The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Once More Unto Covid and Schools

Given the state of testing, all numbers should be assumed to be significant understatements, yet…

Colorado, “more than half of all outbreaks are in K-12 schools.”

US overall:

“Well over a quarter-million children contracted COVID just last week, according to a joint report from the Children’s Hospital Association & the AAP which tracks all cases at the state level. It is the highest number of child COVID cases ever reported.

More than 18,000 Mississippi students have caught COVID-19 in the first month of the school year.

Florida:One out of every four COVID-19 infections recorded by the state in the most recent seven-day period were 19 or younger.

Texas schools have amassed more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in students in just a couple of weeks. More than a dozen school districts have closed temporarily as a result of the disease

Modeling of how many students can be expected to be infected under different conditions:

What matters the most is proper ventilation, but I’m guessing the assumption is that most schools have done nothing about this and will do nothing.

It’s unclear what percentage of children get Long Covid. I’ve seen numbers as high as ten percent, but it seems likely to be less. Assume, say, five percent, and that your kid WILL get Covid if sent back to school. Sound like a good chance to take? And that assumes the damage is easy to spot, and you won’t realize it exists later, as with more subtle brain or heart damage.

This looks like mass-insanity to me, a crime of vast proportions. Despite all the squealing, not going back to school won’t cripple kids for life, and won’t expose everyone in their family and social circle to Covid when they get it, crippling and killing many of them.

But I guess we’re just going to keep doing Covid the stupidest, longest, and most inhumane way we can. It’s who we are; it’s who we elected, and I daresay, it’s what we deserve.

But the kids don’t deserve it, it’s just their bad luck to be born into a depraved, incompetent, psychopathic late-imperial society.

(My writing helps pay my rent and buys me food. So please consider subscribing or donating if you like my writing.)




Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – September 12, 2021


The Lack of Belief in Good


  1. Mark Pontin

    ‘Cognitive deficits in people who have recovered from COVID-19’


    ‘People who had recovered from COVID-19, including those no longer reporting symptoms, exhibited significant cognitive deficits versus controls when controlling for age, gender, education level, income, racial-ethnic group, pre-existing medical disorders, tiredness, depression and anxiety. The deficits were of substantial effect size for people who had been hospitalised (N = 192), but also for non-hospitalised cases who had biological confirmation of COVID-19 infection (N = 326). Analysing markers of premorbid intelligence did not support these differences being present prior to infection. Finer grained analysis of performance across sub-tests supported the hypothesis that COVID-19 has a multi-domain impact on human cognition.
    ‘The scale of the observed deficit was not insubstantial; the 0.47 SD global composite score reduction for the hospitalized with ventilator sub-group was greater than the average 10-year decline in global performance between the ages of 20 to 70 within this dataset. It was larger than the mean deficit of 480 people who indicated they had previously suffered a stroke (−0.24SDs) and the 998 who reported learning disabilities (−0.38SDs). For comparison, in a classic intelligence test, 0.47 SDs equates to a 7-point difference in IQ.’

    Me again: To be clear, this is almost half a standard deviation in IQ range (see forex ). Two individuals a whole SD apart can have trouble understanding each other. It’s unclear from this paper and at this point if the cognitive damage will persist like the lung damage.

  2. NL

    “What matters the most is proper ventilation, ”

    Where is Hugh and NR, screw the ventilation, quickly rush vaccine approval and shoot the vaccine into the little rascals — big profit for the Big Pharma — mission accomplished, nothing to see here–

    Anyway, someone claimed here in comments that American don’t even like their children, so who care, die and jab away…

  3. NL

    I want to repost this from the previous thread and bail out for the time being.

    Let’s also not forget that through their single-minded focus on the vaccine, the vaccine advocates implicitly ague against N95, ventilation, distancing, lockdown, development of prophylactic measures, etc and therefore, some of the death among the unvaccinated is also on them. We have these miracle vaccines, why fix our ventilation system?

    Looks like the CDC ruling is that vaccinated who came into contact with a SARS-Cov2 positive case must stay in place and keep on working until symptoms show up — those poor souls who ran home last week when a positive case came up here will have to take vacation time… so sad.

  4. Hugh

    “But I guess we’re just going to keep doing Covid the stupidest, longest and most inhumane way we can.”

    That’s the plan, no plan. We need a national response that recognizes that we can’t get back to business as usual for a long time, perhaps ever. Instead we have a bunch of homicidal governors and state legislatures that have taken a know-nothing, let ‘er rip approach and others who hope the virus will oblige their opening up and starting in class school again. As for Congress, it’s working hard or will be after the House’s only taking a seven week “August” vacation and the Senate a mere 5 1/2 weeks off. I mean with all the crises the country is facing, how can they take such short vacations. They really must care.

  5. Hugh

    Yes, Mark Pontin, it is the durability of the deficits six months out and then one year out that need to be looked at. One of the advantages children have with covid is that their immune systems are not fully developed. So they are less likely to suffer responses like cytokine storms that some adults have experienced. Kids should bounce back and when they don’t that’s worrying.

  6. Meh. I think these “mathematical simulations” are garbage.

    Consider, e.g., the “medium immunity” curves, and look at the difference between orange “no masks, but testing occurs” and green “universal masks, no testing”.

    So, putting on a mask cuts your infections by 50%, even if you abandon testing…. In “mathematical simulation” world, anyway.

    Since the $1 surgical masks are garbage compared to an N95, we should expect a much more dramatic effect from requiring children to wear N95 masks. Since you already dropped infections by 50%, we can reasonably hope that requiring N95 masks would drop infections by 80%, 90%, ….

    So, if we believe these “mathematical simulations”, why aren’t we requiring N95 masks on the kiddies? In fact, if we believe these “mathematical’ simulations”, why don’t they just go ahead and simulate N95 masks? What’s the problem?

    Another obvious points is that you’d want to correct your infection rate estimate with real data. It’d be hard to get clean data on the masking side, because masking incidence will vary where it’s not required. But surely these clever “mathematical simulation” gurus can model as a function of X% masked. OTOH, testing/no testing is basically binary at the school policy level, so comparing a mathematical model with real data is comparatively easier.

    Another absurdity is talking about testing, but nothing about the details of how positive testing students are handled. An obvious guess is that simulated students quarantine at home for X days until they’re no longer contagious. But I can’t be sure, and if the goal is propaganda, they would blunt it’s effectiveness by speling out the details.

  7. NR

    But I guess we’re just going to keep doing Covid the stupidest, longest and most inhumane way we can. It’s who we are; it’s who we elected, and I daresay it’s what we deserve.

    But the kids don’t deserve it, just their bad luck to be born into a depraved, incompetent psychopathic late imperial society.

    Yep. Certainly true. Unfortunately.

  8. NR

    And by the way, no discussion of opening schools during COVID (at least in America) can be complete without talking about stuff like this:

    This was a Board of Education meeting in Birmingham, Michigan. Many anti-maskers were in attendance, and one of them said this:

    If God wanted us to cover our mouth and nose, he would have made us that way.

    This was said by a woman wearing glasses, by the way. Also featured at the meeting was a man flashing the Nazi salute, and three people saying “Heil Hitler.” At a school board meeting about protecting children from a deadly disease.

    This is the modern American right-wing.

  9. Lex

    Schools present a particular problem on the ventilation front. Partly due to age, which is related to the mechanical infrastructure they have, and partly due to how they’re generally constructed in that it’s generally not conducive to wholesale mechanical changes with anything approaching ease. Newer buildings may be worse since super-tight, high recirculating designs for energy efficiency have been the norm.

    A quick and dirty, if imperfect solution that would be particularly effective in old buildings would be to have the kids stay in a single classroom. If window placement allows, small ventilation fans that intake and exhaust. Alternately, taking tempered air from the hallway and exhausting out a window. In that case the intake side would need HEPA filtration. In the worst case you could improve the situation by recirculating the room air. HEPA on the intake side of the fan and carbon on the exhaust. That might make the room want to go negative but there are solutions for that.

    Couple years ago I did some IAQ work at a rural hospital/nursing home. I joked about HEPA filtering the building’s mechanical system intake. Turns out the facility manager had done just hat two years prior. The system uses cyclonic pre-filtration and only requires changing the HEPA annually. He said that cold and flu cases dropped like 50% YoY with just that change and the local fireworks show performed essentially next door could no longer be smelled inside the building.

  10. Here’s a funny video showing visually the great (actually, ridiculous) efficacy of various types of masks to block aerosols. This joker, a Dr. Ted Noel, inhales from a vaper, covers his face with a mask, then exhales. Unlike covid-laden aerosols, the vaping aerosols are quite obvious.

    Hilarity ensues.

    Why should you care about such a video?

    Because, Virginia, the virus spreads primarily via aerosol. If it spread primarily through droplets, then I’d expect the cheap $1 surgical masks to work much better.

    From “Viral Load of SARS-CoV-2 in Respiratory Aerosols Emitted by COVID-19 Patients while Breathing, Talking, and Singing”

    Overall, fine aerosols constituted 85% of the viral load detected in our study.

    Having said that, studies showing that N95 masks are only marginally better than lesser masks suggest that even professionals don’t maintain the right seal. (I’m thinking of “Effectiveness of N95 respirators versus surgical masks against influenza: A systematic review and meta-analysis”, but I don’t know is this is relevant because I don’t know if the main means of spread of influenza is also aerosols.)

    Much more on masks at

  11. He said that cold and flu cases dropped like 50% YoY with just that change and the local fireworks show performed essentially next door could no longer be smelled inside the building.

    Wow, that’s really impressive. However, should the HEPA filtration be given much, if any credit? Or the fact that air changes per hour were increased? I mean, if you go from 2 air changes per hour to 4 air changes per hour, shouldn’t your viral load decrease by about 50%?

    From “How using an air purifier in your home can and can’t prevent the spread of Covid-19” @ cnbc dot com:

    Air purifiers with HEPA, or “high-efficiency particulate air” filters are the best option for consumers, because they can capture at least 99.97% of airborne particles that are at least 0.3 microns in size, Miller says. However the Covid-19 virus is about 125 nanometers or 0.125 microns large, so it is technically smaller than what consumer purifiers would capture. But experts say that when the virus is encapsulated in a respiratory droplet, a HEPA filter may be able to trap and remove the particles.

    At least the hepa filter size is only 2.4 times the size of the virus. In a surgical mask, I’ve heard, the gap size is 5,000x the virus size.

  12. NL

    One can readily see lack of STEM education in the country.

    N95 have to filter out 95 percent of particles 0.3 um (300nm) in size by the NIOSH definition and tests. What is the size of SARS-CoV2 particles — estimates range between 0.05 um (50nM) to 0.12 μm (120nm) for the core spherical particle in diameter. Check and mate N95, right? Not so fast. Individual viral particles have no way of escaping our mouth or nose. The virus is covered in fat with protein sticking through this fat (the spikes add additional ~10-20nm to diameter if we count them). Further, viral particles are not floating alone singularly. They are coming out of your cells and are siting in your mouth or nose in saliva, lung fluid (pleural) and/or nasal discharge. Then small amounts of these body fluids with viral particles in them become airborne. Some of these particles are too large and immediately fall down, others (1-5um) are smaller and can linger in the air. Good science has found that “the minimum size of a respiratory particle that can contain SARS-CoV-2 is calculated to be approximately 4.7 μm.”

    4.7um is 15.7 times larger than 0.3 um

    Properly worn N95 are highly effective against COVID. Or put it in another way, N95 are virtually impenetrable to ALL present and future variants of the virus and can dramatically reduce transmission of the virus from individual to individual and thus force the virus to become milder.

    Smoke is soot or amorphous carbon produced by incomplete burning and is not human aerosol coming from your mouth. Liquid sticks to dry masks much better than dry carbon particles. No comparison between soot and wet aerosols.

    I have seen somewhere a ‘genius’ claim that if we can smell perfume through a mask then the mask does not work — S T U P I D. Perfumes and alcohols are single chemical molecules. Viral aerosols are giant aggregates of thousands of large molecules — no comparison.

  13. NL

    How hard it is to wear a N95 – unpleasant and itchy sometimes! It is true. I wear a heavy-duty N95 with a very tight-fit. By the end of the day, I have deep crevices and folds under my eyes and outside the cheeks. The crevices go away in a couple of hours after the respirator is taken off. But I don’t have to worry about being infected when I come even in a very close contact with a positive case. Last week when a positive case came, I kept on working and picked it up this week. I have come into much closer contacts with positives before and came out without being infected. No worries is a good feeling. And it cost me a dollar a day (I change N95 daily).

    South Koreans make a N95 called DOBU mask. It is very soft and pleasant to touch without any odor, but it is unfortunately too small for me. I highly recommend it for children.

  14. Ché Pasa

    It looks like the anti-maskers/pro-Covid forces have lost the arguments but are winning the battles and the war. They seem to be much more vocal, adaptable, belligerent and feisty if you will. And of course they get plenty of press and social media attention for all their yelling and foolishness.

    Of course, they have a faction of the ruling class on their side and are being manipulated by them masterfully. Note all the Gish-galloping right here in the commentariat. When one thing gets tired and doesn’t draw attention like it used to (think hydroxychloroquine) just move on to something else, another Magic Bullet (N95s for example) and keep doing it no matter what.

    Meanwhile the virus proliferates, which is by now obviously the goal. Has been all along. As I’ve said, the virus isn’t killing enough of us fast enough to satisfy our overlords, so the plan — such as it is — is to make it spread more and more, and (hopefully for the ruling class) make it more and more virulent.

    Spread mass confusion and distrust, foster lots and lots of “alternatives” to the standard public health mitigations (ie: vaccines, masks, social distancing, personal cleanliness, proper ventilation, limiting gatherings, etc.) and insist that whatever is done is wrong or against God or a violation of Freedom. And keep right on doing it, knowing that social media, if no other, will keep spreading the insanity. It is, as they say, Zuck’s business model.

    A significant majority recognize the bullshit but can’t seem to stop it. A significant minority sees an opportunity to “win” at whatever cost to others and themselves, and it seems that nothing matters more.

    Kids are now assigned the role of vectors, and once they are fully infected, soon I guess, it’s over. All that will remain is the clean up.

    It isn’t just the US where this is happening. Far from it.

  15. NL

    Ché Pasa
    “It looks like the anti-maskers/pro-Covid forces have lost the arguments but are winning the battles and the war”

    The anti-maskers are winning because of the vaccine fanatics. The vaccine fanatics poured all their efforts into discrediting N95 and air control measures.

    Honestly, vaccine fanatics scare me a lot more than anti-maskers. Just thinking about the world they are trying to usher in makes me extremely worried: injections every 5-6-8 months; at first these injections will remain free, but in our capitalist society the injections will become not-free; free spread of the virus among the vaccinated will lead to evolution of strains of the virus that will make the vaccinated sick but will kill those who could not get the latest shot; and here will be the new world — live as long as you can afford COVID shots and die as soon as you can’t!

    The anti-maskers do not want mandates but they can’t stop me from wearing N95, and I would be comfortable in a room full of un-mask positive if I am in a N95.

    Che Pasa: “another Magic Bullet (N95s for example)” — some time a magic bullet is the solution – think antibiotics for bacterial disease. But I do advocate a comprehensive solution. If people want to get vaccinated, that’s fine, let them vaccinate. But I also want helicopter N95 dropped on everyone, improvement in air circulation and purification (this country also has a mold problem), abundant free-testing and paid-isolation for the positives. Not this dystopian crap that we have now.

  16. Richard Holsworth

    With reluctance, I started back subbing yesterday at a transition (18 to 22 year old special ed) class in Santa Rosa California. I was greeted by staff and students who needed me to explain very basic Covid protocols. Not going back. Many teachers can’t make that choice. There is a Facebook group called Teachers Against Dying.

  17. Richard Holsworth

    New York City reopens schools for in-person learning: The American ruling class “experiments” with children’s lives. In addition to one million children, 75,000 teachers were herded back into unsafe, poorly ventilated school buildings that are prime locations for the spread of the virus.

  18. Willy

    There are lots of interesting videos of covid freedom dyers suddenly realizing what their dying will mean for themselves and their families. It’s strange how quickly a staunch blind faith warrior withers into a crying child when the grim reaper shows up.

    I wonder why these people always seem to target the wrong stuff. Freedom, ‘Because I cant breathe”, government controlling Nazis… Why not just target their skepticism towards big pharma? It’s almost like they need to virtue signal above all else.

  19. It looks like the anti-maskers/pro-Covid forces have lost the arguments but are winning the battles and the war. …..
    When one thing gets tired and doesn’t draw attention like it used to (think hydroxychloroquine) just move on to something else, another Magic Bullet (N95s for example) and keep doing it no matter what.

    Self-validating delusion. Data from country after country shows the futility of mask mandates, in the general public; and one of the posts, above, shows why this is no surprise. Meanwhile, now that I think of it, how many countries have pushed N95 masks, which could make a big difference?

    Meanwhile, like other vaccine fetishists who comment here, Che Pasa also manages to smear hydroxychloroquine, which is quite effective when used early, at least in complementary protocols, as is the usual case. How many times does this have to be stated? How many times does the reference to the science-aggregating site, c19study dot com, have to be given?

    Only the delusionists know, for sure. But I can easily guess: forever.

    Like other vaccine fetishists, Che Pasa is curiously disinterested or even unware of the widespread suppression of cheap therapeutics, as well as the coverage in mainstream, and social media.

    In yesterday’s War Room Pandemic show, Episode 1,257 – From Rome: Doctors Against Madness, Steve Bannon interviews doctors meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, including Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor (or co-inventor) of the mRNA vaccine technology. They are producing a manifesto, and other statements, calling attention to the suppression of repurposed drugs in the treatment of covid (especially mentioning hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin). This suppression uncludes suppressing the publication of papers on various early treatment protocols. Malone says this suppression is worldwide*, which is what yours truly told people here, long ago. It was never just about getting Trump out of office. E.g., they suppressed hydroxychloroquine worse in France, than here, even though Didier Raoult personally briefed Macron for over 2 1/2 hours.

    * There are countries and regions for which this does not apply. They are exceptions which prove the rule. Generally, all are poorer countries.

    In general, though, the conspiracy is world wide. I unfortunately didn’t save the link, but I saw a video, early on, which had various leaders of small nations aping the same talking points on covid. It was quite striking. It reminded me of the segments on Fox shows, which show Democrats aping the same talking points. Or, the same process being followed by Republicans, as was shown in the video “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism”.

  20. Willy

    Che, “chaos creates cash” was a mantra of the worst of my gig economy cohorts. Doing ones work to the best of ones abilities was insanity to them. Everything important was about acquiring the wealth and power by any means neccessary, and the easy path never involved hard work. I left that business when their kind and their culture came to power-dominate the ones with integrity. I suspect actual profit motives behind all this astroturfing.

  21. Willy

    Once upon a time cheap theraputics needed to be proven lest they be categorized as snake oil. But folks like mm are at war against credible institutions which might do such so it all comes down to blind faith in whatever his anointed superior self comes up with.

  22. Astrid


    You’re privileging inadequately tested vaccines that have already failed to deliver on their initial promises (just as their skeptics predicted over a year ago) over basic public safety measures like n95 and ventilation? And vaccinated people should just trust that it’s good enough and stop wearing masks? And also ignore anyone who complains serious side effects from their vaccinations? Seriously?

    “Believe science” has truly descended to magical thinking on par with “COVID is fake” and homeopathic “medicine”.

  23. A group of Canadian health professionals, who sign themselves “Voices Of Silenced Okanagan Health Professionals” (presumable for fear of easy retribution), have created a very comprehensive list of questions, with references, directed at British Columbia officials.

    See “Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan (Links Restored)” @

  24. Hugh

    The wackery mutates right along with the virus. So we have herd immunity types, ‘covid is a hoax’-ers, freedumbers, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, maskers-only. De Santis recently threw natural immunity into the mix. Covid aside, maybe there’s something funny in the water all these people are drinking. Think of all the pseudo-scientifical conspiracies they could weave out of that.

  25. Ah, so Glen Greenwald can do understated, humorous sarcasm, pretty well.

    From “The Masking of the Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace”:

    Fortunately, many of AOC’s most devoted socialist supporters stepped forth with passionate defenses of their leader. As they pointed out, AOC had painted onto the back of her pristine white gown — in perfectly proportioned and tastefully scrolled red ink highlighting the stunning virtues of the designer dress’ silhouette — a leftist phrase, Tax the Rich, that not only assaulted the Biden-supporting liberal celebrities in attendance but made them feel endangered in their own habitat, as if their wealth and privilege were being imperiled not from afar but from one of their own, from within. Far from being what AOC’s dirty and petty critics tried to malign this as being — an attention-seeking, celebrity-building, branding opportunity in which AOC yet again lavished herself in the multi-pronged rewards of the very economic and cultural hierarchies she claims to despise and vows to combat — she was actually engaged in a revolutionary and subversive act, injecting into aristocratic circles a beautifully artistic yet hostile message.

    This was not, contrary to the grievances of her small-minded and jealous critics, AOC reveling in one of Louis XVI’s court festivities. Instead, she was storming the Bastille: not with weapons or fire but with the graceful designer elegance of the insurgent Marxist renegade, which made her presence all the more deceptively disruptive. While it may have appeared that Vogue’s perfectly-coiffed red-carpet correspondents and other Met luminaries were gushing with admiration and awe at her bold fashion statement, they were actually shaking with fear over what AOC had wrought. They were quivering with rage and fear, not swooning with delight as it appeared.

  26. NL

    Don’t forget vaccine fanatics, the most virulent of them all.

    Tap water is horrible, but this is not the water, it is simple incompetence of our leadership compounded by unwillingness to step aside when proven incompetent (when they say “oops, we are surprised”).

  27. NL

    Or vaccine-only, if you like this better than vaccine-fanatics.

  28. Ché Pasa

    Public health protocols and general pandemic responses are very well established and have been for more than a century. This is fundamental to understanding how to proceed and acting responsibly on that understanding. It does not require reinventing the wheel or a raft of likely ineffective alternative treatments or phony cures.

    Sorry to say, the CDC and NIH have largely blown their credibility with absurd political backflips and futile attempts to sooth the savage beasts of naysayers. It started with Fauci and The Scarf Woman blathering nonsense and listening silently to nonsense to keep the Orange Man Bad from having another public tantrum. I’ve never been a fan of Fauci’s going back to his craptastic failures during the HIV-AIDS crisis. Back then his actions — more especially non-actions — were clearly politically motivated, and they resulted in hundreds of thousands dead. We’ve been seeing the same thing from him throughout the current pandemic, and I don’t think he’ll change his spots. But in the meantime, he and the other institutional health appointees are (in between nonsensical blatherings) telling the truth about basic public health and pandemic protocols and responses.

    Get vaccinated, wear a mask indoors — outdoors too if you’re particularly vulnerable and you’re around other people — wash your hands, maintain social distance, be alert and vigilant, get tested periodically and definitely if you have symptoms, self-isolate if you are positive.

    There’s no mystery about any of this.

    No, the vaccines currently available are not sterilizing, they do not confer immunity, and their effectiveness wanes at some uncertain point. For people like me, they may provide only modest or no protection at all. I know this. I got vaccinated anyway. For me and most people, there is no harm in doing so. I also follow the other protocols. It’s not difficult, and following basic public health measures can confer protection that for me and people like me the vaccine may not. Quite a few of those in my situation simply avoid any contact with others at all, and that’s too bad. But they’re not sure what else to do, and sadly, they aren’t getting very good advice from the professionals.

    For most people, the current vaccines mitigate against the worst effects of the disease. and help decrease the spread. This is the best we have available right now. The vaccine doesn’t protect everyone, and apparently doesn’t completely protect anyone from catching the virus. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccinated or that other measures shouldn’t be taken.

    Treatments have improved since last year, but they are still inadequate. Medical science is playing catch up, and probably will for the foreseeable future in part because profit motives continue to drive practice. And, too, it’s clear to me that our rulers simply don’t want to control the pandemic more than minimally — primarily to protect themselves.

    Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, anti-public healthers, and so on live to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt, even though many of them are unaware that that’s what they are doing. Many believe sincerely in their righteousness in the face of the Tyranny of Evil or whatever it is they feel they must fight against even unto death. Many have no concern for others — whether due to their own natures or because they’ve been successfully manipulated. Doesn’t matter. The point is they have become convinced that their feelings matter more than anything else in the whole wide world, fuck everyone else, hard and twice on Sundays. It’s entirely a matter of ME, not YOU.

    OK then. That’s where we are, and getting out of this situation is going to take a long time and many more tragedies.


  29. Hugh

    I should have added the inject bleachers, hydroxychlorquiners, and ivermectiners. NL is a mask-only type, a subset of the anti-vaxers or possibly a PR twist on the anti-vaxxers to make them sound less psychotic.

  30. NL

    Hugh, don’t push your mischaracterization and misrepresentation on me –
    I am for a comprehensive approach as outlined above.

    You are – on the hand – a rabid vaccinator without sense or purpose.

  31. NL

    Vaccines are dangerous in the hands of madmen and the incompetents!

    Hugh, should also mention your unquestionable unabashed parroting of the government messaging.

  32. KK

    > Despite all the squealing, not going back to school won’t cripple kids for life

    School lockdowns are ok you say, heh?

    “The youngest student Dr. Jara has lost to suicide was 9.”

    Lockdowns are working, right? Did it work for the 9-year old child who was driven to suicide?

    Ian mentioned that opening schools will kill grandma and grandpa. Well, I wonder how the grandma and grandpa of the 9-years dead child are feeling. They better be happy that they are safe, because their grandchild died for it.

    I would like Ian to spell out how long this “keep schools locked down” policy is supposed to last? Until covid is eradicated? Well covid will never be eradicated. 10 years from now it will still be here. 20 years from now it will still be here. So basically schools will be shut down forever?

    Learning by zoom is a total joke. Last year, something like 1/3 of students never checked in. Let that sink in, 1/3 of students learned exactly 0 during entire year. But I guess denying education will not cripple kids for life.

    Also, no discussion of how “opening schools is catastrophic” is honest without explaining e.g. how Sweden avoided this supposed catastrophe, or private schools in the US (in the US, public schools shut down, but many private schools stayed open) – I must have missed the news about private-school students families dropping dead from covid like flies.

  33. StewartM

    Despite all the squealing, not going back to school won’t cripple kids for life

    Actually, I think getting off the peer-age segregated conveyor belt of life (which takes you from kindergarten to the nursing home) is a positively good thing. Our generation gap and generational politics are a direct consequence of walling off people into age-segregated groups. Kids in our society spend way too much time with other kids, and moreover with kids about the same age, more than in most pre-modern cultures. It doesn’t help them and it doesn’t help society as a whole.

  34. Astrid

    I recall Ian posting that suicide rates actually went down amongst kids during COVID. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who actually remember attending school.

    Hugh isn’t an honest disputant. He doesn’t argue on facts or logic, and immediately jumped to incredibly ugly (racist, classist, ableist) ad hominems and strawmen arguments whenever someone questions his world view. As problematic as I find some the others here (even PS), I think they are coming from an honest understanding of the world as they see it, even if it’s reprehensible and wrong from my perspective. I think Hugh is something different.

    I think Hugh should be kept around to show the ugliness under the “believe science” veneer of the PMC. It demands utter unquestioning deference or else you’re an unperson. Remember that for your IRL interactions with the PMC and act accordingly.

  35. anon y'mouse

    “they” don’t give a toss about the children. they just want us back to work making them money.
    and even if our work now doesn’t make them very much, it is very much an element of control so that we don’t get wise to all of the BS going on, and organize to do something to do something about it.
    “idle hands are the devil’s instruments”. but who is the devil?

  36. anon

    I would be terrified of sending my children back to school, especially in areas with low vaccination rates and no masks and testing. There is a school district in my area that is not mandating masks. Some of the parents were on the local news rightfully outraged. I believe among those parents who can afford a nearby private school that enforces masks will be pulling their children out of the public school system. I feel sorry for the babies and children caught up in this stupidity, as well as parents who do care but are in a district that does not have a mask mandate nor offers the option of remote learning. Parents with common sense and money will be keeping their kids remote or sending them to private schools that offer smaller classroom sizes, proper ventilation, and enforce masks. Unfortunately, not everyone will have those options.

  37. different clue


    If the sucessful-therapy-suppression project is as world wide as you say, that lends support to my strongly-held belief that the Global Overclass, co-ordinating its efforts through the various Upper Classes, wants to kill 7 or so billion people over the coming century and make it look like an accident.

    The deliberate spread and purposeful entrenching and endemicising of a new disease would seem to support that theory.

    Those who accept that theory and who are in a position to protect themselves to some degree with various “parallel dissident” methods, have a better personal chance of getting through this particular Darwin Filter than those who don’t, or can’t.

  38. KK

    > I recall Ian posting that suicide rates actually went down amongst kids during COVID. Which shouldn’t surprise anyone who actually remember attending school.

    Oh yeah? You don’t believe the CDC?

  39. Hugh

    KK, Sweden’s covid death rate was something like six times that of the other Nordics. Are you sure you really want to go there? Nor in general do we base a whole public health policy on a single instance no matter how tragic, or ignore how many others might die from your idea of doing nothing. And for your information private schools attract a different, richer demographic. Being private, they may not have the same reporting requirements, and being for the rich and well-to-do, they can afford more space and better ventilation.

    The one point of yours I agree with is we do need to start thinking about covid and future covids in the timeframe of years and modify our business as usual attitudes accordingly.

  40. different clue

    oh, and . . . . those countries whose National Ruling Classes don’t want to sacrifice a portion of their populations to the Overclass goal of “killing 7 billion people over the next century and making it look like an accident” . . . will adopt public health approaches within their borders designed to slow and contain the virus.

    If they are seriously serious, they will at some point institute permanent travel bans against countries which don’t adopt the same public health approaches which they are adopting. If you see these countries armor-plating themselves against the shrinkage of world trade which that could cause, then you can guess that these countries are getting ready to seal themselves off from the Typhoid Let-er-Rip countries.

  41. Mark Pontin

    Department of ‘It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It,’ COVID-related —

    Glenn Greenwald has a good one today

    ‘The Masking of the Servant Class’

    …the most disturbing aspects of elite behavior are found not in what they have prohibited but rather in what they have decided is permissible. When it comes to mask mandates, it is now commonplace to see two distinct classes of people: those who remain maskless as they are served, and those they employ as their servants who must have their faces covered at all times. Prior to the COVID pandemic, it was difficult to imagine how the enormous chasm between the lives of cultural and political elites and everyone else could be made any larger, yet the pandemic generated a new form of crude cultural segregation: a series of protocols which ensure that maskless elites need not ever cast eyes upon the faces of their servant class….’

    And so on.

  42. KK


    > Sweden’s covid death rate was something like six times that of the other Nordics.

    While other Nordic countries are doing better, they are also more isolated. Iceland is doing best; I suppose it is easier if you are an isolated far-away island.

    Sweden is right in the middle of European countries in terms of death rate. Nothing special about it. Unlike others, Sweden kept restrictions to minimum and schools open. I thought sky was supposed to fall when you do that.

  43. NL

    Mark Pontin
    Glenn Greenwald has a good one today

    The ruling classes don’t always know what is good for them, especially the current incompetent ruling group.

    But whoever this Greenwald is, he is likely wrong. If this exists, this will come to pass quickly, just as the ‘wealthy are cutting in line to vaccinate” has quickly disappeared. In fact, WaPo had a story “How wellness influencers are fueling the anti-vaccine movement”.

    By way of an anecdote, I recently stopped by our local and friendly ‘whole paycheck’ (aka Whole Foods) to get a feel of how the posh classes are adapting and was totally blown away by nearly 100% masking! among both the customers and workers.

    After reading my well argued advocacy for N95 here, just watch the whole paycheck will be all N95 the next time I visit it, especially after the stylish ones learn that the Korean DOBU mask is highly stylish and will go well with most of your attire.

  44. NL

    Based on my recent visit to the Whole Paycheck, Greenwald’s contention is not supported. More in moderation for some reason.

  45. NR

    Glenn Greenwald is an absolutely disgusting human being. He’s been railing against measures to fight COVID using the highly specious argument that people who support things like mask mandates are hypocrites because they don’t also support lowering speed limits since “that would save lives too.”

    There’s a pretty thorough takedown of his bullshit here:

  46. anon

    I enjoyed Glenn Greenwald’s piece calling out liberal hypocrisy, specifically AOC at the Met Gala. She is so full of it and everything she does and says is performative wokeness. No one was looking up the tax code because of her custom made dress as she has claimed. She is and wants to remain part of the club hobnobbing with elites. She is another Obama in the making.

  47. anon

    I don’t agree with everything that Glenn Greenwald says, but that does not make him a “disgusting human being” in my view. I don’t agree with his cost-benefit analysis of opening schools, but he’s right more often than he is wrong.

  48. KK


    > There’s a pretty thorough takedown of his bullshit here:

    Sorry this article is ridiculous

    > No doubt, closing schools has an impact on the education and socialization of children. With the allocation of the necessary resources, this impact can be minimized by ensuring that all children have access to high-quality remote learning and their parents are given the resources necessary to stay at home while non-essential production is shut down.

    “high-quality remote learning” – well, now we are deep in fantasyland. We have had 18 months of remote learning, and it is totally substandard. Care to explain how the “high-quality remote learning” is different from what has been done the last 18 months?

    > As a matter of fact, however, scientists have made clear that aggressive action, if implemented systematically, could stamp out the pandemic not in “two years,” but in two months.

    Wow, so “aggressive action” will eliminate covid in two months? I want to get some of that stuff this guy is smoking.

    Covid infects not just humans, but also several animal species. Even if you eliminate covid amongst humans it will still hide out in animal reservoirs. And will jump back into humans whenever it can. So you are going to jab all the cats and dogs, and bats in south China caves, etc.?

    > Dr. Malgorzata Gasperowicz presented a model showing that COVID-19 could be eliminated in just two months through the combination of mass vaccination

    This article is written on Aug 27, 2021. By that time it was perfectly clear that vaccines are non-sterilizing. After 6 months their effectiveness in terms of preventing infection is close to 0 (however, they are still quite effective in terms of preventing severe symptoms). So a non-sterilizing vaccine that loses effectiveness against the spread of covid is somehow supposed to eliminate covid. Is this the 7-th circle of the fantasyland?

    Oh, you don’t think the vaccine loses effectiveness against preventing spread in 6 months? Then explain why they started handing out 3rd booster shots in Israel in July/August and they are already talking about the 4th booster shot. So the booster shots are just for fun?

  49. someofparts

    re: the post from Greenwald

    Years ago a landlady of mine was married to a fellow who had once upon a time crossed a picket line. It was a little company in east Texas and his colleagues went out on strike shortly after he was hired. Since he had just bought a shiny new truck and did not want to miss payments and lose it, he crossed that picket line and told his co-workers that he would help them from the inside. The expressed their appreciation by blowing up the truck.

  50. metamars

    @different clue

    While I consider myself an unabashed “conspiracy theorist”, they have to strike me as plausible conspiracies. (I’m fine, BTW, with Michael Parenti’s preference for “conspiracy analysis”) My answer to “they want to kill all of us” conspiracies was “Well, what are they waiting for?”. IOW, I didn’t consider such theories plausible.

    However, covid is somewhat different. I consider it much more plausible that the MOTU are aiming a population reduction.

    The initial virus was engineered, but that doesn’t inform us as to whether it was released by accident, or not. There were lines of evidence, or at least arguments, pointing to a deliberate release, with origin in the US (not Wuhan). But it overall seemed foggy, to me.

    According to Chris Martenson, the same sort of completely unnatural inserts seen in SARS-CoV-2 is seen in an additional part of the delta variant. Since it seems unlikely for there to have been two inadvertant releases, I’m going with the deliberate release conspiracy theory/conspiracy analysis.

    The virus has an IFR that I would call low, even if it’s much worse than a typical flu.

    So, if depopulation is the goal, it’s actually not all that effective (while getting rid of a lot of elderly retirees, who may be viewed as “useless eaters” by the perps).

    So far….

    Enter the vaccines… Short term, they decrease the fatality and serious disease rate. Then, in the case of Pfizer and (less so) Moderna, they fade into uselessness, requiring booster shots (which appear to work, in the short term; however, Israel is already talking about a 2nd booster)

    It’s possible that, by factoring in the deaths caused by the vaccines, themselves, the death from covid amongst the vaccinated + deaths from vaccination exceeds the death rate of the unvaccinated, but that is sketchy. (I did such a calculation, projecting US vaccination fatality rates, as per whistleblower, onto Israel, and found no benefit to vaccination, even in the short term).

    It’s the long term risk of ADE and forcing a higher rate of natural mutations that are, or should be, the biggest concern about the insufficiently tested vaccines. Additionally, others are pointing to potentially catastrophic prion, alzheimer’s and worsening micro-thrombotic dangers that are orthogonal to ADE and stimulated evolution of natural variants. Others include Richard Fleming.

    Since we can’t get an open and transparent debate and unimpeded research and publication on no-brainers like early intervention, via dirt-cheap repurposed drugs, it should surprise nobody that the landscape for risk from ADE, prions, etc., is even more problematic.

    I would say, though, that since ADE has been demonstrated in animals, I think if you’re doing a “conspiracy analysis” of using covid for depopulation, you really should focus on this, as it’s presumably more predictable. I can’t say I know a much about the subject; or have the background to comprehend the phenomenon and/or risk to humans; but it certainly strikes me have far, far greater potential to depopulate the Earth than covid, itself.

    From “Dr. Lee Merritt: In Animal Studies, After Being Injected With MRNA Technology, All Animals Died Upon Reinfection.”

    In animal studies, after mRNA injections have been administered to cats, when the virus arrived once again into the body, it arrived like a Trojan Horse, undetected by the cats’ own immune system. The virus multiplied unchallenged and all animals involved in the experiment died from various causes.

    Watch here:

    According to Dr. Lee Merritt,

    What happened is all animals died… but they didn’t died of the “vaccine”. What they died from what used to be called “immune enhancement” and now they call it “antibody dependent enhancement” (ADE).

    Here’s what happens:

    They make the RNA and you get the “vaccine” and you do fine. Now, you challenge the animal with the virus that you are supposed to be immunizing against.

    So when they challenged those cats with SARS [a.k.a. SARS-CoV-1, is a coronavirus species], instead of killing the virus or weakening it, the immune response that they built into your system when out and codded the virus, so the virus came into the cat’s body like a Trojan Horse, unseen by the cat’s own immune system, and then it replicated without checking and killed the cat with overwhelming sepsis and cardiac failure. And that [also] happened in ferrets, that happened every time they tried this.

    Let me just point out. We have never made it through an animal study successfully for this type of virus.

    Since many of the previously vaccinated came down with covid infections a 2nd time, in Israel, if it only took 1/2 year, and 1 round (of 2 doses, say) to develop catastrophic, depopulation-level-severity ADE in humans, we would have unambiguously seen it, already.

    Why didn’t we? I don’t know I wish somebody would ask Malone, e.g. Or Luc Montagnier. (Or tell me, if they already have.) But note that domesticated cats have a lifespan of 12-15 years, so it’s possible their ‘ADE lag” is only 1/5 as long as a humans’, reflecting our relative lifespan.

    Let’s do some low-investment spitballing. Let’s say the cats died after being re-infected after 6 months. If we naively extrapolate to humans, using the lifespan multiplier of 5, then we’re talking about 30 months, or 2 1/2 years. In 3 months, the mass vaccination program of Israel will hit 1 year old. AFAIK, a mass die-off of vaccinated individuals would ramp up, not just suddenly apear. If we assume 3 months, then the mass dieoff will begin in Israel around Nov. 2022.

  51. Astrid


    It’s possible that more data had come out since then. Though note that even the NBC article emphasized that many factors unrelated school attendance are in play. Having stressors like dead family members, homelessness, parental unemployment, or dawning awareness that they live in a dystopia that doesn’t care if their families live or die, can impact mental health a lot more than schools. I follow the Collapse subreddit and lots of bright high schoolers there who are convinced that society will completely break down before they turn 25.

    Though no, of course I don’t trust CDC after the last 18 months. They’ve been wrong every step, in a way obvious for any alert layperson would have realized at the time.

  52. Astrid

    Appealing to authority only works if the authority in question has not already repeatedly shown themselves to be selfish and callous incompetents who take no responsibility for their previous actions and utterances.

  53. Astrid


    Given that the cited rise is not overwhelming, it’s not clear if there’s simply more reporting of incidents or more actual incidents. While zoom school almost certainly hurts an already very vulnerable population (those with actively abusive parents/guardians or in unsettled home situations), what you cite doesn’t really show zoom school is making kids more suicidal on balance. And on average, seems zoom school attendance seems much less traumatic than seeing beloved teachers, parents, or grandparents die or get long COVID.

    Kids are much stronger than adults give them credit for being. There may be some selection biase at play, but I know plenty of people who emigrated (with no English language skills time of emigration) or had prolonged illnesses during childhood who still did just fine. I am not aware of anyone who was permanently set back because of an emigration or prolonged childhood illness. They might take an extra year or went to a worse college than their intelligence otherwise give them access to, but generally they ended up just fine after 5-15 years. I do know of fragile kids who were “perfect” until they failed at something, and then never recovered from that. I think it’s more important that kids are allowed to fail and know life won’t go exactly according to plan, than assumed that every tiny deviation from the proscribed course will do irreparable harm.

  54. NR

    I don’t agree with his cost-benefit analysis of opening schools, but he’s right more often than he is wrong.

    Maybe once upon a time this was true, but all he does these days is kiss the asses of right-wingers and parrot their positions and rhetoric so he can rake in big $$$.

  55. NR

    Or, as the author I linked put it better:

    In the midst of a deepening crisis produced by the pandemic, society has become deeply polarized. Greenwald speaks for a section of the affluent upper-middle class that is throwing in its lot with the financial oligarchy, embracing its homicidal policies and making lawyers’ briefs for the far right.

  56. Lex

    HEPA filters aren’t pore filters. In a pore filter things smaller than the pore size pass through (unless accretion increases the filter efficiency by effectively reducing pore size). HEPA filter material is a tangled mass of electrostatically charged fibers. The design is to not allow a clear path through the filter, which forces particles to slow down and go around things. A particle passing close enough to or directly impacting a fiber is then stuck to it.

    But the resistance that makes it an effective filter makes everything around it critical. You can have a HEPA air purifier or vacuum but if the seal around the filter isn’t super tight, then the bulk of the air will go around. Some air will get pushed through but how much is directly related to how leaky the seal is. Buying a HEPA product only guarantees that filter material is HEPA style, not that it actually works.

    It’s pretty well accepted in the technical community that HEPA stops particles smaller than .3 um, the efficiency at smaller sizes goes down of course. But in my line of work where the effectiveness of respiratory protection is life and death (both acute and chronic), it’s also understood that no respiratory protection shy of SCBA stops everything. It’s why respirators have a protection factor rating and that number means that the contaminate concentration inside the mask is X times lower than whatever it is outside the mask.

    For Covid masks do not, could not and aren’t proclaimed to stop all the virus either going out or coming in. It’s a numbers game about reducing concentrations in the breathing zone which betters the odds that you or others won’t get a whopping viral load, particularly in conjunction with other preventative measures such as distancing or even vaccination. I’m trying to decide whether this whole debate is ignorant or obtuse. There’s nothing new here. People like me deal with all the same concepts every day and there are rules that work. But with Covid you have to listen to people who don’t know how filters work tell you that they don’t. You have to listen to people get mad that a protective action isn’t 100% effective and then declare that if it isn’t it’s worthless.

    Ventilation will never be a 100% solution to this either. But as with all contaminant control, engineering controls are the first step (assuming you cannot make the contaminate go away). It is so because they are independent of individual behavior. And if you can’t reduce concentrations to safe levels with just engineering controls, they greatly increase the effectiveness of personal protective equipment and/or administrative controls. Since the former only reduces concentrations and the latter is based on concentration/time with a goal of reducing the time of potential exposure.

    But whatever some crank you saw on YouTube using a 4-gas meter incorrectly says is probably right and I’m probably wrong.

  57. different clue


    The Overclass wants to make the killoff look like an accident or a series of bad breaks spread out over a century or so. They certainly don’t want to scare 7 billion people into rising up all at once and rounding up and exterminating the membership of the Overclass.

    So it has to look like an accident. Or the rise of various diseases and social Darwin filters which raise death rates and lower birth rates for people outside the Overclass.

    Covid is supposed to leave tissue damage behind in the bodies of the seemingly-recovered. This is the kind of tissue damage which could help “chronic conditions” onset much earlier than normal, and terminate in death rather faster than normal. It shouldn’t start happening for at least 15-20 years. When it starts, it will look like more bad luch.

  58. different clue


    I am thinking of many little things adding up over a century or so. The seemingly accidental fostering of widespread antibiotic immunity in dangerous bacteria through the wild overuse of antibiotics with gay abandon.

    The spreading of traces of Roundup throughout the mainstream food supply with the seemingly unintended consequence of killing of the beneficial microorganisms which make up the “gut flora” in order to set the stage for GI diseases.

    many little things . . .

  59. Hugh

    Glenn Greenwald is a a libertarian. His promoting “principled” conservatives, working with the Cato Institute, what he did with the Snowden files, his hooking up with Omidyar and the founding of the Intercept, his silence on Trump, his bromance with Tucker Carlson, his wrapping up his anti-masking views in class terms, as he gets older Glenn’s inner libertarian keeps showing up more openly, more often.

  60. Mark Pontin

    Greenwald has never hidden his libertarian leanings — and I’m from Europe where the libertarians are more anarcho-syndicalist, so I’m less than horrified by that label — but he’s right about this.

    someofparts: ‘Since he had just bought a shiny new truck and did not want to miss payments and lose it, he crossed that picket line and told his co-workers that he would help them from the inside. They expressed their appreciation by blowing up the truck.’

    I like it.

  61. Thomas B Golladay

    As a paramedic on the front lines from the start, who recognized this virus for what it was months before you all did, you guys sure ignore what I have to say and even blocked my comments.

    I saw this virus rip through my area before we started using HCQ and IVM. Adenovirus Vaccines work, but women can’t take them it reacts badly with them. mRNA vaccines don’t work and the VAERS is overwhelmed with adverse reactions from taking them.

    Latest from Dr. Chris Martenson who was on this months before all you took it seriously.

    But hey, what do I know? It’s not like I’m a licensed Medical Professional.

    In any event, the virus is now endemic, there is no more use with the lockdowns. We’re past that point. We have to live with it.

  62. different clue

    @Mark Pontin,

    In America, libertarian generally means propertarian or moneytarian or both. And often (Ayn) Randroid.

    Many years ago I went to a Presidential Wannabe debate between two minor candidates . . . Barry Commoner of the “Citizens Party” and somebody McBride of the Libertarian Party.

    I remember somebody from the audience asking Mr. McBride what he would do about illegal immigration. The part of his reply which I remember was where he made a Freudian slip which showed his true political concern . . . . something like ” I think it is a great thing that so many people want to come to our great money . . .I mean country.” Fast save there . . . almost, Mr. McBride. It was clearly money which came first to mind and first to mouth for him.

    The Libertarians are about the Money, the Whole Money, and Nothing but the Money.

    Glen Greenwald seem more and more to be auditioning for the “Christopher Hitchens” role . . . the reflexive contrarian. If the Good Ship Fox sinks, and he’s still on it, maybe he’ll go down with it.

  63. Hugh

    “Greenwald has never hidden his libertarian leanings”

    I remember Glenn from back in his blogspot days. And I don’t recall him advertising his libertarianism. He usually portrayed himself as a more and better Democrats kind of guy with a few conservative streaks on civil liberties which he attached more to his legal training.

  64. Hugh

    In fact, from the remains of that blogspot “Unclaimed Territory:” ‘I was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator and am now a journalist. I am the author of three New York Times bestselling books — “How Would a Patriot Act” (a critique of Bush executive power theories), “Tragic Legacy” (documenting the Bush legacy), and With Liberty and Justice for Some (critiquing America’s two-tiered justice system and the collapse of the rule of law for its political and financial elites).’ Not exactly a libertarian calling card.

  65. different clue

    @Mark Pontin,

    I am old enough that when a memory re-surfaces, it sometimes re-surfaces wrong before it resurfaces right.

    So while I was thinking about something else, the Mr. McBride quote came back to me and this time it came back to me THIS way . . . ” I think it is just great that so many people want to come to our great company…COUNtry”. I feel that second quote is more accurate, upon re-playing the brain tapes. But it still shows the libertarians Prime Directive, at least in this country.

  66. NR

    After 6 months their effectiveness in terms of preventing infection is close to 0

    That’s a bold claim to make without any evidence to back it up.

    In fact, we have data that shows that the vaccines do reduce risk of infection as well as serious infection:

    Averaged weekly, age-standardized rates (events per 100,000 persons) were higher among persons not fully vaccinated than among fully vaccinated persons for reported cases (112.3 versus 10.1), hospitalizations (9.1 versus 0.7), and deaths (1.6 versus 0.1) during April 4–June 19,


    Now how much this protection wanes with time is still unknown, but to just state that it drops to 0 after 6 months simply isn’t supported by data.

  67. NL

    Biden administration is pushing for Covid booster shots to be rolled out NEXT WEEK after unpublished data from Israel shows vaccine efficacy declines over time

  68. NR

    mRNA vaccines don’t work

    Well if nothing else Thomas is consistent. He consistently tells the most blatant, baldfaced lies about anything and everything under the sun.

    “mRNA vaccines don’t work” is, of course, a lie. There is a mountain of data proving they work, anyone interested can start here and find much more data pretty easily:

    But hey, what do I know? It’s not like I’m a licensed Medical Professional.

    Actually Thomas, given how often and how consistently you’ve lied about any number of topics here, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if you were lying about this too.

  69. Ché Pasa

    Greenwald is an abuser.

    He and his familiar Mona repeatedly denied he was a libertarian — except in the sense of civil libertarian where he maintained he was an “absolutist” when it comes to civil liberties.

    He may be right about some things, and he’s often wrong or just a selfish asshole. His fans think he’s akin to a god, and he likes that. Skeptics and doubters might receive the back of his hand.

    He has triggered numerous blog-swarms and Twitter-wars both for the attention they bring him and with the intent of harming the targets either through discrediting them or getting them fired or otherwise destroying their careers and livelihoods. After a while, his targets learned to fight back effectively and he was essentially disfellowshipped from polite company.

    He doesn’t seem to mind. Why should he? He’s rich, he lives in Brazil with a prominent Brazilian socialist politician (David Miranda) and is protected by a private security detail. His opinions and journalistic revelations appear to have little or no effect in the end — certainly the Snowden revelations did not result in a reduction of surveillance. More probably its increase.

    His appearances on Tucker’s show serve primarily to reinforce Tucker’s abusive manias. They are birds of a feather.

  70. Mark Pontin

    different clue: ‘In America, libertarian generally means propertarian or moneytarian or both. And often (Ayn) Randroid.’

    I’m well aware.

    These terms have different regional histories and meanings. ‘Liberal’ also originally meant something different in Europe and the UK particularly, till Franklin Roosevelt in the US promoted the term so as not to have his policies attacked as ‘socialist.’ Subsequently, the rest of the world increasingly has used the word ‘liberal’ meaning what Roosevelt meant.

    Not surprisingly, ‘libertarian’ in the US also has an overlap with the neoliberal clique. Charles Koch — who’s one of the Mont Pelerin society’s earliest American members and who sponsored von Hayek to come over here — is also a libertarian.

    I mention this because Koch has a line for interviewers these days where he tells people he’s a liberal — in the original 19th century sense.

    Probably true. The original liberals were the Whig laissez-faire types in the 19th century UK, whose policies enabled the Great Famine in Ireland from 1845-52, during which perhaps 1 million people died, more than 2 million fled the country, and Ireland’s population was reduced by 20-25 percent.

  71. Mark Pontin

    different clue: ‘the Mr. McBride quote came back to me and this time it came back to me THIS way . . . ” I think it is just great that so many people want to come to our great company…COUNtry”.’

    I believe it. Or certainly it’s perfectly possible — this is exactly how the Owners of this country have usually thought.

  72. Mark Pontin

    @ Hugh –

    Like I say, the term ‘libertarian’ has a wider meaning and historical context than the ‘Ayn Randroid, moneytarian’ types have reduced it to in the US.

    Greenwald’s earlier opposition to the Bush II administration’s constraints on civil liberties and free speech, and its surveillance programs, as well as his work as a litigation attorney doing pro bono First Amendment cases — including representing white supremacist Matthew Hale in Illinois and the neo-nazi National Alliance — are all in line with that wider, older libertarian tradition. As you say, Greenwald even wrote a paper for the Cato Institute — and it was promoting drug decriminalization in Portugal.

    For that matter, Ed Snowden was also a libertarian at one time, voting for Ron Paul.

    Indeed, there you go — Ron Paul! You may say he is/was as nutty as a fruitcake and naive to boot. But what he wasn’t was a moneytarian or anything less than a sincere idealist.

    Much as it may offend your tribal political definitions of these things, there’s an area where folks like Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald converge.

  73. Hugh

    Unpublished means not yet vetted and peer reviewed. But we know that antibody levels decline overtime. And as NR points out the vaccines still reduce the likelihood of symptomatic infection and greatly reduce the chances of either hospitalization or death. In the real world that is known as good news. To the anti-vaxxer, it is just more evidence to ignore.

  74. Hugh

    Mark Pontin, let’s see. Anyone who disagrees with you and your tribal definitions is a tribalist, –according to you. Got it. Ron Paul who like all good US libertarians believes the Fed is evil because he wants to go back to the gold standard is not a moneytarian but an idealist because –who knows you seem to be making it up as you go. Is it a sensitive spot for you? Do you identify as libertarian? Or with a sell-out like Glenn. Inquiring minds would like to know.

  75. Mark Pontin

    Hugh: ‘Anyone who disagrees with you and your tribal definitions is a tribalist, –according to you. Got it. ‘

    Wrong. I’m not a libertarian, democrat, republican, American, or any of your tribes. Sorry. You’re the one who’s hung up on this stuff.

    ‘Ron Paul who like all good US libertarians believes the Fed is evil because he wants to go back to the gold standard is not a moneytarian.’

    Ron Paul doesn’t live in the real world. Neither do you, on the evidence.

    But whatever. If you’ve nothing intelligent to offer, you’re just one more fool on the internet and I’m not going to engage with fools.


  76. Hugh

    Don’t let the door hit your provincial British hrumph, hrumph on the way out. On this side of the pond, liberal and libertarian are distinct concepts. Modern American liberalism goes back to Wilson. It is elitist, doing for the ordinary citizen what elitists deem those citizens need whether they like it or not. Libertarianism takes a minimalist view of society and societal obligations and believes as long as they’ve got theirs the rest of us can, and should, go die in a ditch of our choosing.

    If Greenwald had identified as a libertarian, he would have been treated as a kook precisely in those progressive circles he needed to establish himself. So he pitched his shtick in First Amendment terms and broadening the base, working with and making common cause with principled conservatives on specific issues. Over the years, living in Brazil, out of the mainstream, he simply hides it less now.

  77. StewartM


    Sweden is right in the middle of European countries in terms of death rate. Nothing special about it. Unlike others, Sweden kept restrictions to minimum and schools open. I thought sky was supposed to fall when you do that.

    Sweden has a very high proportion of people in single-household units. That’s why the comparison with its Nordic neighbors (i.e., it’s much worse) is a more relevant measure.

    Contrast that with Asia; the reason most Asian countries take these epidemics much more seriously than the west (and all you have to do is to fly there, and you’ll see all the warnings about how you should report any illness you have before you land) is that they have a lot of people per housing unit, and moreover the houses are crammed against each other. They know that once an epidemic sets in, the mere closest of living quarters it will take drastic measures to contain it.

  78. Astrid

    Che said that he had personal interaction with Greenwald and greensward behaved like garbage. I trust Che to state his honest opinion and it made me think less of Greenwald as a person. On the other hand, Greenwald’s most high profile activities were about exposing systemic government corruption and terrorism. Big stories that somehow nobody else could break. I’d celebrate those individual actions even if they were done by David Duke or Barack Obama or Dick Cheney (and I tthinkCheney is, amongst the living, the individual with the highest evilness quotient on the planet).

  79. NL

    Ah, don’t feed them, but let them argue pointlessly about monikers and other BS — intellectuals… In case you forgot, there is a pandemic out there.

    I want to point your attention to a very nice post by Lex above, instead of waiting your time on whoever that other dude is. If you want a good air filter for home or work, buy IQAir. I have a couple of these. They are very good. IQAir also sells desktop filters, in you want filtration in your office or cubicle at work, and even masks.

  80. Trinity

    “This looks like mass-insanity to me, a crime of vast proportions. “

    And against children, no less.

    Yet the commentariat argues about vaccines, and the definitions of words, and how those definitions differ between nations. As if all the world is (or should be) made in the image of the US. And thank goodness it isn’t, not quite yet anyway. They are working on it.

    This is a crime against the future, YOUR future, and you just keep caterwauling about your pet peeves. Do it all you want. It won’t change a thing.

    Or, maybe this is all just nature’s way (with a lot of help from some particularly insane humans) to ensure the mess we humans have made never gets made again. As an experiment, humanity right now gets a failing grade. All that “in school” learning amounts to nothing when the proverbial is hitting the fan.

    StewartM, I loved your comment: “Actually, I think getting off the peer-age segregated conveyor belt of life (which takes you from kindergarten to the nursing home) is a positively good thing. Our generation gap and generational politics are a direct consequence of walling off people into age-segregated groups.”

    Breaking the cycles that keep business as usual in place should be priority.

  81. NL

    Bloomberg just now:

    “The decrease in effectiveness is “primarily due to waning of vaccine immune responses over time,” rather than the delta variant, Pfizer researchers said in the presentation.”

    “FDA staff also posted its report… Like Pfizer, the staff found that a booster shot of the Pfizer vaccine was safe and raised antibody levels. Still, the staff said it hasn’t yet independently reviewed or verified the underlying data or conclusions of some relevant studies, such as the Israel study, which will be summarized in Friday’s meeting.

    The staff also noted that it is not currently clear whether there will be an increased risk of inflammation of the heart and heart lining after a booster shot, and that potential risks of a booster shot also must be considered.

    Pfizer said in its report, the data from Israel and elsewhere suggest that a reduction in efficacy against infection may be followed by reduced effectiveness against severe disease, especially among vulnerable elderly people.”

    Ok, Hugh and NR now dash in immediately and start defending Pfizer and the Big Pharma (together with our incompetent government) and attack FDA for not rolling over like the CDC. Start parroting the Pfizer line of efficacy

    Unfortunately, I think FDA will be emptied out, Hugh and NR will win and a dystopian world of pay for shots-to-live will come.

  82. Plague Species

    As if all the world is (or should be) made in the image of the US. And thank goodness it isn’t, not quite yet anyway. They are working on it.

    True. QAnon, like savoir faire, is everywhere now. QAnon is love American style.

  83. Plague Species

    This is a crime against the future, YOUR future, and you just keep caterwauling about your pet peeves. Do it all you want. It won’t change a thing.

    Everyone storm the Capitol Building in commemoration of Ashley’s Habit. That’ll teach ’em a thing or two.

  84. Hugh

    Anybody got some Haldol for NL? He’s having another of his anti-vaxxer fits.

    Here are the current death counts in the US by age from the CDC from January 2020 to today:

    0-4 years 159
    5-18 years 357
    19-44 years 21,267
    45-64 years 125,298
    65-74 years 147,568
    75 years and over 364,104
    Total 658,753

  85. BlizzardOfOzzz

    “Long Covid” does not exist when there is a control group:

    However, there was no statistical difference comparing the reported symptoms between seropositive students and seronegative students.

  86. NL

    Hmmm, interesting, now Hugh seems to claim that those who disagree with him have a metal disorder…. reminds me of something… Soviet Union, dissidents treated for mental illness…

  87. Hugh

    To look at this another way, so far

    55.27% of those who have died from covid are 75 and older.
    77.67% of those who have died from covid are 65 and older
    96.69% of those who have died from covid are 45 and older
    3.3% of those who have died from covid are 44 and younger
    .07% of those who have died from covid are 18 and younger

    I can’t access more recent data as for July forward/the most recent surge by age or vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. The huge number of elderly who died from covid before the rollout of the vaccines will dominate the overall statistics for some time.

  88. NL

    Hugh’s mortality data by age group above seem to suggest that children (<18) do not really need vaccination, considering that vaccine itself carries a non-zero risk of heart complications: 0.07% vs non-zero difficult-to-estimate risk of the vaccine is a wash. For every clinical case of vaccine side-effects, there are likely many cases of subclinical disease side-effects. In other words, these kids will probably feel something like shortness of breath but brash it, and it will go away from a time but come back with age. Many diseases, including heart disease, start as a asymptomatic subclinical condition and then develop into a full-blown acute syndrome. Heart inflammation can easily lead to heart failure and a life-time of barely living. The vaccines do not really protect well from infection for a prolong period of time and therefore do not protect from loss of IQ that happens during even an asymptomatic infection. Why vaccinate children?

    Hugh, NR, you want to give it a shot and argue here why we need to vaccinate children?

  89. someofparts

    Golly, as a geezer,s looking a those number makes me feel like me and my friends dodged some bullets. Suddenly being poor and isolated doesn’t seem so bad.

  90. Thomas B Golladay

    NR, you have been consistently wrong about the virus and the best means to fight it.

    I have posted naught but actual studies with the actual data which you ignore. Also mRNA vaccines are the majority of vaccines being used the West, it is not dropping case levels, they have actually soared especially in Israel and making for worse outcomes. Dr. Chris Martenson has been good at gathering the data, explaining the science and following the evidence. He figured out quite early this was an accidental lab leak by simply looking at its gene code and finding inserts.

    Frankly, the roll out of the mRNA vaccines was and will be catastrophic disastrous decision for all who took them as it opened them up to breakthrough strains it can’t by design counter-act. In fact, Chris Martenson’s compiling of the data, shows it does no better than a placebo.

    Meanwhile Sweden which did nothing, actually handled the Pandemic best. Deaths are zero per 7 day average. US States that never locked down also handled the virus better because people weren’t crowded into fewer and fewer buildings to get food, and their stress levels didn’t rise. Being able to work also meant they were able to afford supplementary vitamins and exercised which improved their health. The better your starting health, the better your ability to fight off a virus or bacteria.

    This basic fact escapes you as it doesn’t fit your narrative.

    You know nothing about medicine and basic health. You politicized the virus and contributed to people dying and have blood on your hands. And you keep digging yourself deeper and deeper. A simple google search brings up data on vaccination rates and case rates. Places using mRNA vaccines have exploding case rates. Those not using them or using IVM/HCQ have low case loads and few if any deaths. Hell all the recent attempts to paint IVM as horse de-wormer failed quickly as one can simply pull the drug profile on it and look at publicly available data on its use.

    Even the story about IVM overdoses keeping gunshot victims out of a hospital was swiftly debunked by the hospital itself which hasn’t treated a gunshot wound in 15 years and hasn’t had the doctor who made the claim on staff for months. All it took was one phone call.

    So yeah, you’re spreading deadly misinformation and making my job harder. Thanks. For nothing.

    On an unrelated note, Richard Medhurst is killing it in this video, finding the humor in the absurdity of him, a person not in the US, working a company not in the US, just had all his work stolen by the US. Simply because he embarrasses them.

  91. NR

    I have posted naught but actual studies with the actual data which you ignore.

    You have posted nothing of the sort. You’ve posted a bunch of links to crazy Youtubers who make big $$$ selling ever-crazier conspiracy theories to people like you. Meanwhile, the actual data which I’ve posted shows that mRNA vaccines are extremely effective.

    Also mRNA vaccines are the majority of vaccines being used the West, it is not dropping case levels,

    Because almost half the people in the United States are still unvaccinated. And as the actual data (which I just posted again) shows, the unvaccinated make up the vast majority of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

    Meanwhile Sweden which did nothing, actually handled the Pandemic best.

    Let’s look at some more actual data, shall we?

    COVID deaths per million people:

    Finland: 190
    Norway: 155
    Sweden: 1,429

    Sweden has 7.5 times as many COVID deaths per capita as Finland, and 9 times as many as Norway. The fact that you think they handled COVID the best really says it all.

  92. NL

    NR, even Pfizer says that you and your CDC are full of ****.
    “In this evaluation, among individuals ≥16 years of age, BNT162b2 effectiveness against
    SARS‑CoV-2 infection was only 39.0% (95% CI: 9.0%, 59.0%) and against symptomatic
    COVID-19 was 40.5% (95% CI: 8.7%, 61.2%) between 20 June 2021 and 17 July 2021.
    This was considerably lower than published effectiveness estimates from an earlier time
    period. …. Further, effectiveness estimates from 20 June 2021 to 17 July 2021 showed that VE against SARS‑CoV‑2 infections and against symptomatic COVID-19 progressively declined as time-from-vaccine increased, with individuals ≥16 years of age vaccinated in January having only 16% effectiveness against symptomatic
    COVID-19, which was not statistically significantly different from ZERO.” (my capitals for zero).

    Read the whole report!

  93. Craig Morris

    “What matters the most is proper ventilation”

    Absolutely, but you are one of the few to talk about this. I mention this to people and no one has heard that it matters and as you say no one is doing anything about it.

  94. COVID deaths per million people:

    Finland: 190
    Norway: 155
    Sweden: 1,429

    let’s not stop, there:

    Covid deaths per million in Israel: 760
    Covid deaths per million in Uttar Pradesh: 114

    According to a Jewish guy (presumably) that I met, yesterday, with an Israeli accent, Israel has ALREADY started with the 2nd booster doses.

    Looking at Israel is both instructive and misleading. Instructive because they vaccinated early, and aggressively, so they are a peak into the near future of other countries. Misleading, because they used Pfizer, the weakest of the vaccines, while we in the US also used Moderna and J&J.

    Kim Iverson covers the unfolding Israeli debacle, which should be paid attention to by not just vaccine fetishists, but everybody that used Pfizer. Indeed, since the government’s policies tend to be oriented to the dumbest common denominator, I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to foist boosters on everybody, as if they had all taken Pfizer. That should be easy to google, but I’m off to work.

    See “Israel’s Alarming Data” on the Kim Iversen youtube channel.

  95. Ché Pasa

    As many have pointed out, “school” has a purpose well beyond educating the tots in readin’, ritin’ and ‘rithmatic.

    Well beyond. And that’s part of why there is so much hysteria over masking/not masking, vaccinating/not vaccinating, and the supposed evils of critical race theory among so many other things. Of course, 90% of the hysteria is manufactured by the rightist media, but that doesn’t change the fact that “school” as an industry exists for reasons other than classical education.

    It’s the primary socializing mechanism for the young. Proper Behaviors and Beliefs are taught and inculcated in schools which is a big reason why they are considered absolutely necessary all up and down the line. Because of the way Behaviors and Beliefs are taught, in-person schooling is also considered an absolute necessity; Correct Behaviors and Beliefs cannot be taught online, remotely or at a distance. They have to be modeled in person.

    When socialization is factored out of education, you’ve set up a recipe for at least a generation of chaos and anarchy (or so it is thought) as everyone not educated in schools becomes socialized to something other than Correct and Proper Behaviors and Beliefs, something that can’t be determined and controlled by the Overlords, and that leads to rebellion, distrust in authority, and social disintegration.

    Which is a threat to the Overclass and must be stamped out hammer and tong.

    The use or non-use of vaccines and masks on the young has more to do with that essential socialization factor than health. By applying Covid public health protocols including vaccines to the young in schools, they are being socialized to accept and even desire this form of authority over their lives — for their own good, of course, and for the good of their elders — and that is fundamentally opposed by a significant, loud and belligerent minority who claim this is Tyranny that must be fought with every fiber of their beings.

    In a sense, they’re right. Fighting over this one aspect of that imposition of social authority, though, is merely a fight over who shall have the the authority and what sort of Tyranny they will have the authority to impose.

    Freedom for whom? To do what?

  96. Willy

    Back in my childhood schools, teachers only stepped in when certain kids were being just a bit too overtly traumatized by bullying. Damned parents threatening to sue. Seems the socialization process involved training sociopaths about the correct ways to dominate others, ways which could be rationalized by society as “profitable”.

    I wonder about the parts of our education where half the population winds up so obese and dependent on the many psychologically pushed addictions that millions of them get to die slowly. Yet we hear nary a peep about it from concerned commenters on these, or any other, threads.

  97. Hugh

    The point in comparing Sweden with other Nordics is that they are very similar countries. So we would expect few confounders in the data. That Sweden chose a very different covid strategy that resulted in a lot more deaths is therefore significant.

    Comparing Sweden to a part of India, not all of it, and the Indian data being a lot less reliable (reports are that there have been as many as ten times the number of covid deaths there than in the official government stats), come on, man.

    Oh and NL’s link doesn’t work. If it is that Pfizer is talking its book because it wants to sell more boosters, color me surprised.

  98. NR

    NL: First of all, what you posted doesn’t contradict what I was saying. I was saying that mRNA vaccines work, and providing data that shows that. What you posted is more evidence that they do in fact work, just that efficacy might possibly wane with time, which is a different point entirely.

    So first of all, thank you for posting more information debunking Thomas’s bullshit, and showing that COVID vaccines work.

    Now, to the question of waning vaccine effectiveness over time, there is conflicting data on the subject. I don’t discount the Pfizer study saying effectiveness decreases, but another study was just released that also merits consideration:

    Current evidence does not, therefore, appear to show a need for boosting in the general population, in which efficacy against severe disease remains high. Even if humoral immunity appears to wane, reductions in neutralising antibody titre do not necessarily predict reductions in vaccine efficacy over time, and reductions in vaccine efficacy against mild disease do not necessarily predict reductions in the (typically higher) efficacy against severe disease. This effect could be because protection against severe disease is mediated not only by antibody responses, which might be relatively short lived for some vaccines, but also by memory responses and cell-mediated immunity, which are generally longer lived.
    The ability of vaccines that present the antigens of earlier phases of the pandemic (rather than variant-specific antigens) to elicit humoral immune responses against currently circulating variants indicates that these variants have not yet evolved to the point at which they are likely to escape the memory immune responses induced by those vaccines.

    More data is needed before conclusions can be drawn here.

  99. NL

    The link works for me. Google: and then press on the link.

    MEETING DATE: 17 September 2021

    Ha-ha-ha, right, Pfizer was honest about the first two shots being effective but now they making stuff, right… what if they made stuff from the very beginning? You got duped by your political predilections, your government and the Big Pharma. Remember I always argued that the vaccines are a corporate product not a product of good science. You will never admit to being duped but that’s Ok.

  100. Hugh

    Sorry, the first page of the Pfizer covid study looks like a Did not load correctly notice.

    Pfizer’s argument is a third dose would increase antibody titers and so reduce the number of severe breakthrough infections as well as reduce the transmissibility of the virus from a vaccinated boostered individual. It does this in spite of its admitting that coverage even after two doses is still pretty good.

  101. NL

    “Pfizer’s argument is a third dose would … reduce the number of severe breakthrough infections as well as reduce the transmissibility” … for another 6 months or maybe less, because the first inoculation was two shots two weeks apart and not one shot. So, we will be setting in this pattern of injections every 6 months… which will lead to evolution of a vaccine-resistant virus. How soon before we have to pay for the shots. And here will be: lose your job/lose your health insurance –> forgo a shot –> die.

    “coverage even after two doses is still pretty good” in the first several month but then 6 months later – Pfizer tells you in black and white – “effectiveness … against symptomatic COVID-19 [in] individuals ≥16 years of age … was not statistically significantly different from ZERO.”

    Like I say above, you will never admit getting it wrong. I will leave alone.

  102. NL

    NR, “What you posted is more evidence that they do in fact work, just that efficacy might possibly wane with time, which is a different point entirely.”

    Not ‘might possibly” by definitely and quickly. And how is it an entirely different point? You know why I wear an N95? You don’t. I wear it because I don’t know when the vaccine will stop being effective in me. 6 months is an average, in some people, it will work longer and in others, it will work for much less than 6 months. So, I have to have another means of protecting myself. I suggest you do the same if you are out at work or in public. You use the same words “work” and “effective”, but the meanings of the words changed since you first used them. Now the words mean: “for a short period of time with rapid onset of protection and rapid decline”.

    In any event, seems to me that at this point you and Hugh are defending your Ego and whatever credibility that may have left and not necessarily arguing for benefits of the vaccines. I do not care to convince you in anything, I just picked an argument with you for the benefit and education of the reading public to show true efficacy of the vaccine and what kind people those who defend it are.

  103. NR


    I’m saying: “We have conflicting data and recommendations on the efficacy of vaccines, we need to study further and collect more data and not jump to any conclusions.”


    It’s pretty obvious you’re the one with the ego problem.

  104. NL

    NR: “I’m saying: “We have conflicting data and recommendations…”

    If you were really saying that, you would be like me – advising caution on vaccination and advocating a comprehensive approach, while the data are being sorted out and proper conclusions are made. Instead, you throw around your “work well and highly-effective”, as if indeed the case is closed.

    I certainly do not care about what you are saying, because you have proven yourself to be incompetent and driven by Ego. Now are misrepresenting my position by “shouting” in capitals…

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