Saw the movie today.  Every friend whose seen it has liked it, so my expectation were high, but the movie met them.  In fact, I’d go so far as to say it may be the best Star Trek movie.  I was never a Star Trek geek, and I never liked any of the series after the original, so take it for what it’s worth.

What was striking about the movie, to me, is that it was primarily about the relationship between Spock and Kirk.  Now, of course, that was the central relationship in the original series, but what I mean is the movie was about the relationship, not about saving the world.  Oh sure, Spock and Kirk have to save the world (and, er, not a spoiler) and of course they do, but the core of the move is the emotional relationship between the two men, and how they have to learn to both like and respect each other.  In particular, Spock has to learn his own weaknesses (something which, I think, needs to be done for Kirk in a sequel).

(Actual spoilers below)