The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

Apparently Axelrod and the Administration Want a Democratic Wipeout

Seriously, when the Administration says they oppose a countrywide freeze on foreclosures only weeks before the election, it’s hard to interpret their statements any other way.

I’m guessing the calculation is that Obama’s squeeze of entitlement spending for the middle class is more likely to pass if there are more Republicans in Congress.  (ie. they are completely corrupt and utterly in the pocket of bankers who are giving more money to Republicans.)

Or they could be complete and utter morons with an out of control drug habit.  I mean anyone who says, like Axelrod did, that ““I’m hoping that with more seats, Republicans will feel a greater sense of responsibility to work WITH us” is clearly not just in denial, he is as Peter Dauo said, hallucinating.


How the Foreclosure mess would play out in an actual Republic Of Law and an actual Free Market


Washington State May Cut Medicaid Drug Benefits


  1. Charles D

    I cannot believe that Axelrod is either in denial, hallucinating, on drugs or a moron. The only way to interpret such ridiculous statements is, as you say, they want the Democrats to lose this election. If they go into the 2012 Presidential race after 4 years with a Democratic majority in both houses and a track record of screwing over working people and letting the Wall Street crooks run the economy, they will surely lose. With the Republicans controlling the Senate, they can safely propose all kinds of great progressive legislation knowing full well that none of it will pass and that the Republicans will be blamed. These are shrewd politicians and the only thing they’re interested in is the 2012 election. They could care less about the party, the people or the nation. They want another term in office and a multi-millionaire retirement for the boss.

  2. jonst

    ya mean, they should be drug tested? Snark intended.

  3. Formerly T-Bear

    Was said politics made for strange bedfellows, this is beyond belief.

  4. Formerly T-Bear

    Wish to edit:

    Was said politics made for strange bedfellows, this buggers belief.

  5. Hmmm

    They simply don’t care. More Republicans, more Democrats; all the same for the catfood commission, for illegal foreclosures, for assassinations, torture, secret renditions, the environment. All the same.

  6. They’ve clearly realized that they can have their electoral cake and eat it too. If I had to pick an election for Democrats to lose it would have been 2012, not 2010—I mean, why not go big?

  7. par4

    I think Obama would prefer a Republican majority. He could then pass their (and his) agenda in the spirit of bipartisanship.

  8. anon2525

    Apparently Axelrod and the Administration Want a Democratic Wipeout

    “Want?” How do you square this with Obama’s veto last week? Before the veto, I would have agreed that he doesn’t care how the election goes, at least not, in any way that requires him to act or affect legislation. Why not sign that bill and let the electorate eat words, that is, his usual modus operandi?

    Evil versus Stupid: I put this one down to Stupid, again. They believe that corporations know how to do everything (without committing errors or crimes), therefore, they defer to the corps’ judgment in all things. It’s the neo-liberal way. (And besides, it requires less work, less expertise on Obama&co’s part, so win-win.)

  9. Pepe

    I think the last couple of years has demonstrated the administrations political tone-deafness. At least, out here in the hinterlands, it appears to be incompetence. Maybe in the bubble, they’re still extolled as geniuses.

    And I’m unconvinced that Obama even wants a 2nd term.

  10. BDBlue

    Obama really does seem to think he’s different than everyone else. And, hey, given how much he’s been able to enact the corporate agenda and still have so many “progressives” cheer him on, maybe he’s right. Maybe the GOP will only wage small, limited battles against him rather than trying to completely destroy him as they did with Clinton.

    It’s not one of my more generous thoughts, but if the Dems lose the House I will probably take a few moments to laugh at Nancy Pelosi. Obama was her candidate in 2008 and he could not be doing less to save her majority. They deserve one another.

  11. alyosha

    I watched Axelrod some months ago, in an interview on Charlie Rose. He seemed like a reasonable guy, if a bit smooth. But this statement is just nuts, the smoothness is so thin it can’t cover the insanity any more.

  12. Tom Hickey

    This is the nightmare scenario that the bands and government have been trying to cover up. Revelation of the facts would almost certainly being down the banking industry and take a lot of the financial sector with it. While we can say “good riddance,” the economic fallout is unknown. This could be the Credit Anstalt of this generation.

  13. anon2525

    “I’m hoping that with more seats, Republicans will feel a greater sense of responsibility to work WITH us” — David Axelrod

    Yeah, Dave — the responsible republicans! Not like those “dozen of democrats” (link) who are still calling for a nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures. Get those irresponsible people out of office.

    “Do the responsible thing this November — vote for republicans! I’m Barack Obama, and I approved this message.”

    Policy-wise, O&Co have a neo-liberal belief in governance. This puts them at odds with some in “their” party who are not neo-liberals. If a house divide against itself cannot stand, can a party? Either the neo-liberals are purged from the democratic party, or the neo-liberals purge the party of the non-neo-liberals.

  14. Pepe

    or the neo-liberals purge the party of the non-neo-liberals.

    they don’t have to, they’ve been successfully trained to heel.

  15. you should all feel insulted. he’s mocking you, and all of us. he knows that it’s not about party, but about Village concerns and the hierarchy there. part of moving up in the hierarchy involves going on teevee and saying ridiculous things with a straight face, enough so that some rubes believe you, and some supporters wring their hands trying to “explain what you really meant.” think of that guy who is a cheating, promiscuous cad, but has several women who love him so much they refuse to believe it even in the face of concrete evidence. you know how guys like that talk among themselves, right? “heh, i got that dumb bitch to pay my rent again, even though she caught me eight inches deep inside her sister’s cunt last night.”

    insulting you: that’s what he’s doing. you, the few people who actually understand what Kabuki national government has become. it’s what bullies and frat boys do; they flaunt their superior freedom and amorality at us Little People because that is part of their culture and it’s how they make themselves feel good. kicking DFHs is SOP for any important Village Dem today.

    we all know Axe’s only concern: a nice gig with Carlyle or somesuch whenever “the voters” finally toss his sorry ass to the curb. assuming “the voters” are still actual human beings and not machines that are programmed in advance to produce the results most desired by our masters, who understand that changing the Kabuki actors on stage every act is an important way in which they maintain control.

  16. anon2525

    they don’t have to, they’ve been successfully trained to heel.

    Apparently not, or they wouldn’t be “off-message” and calling for a nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures.

  17. Z

    It’s even worse, they are already out with plans to have obama “detente” with business leaders after the mid-terms to make “amends” with them. Read it and vomit:


  18. anon2525

    you should all feel insulted. he’s mocking you, and all of us. he knows that it’s not about party, but about Village concerns and the hierarchy there.

    In the Evil versus Stupid debate, you come down on the ‘Evil’ side, correct?

    I’m going with Team Stupid.

  19. Pepe

    Apparently not, or they wouldn’t be “off-message” and calling for a nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures.

    self-described liberal voters who vote, will largely vote for the Dems, even with the neolibs firmly in charge.

    self-described liberal congresspeople (if there are any left) will talk a good game, especially before elections. let’s see what legislation actually gets passed, and how they vote.

  20. John

    Obama improved my English.
    Several months ago, I was trying to decide whether he and the Democrats in power were feckless or hapless. Back then, I chose feckless as the appropriate description. Now, I think it’s feckless and hapless.
    In the evil and stupid contest, I’d say 75% stupid, 25% evil, 100% clueless, narcissistic.
    But, hey, this is Murika. Those percentages might apply to most of the population.

  21. jeer9

    Read Walter Karp. This whole betrayal was utterly predictable.

  22. anon2525

    self-described liberal voters who vote, will largely vote for the Dems, even with the neolibs firmly in charge.

    If they haven’t learned from the past four years then, just as people who are not rich but who vote for republicans in election after election get the screwing they deserve, so, too, will these self-described liberal voters get what they deserve. One could excuse their vote in 2008 because they were lied to, but now they have two more years of experience to draw on. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

    cheney, 2002: “Look! Scary terrorists! Vote republican.”

    democrats, 2010: “Look! Scary tea partiers! Vote democrat.”

  23. zot23

    It’s simple. Obama won as the oppressed underdog in 2008. If he has a strong Republican Congress to “impede” his agenda, he can run that way again in 2012. Otherwise, like the Democrats up for midterms in 2010, he would have to run on his record. Think he’d get re-elected on his record?

  24. Bernard

    Responsible Republican? lol. talk about fantasy land. i want to know what kind of drug he’s taking. must be really good to say such things.

    proof for me that the Anti-intellectualism Age of America has found it true leader in Obama. wonder how the Obamabots/idiots will spin this one.

    just when i thought it was safe to go back in the water, it’s all gone.

    is this America or what? Faith based reality isn’t just the sole purview of the Christian Talibans. nor do we have to fear the Muslim jihadists anymore, when we have our own version, the President, no less.

    Astounding, absolutely astounding.

  25. anon2525

    Obama won as the oppressed underdog in 2008. If he has a strong Republican Congress to “impede” his agenda, he can run that way again in 2012.

    In 2008, people believed Obama when he said “yes, we can” have “change.” Now they have the reality of a third bush term. They’re not going to believe in 2012 what they believed in 2008 no matter what words are thrown at them. In addition, there is abundant reason to expect the economy to worsen and little reason to think that those in office will respond to it sensibly, if at all. Economic failure goes to the president. Ask Carter and the Bushes.

  26. The only thing that could possibly make me vote other than “None of the Above” in 2010, is the idea that Obama will not seek his Party’s nomination in 2012, and we could get an actual, non-corporatist Dem in office.

    If that happens, we would need more Dems to have a chance of anything good happening in 2012 and beyond.

    I have to say that this is a pretty thin hope to base a vote upon, however.

  27. Pepe

    The only thing that could possibly make me vote other than “None of the Above” in 2010, is the idea that [A] Obama will not seek his Party’s nomination in 2012, and [B] we could get an actual, non-corporatist Dem in office.

    A is more likely than B.

  28. Notorious P.A.T.

    “the idea that Obama will not seek his Party’s nomination in 2012”

    Hey, he’s finished 70% of what our country needs done! He could easily do the rest in the next 2 years, then he can ride off into the sunset after everything is fixed!

  29. Pesto

    I’m going with Team Stupid

    anon2525, john: I’m sorry, but at this stage allowing the “Hanlon’s Razor” explanation one scintilla more credibilty than “eleventy dimentional chess” is 100% stupid.

  30. Bernard

    bet Obama will pass thing with a Republican congress and claim “bipartisanship”. thereby branding the Democrats as successful. i.e. with a Republican agenda.

    History will praise him

  31. Pepe

    anon2525, john: I’m sorry, but at this stage allowing the “Hanlon’s Razor” explanation one scintilla more credibilty than “eleventy dimentional chess” is 100% stupid.

    evil or stupid? Why can’t it be both?

    In the end, the motives aren’t entirely irrelevant; the proper question is “were the right policies pursued?” But, if we know the motives, perhaps we can change how the question gets answered. If it’s stupidity, get him better advisors. If it’s evil, make it difficult/costly for him to follow his natural inclinations.

    Is Obama stupid? I guess it depends on what you mean by that. He seems inflexible to change; he has a rigid worldview; he’s thin-skinned/doesn’t take criticism well; if he’s tried to negotiate, he’s horrible at it. He may be book smart, but he ain’t no genius.

    If he’s evil, he isn’t sitting in the Oval Office muha-haha-ing – he’s evil of the banal type.

    I think it’s a bit of both. Fucking bureaucrats, man.

  32. anon2525

    evil or stupid? Why can’t it be both?

    Yes, I jokingly asked the same in a response to an Ian Welsh post earlier this year.

    Obama&co appear to be most accurately (or is it just “most conveniently”?) described as neo-liberal in their beliefs when it comes to economics and neo-conservative in their beliefs when it comes to foreign policy and civil rights. My response about “I’m with Team Stupid” (where do I get that t-shirt?) is intended to be applied to their neo-liberal economic policies. (I think that it is arguable that they are evil when it comes to foreign policy and civil rights. If we look at their policies in total, then we might decide that they are both.)
    This post by Ian Welsh is about their political response to domestic economics. They think, as best I can tell, that neo-liberal policies are best for the economic health of the country. It is foolish for them to think this, which is why I’m with Team Stupid, but I don’t think that they think that their economic policies are bad for the country — that would make them evil. If someone has some evidence that O&co do, in fact, think that their economic policies are bad for the country’s economy, I would be interested in seeing/reading it.

  33. anon2525

    If it’s stupidity, get him better advisors.

    Based on what I have heard Obama himself say, I do not think that changing advisors would help. I do not think he would pick advisors who would disagree with his views. His views, on economic policy, appear to be those of someone who believes in neo-liberalism (that is, let private corporations (groups of people organized around dictatorships) do what they think is best and that will give the best overall economic outcome).

  34. Pepe

    Based on what I have heard Obama himself say, I do not think that changing advisors would help.

    Which is why I think he is both evil and stupid. But perhaps he could be forced (I don’t know how) to hire better advisors, and not just as window dressing (Warren).

  35. Z


    The result of those policies is evidence IMO that they know these policies are not working for the vast majority of americans. Coz they’re not … and that is obvious.

    obama’s determination to continue to carry out these policies that further enrich and empower the corrupt power structure in this country is also proof that they are evil.


  36. Pesto

    Obama&co appear to be most accurately (or is it just “most conveniently”?) described as neo-liberal in their beliefs when it comes to economics and neo-conservative in their beliefs when it comes to foreign policy and civil rights. My response about “I’m with Team Stupid” (where do I get that t-shirt?) is intended to be applied to their neo-liberal economic policies.

    I don’t think they’re really separable–the primary thrust of their economic policy seems to be to entrench the dominance of U.S. multinationals abroad and thereby secure the U.S.’s hold on other nations. Hence the GM bailout, tax incentives for “offshoring” etc. (On a related note, I’m getting quite tired of this being characterised as “shipping American jobs abroad” as if it were some kind of charitable largesse. Americans hardly regarded the much smaller Japanese incursion into their own economy in the 80s as an act of charity, and I don’t imagine the Chinese are terribly thrilled at the prospect of being reduced to being a branch-plant economy of a nation 1/4 their size.)

  37. Cloud

    “Stupid” seems more parsimonious than “Evil” only until you consider that the Administration does not work for the population of this or any country as a whole; they work for their Base, which has a pretty big overlap with Bush’s Base — just more financiers and less oilmen.

    So yeah, evil of the banal variety.

  38. anon2525

    …the primary thrust of their economic policy seems to be to entrench the dominance of U.S. multinationals abroad…

    I agree, except for the weaselly “seems to be” 🙂 That is the point of neo-liberalism (the Orwellian double-speak term for “anti-liberalism”). Those corporations (dictatorships) have as their aim to have the “liberty” to dominate those countries’ markets, gaining monopoly pricing power there (and here). They want to be free to remove from everyone the freedom to choose other options. They are anti-liberal — anti-“free market.”

    Yes, those corporations are evil. Because Obama&Co support them, we could say that those who support evil are evil. My view is that those who knowingly support evil are evil. O&Co instead are stupid because they accept the corporations propaganda that the corporations are simply providing products and services. If someone could show that O&Co knowingly support these companies despite their being evil, then I would agree that they, too, are evil. At this point, I’m going with the Useful Idiot (as Michael Hudson referred to Bernanke) view.

    Again, for those who haven’t watched it, I recommend the Daily Show’s debate between Team Evil and Team Stupid (link provided above). The debate starts at about six minutes into the video. It is one of their best pieces this year, I think, because it, at the same time, is funny and really good commentary on this issue of evil and stupidity.

  39. anon2525

    “Stupid” seems more parsimonious than “Evil” only until you consider that the Administration does not work for the population of this or any country as a whole; they work for their Base…

    “parsimonious”? I’m not sure what word you meant there.

    parsimonious, adjective: frugal to the point of stinginess

    I agree with the thrust of your post (I think). Obama&Co work for their socioeconomic class. They happen to believe that working for their class is good for you. (How convenient for (and stupid of) them.) The benefits of their work trickle down to you. If you don’t agree with their neo-liberal theology, then their view is that you must be an irresponsible DFH. See Obama’s closing remarks in his recent interview with Rolling Stone.

  40. Pesto

    My view is that those who knowingly support evil are evil. O&Co instead are stupid because they accept the corporations propaganda that the corporations are simply providing products and services. If someone could show that O&Co knowingly support these companies despite their being evil, then I would agree that they, too, are evil. At this point, I’m going with the Useful Idiot (as Michael Hudson referred to Bernanke) view.

    As was the case with Shrubya, no idiot could possibly be quite that useful.

  41. anon2525

    As was the case with Shrubya, no idiot could possibly be quite that useful.

    Yes, I didn’t write it earlier, but clearly cheney is evil. In his case, he was shaped by his genes and his years studying at Nixon’s (and Kissinger’s?) knee.

    The point of the debate between Team Evil and Team Stupid, at least in part, is that when someone is sufficiently stupid (blind to reality) it becomes difficult to distinguish their behavior from that of someone who is evil. Reasonable, informed people might reasonably take either view. So, is the question “evil or stupid?” just academic, then? It might not be if people who are evil can still be reasoned with. (“Let’s make a deal…” — it has worked with North Korea) People who have stupid beliefs, on the other hand, might beyond the reach of reason.

  42. Z

    If they are so stupid, then why do they continually financially benefit from their actions? And though they often have to wait to get out of office for their payout, they’re certainly aware of the riches that await them if they enact corporate servile policies.


  43. anon2525

    If they are so stupid, then why do they continually financially benefit from their actions?

    Because their stupidity lies in their belief that letting the corporations do whatever those corporations want is, in fact, what is best for the economy. What you are pointing out is that they (the believers in neo-liberalism) benefit, while most of the rest of us in the economy do not.

    A pretty good example (one of many) of this dynamic where someone (in this case, Steven Pearlstein) spouts about the benefits of the “free market” (in truth, not free) was written up yesterday by the economist Dean Baker:

    As Baker points out, there isn’t a free market; we’re being hurt by it; and Pearlstein, who is claiming that it is free, is benefiting from it. Now, you could argue that Pearlstein is evil, but, despite the fact that he makes a nice living, he isn’t being rewarded with millions of dollars and he isn’t writing his column and reporting (he’s being doing it for decades) with an end game to “cash out” and make speeches or join Wall Street. He really (and stupidly/blindly) believes what he is writing, likely, in part, because of what Upton Sinclair observed. Unless someone has some secret memo or papers showing the Pearlstein believes otherwise.

  44. anon2525

    Also, I expect that there are many people who are paid propagandists who don’t believe in the neo-liberalism that Obama&Co appear to. Those people may be evil. Or, they might just be corporate whores — someone who takes money to perform an unpleasant act for someone that they wouldn’t normally be caught dead with.

  45. Z


    I don’t think that picking an economic writer from the washington post …. of all newspapers … that spouts an ideology that very likely pleases his bosses is a good example of someone that does something blissfully unaffected by the positive consequences for doing so. Anyway, he might even give paid speeches on the side to wall street outfits; I don’t know, but that wouldn’t be completely unheard of for someone in his position. I also think that pearlstein’s position at the post would be a little less secure if he started writing about how we ought to heavily raise taxes on the rich … which happen to include the people that employ him.

    But no, no memo likely exists. He … like our cynical sellout politicians … aren’t dumb enough to expose themselves by writing one. Which, according to your position, makes them stupid … by default … because they’re not dumb enough to produce the proof that they’re not stupid. So … you’re saying that they’re stupid because they’re not dumb enough to prove otherwise? All right … I suppose … I don’t know … whatever …

    But, anyway, in obama’s case, the whats are more important than the whys.


  46. Pesto

    The point of the debate between Team Evil and Team Stupid, at least in part, is that when someone is sufficiently stupid (blind to reality) it becomes difficult to distinguish their behavior from that of someone who is evil.

    That’s really quite a reach. Certainly an evil person might feign stupidity in order to divert suspicion away from himself, but the idea that a stupid person will in general seem more evil the stupider he is absurd.

    Consider the following:

    a) A bowl of lime Jell-O
    b) Adolf Hitler

    Which one is evil, and which one is stupid? Tough call, eh?

  47. Cloud

    OED, parsimonious Sense 3: “Of a scientific hypothesis or explanation (esp. a phylogenetic tree): assuming the simplest state, process, evolutionary pathway, etc., that is consistent with the facts or observations; in accordance with the law or principle of parsimony.”

  48. anon2525

    the idea that a stupid person will in general seem more evil the stupider he is absurd

    I disagree. See below.

    Consider the following:
    a) A bowl of lime Jell-O
    b) Adolf Hitler
    Which one is evil, and which one is stupid? Tough call, eh?

    Given your example, my call is: Hitler is evil, and neither one is stupid (well, to be historically accurate, Hitler made many stupid military judgments). Jello is not stupid, and it is not intelligent. You have provided a bad example for your argument.

    Come back with an example of a stupid person (that you accept as stupid) and discuss his/her behavior. Here’s a hypothetical: the famous candidate Christine O’Donnell (or, even Palin, if you prefer). From all that I have seen of her, she appears to be not too bright. I could see her calling for policies that would be very harmful to the majority of the population. She doesn’t have to be evil to think her (stupid) policies are right. An evil policy harms people and a stupid policy harms people. Seeing the harm doesn’t prove the motive.

    Just to restate what I have said several times above, “stupid” in the context of the neo-liberalism supporters doesn’t mean “low intelligence.” It means “blind to reality.” Thirty years ago, the neo-liberals had a plausiblity argument: Let the corporations do what they want, and those corporations will produce better economic outcomes than if you have the gov’t. regulate them. Thirty years of experience have shown that this is wrong. They do not acknowledge that. Some of the supporters of neo-liberalism are evil and some are useful idiots.

  49. anon2525

    OED, parsimonious Sense 3…

    Thanks. I see your meaning now.

  50. anon2525

    I don’t think that picking an economic writer from the washington post …. of all newspapers … that spouts an ideology that very likely pleases his bosses is a good example of someone that does something blissfully unaffected by the positive consequences for doing so.

    It seems to me that you are changing your argument. Earlier, it was “Look, they are evil. They are saying these things that they do not believe so that some day they will get a big reward.” So, I give an example of someone who has been saying this for years, but who is not part of the administration (or a “think tank” or a lobbyist) and, as far as I know, is not in line for a big reward (yes, he has a nice paying, but not lucrative job). You then say it is not about that big reward (quid pro quo), but about whether he is blissfully unaffected.

    For the moment, I am confining my argument to what we have evidence for: Rubin came into office (from G/S) and then left for a huge reward from Citi. (Had he helped shut down Citi while he was sec. of treas. that reward obviously would not have happened.) He is an example that everyone points to as someone who “evilly” believed in neo-liberalism, that is, he only “believed” in something because he would be rewarded for supporting it.

    Pearlstein might also belong in that group, but we don’t have the evidence for it. What we do have is what he writes and says. Maybe one day, we’ll have some evidence that his “beliefs” were all a big, self-serving lie that he wrote knowing or believing that he would be rewarded for. We don’t have that evidence yet.

    (In case anyone is wondering whether I support wapo, the answer is “no, I don’t.” The country would be better off if that company went out of business, I think. I stopped reading it in 2003 or 2004 (I forget), based on their neo-con foreign policy. There is some news/information in their articles, but the reader has to make a considerable effort to get to it through their propaganda.)

  51. anon2525

    But, anyway, in obama’s case, the whats are more important than the whys.

    Agreed, and yet the “evil or stupid?” question keeps coming up. As best I can tell, at this time, you’re with Team Evil. And I’m with Team Stupid. (See the daily show video linked to, above.)

  52. Pesto

    Those people may be evil. Or, they might just be corporate whores — someone who takes money to perform an unpleasant act for someone that they wouldn’t normally be caught dead with.

    Whores take money in exchange for having unpleasant things done to themselves. The people in your scenario take money in exchange for doing unpleasant things to others.

    The word you are looking for is henchmen.

    (And it’s hardly a stretch to consider doing wicked things to others in exchange for money to be evil.)

  53. anon2525

    Whores take money in exchange for having unpleasant things done to themselves. The people in your scenario take money in exchange for doing unpleasant things to others.

    The word you are looking for is henchmen.

    True enough. Let me give an example and have you decide “whore or henchman?”

    The fictional character “Bud” in the movie “Wall Street” goes to work for the evil Gordon Gecko. Clearly, Bud is a henchman, right? But it turns out that Gecko wants to break up the airline that Bud’s dad works for “because it’s breakable!” (or whatever reason Gecko gave). Now, if Bud were to go along with Gecko on this, would he be a henchman or a whore? I would argue for “whore” because, while it is not affecting his personal welfare in the strict sense, it is hurting the community that he cares about, including his family. Of course, Bud doesn’t want to hurt his family so he declines Gecko’s offer to be a whore.

    People who are not in Gecko’s (or Obama’s) socioeconomic class are who are accepting money from them are whores not henchmen because they are hurting their socioeconomic class. But I can see that there are degrees of whore-dom and henchman-ism.

  54. anon2525

    “are who are accepting” should be “who are accepting”.

  55. Z


    You’re just twisting stuff around. First you start off on obama, then you change the argument to newspaper columnists and center it on the timing and the amount of the financial reward, and now you’re contending that it centers on whether or not a newspaper columnist is blissfully unaffected. Fuck, how many shells do you have in your pocket?

    I have no doubt that you are a smart person … and I enjoy reading your posts at times … but your logic that obama&co, as you call them, are stupid becoz they’re not dumb enough to leave evidence laying around that could send them to jail, but would prove that they’re not stupid is … is … STUPID!


  56. anon2525

    You’re just twisting stuff around. First you start off on obama, then you change the argument to newspaper columnists and center it on the timing and the amount of the financial reward, and now you’re contending that it centers on whether or not a newspaper columnist is blissfully unaffected. Fuck, how many shells do you have in your pocket?

    It seems to me that you are projecting your behavior on me. I was responding to the charge that the people who support neo-liberalism are all evil and cannot be stupid. I presented the Pearlstein example because it was relevant and because Baker provided a focused example of someone who was taking the neo-liberal position and who, I think, can reasonably be argued is not evil.

    It comes back to the question of your and others’ assertion that the neo-liberalism supporters are all evil. I have been attempting to make the case that not all of them are evil — many are “stupid” (blind to reality). Nobody has been providing much of a counter-argument, as far as I can tell.

    your logic that obama&co, as you call them, are stupid becoz they’re not dumb enough to leave evidence laying around that could send them to jail, but would prove that they’re not stupid is … is … STUPID!

    It is silly to argue that that was my logic. I left that as a possible explanation in the Pearlstein example in the off-chance that someone might want to posit it, not because I think that there is any reason to think that Pearlstein is secretly evil.

    I have not argued any where that O&Co are “stupid” because they have kept evidence of their “true evil intentions” hidden. I have argued that they are “stupid” because they are blind to the evidence that neo-liberalism does not work as they claim it should. They have flawed theoretical concepts in their minds about how economies work.

    Unless someone comes back with some substantial evidence of evil intent or some heretofore unexplained reasoning about why I or anyone should else should definitively conclude that O&Co are acting out of evil intent, I’m going to give Team Evil the last word on this, should they want it.

  57. The awesome thing about neoliberalism is that it really doesn’t matter whether it’s stupid or evil, because of the way it’s defined. Neoliberal economics believes that growing income inequality (evil) will make us all better off than we were before (stupid).

  58. Z


    I’m done with it … we are arguing past each other and there are more important things to do.

    Have a good day,

  59. Z

    It once again pays to be evil/stupid … as long as you do it for the right people:


  60. Pesto

    People who are not in Gecko’s (or Obama’s) socioeconomic class are who are accepting money from them are whores not henchmen because they are hurting their socioeconomic class.

    What are you trying to say? That selling out other members of one’s class hurts oneself in a “generalized” sort of way and is therefore self-abnegating rather than wicked? I agree with Z, you’re playing games here.

    But I can see that there are degrees of whore-dom and henchman-ism.

    Dusk does not negate the reality of day and night.

  61. Pesto

    It seems to me that you are changing your argument. Earlier, it was “Look, they are evil. They are saying these things that they do not believe so that some day they will get a big reward.” So, I give an example of someone who has been saying this for years, but who is not part of the administration (or a “think tank” or a lobbyist) and, as far as I know, is not in line for a big reward (yes, he has a nice paying, but not lucrative job). You then say it is not about that big reward (quid pro quo), but about whether he is blissfully unaffected

    Does “you” refer to Z or Chicago Dyke? CD argued that the entire Washington scene revolves around willful deception of the public, which I suspect is why Z didn’t see why a WaPo reporter would be much of a counterexample. CD’s remark about a “cushy gig at Carlyle” only referred to Axelrod, not everyone in Washington.

    Unless someone comes back with some substantial evidence of evil intent or some heretofore unexplained reasoning about why I or anyone should else should definitively conclude that O&Co are acting out of evil intent, I’m going to give Team Evil the last word on this, should they want it.

    Evidence? You yourself described Obama’s performance so far as the third Bush term. How could a group of sleepwalkers somehow manage to out-Cheney Cheney?

  62. Pesto

    anon2525: I’d like to withdraw my “playing games” remark; it was uncalled for. The DADT filing today has put me in a rather uncharitable mood.

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