The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Once More About Sending Your Kids Back to School

Last year I suggested not sending your kids to physical school when and if Covid was out of control.

This year, I’m saying the same. Delta is much easier to catch than original Covid was.

If Covid is out of control where you live, I suggest you do not send your kid back to school unless you really have no choice (criminal penalties and/or they absolutely need the babysitting.)

If Covid is still around, but not out of control, then I’d still be wary if the school doesn’t have a mask mandate and if they won’t let external windows be opened to create a draft. Covid is airborne and how likely you are to get it depends on amount + exposure. If there’s just one infected kid in a badly ventilated room, even with masks, everyone gets a strong dose.

Note next that even though Covid rarely kills kids, teenagers, in particular, can die. It won’t mean a damn thing to you if your kid dies that it was, “like rolling quadruple ones on four six sided dice.” Also, kids can get long Covid, and long Covid most frequently causes brain damage and/or heart problems. I have one friendly acquaintance with it, who has had to get voice therapy, he sounds like a bad stroke victim.

And, finally, note that kids can spread it to you, your family, and through you, everyone you come in contact with.

I know most parents hate the idea of spending time with their children. Some for good reason (need to work) others because, in truth, they may love their kids, but they don’t like them, but school right now in places without Covid under control, is way too dangerous.

It appears this will remain the case indefinitely. Covid resistance, either from having had it or from vaccines, wanes fairly quickly: It only takes a few months, as Israel is finding out.

Since no combination of Covid-Zero and widespread vaccination, plus traveller quarantine is being tried, and since no one is even pretending any more that they care about vaccinating people in poor countries, there’s no reason to believe that Covid won’t keep mutating. At this point we simply hope it mutates into a less harmful form. The models say it should, BUT so far the models have been 180 degrees wrong.

Protect yourself and your kids, and remember, most kids will have lost school time to Covid and everyone will understand.

(My writing helps pay my rent and buys me food. So please consider subscribing or donating if you like my writing.)


What I Wrote April 9th About Afghanistan


Open Thread


  1. NR

    Well, it’s a COVID post, so it’s likely to devolve into the predictable mess of low-quality information that they usually do around here, but before that happens, a word on this point here:

    At this point we simply hope it mutates into a less harmful form. The models say it should, BUT so far the models have been 180 degrees wrong.

    I think what tends to happen with viruses is that they mutate to become less deadly over the long term. We aren’t anywhere near “long-term” with COVID and I’m not aware of any models that said it would already be less deadly. So we can expect that in, say, 40 years COVID will be less deadly than it is today, but from now until then, it will have different mutations, and those mutations can be either more or less deadly than the current form.

  2. Hugh

    Our public health response to covid remains fractured, politicized, and behind the curve. We have a new variant in the US into a new population environment; school children, teachers, staff, and parents. They’re partially vaccinated, unvaccinated, and not yet cleared for vaccination, and even basic health measures like masking vary widely and others like ventilation remain unaddressed.

    I have always said that an adult decision answers in turn three questions: what do you want?, what can you do?, and what can you live with? With covid, we seem to get bogged down somewhere in the first question and never get to the other two which is where we begin to consider the costs of what we want. And this isn’t just anti-vaxxers doing this. It’s the CDC.

    The preponderant indeed only consideration is how fast we can get back to business as usual. No one is looking at the possibility that covid has permanently changed our world and we may never get back to the old business as usual. Or asking what our new covid world will and should look like.

  3. using worldometer data, in “Week-end Wrap – Political Economy – August 15, 2021” I showed that India has 15% the per capita rate of death from covid that the US does.

    Meanwhile, the vaccination rate of US vs. India is 52% (full vaccination) vs. 39%.


    However, it gets better than that. Chris Martenson recently called attention to a tweet looking at just Uttar Pradesh – the Indian state which probably has the highest rate of ivermectin adoption (doubtless with other early treatment drugs) in India – compared to highly and aggressively vaxxed Israel.

    Israel is 62.4% fully vaxxed
    Uttar Pradish is 6.7% fully vaxxed

    Israel’s per capita death rate from covid is 0.000760374
    Uttar Pradesh’s per capita death rate from covid is 0.000114032


    And yet, we live in a world where a teacher of medical courses to doctors, Dr. Mobeen Syed, has had over 50 of his youtube videos deleted (by youtube), which dealt with ivermectin.

  4. So, now not just the Pfizer, but the Moderna, also, is known to start failing, enough to require boosters. The figures I heard suggested that the Moderna does not fail as fast, but I have to wonder if this conclusion is biased from Israeli data, which, AFAIK, exclusively used Pfizer in their initial vaccination program.

    (I saw a headline which claimed Israel was switching to Moderna, though they’re giving seniors Pfizer boosters.)

    Dementia Joe Biden let slip that the US has been acquiring boosters for quite some time, suggesting that the low life expectancy of the vaccines was expected. Or, perhaps, they were just following a precautionary principle. A ‘vaccine myopia’ precautionary principle is still a precautionary principle, isn’t it?

  5. Joan

    Just a note that actually homeschooling your kids is surely better then the online version of their current school. There’s some decent curriculum out there, and people I’ve talked to who were home schooled told me they often had lots of time during the day if they got their work done quickly. Contrast that with being forced to sit in front of a screen and try to not zone out, and surely the former is better.

  6. Speaking of kids, the ever helpful, competent, and public-spirited FDA, in 2020, created a new diagnostic code in 2020 “Multi System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.” or MIS-C. According to a presenter, Dr. Bryan Ardis, to ‘Stiftung Corona Ausschuss’, which I think is some sort of non-official working group dealing with covid facts, at least one of whose members is looking to bring war crime charges against some of the bozos that used the crisis to tyrannize the publics, the CDC has aggregated 4200 cases of it, with 40 dead children.

    Now, the plot thickens, for 4 reasons. Ardis says that
    a) the incidence of this started taking off simultaneously with the vaccination campaigns
    b) children were NOT getting this (in the main) from the vaccines, because they weren’t being vaccinated, initially, themselves
    c) likely source of the diseases: their vaccinated parents shedding toxic spike proteins
    d) VAERS is not reporting MIS-C cases

    Even without c), which, I assume, needs to be substantiated, a), b) and d) are alarming, enough. Why am I learning about this, just now???

    If c) is not true, then the only other source for MIS-C that I can think of is covid infection, itself.


  7. Plague Species

    Yep, it’s murder just as surely as the following is murder. Enabling and stoking Vaccine Obstinacy is as bad as Biden declaring America is open again for business and dropping the mask guidance and removing the lockdown guidance while the Delta Variant was raging in India.

    Naked Capitalism Murdered These Women

  8. Plague Species

    My wife and I were tested with the PCR version (versus the on-the-spot-results LFT version) of the test this past Saturday at Walgreen’s. We got the results Monday (results can take 2 to 5 days). Negative. Thank goodness, but of course, much to the chagrin of all the fake Class Traitors at Naked Capitalism to include Yves and Lambert. They all were hoping Furry Orca and his wife and children would die of COVFEFE-45. Sorry, no I’m not, not this time you dirtbags but maybe next time so don’t lose all hope. We dodged a bullet, but the bullets just keep coming and in greater quantity.

    So, it turns out the woman from Ecuador, a fellow teacher, in fact is vaccinated. She had COVFEFE-45-like symptoms and was sick for several days with these symptoms, but she tested negative. My wife’s school requires a PCR test which as you know or should know is the more accurate of the two — PCR versus LFT. Still, it begs the question, did the fellow teacher from Ecuador receive a false negative considering she was ill with COVFEFE-45-like symptoms? We’ll never know, but it’s a distinct possibility and that’s rather unnerving to say the least.

    My wife went back to school yesterday, Tuesday, but the children are still quarantined for ten days so my wife is there physically at the school but she is teaching the children virtually in a morning session and an afternoon session. She is not permitted to do these Zoom virtual sessions from home. She must be at school to host them. Why, we don’t know, but whatever.

    It is now confirmed that three teachers and/or assistants at the school have tested positive for COVFEFE-45 and a couple of children, so the school (all classes) has gone to virtual learning entirely and the children are in quarantine as are the teachers and assistants who tested positive. Although, quarantine is purely voluntary and reliant on the honor system. My wife was honorable and did not leave the house until she got the results of her test but the same cannot be said for her black female assistant who tested positive. My wife contacted her on Monday and she was out and about in her car. She’s not quarantining and she is a Vaccine Refusenik and my wife confirmed she doesn’t mask when she’s not at school and out and about where masks are not required.

    This black female assistant came to my wife last week and informed her she was feeling ill. She was in my wife’s presence in close proximity for a good part of the morning before my wife made her report to the administration IMMEDIATELY. Close enough for my wife to be breathing her air for a considerable period of time. Considering my wife tested negative and was vaccinated, it’s safe to say at this point that masking does indeed work. Masks were then and are now required at my wife’s school. A mask mandate, in otherwords, and since it’s a private school, they can issue a mask mandate. This proves masks do work especially when you consider the Delta Variant is as contagious as Chicken Pox, or so they say. My wife wears an N95, fyi. She changes it out every two to three days and is religious about it and NEVER takes it off when in the building (she eats her lunch outside on nice days and in her car on bad weather days).

    Another assistant my wife works with, another young assistant (a white female) she convinced to get the vaccine, is also ill, but she’s ill with the Chicken Pox of all things and get this, she had Chicken Pox when she was young so this is her second time having the Chicken Pox and this comes two weeks after receiving her first of two mRNA vaccine shots. Make what you will of that. I’m not sure what to make of it, but it is odd. She tested negative for COVFEFE-45, by the way.

    Oh, of course, lest I forget, one final but notable factoid. My wife’s school sent out a communication informing all employees that going forward after this latest experience, any employees not vaccinated will not be paid for the time they miss during quarantine. I’m betting the two black women who are Vaccine Refuseniks will not be swayed by this to get the vaccine, but they may try to fake it with fake vaccine cards or they just may quit when that time comes. Vaccine Refusal is like a religion at this point.

    At least so far, the people infected at my wife’s school have all been unvaccinated and no hospitalizations as of yet, fingers crossed. I know Yves and Lambert and the entire commentariat and all the Wall Street patrons and contributors at Naked Capitalism don’t want to hear that, that it was isolated to the unvaccinated, but it’s the truth even if that truth is anecdotal.

  9. bianca

    This August 11, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) overhauled its COVID-19 vaccine guidance for pregnant women, now “urging” them to accept their shots.

    Just 23% of pregnant women in the US have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Only something like 11.1% have been fully vaccinated.

    The CDC is seeking to drive these numbers up, but it is not doing the one thing that would, perhaps more than anything else, assuage the “hesitations” of these so-called “anti-vaxxers”: investigate and explain widespread reports of menstrual disruption post-Covid 19 vaccine – and, if necessary, add a warning about it.


    I have five female friends who, after receiving Covid-19 vaccines, experienced disruption to their menstrual cycles. Their symptoms have included hemorrhagic bleeding lasting more than a month; heavy intermittent bleeding for four months; passing golf-ball size clots of blood; and extreme cramping, serious enough to land one friend in the ER.

    Most of these women are in their 20s and 30s, and at least one of them thinks she might want to have children. She now worries that her symptoms might be the harbinger of long-term fertility problems. At least two of my friends have symptoms that have not resolved. All are feminists and have throughout the years been consistent Democratic Party voters.

    Other women of childbearing age have reported becoming temporarily “postmenopausal” after their second mRNA shot; conversely, women in menopause are reporting suddenly beginning to bleed again; trans men on hormone therapy have also reported sudden bleeding. Apparently, the number of vaccinated women around the world reporting alarmingly disrupted menstruation is, to be conservative, in the tens of thousands.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, does not warn women who get the shots that they may experience a disrupted menstrual cycle.

    Why is this? In part because even though menstruation is sometimes called the sixth vital sign and directly implicates fertility, and the fact that women on average suffer higher rates of adverse reaction to vaccines of all sorts and medication in general, the effects of Covid vaccines on women’s health specifically, including the menstrual cycle, were not studied as part of the Emergency Use Authorization process.

    Impacts on menstrual cycles are, it turns out, very rarely studied in clinical vaccine trials. Stated another way, the quality of COVID-19 vaccine safety data is better for men than it is for women, yet across the country, vaccine mandates make no sex-distinction and in practicality, actually fall more heavily on majority-women industries. In this way, it could be argued, women are not being treated equally under U.S. law.

    And now, despite widespread reports of post-vaccine menstrual disruption, it does not appear the CDC or FDA are taking the issue seriously. I contacted the FDA press office with specific and detailed questions about widespread reports of menstrual dysregulation after Covid vaccination. After some back and forth, an FDA spokesperson responded with an official statement: boilerplate jibber-jabber that did not even speak to the issue of menstruation, much less state that all such reports had been investigated and dismissed.

    One of my friends says, “I probably would have still gotten the vaccine, but I wish there had been research, a warning, something. My symptoms have been unpleasant and disconcerting, and it doesn’t seem like public health officials care. I think the way this is being handled will haunt me forever.”

    Another, who is trying hard to not “freak out,” says “I wish I would have known about these side effects prior to receiving the vaccine. I would have been more cautious about receiving it. I hope the FDA takes these reports seriously and warns others about these side effects – after all, safety and regulation is their main responsibility.”

    The fact that there is no warning, nor any urgent research into whether there should be a warning, seems jarringly sexist when you consider that the FDA has established and does warn that the mRNA Covid vaccines may cause rather trivial short-term side effects including the following: rashes, itching, hives, injection site pain, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea, vomiting; plus the recently added and potentially lethal conditions myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart), which primarily affect young men.

    In other words, the FDA sees fit to warn that you might get itchy after the shot but has not deemed it important to determine, and if necessary, tell women – women who might be trying to conceive – that getting the shot could, at least in the short term, scramble their cycle.

    Spare a thought for the tens of thousands of women undergoing expensive, invasive fertility treatments like egg retrieval and in vitro fertilization. According to Pew Research, about one third of all American women will undergo fertility treatment at some point. Most health insurance plans do not cover these difficult procedures, so many women pay out-of-pocket, sometimes dropping tens of thousands of dollars. Surely such female medical consumers have a right to know if an mRNA vaccine can trigger, for example, spontaneous prolonged bleeding that disrupts their reproductive efforts.

    Covid-19 is a real and potentially lethal virus. I do not need to be convinced of this. And I understand that any healthy society has the right to protect itself, and relatedly, to regulate its members. I have empathy for public officials charged with weighing competing interests and having to make difficult calls in navigating this crisis. Even more, I empathize with American families doing their very best to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their communities, often in the face of profound and disorienting loss.

    But it is also true that members of any healthy society have the right to demand that such regulations be based on trustworthy evidence and moral reason; and where such regulations implicate fundamental liberties, to demand that they are no more invasive than absolutely necessary.

  10. Ché Pasa

    Hugh says:

    No one is looking at the possibility that covid has permanently changed our world and we may never get back to the old business as usual. Or asking what our new covid world will and should look like.

    Not entirely true. I think some people ARE looking at permanent changes and specifically how they can profit from them. There is no “normal” to return to, gone forever, good riddance, bye bye. But the Brave New World we’re entering isn’t, I’ll bet, any better. In many ways, it’s far worse.

    Which is just fine for those who seek to profit.

    The world-emerging is going to be pretty much only for the rich. And only for some of them. The post-war, post-colonial (but by no means post-imperial) construct has fallen to pieces, It will not be put back together.

    We’re seeing the New World being assembled in the way Covid vaccines and treatments are distributed: nearly all for the rich countries, hardly any for anyone else. And within the rich countries, only the quick on the draw and the very richest get the best treatments and vaccines. The healthcare system is being imploded. The Little Wars and Forever Wars are being dispensed with, but Death From Above via remote control expands. And no doubt it will come to a neighborhood near you soon enough if it hasn’t already. Borders will be sealed. Escape will not be possible. The Lower Orders will be allowed and encouraged to fight among themselves for whatever hasn’t already been stolen. Climate change and instability will force billions to migrate. A handful will survive.

    It’s all forecast, laid out, made plain for those who will see. Little is being hidden. For the operators of this thrill ride, this is the climax of the adventure.

  11. Astrid

    Kids can survive education disruptions just fine. Military brats, diplomatic brats, children of immigrants who arrived in the US with no English skills, people who survived disruptive illnesses. Yet they tend to be over represented in my PMC circles. I think a bit of adversity toughened them up and gave them more interesting characters. Looking at historical figures, many were never formally educated or only sent to school in their teens. There’s nothing natural about modern schooling.

  12. Plague Species

    From my wife’s vantage as one who teaches 3-6 year olds, teaching, or teaching effectively, is both an art and a science and many don’t have the capacity to pull it off. You have to be as skilled as a Maestro to do it effectively, and for that reason, many who call themselves teachers are really not teachers in that sense.

    Considering that, to say homeschooling is easy is to diminish and marginalize the import of teachers and teaching thus rationalizing their underpaid and under-appreciated status in society.

    Not to mention, it also lends succor to the rise of the American Taliban which feels and thinks the very same way about school and teachers and teaching.

  13. Tony

    “If Covid is out of control where you live, I suggest you do not send your kid back to school unless you really have no choice (criminal penalties and/or they absolutely need the babysitting.)”

    The email I received did not include the word “not” plus many other errors Ian. I adore your work but you may have sent the unedited version.

  14. Chicago Clubs

    Dumb people who think they’re smart continually repeat the “viruses evolve to be less deadly” mantra, but being dumb they don’t realize this only happens when the virus can’t simply circulate among the population as it pleases, giving a reproductive advantage to its less deadly members, who get more time to spread before the host dies. We’re doing our best to allow covid to circulate through the population as easily as possible, though, removing much of the pressure to evolve less deadly variants. Hell, in a frictionless environment there’s no reason it couldn’t evolve to be *more* deadly.

  15. Chicken Pox and this comes two weeks after receiving her first of two mRNA vaccine shots. Make what you will of that.

    I thought it was officially acknowledged site effect of the vaccines that previously experienced viral illnesses could come back, including chicken pox, shingles, and HIV.

    No, I’m not sure about this. Certainly, though, I heard it from a vaccine critic, though I don’t remember where.

  16. Jason

    The world-emerging is going to be pretty much only for the rich. And only for some of them.

    This always seems to be the case. Even the “New Deal” was overseen and ultimately implemented by rich men.

    The post-war, post-colonial (but by no means post-imperial) construct has fallen to pieces, It will not be put back together.

    Ah. By no means post-imperial.

    In other words, it was never NOT imperial. It was imperial.

    It was a grand facade to implement uber-imperialism via the creation of the National Security State. In “exchange” for what amounted to a brief period of “spreading the wealth” through a restructuring that allowed high tax rates on the rich and somewhat greater public and worker participation in their own affairs, the state embarked on creating a monstrously efficient imperial machine.

    The system did allow for a preposterous amount of “wealth” to be “created” and, more importantly: it spread said “wealth” around a little more, both internally and to a little bit wider swath of some of the populace of some of the more “advanced” fellow imperialist nation-states.

    Any superficial improvements in quality-of-life (“lifting people out of poverty” etc.) in areas of the world subjected to the soul-crushing realities of imperial fantasies are merely a happenstance of the all-important imperial project, and can be pointed to enthusiastically in order to justify the furtherance of its maniacal aims.

    The “trickle-down” imperial effect. It parallels the “trickle-down” economic effect taking place within imperial nation-states themselves.

    The neoconservative (“new” conservative) and neoliberal (“new” liberal) policies were

    Both policies were created, implemented, and advanced in the interest of “globalist” initiatives which take everyday peoples’ concerns over their own precarity and the ongoing environmental calamity and, in seeming to address them, actually turn them into profit opportunities, thus increasing the aforementioned precarity and environmental calamity!

    Ultimately, you aren’t allowed to breathe if you aren’t on board with the imperial project in some manner. This is the same project whose “externalities” are making it harder and harder for us all to breathe.

    In the United States, where I live, the few decades of “prosperity” are over. In addition to figuring out how to survive, let alone thrive, going forward, we are left with one pressing question:

    What are we going to do with all our spooks and nukes?

  17. Jason

    The neoconservative (“new” conservative) and neoliberal (“new” liberal) policies were

    Sorry. I was simply going to say that these were created and implemented in the interest of restructuring how nation-states function – both internally and externally – such that they are forced into operating more “globally” than they otherwise would, while at the same time they attempt to mold their populations into a more “globalist” worldview.

    It’s all a facade for making a few people the world over more rich and powerful.

  18. anon

    This will be an ongoing nightmare for years because of people’s refusal to cooperate for a shorter amount of time. I read another article that stated that at least 5 children in Mississippi have already died of COVID and this is only the start of the school year. Numerous teachers have also died in states where governors aren’t imposing mask mandates. How would this be acceptable in any other context? Would you allow your child to ride the school bus if schools buses in your state were allowed to get away with killing on average 5 children in vehicle accidents each month due to negligence? Would you take that gamble? If not, you should not be okay with sending your kids to school without a mask. I feel like masks wearing will be treated the same way as school shootings in America. We will accept the risk and put our children and teachers’ lives at risk for “freedom.”

  19. I highly recommend nakedcapitalism for vaccine/covid coverage. Many of their gems are from commenters, like IMDoc.

    e.g., user “GM” has a comment about new mutations, in the post “Are vaccines becoming less effective at preventing Covid infection?”:

    And almost all of these distinguishing mutations are not in the S protein, they are in the Nsp and ORF proteins.

    If that is what results in increased immune escape, that is really really really bad news, because those proteins are not even in the vaccine, i.e. it is evolving replication kinetics-level immune escape that no vaccine will ever be able to do much against…
    (emphasis mine)

    If you think about it, though, this may not be such bad news for the vaccine fetishists amongst us. They can always blame the vaccine refuseniks for near everything. Or, Trump. Or Trump followers. Or, whatever particular fixation of their hatred is currently coming to mind. What drives them is their need to feel superior to some enemy, and not problem solving on a societal basis. They need to hate – and hate they will.

  20. Jennifer

    Thank you bianca. I’ve been having problems since I got the second pfizer shot (no problems after first, though two of my friends began noticing problems after their first shots).

    My doctor, who is – or shall I say was – unquestioningly pro-vaccine, is now looking for the same information I’ve been looking for: trustworthy data on side effects pertaining to women’s menstruation – the cycle of life – and is unable to find it.

  21. Rebecca

    the number of vaccinated women around the world reporting alarmingly disrupted menstruation is, to be conservative, in the tens of thousands.

    It’s a plague in its own right. But someone like “Plague Species” doesn’t care. He won’t even address it.

    I’ve been looking for trustworthy data on side effects pertaining to women’s menstruation – the cycle of life…

    This speaks volumes. Thank you. It’s quite telling, isn’t it?

  22. Plague Species

    The American Taliban is worried about women’s menstruation. Of course they are. Women must be able to carry their rape babies to term, afterall. First, it was 5G effecting menstruation and now it’s the vaccines. Of course we all know what effects women’s menstruation most of all, right? That’s right, socialism. Socialism makes males and females sterile, in case you didn’t know. Just ask Mo Brooks.

  23. StewartM


    This will be an ongoing nightmare for years because of people’s refusal to cooperate for a shorter amount of time.

    This is the result when your leadership tell you that “there’s no such thing as society” and behaviors which are highly destructive to others are allowable as “freedom”. What we’re seeing in the US at least, by many, is a response is akin to someone saying that “I should have the freedom to drive 100 mph down any highway” or drive intoxicated and insisting that “it’s only my risk” when in fact you’re putting the lives of others at risk too. Neoliberal doctrine from the top has devolved into a form of mass sociopathy as our governing morality. The aphorism of “your freedom ends at my nose” has been long forgotten.

    CoVID also shows like climate change, the response of one country will not be enough. You can do everything right but as long as there are places doing it deliberately wrong, it will mutate into a strain that evades your defenses too.

  24. nihil obstet


    We’re getting a lot these days about what a failure the New Deal was. From the beginning, rich conservatives tried to stop and then overthrow it. Over the past 40 years or so, charges that it prolonged the Depression and was racist to boot have been used to dissuade any efforts to build on the successes of the New Deal.

    The New Deal brought in true believers like Henry Wallace and Frances Perkins, to say nothing of Eleanor Roosevelt. They were opposed to imperialism and favored an egalitarian society helped along by the state. They were opposed by the usual suspects, rich men using the state to funnel money to themselves. The true believers had to deal with political reality which left a lot of underminers in place, and as Roosevelt’s health deteriorated the profiteers got their pawn Truman into the vice presidency.

    After Roosevelt’s death, they kept the mantel of the New Deal because it was politically necessary, while doing their best to roll it back. By the 70s, they were in position to do so.

    Sorry for the off-topic comment, but the rejection of New Deal type action by the state is helped along by rewritten history of the policies which used the state to make people’s lives better. Readers should be aware of factual errors.

  25. BlizzardOfOzzz

    Mission accomplished, guys. Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds The virus hoaxers have targeted children especially, defenseless, from the very start.

    One thing that’s fascinating is that guys like Bill Gates, and the commenters here like Hugh and “Plague Species”, strong believers in radical population reduction, are suddenly extremely concerned about a virus killing mostly the very elderly. What will these people say when it finally comes out that their experimental gene therapies (mislabeled “vaccines”) cause long term reproductive harm? “Oops, sorry, who could have known?? But there’s a silver lining! Fewer of our plague species means the planet will be better off! Sorry, not sorry.”

  26. Jason

    nihil obstet, thank you for your succinct correction.

  27. BC Nurse Prof

    Ian, please tell your friend who has long-haul covid to read the following protocol from the FLCCC about how to treat it. This need not be a problem. If there is a naturopathic physician around, he or she might prescribe “Stromectol” which is what ivermectin for people (not animals) is called in Canada. It is often given for scabies and has an excellent safety profile. Here’s the link:

    The main page of the FLCCC has excellent information for prophylaxis, post-exposure, early outpatient, and hospital treatment. Look at the graphs from India on the front page, as well.

  28. Hugh

    The NIH issued a notice in June that it would fund research looking into menstrual side effects associated with covid vaccination. This does not say there are such effects, only they are willing to investigate if there are, or aren’t.

    Nsp means non-structural protein. Such a protein would not be a target for a vaccine. ORF (Open reading frame) with regard to covid would refer to a length of RNA with start/stop codons that would indicate where transcription for a protein would begin and end. The proteins made from such ORFs can be structural and could provide targets for vaccines. The covid spike protein, for example, is a structural protein, from an ORF, has been a vaccine target, and has undergone some mutation. But we knew that.

  29. Ché Pasa

    Well… Data point: schools are open in NM, masks required everywhere indoors, including schools, and most people are handling it well. It’s early yet. We’ll know more by the end of the month. Remember, I’m in Trump Country. Around here, the old have mostly worn masks since early on, the younger, tougher cowboy/cowgirl types, nah. But it’s likely most will comply because they did during the earlier mask mandate. And some never stopped.

    My rheumatologist has been ambivalent about vaccines. He doesn’t think they will do much good for people (like me) on immune-suppressant medications, but there’s no reason not to try, even if the vaccine doesn’t work. The problem he sees for people like me is that we’re on a 6 month infusion schedule, meaning we have to wait at least five months after infusion to be vaccinated, and then at least four weeks before the next infusion treatment (six months total) which may or may not provide a little covid antibody response that will likely go away as soon as the next infusion starts.

    I can get a third Moderna injection right now (only two weeks since my last infusion) but “why bother?” It’s too soon. It likely won’t work.

    And I’m thinking about all those children back to school who can’t get vaccinated. The only “protection” they have is their youth and, if they wear them, their masks, washing their hands, staying some distance away from others. Like all the unvaccinated — and plenty of the vaccinated, but not so many — some will get sick, some will die, and the survivors will soldier on. Mostly.

    For us old folks with pre-existing conditions and suppressed immune systems who can get additional vaccinations, the picture isn’t reassuring. It may help, likely it won’t. So the recommendation is to enjoy life, take precautions but don’t obsess over them, get vaccinated when you can and soldier on. Some will get sick, some will die.

    I have a neighbor on chemo. Youngish guy, 40 tops. We call him Cowboy, but he’s not. He’s as confused about what his Covid vaccine situation really is as I am, but right now his priority is controlling his cancer, not whether or not he gets vaccinated or gets sick with Covid. That sounds wise to me.

    Just so with kids in school. What’s the priority?

  30. melissa

    The NIH issued a notice in June that it would fund research looking into menstrual side effects associated with covid vaccination.


    Why were vaccines made available without this research being done in the first place?

    And about those studies:

    “…in June, the National Institute of Health (NIH) announced it would spend around $1 million to support three to four studies looking into the potential link between Covid vaccines and menstruation disruption. A call for proposals was issued, but so far, no awards have been granted. Consequently, no research has commenced, much less concluded with helpful insights.

    A million bucks? In today’s world? And it’s money for nothing anyway. Window dressing.


    “That means that as far as the public knows, no one is researching post-vaccination menstruation disruption in any serious way. Whereas myocarditis and pericarditis were promptly investigated, and a warning was added, it seems that clarifying whether there are links between menstruation disruption and Covid-19 vaccines is not urgent in the opinion of U.S. health policy makers.”

    In fact, the data obtained from the tiny bit of research into menstrual (and female side effects in general) was intentionally made ambiguous by the pharmaceutical companies who ran the initial trials, as was made clear in the article bianca linked to.

    And, as we’ve seen, it wasn’t until JUNE OF 2021 that the NIH finally agreed to fund “research” into the “possibility” of a connection that has already been experienced firsthand by tens of thousands of women. That “research” consists of a million bucks towards a few projects that may or may not materialize sometime in the future.

    And the FDA and the CDC continue to dismiss what women have to say. They don’t respond to journalists and investigators – including many within the scientific community – who bring these issues to their attention.

    This is simply appalling, a complete abdication of duty.

    Needless to say, we have no trust in any of these institutions. We feel the evidence is so overwhelming at this point that anyone who does place blind trust in these institutions is themselves suspect and not to be trusted.

    Meanwhile, get your shots ladies. And bring the whole family, including the kids:

    “Emergency Use Authorization for young girls is moving full speed ahead, the CDC is extremely annoyed that pregnant women are so “vaccine hesitant,” and partisan pressure is mounting on the FDA to fully approve the Pfizer vaccine for all adults.”

  31. Jason

    This does not say there are such effects, only they are willing to investigate if there are, or aren’t.

    Many women have reported the effects. These women are very in touch with their own bodies, Hugh.

    Granting the fallacy of entirely monocausal explanations, if a woman starts experiencing things with her cycle that she never experienced previously, and these issues began subsequent to the vaccine, what would your own inherent problem-solving faculties lead you to believe?

    This does not say there are such effects, only they are willing to investigate if there are, or aren’t.

    Or: The effects are only real if the NIH agrees to investigate. Upon the completion of their investigation, their determination sets the reality.

  32. Jason

    Or: The effects are only real if the NIH agrees to investigate. Upon the completion of their investigation, their determination sets the reality.

    I should have said that the side effects which are for many women self-evidently related to the vaccines, will only be allowed to be called side effects if the NIH both agrees to investigate and ultimately determines that they are side effects.

  33. Janet

    This does not say there are such effects

    Strange thing to say. I mean, to say to a person who tells you she is experiencing these things, “Well, I’m not saying you’re not experiencing that, I just need the NIH to do more research and make an announcement before I really believe you.”

    I would say, “Just because the NIH, CDC, and FDA won’t acknowledge it, this of course doesn’t mean that you aren’t in fact experiencing the things you say you are, which you never experienced in your entire life previous to taking the vaccine. I’m very concerned.”

  34. Hugh

    Back here in the real world, after initial studies are done to see if there is a positive effect, antibody production, and no clear negative ones, severe clear side effects, and as here with the emergency nature of covid, vaccines would be released to the population at large. There would then be reporting of and follow up to any side effects occurring in the general population. This is standard.

    The idea that we have to wait until another 600,000 die in the US before we start using a vaccine is nuts. As is that we can we can somehow know what all the potential side effects are in a large population without exposing large numbers of people to a vaccine.

  35. Hugh

    Janet, correlation is not causation. People can get a vaccine and exhibit symptoms. That doesn’t mean that the one has anything to do with the other. If your neighbor yells at you and you find out you have cancer, it doesn’t mean that your neighbor yelling at you gave you cancer.

  36. melissa

    These women are very in touch with their own bodies

    I would use “in tune” to describe my own sense of body/self. I know what you meant though.

    Thank you Jason.

  37. Plague Species

    Women’s menstruation changes with the wind. It’s quite capricious and sensitive to any change in the environment. Stress, for example, can change women’s menstruation. Diet can alter it. Exercise can alter it. Being around a lot of other women can alter it.

    Many women when they’re around each other for extended periods of time day in and day out, their menstruation synchronizes with one another and they all get their period together.

    What this means is, just because these women experienced changes in their menstruation, it doesn’t mean said changes are the result of the vaccine. Maybe the changes instead are due to the stress caused by the pandemic itself, for example, and I would say that’s more likely.

    It is touching though to see how concerned the American Taliban QAnon Proud Boys are with women’s menstruation. I always knew they had a feminine soft side. I just wish they would wear pajamas like their counterparts in Afghanistan.

  38. Plague Species

    Willy, I swear I did not read your link before I made that last comment. After I posted my comment, I read your link, and what do you know, it says what I said, or at least the link to the NIH.

    The vaccine has definitely had an effect on me. Since I was jabbed, I have a greater propensity to attack female screen names and, if you can believe it, I’m now menstruating and I don’t even have ovaries or a uterus or a cervix or a vagina. These vaccines are the devil’s work, I tell you.

  39. Janet

    Janet, correlation is not causation.

    I am aware of this saying, thank you Hugh. A warning against completely monocausal explanations was already given as a caveat, in anticipation of someone such as yourself denouncing peoples’ firsthand accounts, as you are wont to do.

    People can get a vaccine and exhibit symptoms. That doesn’t mean that the one has anything to do with the other.

    Once again, thank you Hugh.

    If your neighbor yells at you and you find out you have cancer, it doesn’t mean that your neighbor yelling at you gave you cancer.

    Well that’s brilliant. What an absolutely infantile example.

    Hugh, I’ve lived with myself and my periods for my entire life and nothing like I’m experiencing now has ever happened before I got the vaccine. I dealt with all sorts of covid-related stress and all the accompanying ills that that can induce – and which, incidentally, can and does affect some women’s periods, and has affected mine in the past.

    But this is much different than anything I’ve experienced previously. I know that it’s from the vaccine, and I frankly don’t appreciate your belittling comments.

    I also know that it doesn’t affect everyone, as my two closest girlfriends don’t have the issues I’m having.

    They also believe me and have no doubt that it definitely came from the vaccines.

  40. Jason

    Today everyone, we have guest speaker “Plague Species” whose credentials on the subject of menstruation include…..well, never mind. His all-important firsthand experience with the subject includes…..well, anyway, here he is everyone, it’s “Plague Species” to talk to us about all things menstrual. You may take notes as you wish, and we’ll have a bathroom break about halfway through, but until then please give him your undivided attention. He will have it no other way.

  41. Hugh

    “They also believe me and have no doubt”

    Maybe the three of you could open a clinic or a fortune telling business.

    Data, not feeling strongly about something, is what drives science. From a scientific and medical view, an assertion that something happened because of something else is a starting point, not an endpoint. For example, what is the age of the person? What is their past medical history? Any similar episodes or reactions to medications, other vaccines? Allergic reactions? Family history? What were the symptoms? Their severity, frequency, and duration? How soon after vaccination? Any other activities? Any other symptoms? Where did the vaccination and the symptoms occur in the menstrual cycle? Was a blood workup done?

    After all this, we would have exactly one data point. It would have to be correlated with other reports to see if it could be fit in with them. If it could, then a more general statement could be made about the reaction and possibly even its frequency, as well as risk versus benefit.

  42. An obvious question: how many women in Uttar Pradesh, who are prophylaxing with ivermectin, have had any menstrual issues?

    The vaccine Nazis, of course, won’t care about this question.

    Women who would like to have children, OTOH, might be more than curious. Assuming that they’d ever heard of ivermectin, which Big Tech doesn’t want them to do.

    When I say “Big Tech”, I mean at least youtube. However, twitter has recently changed it’s login policy, and I’m guessing that it will start censoring as aggressively as youtube.

    Dr. Robert Malone has identified spike proteins preferentially migrating to ovaries (but not testes) as one of the two “signals” that were completely unexpected. Oops!

    Since the population of Uttar Pradesh is close to 200 million, if the rest of the world goes sterile, I thing we can rest assured that the Uttar Pradesh’ians will eventually step up and help repopulate the world. So, there’s that!

    Forgive my gallows humor, anybody that is looking forward to motherhood. My nephew’s wife gave birth, recently, and I was holding my breath that everything would go smoothly. (I’m pretty sure Mom has been vaccinated.)

    Also, the new addition to the family shows no sign of intestinal tract bleeding, which is also a relief. There are accounts of breast fed children developing intestinal bleeding, apparently from ingesting the toxic spike proteins from their mother’s milk.

    The largest human experiment in history marches on…..

  43. RobotPliers

    We’re now in the “absolutely need the babysitting,” situation unfortunately, whereas before we could homeschool. At least the school is mandating masks, vax for all teachers/staff, outdoor lunch (weather permitting), cohorting, track and tracing, and ventilating, plus we currently have pretty low community spread. I’m going to try and donate a portable HEPA filter to the classroom too.

    Maybe we’ll get a month or two before everyone goes virtual, and then the vaccines will be approved for <12 year olds.

  44. Astrid

    I wonder how things look at the post-secondary end. If I was an undergrad, no way I would go back to class, in-person or online, this fall.

    The only vaccination pregnancy I know (I knew a couple others that gave birth last summer/fall) of recently ended in severe preeclampsia and labor induced 2+ months ahead of due date. This is a friend who is extremely pro vaccination and made sure her under-16 older kids were vaccinated. Probably coincidental but would have freaked me out if I was considering having kids.

    I definitely noticed a trend of parents taking much harder stands, for or against, on vaccines. Just got off a friendly Zoom call where the childless ones were talking about masking and generally being careful, and skeptical about booster shots, whereas the parent was really angry at people not masking or anti-vax.

  45. Synoptocon

    Pro tip: If you have the time to be sock-puppeting, you have the time to make up more inventive screen names. The concentration of single female names in this geezer fest is, um, pronounced. If you can’t convince the audience, at least be entertaining.

  46. Willy

    My point with the links was that the Grayzone proclaimed that the US medical establishment “won’t believe women” not long after the NIH stated that “they believed women”.

    That’s one of many reasons why I’d rather not yet replace information coming out of national outfits like the NIH, with information coming out of opinion-entertainment outfits like the Grayzone, as a reasonable go-to source for medical information. Not that there’s anything wrong with journalistic watchdogging, as long as it’s reasonably accurate.

    IMHO, a primary tactic of corporate libertarians is to get people to distrust (and eventually discard) the entire system of government organizations which have an impact on regulating them, as opposed to keeping government orgs (and thus capitalism) more honest. We need credible journalism for the latter.

  47. Willy

    Exactly, NR and Synoptocon. Amazing how that works.

  48. Astrid

    If you boys can’t tell that those single female name posts have very different and consistent to themselves voices, that’s on you. More woke-man-splaining to go along with your woke-man’s burden and gaslighting.

    Ian can attest to the fact that I consistently and only post under one handle. Trolling you racist/sexist idiots isn’t worth compromising my personal integrity for.

  49. js

    “Pro tip: If you have the time to be sock-puppeting, you have the time to make up more inventive screen names.”

    no, no, most people who post to this blog have always been women in their 20s and 30s … or something.

  50. edmondo

    Wow. I have never learned less from reading a Comments section.

  51. Jim Harmon



  52. Jason

    My rheumatologist has been ambivalent about vaccines. He doesn’t think they will do much good for people (like me) on immune-suppressant medications, but there’s no reason not to try, even if the vaccine doesn’t work…

    For us old folks with pre-existing conditions and suppressed immune systems who can get additional vaccinations, the picture isn’t reassuring. It may help, likely it won’t. So the recommendation is to enjoy life, take precautions but don’t obsess over them, get vaccinated when you can and soldier on. Some will get sick, some will die.

    Che, my father has had essentially the same talk with his doctor, and he’s gotten the same response. My Dad is 75, carries a few extra pounds, and has immune issues related to Crohn’s and accompanying meds. He ended up getting both moderna shots, and he had no issues after either shot and hasn’t had any issues to date (he got them a few months ago now). He’s not thrilled about the prospect of a booster shot(s), but as you say, he doesn’t obsess over it.

  53. Synoptocon

    Pro tip #2: Don’t peddle woke muppet to an audience with a mean age older than 32. “Voice” has a value trending to zero. Data, that matters.

  54. Astrid

    Because harassing and belittling women comes naturally to certain power commenters on this blog? Duly noted! I’m out. You idiots can continue to suck each other’s “science” off even as more and more evidence pour in that the experimental mRNA vaccines don’t do anything to prevent spread or mutation, and their efficacy against serious disease diminishes rapidly after a few months.

    I need to pick up a less mindless hobby. Like literally buying a spinning wheel and learn to spin some yarn.

  55. Soredemos


    “correlation is not causation”.

    It doesn’t prove it, no.

    But, contrary to the truism, it does actually imply it. And further, contrary to another truism, the plural of anecdote in fact is data. Or rather, an anecdote is a data point. Enough of them gathered together suggests there’s something to something, and more robust inquiry is justified.

    If significant numbers of women are getting covid vaccine shots and then noticing clear changes in their period cycles, and they insist that nothing else has changed in their routines, that’s worth taking seriously. It’s certainly not justified to be a sneering asshole and just mutter something vague about how ‘well, anything can affect periods’.

    It is actually very hard to see the reactions from certain quarters to the complaints women specifically are having about the vaccine as anything other than sexist.

    But I guess certain people have an emotional investment in there not being any legitimate side effects linked to the vaccines. Because if there are that lends credence to the notion that people might be rationally justified in vaccine hesitancy, and that doesn’t fit the narrative that they’re all just idiot untermensch

  56. js

    It’s assuming something there is no evidence of. That a skipped period even if it happens for some women means anything long term. And that’s the whole rickety structure on which we are supposed to assume something. It’s making stuff up out of whole cloth really.

  57. js

    It can also interfere with mammograms for a month or so after. Ergo Covid vaccines cause breast cancer! Run for the hills!!!

    No of course that’s absurd. The first part is believed to be true that it can interfere with mammograms, but the speculation that it causes cancer is about as absurd as the speculation from missed periods to longer term impacts.

  58. Hugh

    Well, I had a comment go into endless mod. Anecdotes are stories, and bits and pieces can be left out of them. Data are more structured. There is a systematic repeatable process which is brought to them so that they can be weighed and compared.

  59. Stirling Newberry

    “Why were vaccines made available without this research being done in the first place?”

    This is standard because letting the vaccine out saves more lives than keeping it in. However, this is only statistical in nature: people are going to die in any event. The reality is that a vaccine was developed extremely quickly. Thus, there will be revaccinations, a degrading of children, pregnant mothers who are at risk, and a host of other effects as well. We like people dying for our freedom to infect people, this is not something that we can change beforehand.

    But this means that we now have to do it again, and probably several times more to get the final vaccine. this is not the optimal way to do things, but that is a sociological effect, not an epidemiological effect. The sociological effect will take a generation to reconstruct.

  60. melissa

    This is standard because letting the vaccine out saves more lives than keeping it in.

    It’s not standard. What on earth are you talking about?

    Actually, going all in on vaccines while simultaneously not funding, and actively suppressing, effective non-pharmaceutical interventions, has killed people.

    In other words, “letting the vaccine out” (strange verbiage) in the manner they did has not saved more lives.

  61. Jason

    …the plural of anecdote in fact is data. Or rather, an anecdote is a data point. Enough of them gathered together suggests there’s something to something, and more robust inquiry is justified.

    If significant numbers of women are getting covid vaccine shots and then noticing clear changes in their period cycles, and they insist that nothing else has changed in their routines, that’s worth taking seriously.

    There is no way to answer this other than, “Yes, you’re right, this is obviously an issue that needs to be looked at immediately.”

    Scientists are always looking for the minutest of things that might be “out of order” so as to dig down and study deeper. Nothing is too trifling for a serious scientist to consider, because answers are often found by immersing oneself in the minutia.

    But suddenly tens of thousands of women experiencing issues with menstruation isn’t worth a scientist’s time. Fancy that.

  62. Hugh

    “actively suppressing, effective non-pharmaceutical interventions, has killed people”

    Yes, why not more support for injecting bleach and using bright lights? Not to mention spells, chants, and talismans.

  63. “actively suppressing, effective non-pharmaceutical interventions, has killed people”

    Yes, why not more support for injecting bleach and using bright lights? Not to mention spells, chants, and talismans.

    Vaccine fetishist hugh strikes, again.

    Have you already forgotten the comparison between lightly vaccinated Uttar Pradesh, and highly and aggressively (early) vaccinated Israel?


    Probably the best interventions are, in fact, pharmaceuticals. Even if one is talking only about affordable interventions, only (so, ignoring things like regeneron) one could make at least a plausability argument that pharma is the way to go. I.e., even more effective than natural interventions (including natural prophylactics), such as zinc, selenium, vitamin D, hydrotherapy, and weight loss for the obese. There’s other stuff, of course. Dr. Mobeen Syed recently had a program extolling the virtues of some kind of seed (I think it was a black seed) that, folkore has it, “cures everything but death”. This substance was the subject of a scientific study.

    Of course, there’s no good reason not to use natural interventions ALONG WITH articificial interventions, like the miracle drug ivermectin.

    Having said all that, there seems to be an aversion to, and/or ignorance of using hydrogen peroxide, which is commonly used as a disinfectant in hospitals, for treating covid, even by the “good guys” – FLCC, Dr. Robert Malone, and the like.

    Interested readers are referred to “Hydrogen Peroxide, Medical Miracle” by William Campbell Douglass MD. Alas, I can’t refer anybody to Mercola’s articles on nebulized hydrogen peroxide used to cure upper respiratory infections, because he’s been intimidated to remove his life’s work worth of articles from his website. I see some of his videos are still on youtube, that diabolical censor of ivermectin. Amazing… but for how long?

    hugh, of course, is not interested. For one thing, he’s too busy smearing people and making absurd ‘arguments’. When hugh dies, his shade may go to the same cell block in Hades as Tony Fauci, the little Nazi. There they can regale each other with tales of how their vaccine fetishism was humanity’s only hope, but rejected by oh, so many people. For eternity. Since they both know it’s a lie, that will be punishment, enough.

  64. Jason

    “non-pharmaceutical interventions” include coming to understand the basics of aerosol transmission and making appropriate arrangements for all aspects of life such that human beings are always in appropriately-ventilated settings for our gatherings*

    non-pharmaceutical interventions include masking and distancing where necessary. particularly in the absence of good ventilation

    non-pharmaceutical interventions should be combined with existing pharmacological treatments that have well-established, time-tested safety profiles

    A lot less lives would have been lost, and the variants that developed would be less virulent than the variants that continue to develop in the wake of the “vaccines or else we’re all dead” narrative and roll-out.

    The roll-out was accompanied by a full-frontal media orgy entirely in support of the effort, which is usually a red flag for otherwise thoughtful people. As it should be.

    The reason the society is forced to go all-in on unproven vaccines in the absence of a more cautious, deliberative approach is the same reason the society is destroying the wider environment of which it is a part: the society now experiences the part of itself it refers to as its “economy” to be the only meaningful facet of its entire existence. It is the sole source from which all else is derived.

    *If you have resources, this is actually much easier than attempting a worldwide vaccine rollout, even if were it to be done with proven vaccines.

  65. StewartM


    “correlation is not causation”.

    It doesn’t prove it, no.

    But, contrary to the truism, it does actually imply it. And further, contrary to another truism, the plural of anecdote in fact is data. Or rather, an anecdote is a data point. Enough of them gathered together suggests there’s something to something, and more robust inquiry is justified.

    There are several explanations for correlation other than causation:

    a) One is it’s a false correlation. The data is based upon a limited or constrained set. Remember back in the 1980s, during the early days of the AIDS epidemic, there was the claim that some 50% or 80 % of gay men had AIDS? That wasn’t true by a long shot; it was based on the % of gay men coming into clinics with symptoms, not based on any survey of the gay population at large.

    b) It can be reversely causative, as “diet programs must make people fat as you see a lot of fat people using diet programs”.

    c) The correlation can be tied to something that is causal, and act as marker of sorts. I observe a correlation between A and B, but it turns out that A is not causal at all—it just tracks with C, and it’s C that is causal.

    d) It could be just a quirk. Stephen J Gould observed this when he noticed that a plot of his age vs the price of gasoline yielded an R-squared value of nearly ‘1’.

    In short, if you are going to do a study, you need to posit some sort of underlying mechanism that the study could eliminate or support (but not confirm, as you really can’t confirm anything).

  66. StewartM


    Mission accomplished, guys. Children born during pandemic have lower IQs, US study finds

    Measuring a metric that isn’t real at age 12 or so some dudes are now trying to measure at three months?? *Please!*

  67. Willy

    Well, one good thing about commenter comedy is that the better ones aren’t compelled to storm out in a noisy self-important huff after getting a few chuckles of disagreement.

    Speaking of raising decent, socially-minded adults who’d rather attack ideas and not commenters, I know a few parents. Things are very different from when I was a kid, back in the days when parents driven nuts would just make them go play outside. Today’s kids get banished to the virtual world. Am I suggesting the latest version of the Sims will involve pandemics? Will Fox News try to peddle conservative brainwashing video games? Actually, todays video gaming addictions may save lives.

  68. I spent some time looking at recent videos of people walking around in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. I’ll guess 60% were wearing masks, outside.

    From “Covid-19: No lockdown on Saturdays in Uttar Pradesh, Sunday Restrictions to Continue” at timesofindia dot come, they are following much the same procedures on other countries, including masks. They currently allow theaters to operate, but only at 50%.

    Unless you’re talking about N95 masks or better, I don’t believe the masks make any noticeable difference, on their own merits. They’re probably fairly good at stopping droplets, but all but useless for aerosol transmission, which is what I believe is the main means of transmission. I’ve seen videos where they’ve used coloration techniques to show the air wavefronts escaping through the side of the mask. It’s pretty laughable, actually, though this isn’t a precise measurement.

    So why would an ivermectin-embracing place like Uttar Pradesh encourage mask use for people who aren’t sneezing? I’m guessing it has more to do with social conditioning – the masks are a constant advertisement for caution in avoiding bona fide high risk activities, like big crowds of chanting political supporters. Plus compliance with restrictions that cut down crowd density, especially in confined spaces, with inadequate ventilation.

  69. Hugh

    In the US, the official covid death count is 638,000 and this is an undercount by around 50,000. In India, the official covid death count is around 430,000, but the actual number of covid and covid related deaths is estimated at more than 4 million, ten times the official count.

    It is always strange yet still expectable the amount of cherrypicking that goes on, but we live in a conclusions first, don’t need no facts world.

  70. Trinity

    ‘ … the US medical establishment “won’t believe women” not long after the NIH stated that “they believed women” …”

    The reality is that women’s health and related research has never been a priority. When I tried to learn something about menopause, my older sisters had nothing to share. I did eventually find a book (in the early 2000s) written by a woman. It basically said “we don’t know much about menopause”. 2000 years of science, and no one knows. Because why? You guessed it. No one bothers, no one cares, and doctors were mostly male anyway. No one wanted to publish such research because “no one” (important, or who matters) would care.

    It’s changing NOW, with more women doctors, but ever so slowly. And has probably stopped entirely due to covid. No one will be asked to talk to The NY Times and become a rich and important scientist celebrity if (IF) it doesn’t pan out, so no one will attempt it. And no one could do it anyway for just a million. I’ve dealt with local “celebrity” scientists, and it’s never about the science, it’s only about bragging rights over how much money (and how many people) they control, and how many papers those people will write and publish under not their own names, but the celebrity’s.

    So, not a priority, just as it wasn’t a priority to educate women for the majority of western civilization or even allow women to own property or vote. Women and children are never a priority, they are SO replaceable, amiright? When I lived in South Florida you couldn’t walk the grocery store aisle without tripping over ten “displaced” homemakers (dripping with jewelry and layers upon layers of makeup) who had been “displaced”, by whom? That’s right, she had been “displaced” by a woman younger than her own children, which is really gross.

    I would call out commenters about this but what’s the use? This is everywhere, for every time, and women never have a voice. If they express it, it’s either ignored, or their argument is deconstructed by the so-called explainers who act as if women still don’t have any education at all (wishful thinking?) And the explainers do so with the usual narcissistic projection because their fake world view (and their fake important place in that fake world view) is threatened.

    My hope lies with the children, and your’s should, too. And therefore with women of childbearing age, and their concerns. And the concerns for other living things. And because for the 10,000 who spoke up, there could be another ten million who didn’t. Anything else indicates your utter stupidity (and your continuing hypocrisy).

    Anyone reading this comment section will immediately know who are the stupid wannabe tyrants that treat women (and other living things) merely as objects, to be used and then discarded. It’s certainly very clear to me.

  71. Hugh

    There are scientific and medical methods to gather data and assess it. What is interesting is with anything covid how quickly things get politicized, and these methods get thrown out the window. Any covid or vaccine problems related to women should be investigated, It should not, however, be turned into a wokeness issue.

  72. Mark Pontin

    The effects on menstrual cycles look to be very real. For instance —

    ‘Millions of British women have been jabbed, so 30,304 reports will be a tiny proportion: a negligible number, you might say. But it doesn’t seem negligible if you’re one of those women. I imagine many will keep a record of their cycle, perhaps in their diary or on an app, and will have noticed a change. In the US, one research survey tracking menstrual changes brought on by the Covid jabs received 140,000 responses. The two biological anthropologists conducting the research said they had expected to receive around 500 when they launched their survey.

    ‘The real number of cases in the UK is possibly quite a bit higher than 30,304. But it is awkward talking about what the jab has done to our periods. Friends tell me they’ve also been affected and nope, they didn’t report it either ….’

  73. Mark Pontin

    This too increasingly looks to be very real, unfortunately.

    ‘Cognitive deficits in people who have recovered from COVID-19’

    I’ve been watching for this since a study in January showed COV19 could cross the blood-brain barrier in mice, humans then unconfirmed. now be evidence suggesting the latter is very much the case Here, I guess, are the two money grafs —

    ‘People who had recovered from COVID-19, including those no longer reporting symptoms, exhibited significant cognitive deficits versus controls when controlling for age, gender, education level, income, racial-ethnic group, pre-existing medical disorders, tiredness, depression and anxiety. The deficits were of substantial effect size for people who had been hospitalised (N = 192), but also for non-hospitalised cases who had biological confirmation of COVID-19 infection (N = 326). Analysing markers of premorbid intelligence did not support these differences being present prior to infection. Finer grained analysis of performance across sub-tests supported the hypothesis that COVID-19 has a multi-domain impact on human cognition.’

    ‘The scale of the observed deficit was not insubstantial; the 0.47 SD global composite score reduction for the hospitalized with ventilator sub-group was greater than the average 10-year decline in global performance between the ages of 20 to 70 within this dataset. It was larger than the mean deficit of 480 people who indicated they had previously suffered a stroke (−0.24SDs) and the 998 who reported learning disabilities (−0.38SDs). For comparison, in a classic intelligence test, 0.47 SDs equates to a 7-point difference in IQ.’

    Me again: To be clear, this is almost half a standard deviation in IQ range ( ). Two individuals a whole SD apart can have trouble understanding each other. It’s unclear from this paper to what extent post-COV19 cognitive damage will persist like the lung damage. (Though the basics of neurobiology suggest it will.)

  74. Willy

    Anyone reading this comment section will immediately know who are the stupid wannabe tyrants that treat women (and other living things) merely as objects, to be used and then discarded. It’s certainly very clear to me.

    In case you’ve been living under a rock, or are unusually lucky, the medical business of today is so much the profits that’s it’s no longer a competitive business but a grifting scam. When menopause is seen as being highly profitable for the MBAs running big medical/pharma, you may see those kinds of services ticking up a bit. Hell, I’d be happy if I could find a physician who was like my dentist. Expensive, driving a 100K vehicle, but at least enough of an honest businessman to respect my time and give me quality personal service which includes a two year guarantee.

  75. Willy

    I gouged the hell out of my thumb once in an angle grinding accident. It really needed stitches. But since I had to keep working I sutchered it up with toilet paper and duct tape and kept going. A few days later I opened it up and found an ugly patch of skin had grown over and took my condition to the doctor.

    Since my own fancy clinic doctor is always two weeks out, they put me in with a strange foreign woman doctor. I could tell right away that she was honest and reliable, but also that she was under pressure to respect that clinic’s business policies. She did nothing for me physically but recommended a plastic surgeon from that clinic. I procrastinated and chose to instead keep a bandage on my new deformity.

    A couple weeks later I noticed that the wound had completely healed, and the bizarre flap of skin had shrunk back and dried up to where I couldn’t feel it anymore. My fingernail was neatly growing back. I trimmed the excess skin back with an exacto knife. It looked almost like new.

    Today, it’s a couple years later. I cannot tell the difference between either of my thumbs, excepting a tiny scar which can’t be seen from more than 2 feet away.

    Now, why didn’t that doctor just tell me that this was no big deal, that my body knew how to heal itself, instead of recommending what would’ve likely been a several thousand dollar surgery? I can still remember my beloved childhood doctor. He took me into his own personal residence (converted his den into an emergency clinic), after I’d gotten severely sick on a Sunday. Gee, I wonder where all the good private docs like that have gone.

  76. js

    The thing is the menstrual irregularities is being spun into a story by conspiracy theorists of decreased fertility (beyond that month or two maybe) for which there seems to be pretty much no evidence and which has been studied in animal models where no evidence was found. So to suggest the vaccine should have been held up due to this does not on balance make much sense. Maybe it should have had a warning about irregular menstrual cycles.

  77. Robert W Malone, MD
    Aug 17
    I guess I need to say this again.
    1) Delta has an Ro of about 8, about 3x that of the Alpha (ref- CDC). With these leaky vaccines, if we were to have 100% vaccine uptake and perfect mask use we cannot stop the spread of Delta (ref- CDC)

    Malone also tweeted about “The F.D.A. is aiming to give full approval to Pfizer’s Covid vaccine on Monday.” on nytimes dot com

  78. Mark Pontin

    JS wrote: ‘…to suggest the vaccine (menstrual irregularities) should have been held up due to this does not on balance make much sense.’

    This is true.

    When COV19 emerged there were plausible scenarios of 1 percent of global humanity dying. Also, see a comment I had that’s in moderation, about the latest on cognitive damage from Long Covid. It’s pretty frightening.

    JS wrote: ‘The thing is the menstrual irregularities is being spun into a story by conspiracy theorists of decreased fertility (beyond that month or two maybe) for which there seems to be pretty much no evidence and which has been studied in animal models where no evidence was found.’

    This is not true.

    Both pathogen — and its scope for mutation — and vaccine technology are novel. We really don’t know enough yet about either COV19 or the side-effects of the mRNA vaccines.

    Again, too, see my comment above about cognitive damage from Long Covid. We’re only just figuring this out now.

  79. Trinity

    “In case you’ve been living under a rock” and apparently can’t comprehend what you read, I spoke to the science. Not your doctor. Not everything is about you.

    And in case you can’t comprehend that other people live in the US other than you, and those people have the same problem you describe, including me. Everyone but a few have this problem. The UK is about to have this problem.

    Most of the non-corporate doctors retired years ago. I read an article about three years ago in WaPo about how the UVA Medical Center was taking peoples’ cars, homes, income, etc. from artificially inflated medical bills and extreme bill collection. Even hounding their own students!

    Just because you just figured it out doesn’t mean everyone else didn’t know.

    Maybe you should crawl out from under your precious rock, and take a look around. You might be surprised what you see, if you can tear yourself away from admiring your thumb.

  80. Synoptocon

    Back of envelope scratchings imply that the incidence of menstrual irregularities is somewhere around 0.1%. (Assuming the highest value for tens of thousands and no cases are unreported, based on US stats.) One needs a lot of statistical power to detect an incidence that low, significantly more than in vaccine trials.

  81. Plague Species

    Most of the non-corporate doctors retired years ago. I read an article about three years ago in WaPo about how the UVA Medical Center was taking peoples’ cars, homes, income, etc. from artificially inflated medical bills and extreme bill collection. Even hounding their own students!

    All the more reason to be vaccinated because it prevents you, for now at least, from being hospitalized. Those who are unvaccinated and do not have health coverage or good coverage, if they contract, or maybe it’s a matter of when they contract, COVFEFE-45, they will be economically devastated if they aren’t already. The vaccine can greatly diminish that possibility. A .01% chance of an irregular period is worth that, I would think. Unless, of course, you’re a self-saboteur and apparently many, arrogantly, are.

  82. Willy

    Trinity, I have no idea what your point is, let alone any solutions you may suggest, besides attacking random commenters on obscure blogs.

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