybe, the time has come to send these children and their childish theories to the kids table while the adults try to unfuck this mess they’ve made?

    While there’s still time and resources to do so?

  85. cripes

    While the very phrase “Identity Politics” (c) is laden with Liberal Class Bullshit, perhaps we should be asking just Whose identity politics we’re really talking about?

    If it’s the pronoun wrangling, entrail-twisting, elite university white academic class-politics-won’t-help-gay-people (realllly?) Cintonian variety, then count me out. If we’re talking about alleviating the disparate impact of policing and incarceration of non-white people, the destruction of black wealth presided over by the first “black” president, and the degradation of economic opportunities, healthcare, housing, education and actual outcomes for the white AND non-white working classes, then count me in. While we’re at it, less killing brown people overseas.

    Like John (above), and Adolph Reed and Walter Benn Michaels point out, WTF is the point of dressing up identity politics in the tattered rags of neo-liberal diversity when we aren’t meeting the first two levels in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

  86. Peter

    The IP snowflakes seem desperate with IP their only remaining claim to any high ground and it is crumbling. They seem to believe they can attract recruits by running a protection racket for criminals whether they are illegal aliens or inner city repeat offenders. They offer no real help to minorities once their votes are counted and they aren’t needed or wanted.

    This is the only hook they have remaining and Mandos is using it as a threat while someone seems to have placed a nativist ringer in the comments to produce the drama needed for faux protection and safe spaces under Clintonite rule.

  87. Lots of words – but very little sense. Don’t the know the basics of Internet’s smearage? Or do we have to sit here and watch them figure it out yet again?

  88. cripes


    Your “inner city repeat offenders” now are increasingly inner ring suburban repeat offenders, fleeing gentrification, like in Ferguson where they are subject to a police shakedown racket of epic proportions that cycles them through years of fines, incarceration, suspended driving privileges all to the profit of private probation services and their county co-conspirators.

    You are echoing Madame Clinton’s “predators” comments. Careful where you tread.

  89. cripes


    Can you clarify? Specify?

  90. cripes

    And: “They seem to believe they can attract recruits by running a protection racket for criminals whether they are illegal aliens or inner city repeat offenders.”

    Last I checked, illegal aliens or inner city repeat offenders, dope dealers, what have you, aren’t rushing to the polls to vote for Clinton’s or anybody else. They have better things to do. So what kind of protection racket received or service in return provided is hard to imagine. So you imagine.

    In most states, they are ineligible to vote anyway. In all states, they don’t give a shit.

    Your other points stand up better.

  91. realitychecker

    @ cripes

    Perhaps it is the people who love the ‘offenders,’ etc., whose votes are being sought via the “protection racket” Peter referenced ?

    This post is just an invitation to roll around, once again, in the limitless shit that fills up the insides of Mandos and those like him.

    IOW, the losers who got us here with their relentless, shameless, bullshit.

  92. Dan

    This is a very well-stated description of the “constant headwind” any minority or outsider group faces. It is common to lower class or otherwise disadvantaged whites as well, anyone with a significant disability, religious minorities, etc. The difficulty today is to recognize everyone has some kind of legitimate grievance without playing into the hands of hate and hysteria. Reactionary impulses in the white, western world have to do at bottom with the recognition of what it means to be a global minority whose power and wealth is slipping, whose ability to dominate (or merely ignore) the rest is much diminished if not gone. Even within western contexts, whiteness doesn’t get you very far if you’re coming from a poor, looked-down-on region or country. One day it could be a marker for a pariah class. This fear seems to inspire more people to do evil to others before they do it to them. Humans will be fated to an endless cycle of differently pigmented hammers and nails if they can’t face each other in a spirit of moral reciprocity and responsibility.

  93. Ché Pasa

    Whiner white boy mocking identity politics in Portland. 1 2 Part 3

    Went on to kill two men who stood up for a couple of women — one wearing a hijab — on the light rail…

    Just one more day in Paradise…

  94. hellacia

    I agree with @Dan ‘s statement:

    Even within western contexts, whiteness doesn’t get you very far if you’re coming from a poor, looked-down-on region or country. One day it could be a marker for a pariah class. This fear seems to inspire more people to do evil to others before they do it to them. Humans will be fated to an endless cycle of differently pigmented hammers and nails if they can’t face each other in a spirit of moral reciprocity and responsibility.

    Those white american voters with all the “economic anxiety” the media goes on about don’t like being niggers. It seems logical to them to support political leaders who tell them “Look, your lives are shit but those niggers over there are the reason why, and you’re nothing like them so your higher social status should be enough for you ’cause that’s all you’re going to get from the system.” Ask Donald Trump how well this message works.

    I’m using the word “nigger” as all inclusive of the many kinds of people who are blamed for crime and other bad shit: Muslims, uppity women of all colors, blacks, Mexicans, other short brown people from Central America, LGBTQ people who are impolite enough to demand equal rights, etc., etc. This list changes depending on which country one is discussing, but works for the US of A well enough.

    No identity politics has the political power of “white identity politics”. So I wonder what the people arguing against “identity politics” would do about this?

  95. hellacia

    On a lighter note, here’s a perspective on how cool white people act with their black friends that might be interesting to some folks here. These pleasant tendencies apply to most cross-cultural and cross-racial personal interactions of all stripes here in the US. You know, it’s like how to be a decent human being. Won’t solve big political problems but can make life more enjoyable and interesting for all concerned:

    The 7 Habits of Highly Enjoyable White People

  96. The Stephen Miller Band

    Ground Control To Major Tom.

    They, and truthfully I don’t even think there is a collective they aside from the theoretical abstraction, don’t want your help. The best help you can give is no help at all, or in the least fight for universal equitable Justice an Opportunity for ALL.

    FYI, I’m not whining. Have at your Identity Politics if you think it’s useful. I will agree it’s useful. Useful to The Oligarchy/Plutocracy in keeping The Rabble divided and at each other’s throats, and useful to The Plebs who promote it so they can have what they believe to be lessors than themselves to look down upon and help rather than pummel. Little Puppies to care for in perpetuity. Whether you’re helping or pummeling, you have still set yourself apart by ensuring the group you’re helping or pummeling in perpetuity has set themselves apart.

  97. The Stephen Miller Band

    Speaking of that, where the hell is Black Lives Matter? Why isn’t it in Montana raising hell and giving those Privileged White Pricks in Montana all manner of grief?

    I suggest bus loads, upwards of a million or more, head out to Montana and protest. They can sing the following as they unite hand in hand against the gun-toting Montanans who think they own the State of Montana when in fact the majority of it belongs to ALL of us.

    How About Some Woody?

  98. atcooper

    I’ve a bad feeling BLM was getting all the attention it was getting before the election for co-option type reasons. Wish I had better evidence to support it. Just my sense and understanding of past, similar situations.

    It’s true I’m not seeing nearly as much about it now, despite the brutality that continues.

    Demilitarizing the police, that alone seems worth everyone’s efforts. I suspect too many are cowed to get the needed support at large though.

    It’s a small thing, but de-criminalizing weed should be helping. Now if only those ‘criminal’ elements could be made legitimized, some of the harm on communities could be reversed. But that’s not happening. The business is largely going to better connected people.

  99. Peter


    Thanks for the feedback.
    The groups I mentioned are not the targets of recruitment but they are the tools used by the IP activists to attract support from their general populations of non criminals and legal aliens some of whom can vote.

    The many posts championing criminal illegal aliens especially at the Intercept always and only identify them as ‘immigrants’ mixing them with the large non-criminal populations in both illegal aliens and the much larger legal immigrants. Low level career criminals are probably mostly White but the IP activists champion the Black demographic promoting lax punishment, felon voting rights and the warped view of drug crimes as not violent. This has been a successful tactic for the Clintonites because they have never been held accountable for the structural racism that maintains the status quo, so that never changes.

  100. cripes



    @ realitychecker

    @ cripes

    “Perhaps it is the people who love the ‘offenders,’ etc., whose votes are being sought via the “protection racket” Peter referenced ?”

    Oh, right, I forgot how many votes can be had from the “people who love the offenders” which is why the repubs AND the Dems have spent fifty+ years demonizing “superpredators” and corralling the Tough On Crime Vote.

    I don’t even know what you’re talking about.

  101. cripes


    How you figure the Clinton’s, who authored one-strike public housing evictions, the “The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996” that eliminated welfare and created dozens of death sentences and life without sentences, and led the biggest expansion of the prison system and the drug war, as well as electrocuted retarded prisoners for political gain and demonized “superpredators”…..

    are somehow “promoting lax punishment, felon voting rights and the warped view of drug crimes as not violent.”

    totally escapes me.

    And how exactly in your unwarped view are drug crimes violent?
    Don’t quote me how the underground drug economy created by crimalization leads to robbery or homicide.

    We have laws for that.

  102. This is the only hook they have remaining and Mandos is using it as a threat while someone seems to have placed a nativist ringer in the comments to produce the drama needed for faux protection and safe spaces under Clintonite rule.

    Yes, you got me. I’m involved in a secret coordinated conspiracy to plant white supremacist dupes in comment sections to “create drama” on behalf of my alien hive queen mistress. Ian who lets me post is in on it, of course — drawing in people like you with his writing as a honey trap, so that I can then consume your time arguing that white supremacism is marginal and fake.

  103. Bruce Wilder:

    I am pretty sure I was not attempting to deny or belittle anyone’s experience; I was arguing for the universality of the experience of being denied and belittled as a preface to arguing for the possibility of universal empathy.

    The ideology of identity politics tries to make too much, imo, of the “unique” experience of oppression associated with each identity. It is a reversal of the universal priesthood of all believers, in which all are able to interpret and testify; in identity politics, one is ordained into the priesthood of one’s own identity and only those with authentic credentials of that identity are allowed to testify as to their “unique” experience. Everyone else is automatically denied and belittled.

    I never said you were denying or belittling anyone’s experience. I said you were denying and belittling systematic differences in people’s subjective experience and that you were denying and belittling their material consequences. Black and other minority communities, far from any internet debates about safe-spaces, etc, delivered their verdict on the kind of politics that denies or ignores differences in subjective experience — as well as reduces inequality politics to mere economics and material policy choices — in the Democratic primaries, among other places.

    Yes, I know that Sanders had all kinds of policies that were good for the blacks etc, and that the Clintons had adopted all kind of racist doctrines in their welfare policies back in the day, and so on and so forth. But what struck me, especially in places like this, the obstinate refusal to understand why some minority groups, laden with the burden of experience, may still choose the latter to the former.

    It can quickly become ugly and absurd as it approaches its logical extremes.

    In the recent controversy over the Tuvel article published in the feminist philosophy journal, Hypatia, a white woman was savagely attacked in social media for presuming to write a conventional analysis of the ethics of identity acceptance, comparing the arguments for accepting transgendered identity claims with arguments for accepting transracial claims.

    In my view, Tuvel’s abstract approach could be validly criticized for the abstraction, though that is typical of a rationalist philosophical style considered conventional in ethical philosophy. She took issues that are necessarily highly personal to the individuals directly concerned and toyed with those issues in the detached and superficial manner of someone with no personal stake. Was she criticized on those grounds? Well, yes, by a few. But, the big controversy and hysteria stirred up by the social justice warriors of identity politics, who thought nothing of the damage done to Tuvel, untenured junior faculty, by the witchhunt they staged, held as their chief grievance that she did not adopt their frameworks and vocabulary, in place of the conventions of her own field. She didn’t talk like Judith Butler, you see.

    And, the biggest sin they could find in her article? She “deadnamed” Caitlyn (née Bruce) Jenner!

    More than 500, including many academics in gender and race studies, signed onto an open letter with these points as grievances. This is self-parody.

    I have nothing against illustrative anecdotes in a discussion like this, but your evidence is basically old school inside-baseball academic politics? Seriously, this is just “People’s Liberation Front of Judea” level stuff that has been going on in left-wing academic politics over one thing or another. Careers have been ruined over stupid controversies since forever.

    In this thread, you’ve managed to provoke some predictable reactionary responses in defense of whytes. That’s boring. It is certainly not justification.

    Again, that you think that those reactions are marginal is why the kind of politics that attempts to supplant identity politics with guns-and-butter economic cures has very little traction. As long as the presence/prevalence of those views are treated as distractions, the economic left is going to be treated as condescending irrelevancies.

    It has real consequences. While Amerikaner and his cohort may be extreme examples, they nevertheless represent a thumb on the scales of American politics that enables a huge number of white voters, many of whom not in any economic distress at all, to play their own form of reactionary economic politics and retard progress. What you are doing as asking the weaker side to disarm, when you don’t engage seriously with/against views like those of Amerikaner.

    But what are you championing as a program of cultural politics? That Oprah can show up without makeup and in sweats at an exclusive Swiss shop and be treated with appropriate (??) deference by a clerk trained in snootiness? That a millionaire celebrity famous for being famous as stepdad to a family of exhibitionist trainwrecks is spared being the faux pas of being “deadnamed”? wtf!!??

    In point of fact, to some extent, yes. When one looks seriously at the aetiology of social pathologies in minority communities one sees representation in popular culture, the sense that no matter how much money one has, a subjective experience of dignity will never be achieved, etc, etc — as nontrivial factors. Consider the concept and effects of stereotype threat as one of the mechanisms that has gained a lot of recent attention.

    Identity politics has a lot to answer for. The crisis of black misleadership for one.

    I have heard this term “black misleadership” before and it seems to trace back to the Black Agenda Report. It seems to be a critique of blacks who succeed within the political system (Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus) among others, who thereby adopt mainstream positions, rather than the revolutionary ones that BAR wants black people to adopt.

    Let me put it this way: criticizing minority communities for supporting members who “go mainstream” is not a plausible route to supplanting their “misleadership class”.

    I do not see that ditching universality has been done in the service of any cause other than an attempt to permanently disable the left. The agenda of identity politics seems otherwise trivial, but in this it is pernicious.

    What the left is called upon to do is to walk and chew gum, which it is unable to do: incorporate the subjective experience of minority groups, combat identity claims among dominant groups, and propose a even an elementary return/establishment of social democracy, let alone a radical transformation of economic relations.

    It does not seem conceptually difficult to me to do all of these things, and yet here we are: arguing on a blog whose comment section is dominated by people who, for some reason, refuse to incorporate these things into their political views.

  104. No identity politics has the political power of “white identity politics”. So I wonder what the people arguing against “identity politics” would do about this?

    Bingo. They’re asking for one-sided disarmament for the sake of The Cause.

  105. We can fight for every underrepresented group’s right to sell out and rise up in the ranks of a vile corporate state or we can work together to destroy it. You can’t do both but by all means let’s give it a few more generations.

    Basically, you’re going to have to figure out how to do both at once. It’s the “jam yesterday and jam tomorrow, but never jam today” problem named by Lewis Carroll. Even with the best of intentions, effort, will, and resources, we are not reaching the post-hierarchical utopia tomorrow. Minority identities are not going to trust the guns-and-butter left until they know what their status is going to be in the (more minimalist?) hierarchies of tomorrow. And that requires evidence that individual can succeed, today on mainstream terms, so that they won’t have to fight that battle again having given ground now by diverting their energies to revolutionizing the system or whatever.

  106. The Stephen Miller Band

    Conservatives make me laugh because it’s better than crying. Many believe they know history, but they really don’t. They feign to and they cherry pick historical anecdotes that rationalize their greedy rapacious exploitation of everything under the sun and beyond it when they can finally reach it and claim it as their own.

    There is no one more American, and nothing more American, than the early Puritans. Puritan Folkways helped shape a lot of America prior to its complete & irreversible Industrialization and now Financialization. Some Puritan Culture still exists to this day, but it’s hard to spot and increasingly rare.

    William Bradford, an original Founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony who came over on the Mayflower, had this to say. The Original Americans were collectivist & communal by nature, more akin to Communists than to Greed Is Good Capitalists. But you’ll never see Wall Street extolling this form of Americanism — the Original Americanism.

    Who can argue that this isn’t the very nature of ALL the problems we lament & discuss here. It is at The Root of it all. Every argument and every proposed solution must deal with this common denominator. That’s RADICAL.

    Prosperity Weakens Community, or I’m Sorry We’re Growing

    “Also the people of the Plantation began to grow in their outward estates, by reason of the flowing of many people into the country, especially into the Bay of the Massachusetts. By which means corn and cattle rose to a great price, by which many were much enriched and commodities grew plentiful. And yet in other regards this benefit turned to their hurt, and this accession of strength to their weakness. For now as their stocks increased and the increase vendible, there was no longer any holding them together, but now they must of necessity go to their great lots. They could not otherwise keep their cattle, and having oxen grown they must have land for plowing and tillage. And no man now thought he could live except he had cattle and a great deal of ground to keep them, all striving to increase their stocks. By which means they were scattered all over the Bay quickly and the town in which they lived compactly till now was left very thin and in a short time almost desolate. And if this had been all, it had been less, though too much; but the church must also be divided, and those that had lived so long together in Christian and comfortable fellowship must now part and suffer many divisions. First, those that lived on their lots on the other side of the Bay, called Duxbury,49 they could not long bring their wives and children to the public worship and church meetings here, but with such burthen as, growing to some competent number, they sued to be dismissed and become a body of themselves. And so they were dismissed about this time though very unwillingly.”

    ~ William Bradford

  107. > Yes, you got me. I’m involved in a secret coordinated conspiracy to plant white supremacist dupes in comment sections to “create drama” on behalf of my alien hive queen mistress.

    But this does indicate that Mandos’ opponents do this, on the general line of reasoning that they accuse other people of what they themselves are doing.

  108. Peter


    I never mentioned ‘the’ Clintons who did all the things you listed and still retained Black voter support so long ago. The Clintonites or snowflakes count on short memories and emotional responses along with ‘you have no choice’ to try to reverse their loser status.

    I suppose if you can separate the pusher’s simple transaction from the drug business, that leaves death and destruction from Colombia though Honduras to Mexico, you can try to shield the pusher from the fact he is paying for this violence. 700 murdered in Chicago last year but the hairsplitting view of pushers as non-violent businessmen persists. Governments share responsibility for the violence because of their inability to develop wiser policies but that doesn’t relieve the pusher from his responsibilities when he peacefully sells crack or heroin to children.

    On reflection this seems to be a form of liberal virtue signaling mixed with relativism where this strange warped need to downgrade the responsibility for crimes is attempted by mixing drug dealers with check forgers and mixing criminal illegal aliens with non-criminal immigrants.

  109. realitychecker

    @ cripes

    You seem to not appreciate that we are now 20 years past the Clinton Presidency, and a lot has changed in the world.

    Peter gave you a good explanation of what he meant. I guess you just don’t like it.

    Not that complicated: People who sympathize with those who can’t vote still cast their own votes in a way that reflects that sympathy.

    Other than that, you make some good points. 🙂

  110. atcooper

    The problem is the US leadership class deliberately makes criminal all behavior that contradicts them. So their children, the citizenry, learn from that behavior, and selectively disregard the law the same ways. Its not a complicated, nor partisan effect.

  111. realitychecker

    @ Mandos

    “You will never be free of identity politics.”

    Coulda stopped at, “You will never be free.”

    All your micro-machinations only prove the hopelessness of the situation.

  112. nihil obstet


    Minority identities are not going to trust the guns-and-butter left until they know what their status is going to be in the (more minimalist?) hierarchies of tomorrow. And that requires evidence that individual can succeed, today on mainstream terms, so that they won’t have to fight that battle again having given ground now by diverting their energies to revolutionizing the system or whatever.

    Not trusting is understandable. But when the identity politics wing delegitimates the goals of the guns-and-butter left, they create an answering mistrust. Anyone who objected to Obama’s policies was called racist. Many people who fought very hard against Bush’s wars, his illegal surveillance, his refusal to prosecute crimes of the elite suddenly found themselves told that the only reason they similarly fought against Obama’s expansion of those wars, of the illegal surveillance, of the pass given to banks’ fraud was racism. A white man wouldn’t have gotten criticism like that! I’m sorry, but that’s just clearly a rewrite of our eight years’ struggle against the policies when a white man was in charge. Meanwhile, there is an opportunistic argument that we saw with Clinton’s candidacy — if you don’t vote for Clinton, you’re a racist and a sexist, you BernieBro! And this again, despite what a look at the records of Clinton and Sanders would show.

    So do minorities have to succeed in the hierarchy of today in order to trust the enemies of that hierarchy? As I’ve implied earlier, I think the racial hierarchies were created for economic reasons, and that therefore addressing those economic reasons is a condition, maybe even precondition, for fully eliminating the hierarchies. It’s rather like saying to a doctor — I’ll consider your recommendations on diet only after you’ve proved your effectiveness by getting me healthy with pharmaceuticals alone.

  113. realitychecker

    @ nihil obstet

    Very good stuff there, thanks.

  114. Willy

    How does one get others to see past all the diversionary smoke, (IMO designed by the powers that be, spewed by their tools) to see the issues for what they really are?

  115. wendy davis

    i’ve found it depressing as all giddy-up to witness so many commenters engaging in such racist and racialist (stereotyping ‘qualities and behaviors’) rants against human beings who really are, or should be, our brothers and sisters in spirit under the skin, on this thread. it’s baffling to me that some of you seem dedicated to the proposition that ‘the oppressed, if liberated, will become OUR suppressors’, or some such.

    if i’m the dreaded *Snowflake* for believing that minorities of color should have equal access to the best possible public education, and not have black and latino schools closed en masse in detroit, chicago, los angeles, and elsewhere only to become private charters and for-profit charters (thank you arne duncan, bill gates, and obomba), so be it. but you ain’t seen nothing yet now that Calvininst betsy devos and family are on the school privatization case! yes, i know; there are those who believe US (mis)education can’t get any worse, but i’m not one of them. (smile)

    if i’m a *Snowflake* for believing that minorities, should have economic justice, but equally or in some ways, more crucially: social justice and constitutionally given civil justice not to be unarmed, but killed on the street w/ impunity, killed while ‘in custody’ at jail and in prisons, or held without trial for months, years, unable to even make contact with family or attorneys, then i’m glad to be a *Snowflake*. Similarly, that blacks and latino wealth got seriously smashed by the racist subprime loan scandal (given subprime when they qualified for prime), and many of their houses ended up in foreclosure, or that in many inner cities, ‘banking’ amount to Pay Loan counters w/ usurious rates imposed. as well, many inner-city ‘ghettoes’ have no reliable transportation, and the only available ‘food’ within walking distance is of the McDogfood sort, or of the Quick-stop sort, both expensive and malnutritious. a least the riots in the hough ave. district of cleveland resulted in actual banks and actual grocery stores for ‘negroes’.

    that i have heart for so many migrants from the south who are fleeing violence directly attributable to US policy in the profitable bullshit ‘drug wars’; we all know that decriminalizing drugs would end gang warfare and killings, but we can’t have that, can we? the ‘war on drugs’ is simply too profitable in multiple directions.

    others flee poverty-by-nafta, and coups staged by the cia and okayed by presidents (nicaragua, to name one) and SoS clinton (honduras), kept in dog pen cages, whole families of them until they’re deported, sign me up as a *Snowflake* (whatever that means). but never mind! there are contracts with private, for profit ICE prisons whose beds must be filled by Contract! ‘amnesty’ claims are almost always denied, but few cases are even heard; yes, i’m a *Snowflake* in that i believe that LGBTQ folks ought to have ‘safe spaces’ (whatever they are). but as for corrupt and too-eager-to-kill PDs, beauregard sessions has declared that there will no longer be po-po departments operating under (alleged watchdog) federal consent decrees, cuz #blue lives matter is the new meme of the day. “if they were killed by police, it means they deserved it!”

    but in the end, it’s down to the system we live under; capitalism requires an underclass to exploit who better than the recipients of amerika’ original sins: the genocide and enslavement of the first americans, and slavery. yes, plenty of white people are wage slaves or jobless now, as well. along with being a declared socialist, MLK’s USian ‘triple evils of militarism, racism, and economic exploitation’ ring even more true today. if the marginalized among us want to be accorded their due a human beings and not be treated as second-class citizens, what’s the big upset for some of you? is justice a zero sum equation? .. and now even fear, especially Roosian fear has been commodified even further, but in military spending, including ‘the russians stole the election from clinton’. no, the deep state won’t allow herr trump to make any rapprochement with putin, as all the while NATO seeks out new members and surrounds russia with missile systems. too bad trump didn’t keep to his ‘out of nato’ campaign promise; now he just wants member nations to pony up their 2% of gdp. sigh. and prez ‘no regime change’ has ever more blood on his hands in his unholy alliance with the house of saud and israel. as the US wars and proxy wars grow, more and more are in diaspora, which has resulted in closed borders, brutal detention (i mean ‘refugee) camp, starvation and disease, an increased nationalism, of course. but wasn’t herr T the next logical step of increased inverted totalitarianism bush and obama bequeathed to him?

    and now, of course, the state rightfully fears its own citizenry; what could go wrong?

    @ Mandos: yes, the ‘left’ should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but many commenters on your post aren’t ‘the left’, are they?

    but as to this you’ve said: “Let me put it this way: criticizing minority communities for supporting members who “go mainstream” is not a plausible route to supplanting their “misleadership class”, i prefer to think of the BAR reporters as educational truth-tellers, no matter how painful their lessons are. they rightfully, imo, call out the black compradors who are only too willing to stray from socialist MLK’s admonitions: (as well as other civil rights leaders) as he warned of ‘the triple evils of militarism, racism, and economic exploitation’. but shame on you for creating nativist sock-puppets! (smile) you’ve done a fine job answering the many barbed comments on the thread, you l’il old whyte-hater, and good on you.

  116. wendy davis

    see? too damned long-winded again, and i’m stuck in moderation (stuck in mobile with the memphis blues again…)

  117. cripes


    Peter WROTE that Clinton was “promoting lax punishment, felon voting rights and the warped view of drug crimes as not violent.”

    I’m saying that looks facially absurd and unbelievable, and if there’s any possible fact that would lead me to think otherwise?

    I’m just asking does anybody believe that?

    And I’m not concerned if Peter gave a “good explanation” or to “like it.”

    Are you guys just acting weird, or what?

  118. jcapan

    “Minority identities are not going to trust the guns-and-butter left until they know what their status is going to be in the (more minimalist?) hierarchies of tomorrow. And that requires evidence that individual can succeed, today on mainstream terms, so that they won’t have to fight that battle again having given ground now by diverting their energies to revolutionizing the system or whatever.”

    You make perfect sense. Why elect authentic populists like Edwards or Sanders when there are browns or women or gays who’ve yet to succeed at … fellating the party’s corporate sponsors or bombing the living fuck out seven of the poorest nations on the planet, full of, what were they again, privileged whites? Funny how little concern you show for those “minority identities.” Not to mention the ongoing lurch towards fascism or biosphere collapse, hastened by neoliberals and the many useful idiots who’ve allowed them to maintain power despite their ongoing failures.

    From a pragmatic standpoint, I’ll grant you this. My side, the new dealers, should come to terms with ID politics. When the Democratic party inevitably puts forward a horrible establishment figure in 2020—“Ladies and Gentlemen, Cory Booker!”–we should match them ID for ID. Kamala Harris or Keith Ellison. In other words, a populist woman against a corporate friendly woman, a populist brown against a sell-out brown and so on. Warren would have negated virtually every line of attack made against Sanders and forced voters into examining their records and policy differences. All the so called Bernie Bros would have backed her en masse.

    I’d add that it’s not nor has it ever been that minorities are resistant to populist, liberal messaging, it’s that they’ve been manipulated into thinking a candidate’s ID is more important his/her policy ideas (which is exactly what the billionaires Obama chums around with intended). People forget that he wasn’t the first black presidential candidate to dominate among southern blacks. Twenty years earlier Sanders political doppelganger, Jesse Jackson, won over 90% of their votes (and this white guy’s too). Economic populism can unite all of us is we have the right messenger.

  119. Peter


    If you read my last comment above you might be less confused about whom I referred to in my first comment as Clintonites.

    Enjoy the holiday.

  120. bruce wilder

    I was reading this post at Naked Capitalism today and was thinking of what mandos had written here.

    It is really worth reading with regard to the true nature of identity politics and the phenomena of moral madness that identity politics has come to complement in American politics.

    Consider the real evil Roger Ailes did to American politics and then consider if the carefully parsed “sexual harassment” accusation used to get rid of him in his dotage is really how we want to do justice, or could possibly be a way to do justice.

    Then, consider the spectacle of Rachel Maddow. I have friends who swear by Rachel Maddow. She fills a real need in their lives, but oh my, what she does to their brains!

    I keep coming back to the fact that Ian originally published the OP, Essential Insanity in January 2008, when I was still so hopeful that the country was coming to its senses, coming to a consensus that might reverse the worst excesses of the GWB years and get serious about global warming and peak oil. I was so far behind Ian — I suppose that’s why I read him with so much attention.

  121. cripes


    I am not in the least “confused” by your clearly reactionary and increasingly incoherent ramblings. You are completely unresponsive when my comment is based entirely on YOUR
    OWN written statement.

    Stop gas-lighting me. It’s disrespectful and dishonest.

    Just so I understand you; Clinton promotes “lax punishment, felon voting rights and the warped view of drug crimes as not violent.” You wrote it. I’m still laughing.

    “Pushers” (what is this, a 1960’s blaxploitation movie?) leave “death and destruction from Colombia though Honduras to Mexico, you can try to shield the pusher from the fact he is paying for this violence.” You wrote that.

    Newflash, that is the oldest Nixon-era justification for the “Drug War” on poor people evah, and has been thoroughly debunked by the nations you have listed, who blame the US enforced drug war for the violence, and drug demand, and call for decriminalization and de-escalation.

    And little Portugal pretty much shot down any lingering excuses for the century of death caused by said US-led “Drug War” when they decriminalized ALL drugs, reducing overdses, HIV and drug use by more than half in a single decade. I’m still laughing.

    And then, the “strange warped need to downgrade the responsibility for crimes is attempted by mixing drug dealers with check forgers and mixing criminal illegal aliens with non-criminal immigrants.”


    The mere phrase “drug dealer” or “pusher” does not absolve you from making sense, knowing history or current events. Start by reading Gary Webb’s Dark Alliance, you will find your “responsibility for crimes” there.

    I see you are joining the “Drug War” bandwagon to the left criticism of Identity Politics into your right-wing vision.

    I reject it.

  122. cripes


    Thanks, Buddy. Or Buddette? Well said.

    Lucid, eloquent face palm.

    I can’t take seriously the absurd claim that minorities must succeed in the current corrupt system before they can pursue a just society. WTF?

    They already have, Obama proved it. That’s a big fu*king problem, not a solution.

    And yeah, they’ll be peddling this crap in a few short years with Cory Booker, or some other execrable POS, pretending that’s progress.

    It’s like these guys have never read Thomas Frank, Adolph Reed or Walter Benn Michaels.
    Or anything but the New York Times for the last forty years.


  123. V. Arnold

    …and the band played on…

  124. realitychecker

    @ cripes

    If you are not satisfied with Peter’s explanations, then what is your problem with mine?

    (FYI, nobody is more down on the drug war bs than I am, primarily because of the way it’s been used to destroy the Fourth Amendment.)

    Social justice is great, and worth fighting for, but it does not include a requirement to excuse all bad behavior by the groups being oppressed. Each must be responsible for one’s own actions and choices, or no society can function in a rational fashion. It is disturbing to see how many on the left are of the opinion that no criticism is ever appropriate for their pet groups.

  125. Willy

    There’s a right way to act out, and a wrong way. When poverty keeps its nose quietly on the blackboard long enough, they’ll be getting theirs.

  126. Ché Pasa


    And just who, exactly, is excusing all bad behavior by oppressed groups? If you believe it’s happening you have no idea what’s really going on, you’re simply captured by white rightist propaganda like so many others.

    As has been repeatedly pointed out in this thread, the problem with “identity politics” is the continuing pervasiveness of the dominant, white, default US national identity which largely dismisses the relevance of any non-white identity.

    The whining over the very existence of Other identities and the violence that accompanies so much of that whining and fear of the Other has been a feature of white identity politics forever.

    Some people (some white people included) are trying to get past it, but not the way you think.

  127. wendy davis

    @ Ché Pasa: yes, and thank you, and many intersectionalist groups were allied even ‘before the Trumpeter’.

    i’ll add:

    ‘We’ve taken up the white man’s burden
    Of ebony and brown;
    Now will you tell us, Rudyard
    How we may put it down?’

    ~ an anonymous poem published in the New York World 100+ years ago

    and from Psalms from an agnostic at my home website this a.m, re: nato, ICE, and the masters of war so beloved by the western imperium, especially w/ the blessed death of zbig, but not his deeds of blood lust:

    ‘For he delivers the needy when he calls,
    the poor and him who has no helper.
    He has pity on the weak and the needy,
    and saves the lives of the needy.
    From oppression and violence he redeems their life,
    and precious is their blood in his sight.’

  128. realitychecker

    @ Che Pasa

    “And just who, exactly, is excusing all bad behavior by oppressed groups?”

    OK, there is no “all” when discussing groups of humans that was a rhetorical excess, but the fact is that “almost all” would stand up to any serious challenge.

    Having said that, it’s hard to believe you are serious to pretend that you can’t think of anyone who refuses to take any internal problem of ‘oppressed’ identity groups seriously.

    Show me where the left in general has been vocal and energetic about criticizing the behavior and choices of its pet groups.


  129. cripes


    Show me, once, where drug/alcohol prohibition has not produced a massive, violent, illegal trade, with police, CIA, bankers, correctional unions and corrupt politicians all deeply involved and profiting from it, while blaming it on darkie “pushers.”


    You’re showing your reactionary hand a little more with each exchange, now whining the “left” doesn’t criticize it’s “pet groups” of “oppressed.” Because we all know oppression is only in the mind of those who choose poverty!

    Methinks you avoid facts staring you in the face, like Portugal’s resounding public health and crime reduction success achieved by decriminalizing all drugs.

    You’d rather criticize the behavior of low level, dark skinned po’ people than your cherished bankers, CIA and rotten courts and corrections systems that profit most from the Drug (on poor people) War. Rather than criticize the majority of middle class/professional white folks consuming most of the drugs, but not going to prison for it.

    Rather than have civilized laws and policies that work.

    I think think we know now what you are.

  130. highrpm

    @che pas
    your last snippet: utter nonsense. as bad as going to church on sunday and listing to the crap spewed forth. always somebody spouting the victim/ entitlement line. old hat and thread bare. get over it and get on with it. whatever it is you do to bring income and pay your way in this here helluva lwop prison sentence called life on earth. now the stupid bandwagon of “blame whitie.” just last week, 10 black kids choose the back yard of our apartment building to hang out in instead of the public park across the street. i guess they were bored. climbed on top of the car port roof and were doing end-to-end sprints. and then ran over and trampled our little garden areas. who the fuk instills neighborly values in the next gen? certainly not their schools?! anyway, my poor failed unsuccessful whitie ass that must live in the affordable housing rundown neighborhoods of flyover america areas is sick of the young blm rats who don’t know what it is to minimize their presence. there, i said it . fuk the state religion. fuk all religion. how many cigarette butts did you pick up today?

  131. Peter


    What I mistook for confusion now seems more like a clever use of fake news and diversion. I didn’t mention the Clintons and I never commented on drug users only pushers. Liberal relativism followed that outburst and now pushers of any color are not responsible for their actions because the ‘CIA’.

    I don’t think you can back up your claims about Portugal where drugs are still illegal and pushers still go to prison while users are treated not incarcerated. Portugal is still a drug smuggling hub and all the drugs being consumed still come from the illegal trade except for methadone, the drug crime business continues even though users add less to that stat.

  132. Cripes

    WTF was that?

  133. Cripes

    No, you said “Clintonites” which presumably includes actual Clinton’s?

    As to the rest of this nonsense, your persistent use of 1960’s era racial dog-whistles like “inner city criminals” “pushers” kinda speaks for itself.

    You nitpick over Portugal’s courageous defiance of US enforced drug war mayhem, but never dare to suggest it’s not superior to the ongoing carnage we have here. it’s a losing argument. A dead end.

    Show me, once, where drug/alcohol prohibition has not produced a massive, violent, illegal trade, with police, CIA, bankers, correctional unions and corrupt politicians all deeply involved and profiting from it, while blaming it on darkie “pushers.”

    I’m sure you’ll run out and criminalize all purveyors of alcohol and nicotine which certainly cause far more death and destruction. No?

    I think you have never bothered to educate yourself about the history of drug prohibition at all.

    Why bother when silly outdated prejudices will suffice?

  134. Cripes

    What the drug war was BEFORE it got REAL BAD…

    At the time, I was writing a book about the politics of drug prohibition. I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

  135. wendy davis

    @ cripes: crikey, i’ve blocked it out already on needlepoint canvas, although the stitches may take quite some time and stronger walmart cheaters…

    ~ Meaningless Sophistry

    Social justice is great, and worth fighting for, but it does not include a requirement to excuse all bad behavior by the groups being oppressed. Each must be responsible for one’s own actions and choices, or no society can function in a rational fashion. It is disturbing to see how many on the left are of the opinion that no criticism is ever appropriate for their pet groups.

  136. cripes

    I’m sorry Wendy, what are you saying here?

  137. realitychecker

    @ cripes

    If you have managed to convince yourself that I favor the War on Drugs in ANY way, then you need serious reading comprehension help. It is an abomination from every angle.

    What about illegitimacy, no-fatherism, knock-out games, jump-in beat-downs, gangs, violent crime, widespread anti-intellectualism, etc., etc., etc. ? How about refusing to identify minority suspects in the media, which everyone online knows about?

    Where is all the criticism about these things from the left wing?

    Gimme a fucking break–if you can’t deal with reality, seek therapy.

  138. Cripes

    Because obviously, this has been the focus of the Drug War On Poor People as implemeted since at least Nixon’s administration and has been a resounding failure.

    Why don’t you just say “superpredators” and “dark hordes?” We know you wanna.

    Sixty years of locking up millions of darksome po” folks hasn’t put a dent in drug use, has it? Maybe point your blame cannon and police at the Pharma companies flooding white communities with oxygenation? And fentanyl?

    Mental health indeed. Coward.

  139. Willy

    The left does seem to criticize these things when they’re seen in “conservative” areas. But they may be saying that the rust belt and deep south are coming to have more in common with ghetto cultures because of the hopelessness of their current economic situation.

    I once tried to demonstrate that the Gaza had more in common with south central LA for these reasons, by comparing with Palestinians who lived outside these ‘reservations’, in places like the Jordan or even within Israel itself.

  140. Willy

    “Coward”. Quite accurate.

  141. Peter


    You’re displaying so many snowflake tendencies it’s hard to keep up. First you presume to be the Webster and define words to fit your needs. Then you project your hostility onto other people who don’t bow to your often feeble groupthink. Any mention of the deadly personal responsibility sets the liberal lizard brain into twitching fits of victimhood.

    Fake news is the tool of choice for the Clintonites today but you seem to be expanding that trend to fake history to prop up some utopian fantasy about decriminalization in Portugal. Portugal is still in the front lines of the WOD as a transatlantic drug smuggling hub. There was recently a large bust of a smuggling ring there, the DEA and Interpol were probably involved in a joint effort.

    Tricky Dick was a racist prick but his WOD was initially an attempt at treatment and prevention because of the large numbers of addicted vets returning from Vietnam and the spread of hard drugs among young White people. Nixon had many enemies but passing harsh drug laws doesn’t seem to be an effective way to attack Black or anti-war leadership who don’t deal drugs.

    Your parroting of the supposed Ehrlichman quote about Nixon shows how convenient repetition of simplistic memes propagates through time. Ehrlichman was a unpardoned ex-con among other things and might have had a bad attitude about how Nixon treated him.

    FYI, the anti-war movement was populated with students and radicals mostly not Hippies but there were Yippies.

  142. wendy davis

    @ cripes: i meant that the comment was worth memorializing by needlepoint and hung on the wall, named for what it was, as this motto has been needlepointed countless times.

    which ‘pet people’ get no scrutiny from ‘the left’, plenty of ‘librul’ media join in that, as well as the right wingers, and Dem triangulators of the political class. the author has now escalated, working backward from his conclusions (read: correct beliefs, reality, naming ‘What about illegitimacy, no-fatherism, knock-out games, jump-in beat-downs, gangs, violent crime, widespread anti-intellectualism, etc., etc., etc. ?…

    without noting that everyone knows that there are bad actors in every ‘identity’ demographic. but, no: they are our ‘pets’. sheer humbuggery of the whyte-right kind.

    ‘prick a librul; find the fascist underneath.’

    j. edgar hoover (after creating COINTELPRO in 1956) famously said “…the Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country”; he pledged that 1969 would be the last year of the Party’s existence.

    now that, imo, was partially due to the fact that they were armed in defense of their oakland neighborhoods, but more importantly that they were creating intentional alternative community w/ all poor people in the fields of hunger (breakfast programs), free health care, etc. no, we can’t have that, can we? we must allow the state to decide who lives, who dies from want, mustn’t we? those who do not understand that…are indeed subversives of the most dangerous sort, aren’t they? as their programs spread to other metro areas like wildfire, it was clear they had to be assassinated or imprisoned, and most indeed were.

    and COINTELPRO is still alive today, please know that.

  143. realitychecker

    OK, the fucking idiots here can just keep licking each others assholes, enjoy it, boys and girls.

    I’m a better lefty than any of you. Why do I want to have a discussion about revolution? Why have I been trying to have that discussion for ten years?

    You morons. Circular firing squad R’Us. We deserve what we get, because we coddle the ignorant and raise them up on high, no matter how bad their behavior, as long as they promote the approved PC talking points.

  144. cripes

    Ooooh, ad hominem misogyny, too.
    You’re so easy.

    Channeling Newt Gingrich braying about ‘personal responsibility” for the powerless.
    But no accountability for the crimes of the powerful. Revolutionary!

    Here’s some personal responsibility failures:

    “The banks’ laundering transactions were so brazen that the NSA probably could have spotted them from space. Breuer admitted that drug dealers would sometimes come to HSBC’s Mexican branches and “deposit hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, in a single day, into a single account, using boxes designed to fit the precise dimensions of the teller windows.”

    The “punishment” was negligible, and never prison, despite the massive crimes.

    On the other hand, nearly the entire (black) population of the town of Tenaha, Texas was locked up for concocted drug snitch operations that were fraudulent. Money and property seized. Years of prison time.

    The Libruls that you worry never criticise ghetto teenagers, are at the forefront of the Drug War on Poor People.

    You. Are. An. Idiot.

  145. cripes

    Hi, Wendy!

  146. cripes

    Hey, Wendy, Thanks for reminding me about COINTELPRO; the entire genesis of the drug war and the rise of mass incarceration was to suppress rebellion and organizing.

    But this “personal responsibility,” “fake news,” “mudwomen,” “pussy juice” clown who stays up all night worrying about dusky “pushers” is “a better lefty than any of you.”

    And he’s been talking about revolution for ten years!!

    Oh man, best laugh I’ve had in a loooong time.

  147. realitychecker

    Idiot cripes keep attributing things to me that I never said or supported. Like supporting the drug war, bankers, the powerful. The opposite of what I have argued for a decade. Most people attack me for being too radical, but cripes, well, he knows the truth, you betcha!!!!

    Just for the record, if that matters to anyone.

    This place is turning into a cesspool.

  148. realitychecker

    Here’s an ethics test for Wendy lol.

  149. cripes

    The quote marks ” ” means that’s a direct quote from you.
    Just like I put Erlichman in quotes to indicate he said it, not me.
    Parroting is when you regurgitate someone else’s stoopid ideas and present them as your own stoopid ideas.

    And you’re channelling Clinton, Gingrich and Trump, chump.

    I have no fucking clue what you have talked about in the “past.”
    I know what you wrote in this thread.
    And it’s foul.

  150. realitychecker

    @ cripes

    You admit you are ignorant of my past writings, yet you feel free to think you know who I am for and who I am against. Based on this thread.

    There are some here who could enlighten you, including Wendy.

    Pussy. Oooh, how powerful that word is for you. Got any others that cause you to lose your mind? I’ll be sure to use them. (Cock is OK, right?)

    It’s distressing that my side, which is ALL REGULAR PEOPLE, “no liars and no lawbreakers,” has to include so many as shallow and stupid as you.

  151. wendy davis

    @realitychecker: is there a brown version of pussy riot i can join? or a mud version of femen? woot!

    did i pass the audition, huh, huh?

  152. wendy davis

    @ cripes: yes, and fight ‘the commie menace’ (read: all who fight state power). but it’s still very alive, most note-worthily against AIM, esp. at wounded knee ’73 and on the ogallala rez just before that occupation, used to frame leonard peltier (still in prison after 40 long years) and others; infiltrating Occupy, and most recently the protestors fighting the dakota access pipeline near standing rock, ND. there are others i’ve forgotten, of course. it’s not nice to fight to fight the state! (busted by burglars who stole docs from the fibbie office in PA in 1971 never caught, a few of them came forward recently, plus wrote some books.)

  153. cripes


    That’s just conspiracy theories!

    haw haw.

  154. wendy davis

    @ cripes: lol. but really, i’ve spent waaaay to much time here, at the expense of my home website, we are small, but we are mighty! and ‘we don’t rent pigs’ (h/t larry mcmurtry, lonesome dove) stop by any time.

  155. wendy davis

    oh, and the invitation is open to any of you who aren’t afraid that subversive trannies are planning to take over the US of A or somethin’. we’re anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, pro justice for all, plus the commentariat is (thankfully, o.m.g) waaaay smarter, better read, and wiser than i yam. willy, oh, i’ve forgotten many of your names in my increasingly demented state. but be forewarned: one day soon the commentariat’s gonna laugh me offa the tubes. but until then….we’ll keep on truckin’.

  156. realitychecker

    OK, Wendy, you wanna play this game? Tell the geniuses here exactly how you have been arguing, for the decade I know you, that the indigenous women of the world are the answer because they are going to magically change the consciousness of the world and make everything okey-dokey and manless near the levers of power, all without a hint of violence.

    God, that’s even more absurd than anything you and the Winged Monkeys have typed above.

    Believing in magic is not a substitute for an effective strategy. But it does appeal to those who will never do anything more direct than flap their keyboards. Because they are just too damn pure to live on this planet in these times.

  157. realitychecker

    Btw, Wendy, you failed your ethics test.

    You should have stepped up and told idiot cripes that we were asshole buddies for most of the past decade, on the phone for hours several times a week, and all the things we stood together on, and what my actual history is, until I gave up on your all-passive approach to save us from corporate fascism.

    Instead, you chose to feed him. For the joy of ganging up on me with lies.

    You have no class.

  158. Willy

    Believing in magic is not a substitute for an effective strategy.

    Hey Everybody!! It looks like this is it.

    After all the namecalling, after all the “fuck you!”s, after all the ‘progressives are unworthy’ and the ‘left has failed realitychecker’ (at least a dozen attacks on separate individuals since I’ve been here, like, 4 months)… The time has come, and this is it.

    The far older, wiser, smarter far more everything realitychecker is going to begin a discussion of “an effective strategy”.

  159. realitychecker

    Willy, you are too pathetic to respond to.

  160. Willy

    Here’s how it goes:

    Step 1: realitychecker whines that there’s never a conversation about revolution.

    Step 2: Willy (or anybody else for that matter) says, alright rc, let’s hear what you’ve got.

    Step 3: realitychecker shuts the thing down claiming that nobody is worthy of such a discussion.

  161. MojaveWolf


    I confess, the timing of this thread almost makes me sympathize w/the Republicans who always say they can’t bother refuting logical arguments online because they are too busy working. It is frustrating when you check in on your phone over a period of days, see tons of stuff you want to respond to, and by the time you have time/energy, everything has devolved into “you stink” vs. “you smell worse”. At least, I think that’s what the last few posts have been. I sorta started skimming there near the end. Just in case anyone is still reading and cares, a nutshell version of what I remember wanting to say . . .

    There are several different completely distinct topics getting conflated here, and it’s resulting in people talking past each other w/no hope of reconciliation.

    Topic 1: Is working towards the end of xenophobia, bigotry, racism, misogyny, sexism, homophobia etc and towards a more equal and just society for all a good thing?

    YES!!!! WE ALL AGREE ON THIS!!!! (speaking just for people at this blog, not the whole world) Or nearly all; I’ll grant you a couple of outliers that I’m not 100% certain of, but for the most part, even the people for whom the term “sjw” is a swear word believe working towards social justice is a good and important thing. We can take it as a given that we all think Martin Luther King Jr was a great man. We all like Jesse Jackson (I think). We all admire Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth. We all think the genocide committed against the first nations people was horrible. We all favor a society in which no one is judged by their sex or their sexual preference or the color of their skin or their economic status or whether they dyed their hair green last night.

    Seriously, who here disputes anything I just wrote? If you do, please tell me which of the things you don’t agree with, and I’ll apologize for lumping you in with everyone else.

    On the other hand, a lot of people seem to THINK that people don’t favor some of what I just wrote, because there is a LOT of disagreement on the next topic.

    Topic 2: Is “identity politics” as it is practiced by much of the modern left helpful in achieving its stated goals of improving equality and social justice?

    And related, there’s an underlying third topic,

    3: “Is identity politics as practiced by much of the modern left actually TRYING to achieve its states goals of improving equality and social justice, or is it really being used as a divide and conquer strategy by a bunch of evil jerkwads?” (tho I think 100% of the people who would answer that last question “divide and conquer” would nonetheless agree that most of the people practicing these identity politics are well-meaning, just misguided; the problem being trying to figure out who is misguided and who is being a duplicitous slimeball using this lingo as a means of either personal promotion or keeping people at each other’s throats and away from the CEO doorsteps)?

    And then there’s the fourth topic–even among people who agree w/each other on each of the questions above, how do you prioritize different things?

    Again, a lot of disagreement. That frequently gets really bitter.

    These are three separate arguments, and really NO ONE is arguing on topic one, though some people seem to think disagreement on some of the other stuff somehow implies such. It doesn’t.

    One thing to keep in mind is that today’s enemy could be tomorrow’s ally. Some people I really enjoy reading here I recall not being a big fan of back in long-ago Corrente days. I dunno if I changed, they changed, circumstances changed, or some mix of this. (And some people seem exactly the same, for better or worse)

    And the other thing I beg everyone to remember, for all that I’m not exactly (or at all) convinced people aren’t being deliberately disingenuous a lot of the time either so you can tell me I need to remember this too, is that just because someone is wrong doesn’t mean they are a bad person. I’ve known some truly wonderful people with some truly horrible beliefs. And I’ve known some people with absolutely saintly beliefs who are truly horrible in their actions and behavior. See Ian’s very well-timed post about his friend Peter. And what does that have to do with identity politics? Well, for starters, once we get to “you suck and you’re ugly!” vs “you suck harder plus your whole family is ugly!” it sort of becomes impossible to make further headway and the whole thing is pointless.

  162. Willy

    I’d think the question should be:

    How do you get a people who’ve been stressed for so long that the hope is gone and they’re losing it behaviorally (many urban blacks, now rust belt whites), to help SJW’s fight a people who’ve been winning for so long they think they can do anything they want (representatives caught sneaking unpopular kleptocrat legislation into omnibus bills)?

    (Don’t ask realitychecker or you’ll risk getting called a pathetic fuck you winged monkey, or some shit.)

  163. Cripes

    I’ll keep it simple. Anyone who blathers on about personal responsibility is a straight-up Republican and scapegoater of poor people. In the Unholy ideological marriage of Gingrich and Clinton, personal responsibility means 10 years for one joint for the poor, and no punishment at all for laundering billions of drug money for banks.

    It means unconstitutionally stop and frisking two million young black men without probable cause in New York City, but never Prosecuting a single Robo signer fraudulent mortgage conveyor and financial thieves. Free passes for torturers and writers of torture legislation. For 30 years it’s been a bludgeon to assault the poor.

    That’s what they mean by personal responsibility. Anyone using that term today and pretending it just means behaving well is either a liar or a fool who’s been asleep for the last 30 years

  164. Cripes

    An even better example:

    Thanks to Clinton’s personal responsibility terrorism and Reconciliation Act of 1996, entire families including 84 year old grandmothers living in public housing were thrown in the street because a grandson was found with a joint four miles away.

    But any homeowner receiving 421a tax abatements and paying no taxes or getting mortgage tax deductions every year on their income tax is never drug tested and will continue to collect their government welfare even if they were arrested with a pound of cocaine in their condo.

    That’s what the Orwellian term “personal responsibility”means

  165. Cripes

    Personal responsibility for the poor.
    Total impunity for the rich.

  166. Cripes

    And thanks for the invite Wendy, walking the dog right now.

  167. MojaveWolf

    @willy — I certainly agree that How do you get a people who’ve been stressed for so long that the hope is gone and they’re losing it behaviorally (many urban blacks, now rust belt whites), to help SJW’s fight a people who’ve been winning for so long they think they can do anything they want is a key question (tho it could just as easily be phrased the reverse; my personal identification/sympathies tend more toward the stressed people than the sjws, for the most part, i.e. “how do we get the sjws to side with us against the kleptocrats?”)

    But your phrasing sort of was where I thought the initial debate was going to be, “are the current sjw tactics the way to go in this endeavor? why or why not?” (and my personal answer being a clear and ringing “hell no!” in case anyone missed it).

    Unfortunately, while some people were trying to have that debate, some other people were busy more or less saying anyone who don’t like current sjw tactics are at best thoughtless and insensitive and at worst flaming bigots. I’m suggesting that this isn’t the case and making those insinuations isn’t helpful.

    I don’t think RealityChecker’s response to this is helpful either, but I really don’t see how him calling me (which he hasn’t) or anyone (which sadly he has) an ignorant flying monkey is any worse than the happy souls who run around making veiled (or not so veiled) accusations of racism against anyone who doesn’t like/agree with them or their preferred method of discourse. (speaking for myself only, I get way more pissed off when some idiot tries to tell me how privileged I am or makes snide innuendo suggesting I’m a bigot if I don’t follow their lead in an effort to score debate points–this being one of the current popular sjw identity politics tactics that I think is reprehensible and wrongheaded–than I do when they flat out say “I think you suck and are a horrible person because of this thing I actually do believe you said”; at least from the second you can try to have an honest conversation over your disagreement) I *wish* he would react differently, but honestly, I at least think I see where the frustration comes from.

    Also related to reality checker: how did we get to the (abominable war on people and civil liberties that is called the) war on drugs and why are he and some other people arguing about something where they both seem to agree? I’m curious, but don’t have quite enough curiosity to wade back to the beginning of that.

  168. MojaveWolf

    Relevant re: WHY people like me question the sincerity of the “yay identity politics!” crowd–the same types who say “we must pay more attention to identity politics!” frequently have a strong overlap with the types who say “That is why Bernie lost and the left always loses, they are all white men who don’t understand or care about minorities”, notwithstanding that Sanders was more popular w/young women than men–he DESTROYED Clinton in that demographic–and notwithstanding that Bernie won a majority of the younger black and hispanic demographic, and also won the Asian demographic.

    And now, who are all those racist, sexist privileged white male (even when they are poor non-white females) Bernie supporters lining up behind for 2000? I would bet you a whole hella lot of money that around 80-90% would tell you either Tulsi Gabbard (not white or male) or Nina Turner (amazingly, again, not white or male) is their best hope for 2020. So what happens? Suddenly Tulsi is smeared as a racist bigot and Nina gets called all sorts of names, tho I haven’t seen racist YET. And their supporters, rather than being great warriors for progress by supporting two people who aren’t white males, are suddenly naive dupes, in the eyes of our great yaystatusquo! identity politics concern trolls. So please forgive me if I think most of the people doing the smearing don’t give a shit about the identity politics they claim to espouse and just want to make sure no one gets near real power who isn’t willing to maintain the whole pay-to-play status quo.

  169. Willy

    I’m actually in line with rc’s belief that it’s likely something major must happen to change the current political and cultural trajectory, but don’t understand why he will not go into further detail about this. He doesn’t have to be answering me, just clearly presenting to anybody out there who’s interested why urban blacks must behave as well as white suburban evangelicals to be taken seriously. Why are lefty feminists worse than righty gunslingers again, to these voting others? He claims to have more ability, education and time than most in this “cesspool.” Yet he gives us very little to work with.

  170. Cripes

    Some people believe that government exists to promote the general welfare, including, especially, the poor, disabled elderly, children, which includes all of us in one stage or another. Others believe government exists to police and punish the poor to keep their place and protect the property and power of those who already possess it.

    In pursuit of this shameful and anti-social objective, they must convince themselves, and the dispossessed above all, that the former are deserving and the latter must do more than they already are doing to make the well off, better off.

    In this upside down Orwellian universe, language always is perverted to mean its opposite: protesting exploitation is “whining” by “entitled” parasites, caring for human needs is “unproductive” but waging war is noble and erecting financial tollbooths to extract the national wealth into the hands of a few is innovative or some shit.

    The language nearly always reveals the ideology lurking beneath.

    With Librul Identity Politics, contortions are required to depict Sanders and Gabbard, etc, as rascist misogynists and Martin Luther Clinton their savior. Ditto Obama. Some people just gotta believe and aren’t too particular in what or whom.

    Wow, would the real MLK be sickened by all this.

    But I am actually more encouraged than I have been in years by the groundswell of discontent and refusal to accept the neoliberal playbook.

    Even the election of Trump, cruelly, is evidence of that.


  171. Willy

    My personal view about how much influence identity politics has on policy? It has none.
    This explains why and their organization is gaining in popularity:

  172. MojaveWolf

    @willy–very good graph!

  173. realitychecker

    @ MojaveWolf

    My friend the Wolf, in response to your wondering why I fight with some here, it is because the three main parties involved have long ago established that their main interest is in attacking me and provoking me in the slimiest ways possible. Schoolyard nonsense. So, what they get from me is reciprocity.

    You and I have had many exchanges, with never an angry or uncivil word. Because it is as obvious that you are seeking a sincere discussion as it is obvious that these three have decided to make a schoolyard game of taunting and slandering me. According to them, I’m a government agent, a racist, a misogynist, really anything else negative they can think up in their fevered imaginations. Even to calling me a liar for asserting that I have been trying to have the revolution discussion for ten years. Note that Wendy has declined to correct the record on that last, despite the fact that she and I were the closest buddies during that whole time, and she knows the truth.

    Why would any reasonable person waste time being civil to these folks?

    cripes was honest enough to say he does not believe in personal responsibility for his pet groups. Am I really required to agree with that to avoid being a racist scapegoater?

    Should we have a serious discussion about revolution? Of course, but it is extremely complex, and risky, and requires a scalpel; I won’t engage with people who show they can’t do that. Like Willy.

    For the record: My derisive description of Wendy’s POV is about the millionth time I’ve gone around and around with her on that issue. It is the disagreement that ended our friendship. So, if I said “pussy-juice” instead of “vagina-juice,” it was in that context. That word was enough to make cripes go crazy, even though he and I agree on just about everything. Crazy times.

    I make no bones about the fact that I will not submit to the PC word Nazis-I like using colorful language, and do not believe the whole world can or should be child-proofed. My freedom of speech is mine. PC is censorship with limited benefits, IMO. I will not submit to it.

  174. realitychecker

    @ MojaveWolf

    “Also related to reality checker: how did we get to the (abominable war on people and civil liberties that is called the) war on drugs and why are he and some other people arguing about something where they both seem to agree? I’m curious, but don’t have quite enough curiosity to wade back to the beginning of that.”

    You got me. Nobody is more against the Drug War than me, but one of the participants here accused me of being in favor of it.

    Unbridled craziness.

  175. Peter


    You use the snowflake talking points about representing the needs of the poor and minorities but i wonder if your selling dependency on the state is what these groups actually want or need. Their problems can only be addressed by your version of stateism under Clintonite control where the dole is a handy trap to maintain the party ranks and all important IP voting blocks.

    The redistribution of wealth never happens but all the nasty statist tendencies such as dependence, propaganda, control and now universal surveillance comes with the snake oil you offer. This is tired and old rhetoric designed to promote a dystopian nanny state designed by people no one should trust.

  176. Ché Pasa

    Micah Fletcher — the survivor of the three men who intervened in the attack on the Muslim girls in Portland — has something to say to you:

  177. Willy

    Should we have a serious discussion about revolution? Of course, but it is extremely complex, and risky, and requires a scalpel; I won’t engage with people who show they can’t do that. Like Willy.

    Then why not do it for the other children? If you had any of the ability you claim, especially after “ten years”, you should have developed a surgeons ability to be able to navigate such discussions.

    The truth is, you’re a coward.

  178. Willy

    redistribution of wealth

    Strange with these cultists about how redistribution upwards is always beneficial, but redistribution downwards is always disastrous.

    Isn’t the evidence sufficient that there’s a sweet spot between the two? Isn’t the evidence sufficient that character disordered power will gravitate towards whatever concentration of power exists, be it plutocratic, or the malignant narcissistic government, or both (kleptocratic) as we’re experiencing today?

  179. Peter


    The War on Terror and mass surveillance have dwarfed the WoD in their negative effects on civil liberties leaving the drug war in a state of equilibrium with the power of drug money protecting most of the people who run it while the street level workers are left exposed to punishment.

    The crime rates for most areas and crimes have fallen dramatically since the WoD was started but we don’t know if there is a direct relationship. I asked a retired NYC cop about the lead in gasoline theory about crime in inner cities and he laughed saying the 13,000 new cops on the NYC streets from the WoD funding might have made a difference.

    One thing we do know is that the people who were locked up for long sentences for drug and other crimes were not committing crimes while incarcerated but when released most return to a life of crime. This makes the apologists for criminals seem callous about the many victims of these criminals who also have the right to be protected from the criminals.

    Police abuses of their power, overreach and simple lying and cheating to nail the perps will probably keep civil rights lawyers busy at least until we have Robocop’s to eliminate the human element from policing.

  180. realitychecker

    @ Willy

    None of the other ‘children’ have asked to have the discussion, you brain-damaged moron.

    Please go kill yourself.

  181. realitychecker

    @ Peter

    I don’t support any government action that makes a mockery of the Fourth Amendment. Sorry, can’t go there.

    I’m also not a big fan of paternalism.

  182. realitychecker

    I don’t know if anyone is reading this thread anymore, but if you are:

    Please take note of the absurdity playing out here with these idiots.

    One says I am a government provocateur who only wants folks to talk about revolution so they can be arrested.

    The other says I DON’T want to discuss revolution because I am a “coward.”

    Now, why would anyone with real knowledge and credentials ever engage either of these morons on a serious topic?

    I would like to have a discussion with people whose thinking I can respect, hoping that maybe I might learn something in the discussion. There is nothing to learn from the idiots making all the noise here.

  183. Willy

    Uncle RC, only cowards make those kinds of excuses. If Hugh, Peter, Ian or nihil won’t oblige, then you’re SOL around here. And I’m sure you won’t be telling us where the action is since in reality, you couldn’t care less.

  184. MojaveWolf

    I am so the wrong person to be playing any sort of peacemaker. Really. I am. That said . . .

    c’mon guys. If you’ve been reading this blog a while, there is NO WAY you can believe RC is in favor of the War on Drugs or a police state. I think you confused him w/someone else in the comment threads there.

    And he HAS tried to jump-start the revolution thread. Several times. No one else wants to have it. If you want to have it, don’t blame him. *I* don’t want to have it. After this comment I am never going to say another word about it and anyone who wants to think I’m paranoid or a coward can think it away as much as they wish. I’ve previously made what I think are some decent arguments why voting and protests and other such are still the way to go. Not wanting to rehash them. And there are lots of other arguments and complexities, but suffice to say, I still have hopes voting can work. But, throwing in something new one time and one time only . . . .

    Watch the antifa vs. anti-antifa “free speech” dueling protests. Watch ANY of them. I haven’t seen but two. Now, seriously, think for a minute–THESE are the first and most numerous people (I’m including both sides here) who are going to answer your call for revolution. Do you want ANY of these people running ANYTHING? Do you think they would be much (or any) of an improvement over who we have now? Enough of an improvement given what it would take for a successful revolution? (My take: the Trump supporters would be almost exactly what we have now; the antifa people would not be harder to predict because I can’t even imagine them agreeing on a single world-affecting decision w/out starting to hit each other or shouting for twenty days, so we’d probably have an antifa faction war, but if they avoided that I suspect they’d come out to about where Obama was by the time they got tired of shouting and realized they knew nothing about anything and asked someone else who’d been patiently sticking around toadying up to the new rulers for advice)

    Something to think about.

    And mostly, violent revolution = lots of dead people. Possibly most or all of them you and your friends. And if you start some small fry version, and lose, you will be painted as Jim Jones meets David Koresh meets Timothy McVeigh (and the more compelling what you actually said/intended was, the more you will be painted as CrazyMacCrazypants, and anything associated w/you will suffer. Hell, they try to do that now to peaceful movements they don’t like.). And any call for lots of revolutionaries on a large scale will be surveilled and infiltrated, you can take that as a given. Any attempt at a small scale revolution, well, that’s just pointless, unless your small close-knit group includes the real life version of the Avengers (and please, if anyone out there thinks you are the real life version of the Avengers, nonononononono). Taking it a step further, the people best equipped to try to make a serious attempt at something like this, the kind of people who would have the best shot at pulling something off? Are going to realize all the drawbacks and try to influence things in some other way that would be less risky and have an equal or greater chance of success.

    Which brings me to my last main point–you have to get the people on your side for a revolution to work. If you can get enough people on your side, the political/voting way makes a lot more sense than the violent shoot’em up way. I’ve been in fights and watched lots of fights and being the better person/being right/what have you does NOT mean you are going to win. It has basically nothing to do with whether you are going to win (tho thinking you are/not liking the other side usually makes people fight better/harder)(also, seriously, I used to be good at fighting and pretty much always tried to talk my way out of it if you’re talking about a street fight; so did nearly every other person I am aware of; and it doesn’t matter whether it’s scaring the other person away or giving them reason to think they might lose but without actually making them lose face or whatever, it’s all talking your way out of a situation that’s just better avoided even if you’re the sort who enjoys fights once you’re in them)(short version–diplomacy first!).

    Though we do kinda need to get back to hand counted paper ballots w/observers every step of the way before people quit believing in voting for real cause then, well, if that ever happens in large enough numbers … then we have a situation. But paper ballots a waaaaay better idea. (and yes, I get all the electoral obstacles; like you I just witnessed them firsthand; still the preferred way to go as long as long as it’s possible, and I still think the much more likely to work way)

  185. MojaveWolf

    @RC — I get why you’re frustrated, and I’ve always hesitated to say anything at all because it’s not my place to tell anyone else how to talk to people, I was just throwing that out there as a personal opinion. You used to state your positions w/less animosity and they sounded better then and were more likely to persuade people to agree w/you, imo. Not saying whether the animosity is warranted or not, just talking about the affect on observers who don’t remember you from before. Again, not really my place and apologies if you think I’m out of line.

  186. MojaveWolf

    Speaking of identity politics, I just read an article headline and subhead that caused me to realize I had engaged in tone policing. And tone policing is just another way to protect privilege.

    Bad me.

    (this post brought to you by the aftermath of my horror in seeing probably my best online friend for the last 10 years or so post a non-mocking reference to a site called “”, which got me looking for other sites to mock, and resulted in a sojourn to a place called “everyday feminism”. Whilst trying to figure out how likely I was to piss off my friend when mocking the site I just found via her, and how to do this where she could see it but we could STAY friends, I saw the tone policing headline at everyday feminism, and realized my contemptible guilt. I apologize to my Pangolin buddy for unwittingly contributing to your oppression. FWIW I too am a fan of colorful language, and even wrote a blog post defending the exact concept about . . . 8 or 9 years ago, at a guess.)

    (fwiw the “microaggression” wasn’t any sort of aggression at all, even if you accept the concept)

    (also fwiw my microaggressions and my privilege had a duel a few years ago which ended w/each side killing the other, thus assuring that all my aggressions are macro and I no longer have any privilege to check)

    If anyone is wondering what exactly I don’t like about modern identity politics, let’s start w/the fact that it has produced headlines like the following at “Everyday Feminism” (fwiw, I consider myself a feminist, but this is such a self-parody I wonder if it is intentional and I missed the sarcasm; I sadly don’t think so and this supposition was confirmed upon asking someone who has known of the site for years):

    “What I learned about my white privilege from watching “Get Out” (published a few days after Mandos’ post–he was first! This movie was hot a while back, did some kind of memo get passed around?)

    “9 Phrases Allies Can Say When Getting Called Out Instead of Getting Defensive” — If you think I need stock phrases to fall back on when you wanna call me out, I probably don’t wanna be your ally, no matter what side you are on.

    “Healing from Toxic Whiteness” — An actual course? Where interested parties can “get the tools to free yourself from toxic whiteness to begin developing an anti-racist white identity. ” Not even gonna start . . .

    “We’re All Just Different–How White People Are Co-opting Intersectionality” — Intersectionality is a valid and worthwhile concept, and in theory could be very helpful to most discussions. In practice, as far as I can tell it means “My (or my favored) oppression is more important than yours and if you disagree you must grovel while I smack you around for about twenty minutes until I can figure out how you can atone for your failure to acknowledge your privilege.”

    “5 Hidden Consequences of Men Mansplaining in Sports” — Ok, there might be a good article there. I doubt it, given the site, but I could see the possibility of one. I just wanted to point to this headline and ask if editing is considered oppressive or colonialist or something? Or can non-men mansplain?

    “50 liberating relationship rules for feminists to live by” — if you need or like the idea of having 50 relationship rules, please avoid me and let me know to avoid you. Kthanxbye!

    “White ‘Allies’ and the Terrible Tradition of Consuming Black Grief” — I don’t even want to know what this is talking about, but okay, one thing we’ve established–this site is probably more obsessed with race and white people than anywhere else on entire internet, short of white supremacist sites. I didn’t even include all the stupid headlines w/”white” in them. And again, regarding the whole “ally” thing–if you actually LIKE this website, even if we are on the same side of an issue, or even if we are on the same side of most issues, I ain’t calling you my ally and I ain’t yours. We are, in those instances, people working toward a common goal while staying as far away from each other as logistically possible.

    And last but hardly least, the most stupidest headline of all . . .

    “Yes, ‘Stupid’ Is an Ableist Slur – Let’s Unpack Your Defensiveness About That” — I’m not defensive about this at all, I just think this sort of language policing and language obsessing is really, really stupid.

  187. Willy

    MW, I’ve only been reading here since January, and see Hugh as a good teacher of political history, have seen that Ian observes patterns and trends clearly, that Peter is the village wingnut… But I only know RC as a senile version of Mr. Furious. He curses out half the people here with very little explanation.

    That’s why I asked for anybody to vouch for him and finally, you’re the first. I’d seriously thought his only goal was to generate FUD around here.

    Maybe RC left Dale Carnegie behind after his psychopaths babble epiphany? The brain tumor is growing? Somebody killed the original and now we’re stuck with this clown? He’s “frustrated” because his Trump “hail mary” was caught, then ran back the other way for a score? Whatever… now it’s become too much fun to poke at him to see what he does and I can’t stop. Somebody help me.

    Anyways, I agree that violent revolution is a last resort, since the oligarchs did their job well in cultivating so many media brainwashed tools who’d fight for Jesus’ America against the godless liberals. Too many of them still need to be persuaded that the corrupt leadership caste is the real enemy.

    In the meantime, many things could be discussed. For example the US military and local police forces would currently and mostly, back the elites in any revolution. But this could change as those people are increasingly feeling and recognizing the effects of elite policy, which is notoriously short sighted and increasingly dependent on BS tactics.

  188. realitychecker

    @ MojaveWolf

    Bless your heart, amigo, I appreciate your efforts above. Yours is always a reasonable voice, and that is why we don’t have friction, even though we do not always agree on your most leftist sentiments. I never have any reason to question your good faith in making the points you make.

    Contrast that with this confession just above from this idiot Willy: “Whatever… now it’s become too much fun to poke at him to see what he does and I can’t stop. Somebody help me.”

    This is what a true COWARD is–poking at someone from behind a keyboard. What do you think would happen if this dipshit was to devote a career to poking me TO MY FACE.

    Still, it is correct to say I am angry. If you are a serious person, you get tired of having chihuahuas biting your ankles all the time, and you might start kicking them. And I am even angry at the entire left that loved Obama while he acted like Bush, and Hillary when she offered more of the same. I do not want to be with those who have no ethics.

    You are also correct about where my sentiments lie. I am all and only about regular people getting a fair shake in a society that honors the rule of law and the consent of the governed.

    I will confess I have come to have contempt for many on the left, my supposed allies since the Reagan years. I just can’t respect stupid, and as you point out, we have morons on the left just as we love to point out that we have morons on the right. Must I treat each moron as though he was truly seeking to learn something from me? I think not–disrespect gets disrespect, because reciprocity is the most important human dynamic of all, IMO.

    Re revolution discussions: This is a conversation we should have starting with the meaning of the consent of the governed, and the realities of representative government that does not represent. But most here think revolution means pitched battles in the street, and that cannot be the way to go about it.

    I no longer see any purpose in even discussing the topic with folks who show they have no idea what guerrilla tactics entail. Or people who only want to fight for their freedom if the fight can be child-proofed. There is some risk that an overzealous fed might construe such conversation as incitement, so I would need to have some respect for the intelligence and judgment of conversation participants, that should be obvious.

    All in all, I am leaning more toward just adopting an attitude of blanket misanthropy, because those who should be on my side are more interested in devoting themselves to the type of thought prisons you described so well in your comments above.

    But I recognize you as one of the good ones, and there would never be a circumstance where we could not work together amicably toward socially beneficial goals.

    Again, I thank you for your efforts above. It almost makes up for the disgraceful absence of similar validation from wendyedavis.

  189. Willy

    I only troll you around here Uncle RC.

    I’ve selected you because you really are that different from all the rest, far and away the most hostile towards anybody you yourself deems “inferior”. Until you prove that you are not a master of FUD, here to “mindfuckery” everybody (as you so eloquently put it once) or if I get kicked off, I see no reason why I shouldn’t continue.

  190. realitychecker

    No reason why you shouldn’t continue having anal sex with your mother either, for that matter, if that is your position.

    Enjoy, asshole. Everybody here knows what you are, except you.

    But Ian may well decide that an admitted, purposeful troll like you say you intend to continue being needs to be removed. You are like a spoonful of diarrhea in a glass of spring water.

  191. Peter


    I’m glad you are holding onto the memory of the 4th amendment for it no longer functions as it did during the last 50 years. The surveillance state has bypassed it in ways that make no-knock searches and other problems from the WoD look quaint in comparison.

    A much larger and more diverse demographic of citizens are surveilled and searched now without the suspect even knowing they are targets or that any legal charges may be based on unexposed illegal operations.

    I don’t think I said anything related to paternalism and I view adult criminal’s decisions as adult, if not wise, choices.

  192. realitychecker

    @ Peter

    What you said about the Fourth Amendment is understatement; additionally, most of the constitutional law they taught me in the 1980’s is no longer the law. Thanks, Rehnquist.

    Regulating what people put into their bodies for recreation is paternalism, IMO.

  193. Willy

    So you won’t be in the revolution then? With a mouth like that you’d be an awesome PR guy for our misanthrope brigade.

  194. Peter


    You’re right that some people in power view drug users as failed humans needing guidance and punishment and they also seem to be authoritarian. My first comments were about the dealers and business of drugs not the users but the recreational users are the driving economic force in the illegal drug trade. Recreational users may not create great problems for society locally but the junkies, crack-heads and tweakers certainly do.

    The only way to even begin to isolate drug use, trade and the crime that comes with it from society is for Uncle Sam to become the Pusher Man which will never happen.

  195. realitychecker

    @ Peter

    To me, the interesting question is, where do we draw the line between paternalism and freedom?

    You never get that discussion in modern America.

  196. MojaveWolf

    Relevant to the original post, if anyone is interested, there’s a terrific interview with Bret Weinstein, the Evergreen University professor at the center of a recent (and still current) storm.

    The link opens to the 24 minute mark where Prof Weinstein is talking about how Asians and white women are now being considered oppressors rather than part of the oppressed in the college sjw movement (I found this off a twitter link, and computer savvy is not one of my strong points, so you’re stuck w/where I found it), but I listened to it all the way to the 1 hr 35 minute mark before deciding to go ahead and link it in this thread:

    Link is here:

    I can’t remember exactly what I’ve said already in this thread and what I haven’t, but just to make clear, I do think identity politics has frequently been a necessary component to social change and to achieving real equity and justice (my mocking of sjw’s aside, I do believe in working towards social justice, I just think they are doing it wrong), but belief identity politics in the modern world has gone horribly wrong, and this is a great discussion of how.

    Most followers of this blog will appreciate the whole discussion, I think, regardless of where you fit among the immediate argument or even whether you agree w/Weinstein and/or Rogan.

    To give you an idea of where Rogan is coming from, I originally discovered him because he’s one of my favorite UFC announcers, and like him I’m into MMA. He has also tweeted things like “if you are a male feminist I hope you choke to death on your vegan pizza while listening to Lady Gaga”, which had me responding via tweet that I’m a vegetarian male feminist who really appreciates his commentary on things and there are many different types of feminist and it would be a mistake to think we are a monolithic block. Dude is a really smart guy and an original think who isn’t afraid to say what he thinks and doesn’t fit into a single neat category.

    Weinstein is a professor at Evergreen University, which should tell you all you need to know about his political leanings. Dude is lefty McLeft. Also a very, very smart guy with some great thoughts. Would fit in well here.

    Strongly recommended.

  197. realitychecker

    @ MW

    Identity politics was necessary, and effective for the relatively powerless.

    Then the tail began to wag the dog.

    Then you get Mandos, et. al., and safe spaces, micro-everything, etc.

    Time to move on to a better organizing principle, IMO.

    How about regular folks vs. the corporate oligarchy and their minions?

  198. Willy

    Finally, I agree with Uncle RC!!

    (and at 200 comments, confetti and balloons fall)

    So how do we get regular folks to identify as their own group? (besides fucking my mother asshole diarrhea and all that)

  199. realitychecker

    Willy, that has been my message all along. Yet you have acted as you have acted.

    Maybe you are part of the problem?

    Food for thought.

  200. Willy

    Because you’re so vague, there’s little to work with, very little food for thought. Two around here I generally agree with, Ian and Hugh, have no such problem. They are easy to understand, their conclusions make good horse sense, and are backed by the facts.

    I am not a lawyer, nor an experienced politcal junkie, as are many around here. Yet most “regular folks” are also far too busy to be either. If you can get through to me, you may be able to get through to them.

    What specifically, is “the problem”?

  201. realitychecker

    @ Willy

    You and people who think and act like you do are a waste of time for me (and for Hugh and Ian as well, to be frank).

    You’ve spent the last half-year disrespecting me in every way possible, but now you adopt my message.

    “Willy permalink
    June 6, 2017

    Finally, I agree with Uncle RC!!”

    And apparently you now wish to be accepted as a peer. Or a good faith student.

    Go waste somebody else’s time. I am here to cater to the top end of the intellectually adept, to point out flaws so they can be corrected, mostly, since that is my greatest talent. You have continually shown that you are at the bottom end and still need to grow up before you interact with the adults as an equal. Or even a sincere student. IMO. I’ve opened multiple thought-doors for you, but you are too lazy or too dumb to walk through; that makes you a waste of time for me. (I bet you still have not checked out the Jess Money book I told you about; you are like the idiot who asked the rabbi to teach him all he could learn while standing on one foot lol.)

    You should give up your obsession with me. People will say we’re in love. 🙁

  202. Willy

    TBH, you suck at catering “to the top end of the intellectually adept”.

    Your core message has been that we should explore revolution, which you then admit nobody wants to do. Yet you return every day. So I come along and coax you into doing it anyways, since you never know who’s lurking. And all you did was to refer us to a Jess Money novel. When I mention a credible organization, right up your alley, from which it’d be possible to recruit some of these “intellectually adept”, you couldn’t care less.

    I’m not “obsessed” with you just because you’re an anomaly in this place. I’m unconvinced about what you claim are your true motivations for being here. I’ve met your kind before.

  203. realitychecker

    Res ipsa loquitur.

  204. Willy

    I’d respond actori incumbit onus probatio, or nemo auditur propriam turpitudinem allegans, or some shit, but maybe it’s better to wait and see what happens instead.

  205. realitychecker

    “Some shit” must be what fills your head, because you are a fucking moron.

    And you never get tired of proving it, apparently.

    Got hemlock?

  206. Willy

    And you never get tired of proving absolutely nothing.

    Except for your pathetic misanthropy.

    Still, I rather enjoy being your only friend.

  207. realitychecker

    With friends like you, who needs enemas?

  208. cripes

    Yeah, but they called it civil rights, not identity politics–and the leading light of that movement, tragically dead at what 39?–was well along a path towards an anti-imperialist, anti-war, poor peoples movement when he was struck down.

    As usual, the borg assimilates, befouls and turns every social movement into an MTV commercial and tool of oppression…

    I doubt what passes for identity politics now would impress MLK.

    And the rest of all that my-beautiful-horn-tooting above and you-and-your-mother-coprophilia-yadda-yadda, well, I’d say it’s beneath you.

    But it isn’t.

    It really is you.

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