The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

How’s that Mid Term Looking ?

Some fairly depressing news for Dems (via Digby):

Hart and McInturff then looked at the change among the most-interested voters from the same survey in 2008. Although 2010 is a “down-shifting” election, from a high-turnout presidential year to a lower-turnout midterm year, one group was more interested in November than it was in 2008: those who had voted for Republican John McCain for president. And the groups that showed the largest decline in interest? Those who voted for Barack Obama — liberals, African-Americans, self-described Democrats, moderates, those living in either the Northeast or West, and younger voters 18 to 34 years of age. These are the “Holy Mackerel” numbers…

And yes, I fucking told everyone so. (Notice that that post was left to die, because back then serious people knew that the Republicans were dead for a generation so it wasn’t worthy of front page space.)

Why are people so stupid?

During a base election year the smart thing to do is to demotivate the base.  Really. Honest.

Assuming, of course, your main goal is to restore the rich’s wealth, push corporate profits to record highs and to continue war as usual.  And you really don’t care that much what happens in elections, because you personally will be taken care of by the wealthy whose interests you served.

So maybe it’s not Obama and Dems who are stupid.


Actually Afghanistan is a war of choice


America cannot be America at perpetual war


  1. Tom Hickey

    The plan is more cynical than stupid, I suspect. No party can win elections without the backing of the rich. You have to have more to spend on the campaign than the other party. Then you can shape opinion and get out the vote with the money. The pollsters and political operatives tell you what to say to overcome your won negatives, motivate voters, and scare them away from the opposition. That’s politics in the US. Real issues and perfomance? Not so much.

  2. anonymous

    “During a base election year the smart thing to do is to demotivate the base. Really. Honest.”

    Is that a typo? I thought it was just being sarcastic, but then in context of the next paragraph it seems backwards.

    If no party can win elections without the backing of the rich, then the liberals should just stay home. Even to a cynic like me, that sort of cynical conventional wisdom just drives me nuts. Basically it says nobody should even try, and when your team starts selling you out you should just suck it up and vote for them anyway. Here’s an idea, Dems: treat the rich like you treat us. Make them promises and take their money, if you can get it, but put those promises in the back seat to the interests of your base. Not that anyone cares. Later Dems. See you on election day (not necessarily this year though, unless you come up for a reason to vote besides being not as evil as the R’s).

  3. Ian Welsh

    Good point, fixed.

  4. I think David Michael Green nails it here:

    All this is as obvious and predictable as sunrise. And yet… Here we find ourselves in this remarkable and remarkably absurd position where the folks who not only created this monster, who not only have worked assiduously to prevent any solutions to the destruction they’ve wrought, and who now also promise even more of the same – these very folks are poised to win resounding electoral victories in November. And the folks who will be voting for them will once again become victims of their predations. And the folks in Congress and the White House they’ll be voting against – supposed socialist-fascists (whatever strange Janus-faced zoological beast that would look like if it actually existed) – are in fact just about the most pro-plutocrat government imaginable. But they’re going to get stomped by voters for being socialists.

    How on earth did this happen?

    Great piece…, read it.

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